How to read only all row keys in cassandra efficiently... - cassandra

Accessing all rows from all nodes in cassandra would be inefficient. Is there a way to have some access to index.db which already has row keys? is something of this sort supported in built in cassandra?

There is no way to get all keys with one request without reaching every node in the cluster. There is however paging built-in in most Cassandra drivers. For example in the Java driver:
This will put less stress on each node as it only fetches a limit amount of data each request. Each subsequent request will continue from the last, meaning you will touch every result for the request you're making.
Edit: This is probably what you want: How can I get the primary keys of all records in Cassandra?

One possible option could be querying all the token ranges.
For example,
SELECT distinct <partn_col_name> FROM <table_name> where token(partn_col_name) >= <from_token_range> and token(partn_col_name) < <to_token_range>
With above query, you can get the all the partition keys available within given token range. Adjust token ranges depending on execution time.


Cassandra Query Performance: Using IN clause for one portion of the composite partition key

I currently have a table set up in Cassandra that has either text, decimal or date type columns with a composite partition key of a business_date and an account_number. For queries to this table, I need to be able to support look-ups for a single account, or for a list of accounts, for a given date.
select x,y,z from my_table where business_date = '2019-04-10' and account_number IN ('AAA', 'BBB', 'CCC')
//Note: Both partition keys are provided for this query
I've been struggling to resolve performance issues related to accessing this data because I'm noticing latency patterns that I am having trouble trying to understand / explain.
In many scenarios, the same exact query can be run a total of three times in a short period by the client application. For these scenarios, I see that two out of three requests will have really bad response times (800 ms), and one of them will have a really fast one (50 ms). At first I thought this would be due to key or row caches, however, I'm not so sure since I believe that if this were true, the third request out of the three should always be the fastest, which isn't the case.
The second issue I believed I was facing was the actual data model itself. Although the queries are being submitted with all the partition keys being provided, since it's an IN clause, the results would be separate partitions and can be distributed across the cluster and so, this would be a bad access pattern. However, I see these latency problems when even single account queries are run. Additionally, I see queries that come with 15 - 20 accounts performing really well (under 50ms), so I'm not sure if the data model is actually an issue.
Cluster setup:
Datacenters: 2
Number of nodes per data center: 3
Keyspace Replication:local_dc = 2, remote_dc = 2
Java Driver set:
Load-balancing: DCAware with LatencyAware
Protocol: v3
Queries are still set up to use "IN" clauses instead of async individual queries
Read_consistency: LOCAL_ONE
Does anyone have any ideas / clues of what I should be focusing on in terms of really identifying the root cause of this issue?
the use of IN on the partition key is always the bad idea, even for composite partition keys. The value of partition key defines the location of your data in cluster, and different values of partition key will most probably put data onto different servers. In this case, coordinating node (that received the query) will need to contact nodes that hold the data, wait that these nodes will deliver results, and only after that, send you results back.
If you need to query several partition keys, then it will be faster if you issue individual queries asynchronously, and collect result on client side.
Also, please note that TokenAware policy works best when you use PreparedStatement - in this case, driver is able to extract value of partition key, and find what server holds data for it.

Is it possible to de-serialise pagingState in Cassandra

My data is stored among multiple partitions. I was to send this data to the client but I want to paginate the response. So say my 1st partition has 100 rows and 2nd partition has 100 rows. I want to send 10 rows per page along with PagingState. The client would send PagingState back to server and I'll use it to fetch next 10 records running the same query. Once I have exhausted 100 rows of 1st partition, I'll have to change the query. Is it possible to find which query was executed from PagingState so that I could read the PagingState, find for which partition it was for and using this information, I can determine what should be next partition
Its possible, but not straight forward or safe. The content changes between (protocol and cassandra) versions. Its also not very trivial to parse, as latest uses var ints to mark size of both partition key and row marker. On older versions it requires to send a cell level marker as well which it still sends for backwards compatibility in some scenarios so should really handle both. And with new versions of C* you will need to check to see if it changes.
You can always do paging on client side which will give you control over it and knowledge of the state that wont change on versions.

Cassandra get latest entry for each element contained within IN clause

So, I have a Cassandra CQL statement that looks like this:
This table is sorted by a timestamp column.
The functionality is fronted by a REST API, and one of the filter parameters that they can specify to get the most recent row, and then I appent "LIMIT 1" to the end of the CQL statement since it's ordered by the timestamp column in descending order. What I would like to do is allow them to specify multiple device id's to get back the latest entries for. So, my question is, is there any way to do something like this in Cassandra:
and still use something like "LIMIT 1" to only get back the latest row for each device id? Or, will I simply have to execute a separate CQL statement for each device to get the latest row for each of them?
FWIW, the table's composite key looks like this:
PRIMARY KEY ((application_id, partner_id, location_id, device_id, data_schema), activity_timestamp)
) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (activity_timestamp DESC);
IN is not recommended when there are a lot of parameters for it and under the hood it's making reqs to multiple partitions anyway and it's putting pressure on the coordinator node.
Not that you can't do it. It is perfectly legal, but most of the time it's not performant and is not suggested. If you specify limit, it's for the whole statement, basically you can't pick just the first item out from partitions. The simplest option would be to issue multiple queries to the cluster (every element in IN would become one query) and put a limit 1 to every one of them.
To be honest this was my solution in a lot of the projects and it works pretty much fine. Basically coordinator would under the hood go to multiple nodes anyway but would also have to work more for you to get you all the requests, might run into timeouts etc.
In short it's far better for the cluster and more performant if client asks multiple times (using multiple coordinators with smaller requests) than to make single coordinator do to all the work.
This is all in case you can't afford more disk space for your cluster
Usual Cassandra solution
Data in cassandra is suggested to be ready for query (query first). So basically you would have to have one additional table that would have the same partitioning key as you have it now, and you would have to drop the clustering column activity_timestamp. i.e.
PRIMARY KEY ((application_id, partner_id, location_id, device_id, data_schema))
double (()) is intentional.
Every time you would write to your table you would also write data to the latest_entry (table without activity_timestamp) Then you can specify the query that you need with in and this table contains the latest entry so you don't have to use the limit 1 because there is only one entry per partitioning key ... that would be the usual solution in cassandra.
If you are afraid of the additional writes, don't worry , they are inexpensive and cpu bound. With cassandra it's always "bring on the writes" I guess :)
Basically it's up to you:
multiple queries - a bit of refactoring, no additional space cost
new schema - additional inserts when writing, additional space cost
Your table definition is not suitable for such use of the IN clause. Indeed, it is supported on the last field of the primary key or the last field of the clustering key. So you can:
swap your two last fields of the primary key
use one query for each device id

Why does the CassandraRDD compute method execute a bunch of token range searches?

So I was wondering (and can't figure out through looking at the code) exactly why the datastax cassandra driver does a bunch of token range searches.
For example,
The code that we use is"bucket").collect().foreach(println)
It happens for any select that we do, regardless of whether or not we call collect(). The table drop_me_soon is a temporary table with the schema bucket int PRIMARY KEY. It has one single entry of 0. In particular, it seems like the code
val rowIterator = tokenRanges.iterator.flatMap(fetchTokenRange(session, _))
Causes it to do all of the token range searches, but I could be wrong. Could anyone here shed some light?
The Spark driver performs a full scan over the complete token range. It queries the system.peers table to get the host vs set of token ranges to get the location and replica placement. It then maps Cassandra’s token ranges and Spark’s partitions. This is a many-one mapping in case of v-nodes and one-one otherwise.
It then schedules the computation of each partition by doing a token range query on the available workers according to the above computed mapping. For each replica, it prefers the worker running on the replica itself.
In your case, Cassandra really does not know how many rows there are in all the nodes. If you are using a single Cassandra node, then you have v-nodes which split the token range in 256 splits. So it will always try to scan over all the token range splits to get the result.

Cassandra CQL3 order by clustered key efficiency (with limit clause?)

I have the following table (using CQL3):
create table test (
shard text,
tuuid timeuuid,
some_data text,
status text,
primary key (shard, tuuid, some_data, status)
I would like to get rows ordered by tuuid. But this is only possible when I restrict shard - I get this is due to performance.
I have shard purely for sharding, and I can potentially restrict its range of values to some small range [0-16) say. Then, I could run a query like this:
select * from test where shard in (0,...,15) order by tuuid limit L;
I may have millions of rows in the table, so I would like to understand the performance characteristics of such a order by query. It would seem like the performance could be pretty bad in general, BUT with a limit clause of some reasonable number (order of 10K), this may not be so bad - i.e. a 16 way merge but with a fairly low limit.
Any tips, advice or pointers into the code on where to look would be appreciated.
Your data is sorted according to your column key. So the performance issue in your merge in your query above does not happen due to the WHERE clause but because of your LIMIT clause, afaik.
Your columns are inserted IN ORDER according to tuuid so there is no performance issue there.
If you are fetching too many rows at once, I recommended creating a test_meta table where you store the latest timeuuid every X-inserts, to get an upper bound on the rows your query will fetch. Then, you can change your query to:
select * from test where shard in (0,...,15) and tuuid > x and tuuid < y;
In short: make use of your column keys and get rid of the limit. Alternatively, in Cassandra 2.0, there will be pagination which will help here, too.
Another issue I stumbled over, you say that
I may have millions of rows in the table
But according to your data model, you will have exactly shard number of rows. This is your row key and - together with the partitioner - will determine the distribution/sharding of your data.
hope that helps!
From my personal experience, cassandra performances quite well during heavy reads as well as writes. If the result sets became too large, I rather experienced memory issues on the receiving/client side rather then timeouts on the server side. Still, to prevent either, I recommend having a look a the upcoming (2.0) pagination feature.
In the meanwhile:
Try to investigate using the trace functionality in 1.2.
If you are mostly reading the "latest" data, try adding a reversed type.
For general optimizations like caches etc, first, read how cassandra handles reads on a node and then, see this tuning guide.
