Thresholded Linear Layer based on Maximum and Minimum of output values - keras

I am working on a neural network architecture which has a linear layer, and I need the output of the layer to be same as input if it is above a certain threshold, i.e
a(x) = x if x >= threshold else a(x) = 0 if x < threshold
And the linear layer is as follows:
t = Dense(100)
Therefore, I am using the ThresholdedReLU layer after the Dense layer in keras. The threshold is such that it depends on the maximum and minimum of the output values of the Dense layer:
threshold = delta*min{s} + (1-delta)*max{s}
where min{s} is the minimum of the 100 output values of the Dense layer
and max{s} is the maximum of the 100 output values of the Dense layer
and delta is a value between [0,1]
Is there a way I could obtain the maximum and minimum values, calculate the threshold after each epoch and batch update, and hence obtain the thresholded output

You could define a Lambda layer and use backend functions within it. Here's how I would do it:
from keras.layers import Dense, Lambda
from keras.models import Sequential
import keras.backend as K
import numpy as np
def thresholded_relu(x, delta):
threshold = delta * K.min(x, axis=-1) + (1 - delta) * K.max(x, axis=-1)
return K.cast((x > threshold[:, None]), dtype=K.dtype(x)) * x
delta = 0.5
model = Sequential()
# model.add(Dense(100, input_shape=(100,)))
model.add(Lambda(lambda x: thresholded_relu(x, delta), input_shape=(100,)))
model.compile('sgd', 'mse')
x = np.arange(0, 100, 1)[None, :]
pred = model.predict(x)
for y, p in zip(x[0], pred[0]):
print('Input: {}. Pred: {}'.format(y, p))


Measuring uncertainty using MC Dropout on pytorch

I am trying to implement Bayesian CNN using Mc Dropout on Pytorch,
the main idea is that by applying dropout at test time and running over many forward passes , you get predictions from a variety of different models.
I’ve found an application of the Mc Dropout and I really did not get how they applied this method and how exactly they did choose the correct prediction from the list of predictions
here is the code
def mcdropout_test(model):
test_loss = 0
correct = 0
T = 100
for data, target in test_loader:
if args.cuda:
data, target = data.cuda(), target.cuda()
data, target = Variable(data, volatile=True), Variable(target)
output_list = []
for i in xrange(T):
output_list.append(torch.unsqueeze(model(data), 0))
output_mean =, 0).mean(0)
test_loss += F.nll_loss(F.log_softmax(output_mean), target, size_average=False).data[0] # sum up batch loss
pred =, keepdim=True)[1] # get the index of the max log-probability
correct += pred.eq(
test_loss /= len(test_loader.dataset)
print('\nMC Dropout Test set: Average loss: {:.4f}, Accuracy: {}/{} ({:.2f}%)\n'.format(
test_loss, correct, len(test_loader.dataset),
100. * correct / len(test_loader.dataset)))
I have replaced
data, target = Variable(data, volatile=True), Variable(target)
by adding
with torch.no_grad(): at the beginning
And this is how I have defined my CNN
class Net(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
super(Net, self).__init__()
self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(3, 192, 5, padding=2)
self.pool = nn.MaxPool2d(2, 2)
self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(192, 192, 5, padding=2)
self.fc1 = nn.Linear(192 * 8 * 8, 1024)
self.fc2 = nn.Linear(1024, 256)
self.fc3 = nn.Linear(256, 10)
self.dropout = nn.Dropout(p=0.3)
nn.init.constant_(self.conv1.bias, 0.0)
nn.init.constant_(self.conv2.bias, 0.0)
nn.init.constant_(self.fc1.bias, 0.0)
nn.init.constant_(self.fc2.bias, 0.0)
nn.init.constant_(self.fc3.bias, 0.0)
def forward(self, x):
x = self.pool(F.relu(self.dropout(self.conv1(x)))) # recommended to add the relu
x = self.pool(F.relu(self.dropout(self.conv2(x)))) # recommended to add the relu
x = x.view(-1, 192 * 8 * 8)
x = F.relu(self.fc1(x))
x = F.relu(self.fc2(self.dropout(x)))
x = self.fc3(self.dropout(x)) # no activation function needed for the last layer
return x
Can anyone help me to get the right implementation of the Monte Carlo Dropout method on CNN?
Implementing MC Dropout in Pytorch is easy. All that is needed to be done is to set the dropout layers of your model to train mode. This allows for different dropout masks to be used during the different various forward passes. Below is an implementation of MC Dropout in Pytorch illustrating how multiple predictions from the various forward passes are stacked together and used for computing different uncertainty metrics.
import sys
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
def enable_dropout(model):
""" Function to enable the dropout layers during test-time """
for m in model.modules():
if m.__class__.__name__.startswith('Dropout'):
def get_monte_carlo_predictions(data_loader,
""" Function to get the monte-carlo samples and uncertainty estimates
through multiple forward passes
data_loader : object
data loader object from the data loader module
forward_passes : int
number of monte-carlo samples/forward passes
model : object
keras model
n_classes : int
number of classes in the dataset
n_samples : int
number of samples in the test set
dropout_predictions = np.empty((0, n_samples, n_classes))
softmax = nn.Softmax(dim=1)
for i in range(forward_passes):
predictions = np.empty((0, n_classes))
for i, (image, label) in enumerate(data_loader):
image ='cuda'))
with torch.no_grad():
output = model(image)
output = softmax(output) # shape (n_samples, n_classes)
predictions = np.vstack((predictions, output.cpu().numpy()))
dropout_predictions = np.vstack((dropout_predictions,
predictions[np.newaxis, :, :]))
# dropout predictions - shape (forward_passes, n_samples, n_classes)
# Calculating mean across multiple MCD forward passes
mean = np.mean(dropout_predictions, axis=0) # shape (n_samples, n_classes)
# Calculating variance across multiple MCD forward passes
variance = np.var(dropout_predictions, axis=0) # shape (n_samples, n_classes)
epsilon = sys.float_info.min
# Calculating entropy across multiple MCD forward passes
entropy = -np.sum(mean*np.log(mean + epsilon), axis=-1) # shape (n_samples,)
# Calculating mutual information across multiple MCD forward passes
mutual_info = entropy - np.mean(np.sum(-dropout_predictions*np.log(dropout_predictions + epsilon),
axis=-1), axis=0) # shape (n_samples,)
Moving on to the implementation which is posted in the question above, multiple predictions from T different forward passes are obtained by first setting the model to train mode (model.train()). Note that this is not desirable because unwanted stochasticity will be introduced in the predictions if there are layers other than dropout such as batch-norm in the model. Hence the best way is to just set the dropout layers to train mode as shown in the snippet above.

How to use the input gradients as variables within a custom loss function in Keras?

I am using the input gradient as feature important and want to compare the feature importance of a train datapoint with the human annotated feature importance. I would like to make this comparison differentiable such that it can be learned through backpropagation. For that, I am writing a custom loss function that in addition to the regular loss (e.g. m.s.e. on the prediction vs true labels) also checks whether the input gradient is correct (e.g. m.s.e. of the input gradient vs the human annotated feature importance).
With the following code I am able to get the input gradient:
from keras import backend as K
import numpy as np
from keras.models import Model
from keras.layers import Input, Dense
def normalize(x):
# utility function to normalize a tensor by its L2 norm
return x / (K.sqrt(K.mean(K.square(x))) + 1e-5)
# Amount of training samples
N = 1000
input_dim = 10
# Generate training set make the 1st and 2nd feature same as the target feature
X = np.random.standard_normal(size=(N, input_dim))
y = np.random.randint(low=0, high=2, size=(N, 1))
X[:, 1] = y[:, 0]
X[:, 2] = y[:, 0]
# Create simple model
inputs = Input(shape=(input_dim,))
x = Dense(10, name="dense1")(inputs)
output = Dense(1, activation='sigmoid')(x)
model = Model(input=[inputs], output=output)
# Compile and fit model
model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss="mse", metrics=['accuracy'])[X], y, epochs=100, batch_size=64)
# Get function to get input gradients
gradients = K.gradients(model.output, model.input)[0]
gradient_function = K.function([model.input], [normalize(gradients)])
# Get input gradient values of the training-set
grads_val = gradient_function([X])[0]
This prints the following (you can see that the 1st and the 2nd features have the highest importance):
[[ 1.2629046e-02 2.2765596e+00 2.1479919e+00 2.1558853e-02
4.5277486e-03 2.9851785e-03 9.5279224e-04 -1.0903150e-02
-1.2230731e-02 2.1960819e-02]
[ 1.1318034e-02 2.0402350e+00 1.9250139e+00 1.9320872e-02
4.0577268e-03 2.6752844e-03 8.5390132e-04 -9.7713526e-03
-1.0961102e-02 1.9681118e-02]]
How can I write a custom loss function in which the input gradients are differentiable?
I started with the following loss function.
from keras.losses import mean_squared_error
def custom_loss():
# human annotated feature importance
# Let's say that it says to only look at the second feature
human_feature_importance = []
for i in range(N):
def loss(y_true, y_pred):
# Get regular loss
regular_loss_value = mean_squared_error(y_true, y_pred)
# Somehow get the input gradient of each training sample as a tensor
# It should be differential w.r.t. all of the weights
gradients = ??
feature_importance_loss_value = mean_squared_error(gradients, human_feature_importance)
# Combine the both losses
return regular_loss_value + feature_importance_loss_value
return loss
I also found an implementation in tensorflow to make the input gradient differentialble:

What are inputs of Keras layers and custom functions?

Sorry for a nub's question:
Having the NN that is trained in fit_generator mode, say something like:
and the custom loss function, what are input tensors?
Am I correct expecting (batch size, previous layer's output) in case of a Lambda layer?
Is it going to be the same (batch size, data) in case of a custom loss function that looks like:
triplet_loss(y_true, y_pred)
Are y_true, y_pred in format (batch,previous layer's output) and (batch, true 'expected' data we fed to NN)?
I would probaly duplicate the dense layers. Instead of having 2 layers with 128 units, have 4 layers with 64 units. The result is the same, but you will be able to perform the cross products better.
from keras.models import Model
#create dense layers and store their output tensors, they use the output of models 1 and to as input
d1 = Dense(64, ....)(Model_1.output)
d2 = Dense(64, ....)(Model_1.output)
d3 = Dense(64, ....)(Model_2.output)
d4 = Dense(64, ....)(Model_2.output)
cross1 = Lambda(myFunc, output_shape=....)([d1,d4])
cross2 = Lambda(myFunc, output_shape=....)([d2,d3])
#I don't really know what kind of "merge" you want, so I used concatenate, there are
Add, Multiply and others....
output = Concatenate()([cross1,cross2])
#use the "axis" attribute of the concatenate layer to define better which axis will
be doubled due to the concatenation
model = Model([Model_1.input,Model_2.input], output)
Now, for the lambda function:
import keras.backend as K
def myFunc(x):
return x[0] * x[1]
custom loss function, what are input tensors?
It depends on how you define your model outputs.
For example, let's define a simple model that returns the input unchanged.
model = Sequential([Lambda(lambda x: x, input_shape=(1,))])
Let's use dummy input X and label Y
x = [[0]]
x = np.array(x)
y = [[4]]
y = np.array(y)
If our custom loss function looks like this
def mce(y_true, y_pred):
return K.mean(K.pow(K.abs(y_true - y_pred), 3))
model.compile('sgd', mce)
and then we can see the shape of y_true and y_pred will be
y_true: (?, ?)
y_pred: (?, 1)
However, for triplet loss the input for the loss function also can be received like this-
ALPHA = 0.2
def triplet_loss(x):
anchor, positive, negative = x
pos_dist = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(tf.subtract(anchor, positive)), 1)
neg_dist = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(tf.subtract(anchor, negative)), 1)
basic_loss = tf.add(tf.subtract(pos_dist, neg_dist), ALPHA)
loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.maximum(basic_loss, 0.0), 0)
return loss
# Source:
def build_model(input_shape):
# Standardizing the input shape order
positive_example = Input(shape=input_shape)
negative_example = Input(shape=input_shape)
anchor_example = Input(shape=input_shape)
# Create Common network to share the weights along different examples (+/-/Anchor)
embedding_network = faceRecoModel(input_shape)
positive_embedding = embedding_network(positive_example)
negative_embedding = embedding_network(negative_example)
anchor_embedding = embedding_network(anchor_example)
loss = merge([anchor_embedding, positive_embedding, negative_embedding],
mode=triplet_loss, output_shape=(1,))
model = Model(inputs=[anchor_example, positive_example, negative_example],
model.compile(loss='mean_absolute_error', optimizer=Adam())
return model

How to apply a different dense layer for each timestep in Keras

I know that applying a TimeDistributed(Dense()) applies the same dense layer over all the timesteps but I wanted to know how to apply different dense layers for each timestep. The number of timesteps is not variable.
P.S.: I have seen the following link and can't seem to find an answer
You can use a LocallyConnected layer.
The LocallyConnected layer words as a Dense layer connected to each of kernel_size time_steps (1 in this case).
from tensorflow import keras
from tensorflow.keras.layers import *
from tensorflow.keras.models import Model
sequence_length = 10
n_features = 4
def make_model():
inp = Input((sequence_length, n_features))
h1 = LocallyConnected1D(8, 1, 1)(inp)
out = Flatten()(h1)
model = Model(inp, out)
model.compile('adam', 'mse')
return model
model = make_model()
Per summary the number of variables used by the LocallyConnected layer is
(output_dims * (input_dims + bias)) * time_steps or (8 * (4 + 1)) * 10 = 400.
Wording it another way: the locally connected layer above behaves as 10 different Dense layers each connected to its time step (because we choose kernel_size as 1). Each of these blocks of 50 variables, is a weights matrix of shape (input_dims, output_dims) plus a bias vector of size (output_dims).
Also note that given an input_shape of (sequence_len, n_features), Dense(output_dims) and Conv1D(output_dims, 1, 1) are equivalent.
i.e. this model:
def make_model():
inp = Input((sequence_length, n_features))
h1 = Conv1D(8, 1, 1)(inp)
out = Flatten()(h1)
model = Model(inp, out)
and this model:
def make_model():
inp = Input((sequence_length, n_features))
h1 = Dense(8)(inp)
out = Flatten()(h1)
model = Model(inp, out)
Are the same.

Changing batch_size parameter in keras leads to broadcast error

I am running a simple encoder-decoder setup to train a representation for a one dimensional image. In this sample the input are lines with varying slopes and in the encoded layer we would expect something that resembles the slope. My setup is keras with a tensorflow backend. I am very new to this as well.
It all works fine, at least until I move away from steps_per_epoch to batch_size in the method. Certain values of the batch_size, such as 1,2,3, 8 and 16 do work, for others I get a value error. My initial guess was 2^n, but that did not work.
The error I get for batch_size = 5
ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (5,50) (3,50) (5,50)
I am trying to understand which relation between batch_size and training data is valid such that it always passes. I assumed that the training set would be simply divided into floor(N/batch_size) batches and the remainder would be processed as such.
My questions are:
What is the relation between size of data set and batch_size that are allowed.
What exactly is the keras/tensorflow trying to do such that the batch_size is important?
Thank you very much for the help.
The code to reproduce this is
import numpy as np
from keras.models import Model
from keras.layers import Input, Dense, Conv1D, Concatenate
from keras.losses import mse
from keras.optimizers import Adam
# Prepare Sample Data
one_line = np.linspace(1, 30, INPUT_DIM).reshape(1, INPUT_DIM)
test_array = np.repeat(one_line, 1000, axis=0)
slopes = np.linspace(0, 1, 1000).reshape(1000, 1)
data = test_array * slopes
# Train test split
train_mask = np.where(np.random.sample(1000) < 0.8, 1, 0).astype('bool')
x_train = data[train_mask].reshape(-1, INPUT_DIM, 1)
x_test = data[~train_mask].reshape(-1, INPUT_DIM, 1)
# Define Model
input = Input(shape=(INPUT_DIM, 1), name='input')
conv_layer_small = Conv1D(filters=1, kernel_size=[3], padding='same')(input)
conv_layer_medium = Conv1D(filters=1, kernel_size=[5], padding='same')(input)
merged_convs = Concatenate()(
[conv_layer_small, conv_layer_medium])
latent = Dense(LATENT_DIM, name='latent_layer',
encoder = Model(input, latent)
decoder_int = Dense(INTER_DIM, name='dec_int_layer', activation='relu')(latent)
output = Dense(INPUT_DIM, name='output', activation='linear')(decoder_int)
encoder_decoder = Model(input, output, name='encoder_decoder')
# Add Loss
reconstruction_loss = mse(input, output)
if __name__ == '__main__':
epochs = 100
