c++ std async : almost no effect to use several cores - multithreading

This question is related to:
c++ std::async : faster on 4 cores compared to 8 cores
In the previous question, I was wondering why some code would run faster on 4 cores rather than 8 (answer: my cpu had 4 cores and 8 threads)
Now I am discovering that code is more or less the same speed independently of the number of cores used.
I am on ubuntu 16.06. c++11. Intel® Core™ i7-8550U CPU # 1.80GHz × 8
Here code for benchmarking computation time against number of core used
#include <math.h>
#include <future>
#include <ctime>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#define NB_JOBS 2000.0
#define MAX_CORES 8
// no special meaning to this function,
// just uses some CPU
static bool _expensive(int nb_jobs){
for(int job=0;job<nb_jobs;job++){
float x = 0.6;
bool b = true;
double f = 1;
for(int i=0;i<1000;i++){
if(!b) f=-1;
for(double j=1;j<2.0;j+=0.01) x+= f* pow(1.0/sin(x),j);
b = !b;
return true;
static double _duration(int nb_cores){
std::clock_t begin = clock();
int nb_jobs_per_core = rint ( NB_JOBS / (float)nb_cores );
std::vector < std::future<bool> > futures;
for(int i=0;i<nb_cores;i++){
futures.push_back( std::async(std::launch::async,_expensive,nb_jobs_per_core));
for (auto &e: futures) {
bool foo = e.get();
std::clock_t end = clock();
double duration = double(end - begin) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
return duration;
int main(){
for(int nb_cores=1 ; nb_cores<=MAX_CORES ; nb_cores++){
double duration = _duration(nb_cores);
std::cout << nb_cores << " threads: " << duration << "\n";
return 0;
Here the output:
1 threads: 8.55817
2 threads: 8.76621
3 threads: 7.90191
4 threads: 8.4656
5 threads: 10.5494
6 threads: 11.6175
7 threads: 21.697
8 threads: 24.3621
using cores seems to have marginal impacts.
What troubles me is that the CPU has 4 cores. So I was expecting the program to run (around) 4 times faster when using 4 threads. It does not.
Note: "htop" shows usage of virtual cores as expected by the program, i.e. first one core used at 100%, then 2, ..., and at the end 8.
If I replace:
futures.push_back( std::async(std::launch::async,[...]
by :
futures.push_back( std::async(std::launch::async|std::launch::deferred,[...]
then I get:
1 threads: 8.6459
2 threads: 8.69905
3 threads: 10.7763
4 threads: 11.4505
5 threads: 11.8426
6 threads: 10.4282
7 threads: 9.55181
8 threads: 9.05565
and htop shows only 1 virtual core being used 100% during the full duration.
Anything I am doing wrong ?
note: I tried on several desktops, all with various specs (nb of core and nb of threads), and observed something similar.


mpi_run on multicore architecture --bind-to l3 or --bind-to core

I am running a code on a 24c architecture and would like to use one mpi rank for each set of three cores bound to a L3 cache bloc. So, 8 mpi ranks per socket, 16 per node, with 3 threads per rank. I think the following command line should apply
mpirun --bind-to l3 -np 16 gmx_mpi mdrun -nt 3
--bind-to binding the mpi ranks to each bloc of L3 cache, -np allocating 16 mpi ranks per node and a -nt a number of threads per MPI rank of 3. Is this the correct approach ?
If the core is capable of multithreading (2 threads) is it right to write
mpirun --bind-to l3 -np 16 gmx_mpi mdrun -nt 6
--bind-to core is I assume binding one MPI rank per core, with no spanning into threads, or spanning into 2 threads per core for exploiting MT, e.g.
mpirun --bind-to core -np 48 gmx_mpi mdrun -nt 2
with 48 ranks one per core on a 2-socket platform and 2 threads per core (MT)
Would you confirm ?
I always use this piece of code, that I inherited from somewhere many years ago, to print out bindings at runtime. For example, on my 4-core laptop:
dsh#e7390dh:binding$ mpicc -o bind bind.c utilities.c
dsh#e7390dh:binding$ mpirun -n 4 ./bind
Rank 2 on core 2,6 of node <e7390dh>
Rank 3 on core 3,7 of node <e7390dh>
Rank 0 on core 0,4 of node <e7390dh>
Rank 1 on core 1,5 of node <e7390dh>
i.e. each process is bound to one physical core but can run on either hypercore. If there is no binding you get a range, e.g. "on core [0-7]".
Hope this is useful.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <mpi.h>
void printlocation();
int main(void)
return 0;
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sched.h>
#include <mpi.h>
/* Borrowed from util-linux-2.13-pre7/schedutils/taskset.c */
static char *cpuset_to_cstr(cpu_set_t *mask, char *str)
char *ptr = str;
int i, j, entry_made = 0;
for (i = 0; i < CPU_SETSIZE; i++) {
if (CPU_ISSET(i, mask)) {
int run = 0;
entry_made = 1;
for (j = i + 1; j < CPU_SETSIZE; j++) {
if (CPU_ISSET(j, mask)) run++;
else break;
if (!run)
sprintf(ptr, "%d,", i);
else if (run == 1) {
sprintf(ptr, "%d,%d,", i, i + 1);
} else {
sprintf(ptr, "%d-%d,", i, i + run);
i += run;
while (*ptr != 0) ptr++;
ptr -= entry_made;
*ptr = 0;
void printlocation()
int rank, namelen;
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
memset(hnbuf, 0, sizeof(hnbuf));
MPI_Get_processor_name(hnbuf, &namelen);
cpu_set_t coremask;
char clbuf[7 * CPU_SETSIZE];
memset(clbuf, 0, sizeof(clbuf));
(void)sched_getaffinity(0, sizeof(coremask), &coremask);
cpuset_to_cstr(&coremask, clbuf);
printf("Rank %d on core %s of node <%s>\n", rank, clbuf, hnbuf);
the exact command seems to be --bind-to l3cache
mpirun --bind-to l3cache -np 16 gmx_mpi mdrun -nt 6

AMD SMT or Intel HT performance

I don't really understand why processors with doubled logical processors are much more expensive then single logical processors. As far as I noticed there is no difference with running code on 6 or 12 threads for 6 cores/12 threads CPU.
As monkeys asked, here is C# example emulating heavy load on each thread:
static void Main(string[] args)
if (IntPtr.Size != 8)
throw new Exception("use only x64 code, 2020 is coming...");
//6 for physical cores, 12 for logical cores
const int limit_threads = 12;
const int limit_actions = 256;
const int limit_loop = 1000 * 1000 * 10;
const double power = 1.0 / 17.0;
long result = 0;
var action = new Action(() =>
long value = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < limit_loop; i++)
value += (long)Math.Pow(i, power);
Interlocked.Add(ref result, value);
var actions = Enumerable.Range(0, limit_actions).Select(x => action).ToArray();
var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
Parallel.Invoke(new ParallelOptions()
MaxDegreeOfParallelism = limit_threads
}, actions);
Console.WriteLine($"done in {sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds}s\nresult={result}\nlimit_threads={limit_threads}\nlimit_actions={limit_actions}\nlimit_loop={limit_loop}");
Results for 6 threads (AMD Ryzen 2600):
done in 13,7074543s
Results for 12 threads (AMD Ryzen 2600):
done in 11,3992756s
It's about 10% performance boost with using all logical cores instead of only physical, which is almost null. What you can say now?
Can someone provide sample code which will be valuable faster with using processor multi-threading (AMD SMT or Intel HT) comparing to using only physical cores?
TLDR: SMT/HT is a technology that exists to offset the cost of massive multithreading as opposed to speeding up your computation with more cores.
You have misunderstood what SMT/HT does.
"As far as I noticed there is no difference with running code on 6 or 12 threads for 6cores-12threads CPU".
If this is true, then SMT/HT is working.
To understand why, you need to understand modern OS kernels and Kernel Threads. Today's Operating Systems use what is called Preemptive Threading.
The OS Kernel divides up each core into time-slices called "Quantum", and using interrupts schedules the various processes in a complicated round robin fashion.
The part we want to look at is the interrupt. When a CPU core is scheduled to switch run another thread, we call this process a "Context Switch". Context Switches are expensive, slow processes, as the entire state and flow of the highly pipelined CPU must be stopped, saved and swapped out for another state (as well as other caches, registers, lookup tables etc). According to this answer, Context Switch times are measured in microseconds (thousands of clock-cycles); and will only get worse as CPUs become more complicated.
The point of SMT/HT is to cheat, by having each CPU core being able to store two states at the same time (imagine having two monitors instead of one, you still only use one at time, but you are more productive because you don't need to rearrange your windows each time you switch tasks). So SMT/HT processors can Context Switch must faster than non-SMT/HT processors.
So back to your example. If you turned off SMT on your Ryzen 2600, then ran the same workload with 12 threads, you will find that it performs significantly slower than with 6 threads.
Also, note, more threads does not make things faster.
I think that varying the price of the processors depending on the availability of the SMT/HT technology is just a matter of marketing strategy.
The hardware is probably the same in every case but the feature is disabled by the manufacturer on some of them to offer cheap models.
This technology relies on the fact that some micro-operations in a single
instruction have to wait for something to be executed; so instead of just waiting,
the same core uses its circuits to make some progress on the micro-operations
from another thread.
On a coarse point of view, we can perceive the execution of two (or more on
certain models) sequences of micro-operations from two different threads executed
on a single piece of hardware (except some redundant parts, like registers...)
The efficiency of this technology depends on the problem.
After various tests I noticed that if the problem is compute bound, ie the
limiting factor is the time needed to compute (add, multiply...), but not
memory bound (the data are already available, no need to wait for the memory),
then this technology does not provide any benefit.
This is due to the fact that there is no gap to fill in the two sequences of
micro-operations, thus the intertwined execution of two threads is not better
than two independent serial executions.
In the exact opposite case, when the problem is memory bound but not
compute bound, there is no more benefit because both threads have to wait
for the data coming from memory.
I only noticed an improvement in performances when the problem is mixed between
data access and computation; in this case when one thread is waiting for data, the
same core can make some progress in the computations of the other thread and
Below is given an example to illustrate these situations, and I obtain the
following results (quite stable when run many times,
dual Xeon E5-2697 v2, Linux 5.3.13).
In this memory bound situation HT does not help.
$ ./prog_ht mem
24 threads running memory_task()
result: 1e+17
duration: 13.0383 seconds
$ ./prog_ht mem ht
48 threads (ht) running memory_task()
result: 1e+17
duration: 13.1096 seconds
In this compute bound situation HT helps (almost 30% gain)
(I don't know exactly the details of what is implied in the hardware
when computing cos, but there must be some latencies which are not due
to memory access)
$ ./prog_ht
24 threads running compute_task()
result: -260.782
duration: 9.76226 seconds
$ ./prog_ht ht
48 threads (ht) running compute_task()
result: -260.782
duration: 7.58181 seconds
In this mixed situation HT helps much more (around 70% gain)
$ ./prog_ht mix
24 threads running mixed_task()
result: -260.782
duration: 60.1602 seconds
$ ./prog_ht mix ht
48 threads (ht) running mixed_task()
result: -260.782
duration: 35.121 seconds
Here is the source code (in C++, I'm not confortable with C#)
g++ -std=c++17 -o prog_ht prog_ht.cpp \
-pedantic -Wall -Wextra -Wconversion \
-Wno-missing-braces -Wno-sign-conversion \
-O3 -ffast-math -march=native -fomit-frame-pointer -DNDEBUG \
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <thread>
#include <chrono>
#include <cstdint>
#include <random>
#include <cmath>
#include <pthread.h>
bool // success
bind_current_thread_to_cpu(int cpu_id)
/* !!!!!!!!!!!!!! WARNING !!!!!!!!!!!!!
I checked the numbering of the CPUs according to the packages and cores
on my computer/system (dual Xeon E5-2697 v2, Linux 5.3.13)
0 to 11 --> different cores of package 1
12 to 23 --> different cores of package 2
24 to 35 --> different cores of package 1
36 to 47 --> different cores of package 2
Thus using cpu_id from 0 to 23 does not bind more than one thread
to each single core (no HT).
Of course using cpu_id from 0 to 47 binds two threads to each single
core (HT is used).
This numbering is absolutely NOT guaranteed on any other computer/system,
thus the relation between thread numbers and cpu_id should be adapted
cpu_set_t cpu_set;
CPU_SET(cpu_id, &cpu_set);
return !pthread_setaffinity_np(pthread_self(), sizeof(cpu_set), &cpu_set);
double // seconds since 1970/01/01 00:00:00 UTC
const auto now=std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch();
return 1e-6*double(std::chrono::duration_cast
constexpr auto count=std::int64_t{20'000'000};
constexpr auto repeat=500;
compute_task(int thread_id,
int thread_count,
const int *indices,
const double *inputs,
double *results)
(void)indices; // not used here
(void)inputs; // not used here
const auto work_begin=count*thread_id/thread_count;
const auto work_end=std::min(count, count*(thread_id+1)/thread_count);
auto result=0.0;
for(auto r=0; r<repeat; ++r)
for(auto i=work_begin; i<work_end; ++i)
mixed_task(int thread_id,
int thread_count,
const int *indices,
const double *inputs,
double *results)
const auto work_begin=count*thread_id/thread_count;
const auto work_end=std::min(count, count*(thread_id+1)/thread_count);
auto result=0.0;
for(auto r=0; r<repeat; ++r)
for(auto i=work_begin; i<work_end; ++i)
const auto index=indices[i];
memory_task(int thread_id,
int thread_count,
const int *indices,
const double *inputs,
double *results)
const auto work_begin=count*thread_id/thread_count;
const auto work_end=std::min(count, count*(thread_id+1)/thread_count);
auto result=0.0;
for(auto r=0; r<repeat; ++r)
for(auto i=work_begin; i<work_end; ++i)
const auto index=indices[i];
main(int argc,
char **argv)
//~~~~ analyse command line arguments ~~~~
const auto args=std::vector<std::string>{argv, argv+argc};
const auto has_arg=
[&](const auto &a)
return std::find(cbegin(args)+1, cend(args), a)!=cend(args);
const auto use_ht=has_arg("ht");
const auto thread_count=int(std::thread::hardware_concurrency())
/(use_ht ? 1 : 2);
const auto use_mix=has_arg("mix");
const auto use_mem=has_arg("mem");
const auto task=use_mem ? memory_task
: use_mix ? mixed_task
: compute_task;
const auto task_name=use_mem ? "memory_task"
: use_mix ? "mixed_task"
: "compute_task";
//~~~~ prepare input/output data ~~~~
auto results=std::vector<double>(thread_count);
auto indices=std::vector<int>(count);
auto inputs=std::vector<double>(count);
std::generate(begin(indices), end(indices),
[i=0]() mutable { return i++; });
std::copy(cbegin(indices), cend(indices), begin(inputs));
std::shuffle(begin(indices), end(indices), // fight the prefetcher!
//~~~~ launch threads ~~~~
std::cout << thread_count << " threads"<< (use_ht ? " (ht)" : "")
<< " running " << task_name << "()\n";
auto threads=std::vector<std::thread>(thread_count);
const auto t0=system_time();
for(auto i=0; i<thread_count; ++i)
threads[i]=std::thread{task, i, thread_count,
data(indices), data(inputs), data(results)};
//~~~~ wait for threads ~~~~
auto result=0.0;
for(auto i=0; i<thread_count; ++i)
const auto duration=system_time()-t0;
std::cout << "result: " << result << '\n';
std::cout << "duration: " << duration << " seconds\n";
return 0;

OpenMP worst performance with more threads (following openMP tutorials)

I'm starting to work with OpenMP and I follow these tutorials:
OpenMP Tutorials
I'm coding exactly what appears on the video, but instead of a better performance with more threads I get worse. I don't understand why.
Here's my code:
#include <iostream>
#include <time.h>
#include <omp.h>
using namespace std;
static long num_steps = 100000000;
double step;
#define NUM_THREADS 2
int main()
clock_t t;
t = clock();
int i, nthreads; double pi, sum[NUM_THREADS];
step = 1.0/(double)num_steps;
#pragma omp parallel
int i, id, nthrds;
double x;
id = omp_get_thread_num();
nthrds = omp_get_num_threads();
if(id == 0) nthreads = nthrds;
for(i=id, sum[id]=0.0; i < num_steps; i = i + nthrds)
x = (i+0.5)*step;
sum[id] += 4.0/(1.0+x*x);
for(i = 0, pi=0.0; i<nthreads; i++) pi += sum[i] * step;
t = clock() - t;
cout << "time: " << t << " miliseconds" << endl;
As you can see, it's exactly the same as in the video, I only added a code to measure an elapsed time.
On the tutorial, the more threads we use the better a performance.
In my case, that doesn't happen. Here are the timing I got:
1 thread: 433590 miliseconds
2 threads: 1705704 miliseconds
3 threads: 2689001 miliseconds
4 threads: 4221881 miliseconds
Why do I get this behavior?
-- EDIT --
gcc version: gcc 5.5.0
result of lscpu:
Architechure: x86_64
CPU op-mode(s): 32-bit, 64-bit
Byte Order: Little Endian
CPU(s): 8
On-line CPU(s) list: 0-7
Thread(s) per core: 2
Core(s) per socket: 4
Socket(s): 1
NUMA node(s): 1
Vendor ID: GenuineIntel
CPU family: 6
Model: 60
Model name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4720HQ CPU # 2.60Ghz
Stepping: 3
CPU Mhz: 2594.436
CPU max MHz: 3600,0000
CPU min Mhz: 800,0000
BogoMIPS: 5188.41
Virtualization: VT-x
L1d cache: 32K
L1i cache: 32K
L2 cache: 256K
L3 cache: 6144K
NUMA node0 CPU(s): 0-7
-- EDIT --
I've tried using omp_get_wtime() instead, like this:
#include <iostream>
#include <time.h>
#include <omp.h>
using namespace std;
static long num_steps = 100000000;
double step;
#define NUM_THREADS 8
int main()
int i, nthreads; double pi, sum[NUM_THREADS];
step = 1.0/(double)num_steps;
double start_time = omp_get_wtime();
#pragma omp parallel
int i, id, nthrds;
double x;
id = omp_get_thread_num();
nthrds = omp_get_num_threads();
if(id == 0) nthreads = nthrds;
for(i=id, sum[id]=0.0; i < num_steps; i = i + nthrds)
x = (i+0.5)*step;
sum[id] += 4.0/(1.0+x*x);
for(i = 0, pi=0.0; i<nthreads; i++) pi += sum[i] * step;
double time = omp_get_wtime() - start_time;
cout << "time: " << time << " seconds" << endl;
The behavior is different, although I have some questions.
Now, if I increase the number of threads by 1, for example, 1 thread, 2 threads, 3, 4, ..., the results are basically the same as previous, the performance gets worse, although if I increase to 64 threads, or 128 threads I get indeed better performance, the timing decreases from 0.44 [s] (for 1 thread) to 0.13 [s] ( for 128 threads ).
My question is: Why I don't have the same behaviour as in the tutorial?
2 threads get better performance than 1,
3 threads get better performance than 2, etc.
Why do I only get better performance with much bigger amount of threads?
instead of better performances with more threads I get worse ... I don't understand why.
Well,let's make the testing a bit more systematic and repeatable to see if :
// time: 1535120 milliseconds 1 thread
// time: 200679 milliseconds 1 thread -O2
// time: 191205 milliseconds 1 thread -O3
// time: 184502 milliseconds 2 threads -O3
// time: 189947 milliseconds 3 threads -O3
// time: 202277 milliseconds 4 threads -O3
// time: 182628 milliseconds 5 threads -O3
// time: 192032 milliseconds 6 threads -O3
// time: 185771 milliseconds 7 threads -O3
// time: 187606 milliseconds 16 threads -O3
// time: 187231 milliseconds 32 threads -O3
// time: 186131 milliseconds 64 threads -O3
ref.: a few sample runs on a TiO.RUN platform fast mock-up ... where limited resources apply a certain glass-ceiling to hit...
This did show more the effects of { -O2 |-O3 }-compilation-mode optimisation effects, than the above proposed principal degradation for growing number of threads.
Next comes the "background" noise from non-managed code-execution ecosystem, where O/S will easily skew the simplistic performance benchmarking
If indeed interested in further details, feel free to read about a Law of diminishing returns ( about real world compositions of [SERIAL], resp. [PARALLEL] parts of the process-scheduling ), where Dr. Gene AMDAHL has initiated the principal rules,
why more threads do not get way better performance ( and where a bit more contemporary re-formulation of this law explains, why more threads may even get negative improvement ( get more expensive add-on overheads ), than a right-tuned peak performance.
#include <time.h>
#include <omp.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
using namespace std;
static long num_steps = 100000000;
double step;
#define NUM_THREADS 7
int main()
clock_t t;
t = clock();
int i, nthreads; double pi, sum[NUM_THREADS];
step = 1.0 / ( double )num_steps;
omp_set_num_threads( NUM_THREADS );
// struct timespec start;
// t = clock(); // _________________________________________ BEST START HERE
// clock_gettime( CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &start ); // ____________ USING MONOTONIC CLOCK
#pragma omp parallel
int i,
nthrds = omp_get_num_threads(),
id = omp_get_thread_num();;
double x;
if ( id == 0 ) nthreads = nthrds;
for ( i = id, sum[id] = 0.0;
i < num_steps;
i += nthrds
x = ( i + 0.5 ) * step;
sum[id] += 4.0 / ( 1.0 + x * x );
// t = clock() - t; // _____________________________________ BEST STOP HERE
// clock_gettime( CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &end ); // ______________ USING MONOTONIC CLOCK
for ( i = 0, pi = 0.0;
i < nthreads;
) pi += sum[i] * step;
t = clock() - t;
// // time: 1535120 milliseconds 1 thread
// // time: 200679 milliseconds 1 thread -O2
// // time: 191205 milliseconds 1 thread -O3
printf( "time: %d milliseconds %d threads\n", // time: 184502 milliseconds 2 threads -O3
t, // time: 189947 milliseconds 3 threads -O3
NUM_THREADS // time: 202277 milliseconds 4 threads -O3
); // time: 182628 milliseconds 5 threads -O3
} // time: 192032 milliseconds 6 threads -O3
// time: 185771 milliseconds 7 threads -O3
The major problem in that version is false sharing. This is explained later in the video you started to watch. You get this when many threads are accessing data that is adjacent in memory (the sum array). The video also explains how to use padding to manually avoid this issue.
That said, the idiomatic solution is to use a reduction and not even bother with the manual work sharing:
double sum = 0;
#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:sum)
for(int i=0; i < num_steps; i++)
double x = (i+0.5)*step;
sum += 4.0/(1.0+x*x);
This is also explained in a later video of the series. It is much simpler than what you started with and most likely the most efficient way.
Although the presenter is certainly competent, the style of these OpenMP tutorial videos is very much bottom up. I'm not sure that is a good educational approach. In any case you should probably watch all of the videos to know how to best use OpenMP it in practice.
Why do I only get better performance with much bigger amount of threads?
This is a bit counterintuitive, you very rarely get better performance from using more OpenMP threads than hardware threads - unless this is indirectly fixing another issue. In your case the large amount of threads means that the sum array is spread out over a larger region in memory and false-sharing is less likely.

TBB acting strange in Matlab Mex file

Edited:< Matlab limits TBB but not OpenMP >
My question is different than the one above, it's not duplicated though using the same sample code for illustration. In my case I specified num of threads in tbb initialization instead of using "deferred". Also I'm talking about the strange behavior between TBB in c++ and TBB in mex. The answer to that question only demonstrates thread initialization when running TBB in C++, not in MEX.
I'm trying to boost a Matlab mex file to improve performance. The strange thing I come across when using TBB within mex is that TBB initialization doesn't work as expected.
This C++ program performs 100% cpu usage and has 15 TBB threads when executing it alone:
#include "tbb/parallel_for_each.h"
#include "tbb/task_scheduler_init.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include "mex.h"
struct mytask {
mytask(size_t n)
void operator()() {
for (long i=0;i<10000000000L;++i) {} // Deliberately run slow
std::cerr << "[" << _n << "]";
size_t _n;
template <typename T> struct invoker {
void operator()(T& it) const {it();}
void mexFunction(/* int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[] */) {
tbb::task_scheduler_init init(15); // 15 threads
std::vector<mytask> tasks;
for (int i=0;i<10000;++i)
int main()
Then I modified the code a little bit to make a MEX for matlab:
#include "tbb/parallel_for_each.h"
#include "tbb/task_scheduler_init.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include "mex.h"
struct mytask {
mytask(size_t n)
void operator()() {
for (long i=0;i<10000000000L;++i) {} // Deliberately run slow
std::cerr << "[" << _n << "]";
size_t _n;
template <typename T> struct invoker {
void operator()(T& it) const {it();}
void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[] ) {
tbb::task_scheduler_init init(15); // 15 threads
std::vector<mytask> tasks;
for (int i=0;i<10000;++i)
Eventually invoke BuildMEX.mexw64 in Matlab. I compiled(mcc) the following code snippet to Matlab binary "MEXtest.exe" and use vTune to profile its performance(run in MCR). The TBB within the process only initialized 4 tbb threads and the binary only occupies ~50% cpu usage. Why MEX is downgrading overall performance and TBB? How can I seize more cpu usage for mex?
function MEXtest()
According to the scheduler class description:
This class allows to customize properties of the TBB task pool to some
extent. For example it can limit concurrency level of parallel work
initiated by the given thread. It also can be used to specify stack
size of the TBB worker threads, though this setting is not effective
if the thread pool has already been created.
This is further explained in the initialize() methods called by the constructor:
The number_of_threads is ignored if any other task_scheduler_inits currently exist. A thread may construct multiple
task_scheduler_inits. Doing so does no harm because the underlying
scheduler is reference counted.
(highlighted parts added by me)
I believe that MATLAB already uses Intel TBB internally, and it must have initialized a thread pool at a top level before the MEX-function is ever executed. Thus all task schedulers in your code are going to use the number of threads specified by internal parts of MATLAB, ignoring the value you specified in your code.
By default MATLAB must have initialized the thread pool with a size equal to the number of physical processors (not logicals), which is indicated by the fact that on my quad-core hyper-threaded machine I get:
>> maxNumCompThreads
Warning: maxNumCompThreads will be removed in a future release [...]
ans =
OpenMP on the other has no scheduler, and we can control number of threads at runtime by calling the following functions:
#include <omp.h>
or by setting the environment variable:
>> setenv('OMP_NUM_THREADS', '8')
To test this proposed explanation, here is the code I used:
#include "mex.h"
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstdio>
#include <vector>
#include <windows.h>
#include "tbb/task_scheduler_init.h"
#include "tbb/parallel_for_each.h"
#include "tbb/spin_mutex.h"
#include "tbb_helpers.hxx"
#define NTASKS 100
#define NLOOPS 400000L
tbb::spin_mutex print_mutex;
struct mytask {
mytask(size_t n) :_n(n) {}
void operator()()
// track maximum number of parallel workers run
ConcurrencyProfiler prof;
// burn some CPU cycles!
double x = 1.0 / _n;
for (long i=0; i<NLOOPS; ++i) {
x = sin(x) * 10.0;
while((double) rand() / RAND_MAX < 0.9);
tbb::spin_mutex::scoped_lock s(print_mutex);
fprintf(stderr, "%f\n", x);
size_t _n;
template <typename T> struct invoker {
void operator()(T& it) const { it(); }
void run()
// use all 8 logical cores
SetProcessAffinityMask(GetCurrentProcess(), 0xFF);
printf("numTasks = %d\n", NTASKS);
for (int t = tbb::task_scheduler_init::automatic;
t <= 512; t = (t>0) ? t*2 : 1)
tbb::task_scheduler_init init(t);
std::vector<mytask> tasks;
for (int i=0; i<NTASKS; ++i) {
tbb::parallel_for_each(tasks.begin(), tasks.end(), invoker<mytask>());
printf("pool_init(%d) -> %d worker threads\n", t,
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[])
int main()
return 0;
Here is the code for a simple helper class used to profile concurrency by keeping track of how many workers were invoked from the thread pool. You could always use Intel VTune or any other profiling tool to get the same kind of information:
#ifndef HELPERS_H
#define HELPERS_H
#include "tbb/atomic.h"
class ConcurrencyProfiler
static void Reset();
static size_t GetMaxNumThreads();
static void RecordMax();
static tbb::atomic<size_t> cur_count;
static tbb::atomic<size_t> max_count;
#include "tbb_helpers.hxx"
tbb::atomic<size_t> ConcurrencyProfiler::cur_count;
tbb::atomic<size_t> ConcurrencyProfiler::max_count;
void ConcurrencyProfiler::Reset()
cur_count = max_count = 0;
size_t ConcurrencyProfiler::GetMaxNumThreads()
return static_cast<size_t>(max_count);
// Performs: max_count = max(max_count,cur_count)
// http://www.threadingbuildingblocks.org/
// docs/help/tbb_userguide/Design_Patterns/Compare_and_Swap_Loop.htm
void ConcurrencyProfiler::RecordMax()
size_t o;
do {
o = max_count;
if (o >= cur_count) break;
} while(max_count.compare_and_swap(cur_count,o) != o);
First I compile the code as a native executable (I am using Intel C++ Composer XE 2013 SP1, with VS2012 Update 4):
C:\> vcvarsall.bat amd64
C:\> iclvars.bat intel64 vs2012
C:\> icl /MD test_tbb.cpp tbb_helpers.cxx tbb.lib
I run the program in the system shell (Windows 8.1). It goes up to 100% CPU utilization and I get the following output:
C:\> test_tbb.exe 2> nul
numTasks = 100
pool_init(-1) -> 8 worker threads // task_scheduler_init::automatic
pool_init(1) -> 1 worker threads
pool_init(2) -> 2 worker threads
pool_init(4) -> 4 worker threads
pool_init(8) -> 8 worker threads
pool_init(16) -> 16 worker threads
pool_init(32) -> 32 worker threads
pool_init(64) -> 64 worker threads
pool_init(128) -> 98 worker threads
pool_init(256) -> 100 worker threads
pool_init(512) -> 98 worker threads
As expected, the thread pool is initialized as large as we asked, and being fully utilized being limited by the number of tasks we created (in the last case we have 512 threads for only 100 parallel tasks!).
Next I compile the code as a MEX-file:
>> mex -I"C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Composer XE\tbb\include" ...
-largeArrayDims test_tbb.cpp tbb_helpers.cxx ...
-L"C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Composer XE\tbb\lib\intel64\vc11" tbb.lib
Here is the output I get when I run the MEX-function in MATLAB:
>> test_tbb()
numTasks = 100
pool_init(-1) -> 4 worker threads
pool_init(1) -> 4 worker threads
pool_init(2) -> 4 worker threads
pool_init(4) -> 4 worker threads
pool_init(8) -> 4 worker threads
pool_init(16) -> 4 worker threads
pool_init(32) -> 4 worker threads
pool_init(64) -> 4 worker threads
pool_init(128) -> 4 worker threads
pool_init(256) -> 4 worker threads
pool_init(512) -> 4 worker threads
As you can see, no matter what we specify as pool size, the scheduler always spins at most 4 threads to execute the parallel tasks (4 being the number of physical processors on my quad-core machine). This confirms what I stated in the beginning of the post.
Note that I explicitly set the processor affinity mask to use all 8 cores, but since there are only 4 running threads, CPU usage stayed approximately at 50% in this case.
Hope this helps answer the question, and sorry for the long post :)
Assuming you have more than 4 physical cores on your machine, the affinity mask for the MATLAB standalone process is probably limiting the available CPUs. Functions called from an actual MATLAB installation should have the use of all CPUs, but this may not be the case for standalone MATLAB applications generated with the MATLAB Compiler. Try the test again, running the MEX function directly from MATLAB. In any case, you should be able to reset the affinity mask to make all cores available to TBB, but I do not think you this approach will let you coerce TBB to start more threads than you have physical cores.
Since TBB 3.0 update 4, processor affinity settings are referenced to determine the number of available cores, according to a developer blog:
So the only thing that TBB should do instead of asking the system how many CPUs it has, is to retrieve the current process affinity mask, count the number of non-zero bits in it, and voilà, TBB uses no more worker threads than necessary! And this is exactly what TBB 3.0 Update 4 does. Clarifying the statement in the end of my previous blog TBB’s methods tbb::task_scheduler_init::default_num_threads() and tbb::tbb_thread::hardware_concurrency() return not simply the total number of logical CPUs in the system or the current processor group, but rather the number of CPUs available to the process in accordance with its affinity settings.
Similarly, the docs for tbb::default_num_threads indicate this change:
Before TBB 3.0 U4 this method returned the number of logical CPU in the system. Currently on Windows, Linux and FreeBSD it returns the number of logical CPUs available to the current process in accordance with its affinity mask.
The docs for tbb::task_scheduler_init::initialize also suggest that the number of threads is "limited by the processor affinity mask".
To check if you are being limited by the affinity mask, Windows .NET functions are available:
numCoresInSystem = 16;
proc = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess();
The output string should have no zeros in any position representing a real (present in the system) core.
You can set the affinity mask in MATLAB or C, as described in the Q&A, Set processor affinity for MATLAB engine (Windows 7). The MATLAB way:
proc = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess();
proc.ProcessorAffinity = System.IntPtr(int32(2^numCoresInSystem-1));
Or using the Windows API, in a mexFunction, before calling task_scheduler_init:
SetProcessAffinityMask(GetCurrentProcess(),(1 << N) - 1)
For *nix, you can call taskset:
system(sprintf('taskset -p %d %d',2^N - 1,feature('getpid')))

OpenMP behaviour detecting CPU and thread

I'm at very beginning with OpenMP, i just compiled with gcc -fopenmp openmp_c_helloworld.c the following piece of code:
#include <omp.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
int th_id, nthreads;
#pragma omp parallel private(th_id)
th_id = omp_get_thread_num();
printf("Hello World from thread %d\n", th_id);
#pragma omp barrier
if ( th_id == 0 ) {
nthreads = omp_get_num_threads();
printf("There are %d threads\n",nthreads);
I just run the executable on a quad-core Intel CPU with HyperThreading and i obtain the following output:
Hello World from thread 2
Hello World from thread 0
Hello World from thread 3
Hello World from thread 1
There are 4 threads
Technically speaking i have 8 thread available on my CPU and 4 CPU-core, why OpenMP shows me only 4 thread?
To put it simply, I think it's because OpenMP looks for the number of CPU's (cores) rather than the number of processor threads.
See this page: `
Implementation default - usually the number of CPUs on a node, though
it could be dynamic (see next bullet).
Something you could try out is setting the number of threads in your program to be equal to the number of processor threads and see if there's a performance improvement (you'll have to create your own benchmarking program).
In parallel programming, good performance is obtained when the number of worker threads are equal to the number of processor threads. You can keep a thread or two extra for I/O as well.
