Acumatica Add a tool tip for text box control - acumatica

Is there a way in Acumatica to add a tool tip to a text box control on a form?
For example I would like to display a tool tip when the user hovers over the tax code control. Tax Code: [ 1099 ].

For example with usage of ToolTip. Take a look:
<px:PXDropDown ID="edStatus" runat="server" AllowNull="False" DataField="Status" Enabled="False" ToolTip="Some status" ></px:PXDropDown>
Or exactly your tool tip:
<px:PXDropDown ID="edStatus" runat="server" AllowNull="False" DataField="Status" Enabled="False" ToolTip="Tax Code: [ 1099 ]" ></px:PXDropDown>


How do I make a grid in a smart panel refresh based on the current row of my child grid on the page?

I have a standard form tab screen with a grid on the first tab. The form identifies a tool by inventory id. The grid identifies the individual tools of that id that are available for use. Since the tool can be checked out and returned, much like the old video rental stores would rent DVD's and VHS tapes, I need to see a history of where the tool has been. Typically, there are only a few tools per inventory id. However, checkout history can be rather lengthy. I want to show that history in a smart panel, but I can't get the smart panel to update as I change rows of the grid, selecting different physical units.
How do I get the smart panel grid to refresh based on the main screen's current grid row?
The button on my action bar of the grid is defined as:
<px:PXToolBarButton Text="History" DependOnGrid="CstPXGrid7" >
<AutoCallBack Command="viewHistory" Target="ds" >
<Behavior PostData="Page" CommitChanges="True" ></Behavior>
The smart panel is defined as:
<px:PXGrid AllowPaging="True" Width="100%" DataSourceID="ds" SkinID="Inquire" runat="server" ID="CstPXGrid34">
<px:PXGridLevel DataMember="History" >
<px:PXGridColumn DataField="ToolNbr" Width="140" ></px:PXGridColumn>
<px:PXGridColumn DataField="RequesterID" Width="70" ></px:PXGridColumn>
<px:PXGridColumn DataField="CustomerLocationID" Width="70" ></px:PXGridColumn>
<px:PXGridColumn DataField="DateOut" Width="90" ></px:PXGridColumn>
<px:PXGridColumn DataField="DateDue" Width="90" ></px:PXGridColumn>
<px:PXGridColumn DataField="DateIn" Width="90" ></px:PXGridColumn>
<AutoSize Enabled="True" ></AutoSize>
<px:PXPanel runat="server" ID="CstPanelSSCS3" SkinID="Buttons">
<px:PXButton runat="server" ID="CstHistory" DialogResult="OK" Text="OK" CommandSourceID="ds" ></px:PXButton>
As you can see in the screenshot, tool #2 is selected, but the history in the smart panel is still showing for tool #1. However, as a temporary measure, I added a secondary grid to the main page, and it is showing the history for the correct tool by adding the following to my main grid that lists each tool number. My temporary history grid on the main page is CstPXGrid38. Adding the smart panel's Control ID here does not update the smart panel's grid the same way it does the history grid when on the main screen.
<AutoCallBack Command="Refresh" Target="CstPXGrid38" ActiveBehavior="true">
<Behavior RepaintControlsIDs="CstPXGrid38" ></Behavior>
The generic declaration of the PXSmarPanel to accomplish the desired functionality should be as follows :
<px:PXSmartPanel ID="GridPanel" runat="server" Height="550px" Width="873px" Caption="My Fancy Grid refresh panel" CaptionVisible="True" Key="GridPanelView" AutoCallBack-Command="Refresh" AutoCallBack-Target="gridPanel" CreateOnDemand="True">
Where "gridPanel" is the ID of your panels grid.

Acumatica automation notifications on a custom DAC

I am trying to setup automation notifications on a custom DAC, not an exiting one.
I couldn't found any sources which explains step by step how to do that.
So I've a custom DAC EAAsset and custom graph AssetEntry. Exactly what is the correct way to make a standart notifications button visible? And then what steps are required to make it work?
There is a hidden property called NotifyIndicator, which once set to true on the top-level form will show the Notifications button in the top-right corner of the screen:
<asp:Content ID="cont2" ContentPlaceHolderID="phF" Runat="Server">
<px:PXFormView ID="form" runat="server" DataSourceID="ds" ... NotifyIndicator="True" >

How to make RadioGroup a required field?

We are using I know how to make a textbox a required field, but am having trouble to force our user to make a selection on the radio group or a check box group. I know someone just assign a default value to one of the radio button, but our customer wants to leave them unchecked in the beginning but forces the web users to make a choice, which is understandable.
It appears IndicatorText and AllowBlank properties are not effective even though they are listed in the IntelliSense.
<ext:RadioGroup ID="rdGrpGender" runat="server"
ItemCls="x-check-group-base" FieldLabel="Gender"
IndicatorText="*" IndicatorCls="cssIndicator" AllowBlank="false">
<ext:Radio ID="rdoMale" runat="server" BoxLabel="M" />
<ext:Radio ID="rdoFemale" runat="server" BoxLabel="F" />
Can any expert help me out? Thanks a lot.
you can validate it like this
<ext:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Validate"><Listeners><Click Handler="#{rdGrpGender}.validate();" /></Listeners></ext:Button>

Doing the Drag and Drop from one Grid to Another Grid made Form elements Irregular

Hi, I am Implementing the Drag Drop functionality using the Link
and i have implemented this on my form as when i click on One Grid
Column setting Icon that gridpanel should be hide and this
panel(ID:pnlGridDragDrop) which are containing two DragDrop grids
should be visible.
after Displaying the pnlGridDragDrop when i trying to Drag items from
first Grid to another the above Tab Design becomes disappear.
What is the Reason here.
Please find the Image i have attached and the Code in my Program is as
like below.
<ext:GridPanel ID="grdProjectsView" Width="705" Title="Projects" >
<ext:ImageCommandColumn ID="imgSettings" runat="server" Text="Settings" Resizable="false">
<ext:ImageCommand Icon="BasketEdit" Style="text-align: center" CommandName="Settings">
<Command Handler="#{DirectMethods}.fnDisplaySettings(,;" />
// Drag Drop Grids Panel
<ext:Panel ID="pnlProjMemberGrid" runat="server" Border="false">
<ext:HBoxLayoutConfig Align="Stretch" Padding="5" />
<ext:GridPanel ID="grdNonProjectEmloyeeList">
<ext:GridPanel ID="grdProjectEmloyeeList">
Thank you.
Need to adjust the Heights of the panels/Container 2.0 ComboBox, tiny bug

I have a very tricky issue which bothered me really long..
I was trying to use 2.0 combobox to display options from remote DB. Everything works fine, but there is only one issue, when the page first loaded, if I do not change a selection of the combo, in c#, the combobox.value equals to the text instead of id.
Database is very easy: 'Test_table' has two columns, one called Tid, the other is TextContent.
My frontend code:
<ext:ComboBox ID="TestCombo" runat="server" Editable="false" DisplayField="TextContent"
ValueField="Tid" TypeAhead="true" AllowBlank="false" EmptyText="Select a text
id..." SelectOnFocus="true" FieldLabel="test text">
<ext:Store ID="TestStore" runat="server" AutoLoad="true" AutoDataBind="true"
<ext:Model ID="Model1" runat="server" IDProperty="Tid">
<ext:ModelField Name="Tid" />
<ext:ModelField Name="TextContent" />
After click a save button, I try to add breakpoint to get var _M = TestCombo.value However, it appears that if I click save after I changed the selection of the combobox, _M's value will be correct(equals to Tid value), otherwise, _M's value will be the TextContent..
Anyone has idea what caused this issue? Or does anyone have some good samples for 2.0+ combobox code (read from remote db)?
