DateTime on local machine is different then Azure - azure

I know this might be a simple question but I'm not sure how to solve it.
When I run this bit of code on my local machine
if (someDateTime < DateTime.Now)
// do something
'DateTime.Now' gives me the current date time for my time zone, but when I run it in Azure 'DateTime.Now' gives me a different time
ex. local machine says 12:00AM and Azure says 8:13AM
What do I need to do to compare a time 'someDAteTime' with a time for a user on my site (his/her current DateTime.Now) ?

There should be a Utc() method on that DateTime instance, every programming language has something similar since probably the Atari.
If this is .NET (Full/Core), just use DateTime.UtcNow.
More on that here —
What is the difference between DateTime.UtcNow and DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime()
The essence here is that you always compare UTC time to UTC time, disregarding zone shift. Moreover, all Azure services report time in UTC "out of the box".

I assume that you are using javascript at client side.
If you want to compare dates you should always use ISO Date ( a timezone.
You can use this library in order to use different time zones:
And this library to compare dates:
Please take care that the user can modify the date on the client side, so if you need to validate a date for a critical feature you should do this validation on the server side.


How to keep the monitoring working always on the recent added indice in opendistro or opensearch?

I am trying to setup monitors that detect any penetration attempts to a website. For that, I am using the Alert functionality in open distro ( older version of opensearch ).
The problem is we have indices for the actual day and the 29 day before. And as far as I know, I can only select one of these 30 options.
Is there a workaround where I can create monitors for indices that haven´t been created yet or a persistent monitor that I don´t have to modify every time a new day/indice comes up ?
Every answer or comment is very much appreciated !

What are Time To Refresh (TTR), Time To Live (TTL), and Time To Birth (TTB), Cascade Delete (CCD) in an AtKeys metadata for?

These are a few Time To mechanisms that can have some light shun upon them as they can be quite useful to a developer. I will be answering them below in an attempt to explain what they can be used for and why on the #platform.
Time To Mechanisms (Attributes of Metadata)
Any data that is shared between #signs can go through several mechanisms. Some of these mechanisms include TTR (Time To Refresh), TTL (Time To Live), and TTB (Time To Birth).
Time To Refresh
TTR, which is an attribute of the metadata of a shared key, accepts an integer value which represents seconds. The subsequent refresh happens based on the given value: for example, if the set TTR value is 86400, then the refresh happens once in a day (there are 86,400 seconds in a day). Another very important attribute of the metadata is CCD (Cascade Delete), which is a boolean variable (a variable that accepts true or false values). For those who are well versed in SQL and database management, you will already have some understanding of what CCD does and how it functions.
If the CCD value is set as true when the sender deletes their original key, the cached key gets deleted on both the sender’s server and the recipient’s server. Correspondingly, if the CCD value is false when the sender deletes their original key, the cached key gets deleted on only the sender’s server and remains cached on the recipient’s server. But why is this useful? CCD is used to avoid unnecessary network calls. As an example: if #alice is in need of #bob’s phone number, she does not need to make a request from her server to #bob’s server to find it, but rather needs only to search locally on her device to find the phone number.
Let’s consider a similar example: #alice shares her phone number with her friends #bob and #john. A few months later, however, #alice purchases a new phone plan, resulting in a new phone number. If #alice has her #sign’s TTR variable set to true, once she updates her old phone number to match her new one, this updated value will also be reflected on #bob and #john’s devices. #alice also has the ability to set a specific time, in seconds, for when the new phone number will be cascaded on shared servers (this is TTB, which is described later). This can be 10 minutes, a day, or whatever specific amount of time she defines.
This function can be quite handy, especially if someone is constantly updating values on their server. This prevents a high density of calls and requests whenever someone wishes to see what new values exist on a shared server.
Time To Live
TTL (Time To Live) is quite self-explanatory: it defines how long data will live on a server. Anyone with an #sign has the ability to upload information on their server and define how long it stays on the server before it is automatically deleted. If #alice wishes to share her summer vacation getaway location as her current location, she has the option to share that summer vacation location for as long as she plans on being there!
To really take advantage of a mechanism like this, developers can combine it with other Time To commands to make life for themselves and those they share their information with easier. Say for instance Alice lives in sunny San Francisco, and owns a vacation home in Spain. With mechanisms such as Time To Refresh and Time To Live, Alice has the ability of travelling to her vacation home for several weeks, uploading her current location as Spain, and setting that information to live on her server for the several weeks that she will be staying at that location.
Time To Birth
Another Time To mechanism that is utilized within the #protocol is the Time To Birth mechanism. This mechanism allows individuals to upload information to their secondary server and have it become activated after a specified amount of time, in seconds. During the time that the data is not ‘active’, any recipients of this information will see the ‘null’ value in place until the activation has occurred.
For example, if #alice wishes to upload a web URL of her personal website after she has completed it, she can simply specify that the URL value can be uploaded to her secondary in exactly 1 days’ time. Until the value is updated a day later, #bob can only see that her website URL is ‘null’.

How to set base timestamp for relative date parsing in NLPCraft?

I'm working with nlpcraft to build a parsing system for scheduling. Users are asked when they will be doing certain activities and they can respond with relative or absolute dates, such as "tuesday and wednesday" or "not until 8/15".
While nlpcraft has very nice relative date parsing, near as I can tell it always parses dates relative to the current system time in UTC. Not only does this complicate testing (because the input is relative while the output is absolute), it means that if the server does not parse the input close to the time the user wrote it, relative dates may be parsed incorrectly. For example, if the user says "tomorrow" at 11PM on a Sunday, but the server doesn't parse it until 5AM on Monday, it might result in Tuesday instead of Monday.
I looked into NCDateEnricher where this all seems to happen and then parsing routine computes a base time as the current system time. I didn't see a way to override this with a config variable or request parameter -- am I missing something?
UTC time server on server-side allows users to easily convert times to local timezone. It's the simplest way to support different timezone users with one server.
If you aren't satisfied with nlpcart provided date NER, you can look at date/time NERS from opennlp/stanford/spacy/google, which can be simply used with nlpcraft system (

Node JS new Date one hour mismatch

When I print this:
const from = new Date();
I get this: 2017-02-13T22:55:01.395Z
By the way it's 23:55. Why is there a one-hour mismatch?
When I do this:
I get it right (23) which is fine. What is happening?
The string representation of from printed in your question is expressed in UTC, which you can tell by the trailing Z.
However, from is also capable of expressing the point in time it represents internally in local time, according to your time zone: from.toLocaleString()
Similarly, .getHours() returns the time-of-day hour in local time.
The implication is that your local time is 1 hour ahead of UTC, such as in Western Europe, for instance (while DST isn't in effect).
In other words: The output you're getting is as designed.

Do NodaTime constructors accept 24 in the Hours parameter

I am hoping to get a quick answer to one question about NodaTime before downloading it. So far, I am reading about NodaTime and its API and it seems very carefully thought out.
I hope it might help eliminate some of the chaos I've been encountering in an application that has a database back-end, a desktop client with a database provider, and a web client that must run on the major browsers. The support for ISO 8601 on DateTime and Time varies greatly on the various database, database provider, and web platforms. Internet Explorer, for example, follows ISO 8601 but SQL Server does not; web UI timepickers do not because Chrome does not.
QUESTION: In NodaTime, is 24:00 a valid Time value? Is 24 a valid argument for the hours parameter of its Time constructors?
BACKGROUND: ISO 8601 allows for two representations of midnight: 00:00 for "midnight this morning" and 24:00 for "midnight tonight". When the DateTime object is on the time-line, a date whose time element has 24:00 coincides with the next day at 00:00. They are the same time-line instant with two different representations, both representations valid per ISO.
A Time-only value is detached from the time-line. A time of 00:00 occurs at the beginning of the detached 24-hour day and a Time-only value of 24:00 is 24 hours after 00:00. A Time type should accept 24 in the hour. When 24 is the hour the maximum value for seconds and milliseconds and ticks is 0 (unless modulo arithmetic is involved and the time rolls over, so that 24:01 is 00:01 -- but ISO has nothing to say about this implementation detail, IIRC).
We accept 24:00 when parsing a LocalDateTime, but not 24:01.
This was issue 153, implemented in revision f7ac0365d8ca.
Unfortunately this was after the 1.0 release, so you'll either need to grab the current code, or wait for 1.1 to be released (hopefully soon).
We don't currently accept it when parsing just a LocalTime. If you want that, please log a feature request - we'd probably look at it for 1.2 (which will have a lot of text features), although I'm not sure what the representation would look like. (LocalTime itself doesn't support the idea of "end-of-day midnight".)
