How to update a specific value in object of MongoDb via Post? - node.js

I have a schema with sub objects, i want to be able to update a specific key inside of it. If i update only a specific key - like in the Post example - it's empty all the other keys..
for example :
"_id": "32323323",
"address":"1 st"
I want to update Only "position" key via Post request , for example :
url: 'workers/information/',
data: {
user_id: user_id,
names: {
workers: {
position: some data,
success: function (result) {
alert('Your information updated successfully')
Here is the update method in NodeJs server :
UserDataController.updateWorkersInformation = function (userID, workersInformation, cb) {
if (userID) {
user.findOneAndUpdate({_id: userID}, workersInformation, function (err, result) {
if (err) return cb(err);
return cb(null, result);

You may want to look into mongoose. It provides a more simple interface than the native client does.
However, as the comment mentioned, you are missing the $set operator. {$set:workersInformation}
If update is called without the $set operator, the entire document will be replaced with your update object.


Mongoose updateOne with parameter {new:true} not showing actual updated value

I am struggling for a couple of hours to show the final value of an updated document (via mongoose updateOne). I successfully modify it as I can see "nModified: 1" when I call the endpoint on Postman, but I am not able to output the actual final document - even when using the parameter {new:true}
This is the code for the route:
// 3. We check if blockid is in this project
.then(block => {
if (!block) {
errors.noblock = "Block not found";
return res.status(404).json(errors);
// 4. We found the block, so we modify it
{ _id: req.params.blockid },
{ $set: blockFields }, // data to be updated
{ new: true }, // flag to show the new updated document
(err, block) => {
if (err) {
errors.noblock = "Block not found";
return res.status(404).json(errors);
.catch(err => console.error(err));
Instead, this is the output I am getting (Mongoose is on debug mode)
Any ideas?
Many thanks
{ new : true } will return the modified document rather than the original. updateOne doesn't have this option. If you need response as updated document use findOneAndUpdate.
Below are the mongoosejs function where you can use { new : true }
Thank you #sivasankar for the answer. Here is the updated working version with findOneAndUpdate
And here the expected result:
you should give second param as object of keys value paris of data,
don't pass as $Set : blockfields, just add like below, if it is object containing parameters,
{ $set: blockFields }
Because code should be like this
{ _id: req.params.blockid },
blockFields, // if blockfields is object containing parameters
{ new: true },
(err, block) => {
// lines of code
For more detail here is link to updateOne function detail updateOne

CosmosDB + MongoAPI, updating document workaround?

I've been trying to simply update a CosmosDB document via the mongodb api in my node application, I've been testing in and out, no errors but the value does not update no matter what.
I know updating array elements is not supported which is fine, but this is a top-level key-value pair. Changes simply don't happen with no error whatsoever.
I've been following the Mean.js project with uses CosmosDB + Mongoose + Node + Angular, looking at the API for updating hero and trying some of that code but it still doesn't update.
I've been reading the documentation trying to figure out the default way of handling CRUD operations within CosmosDB and which parts of the MongoAPI it supports but so far no luck.
For tests purposes, I'm using this code:
async function updateUser(id) {
try {
let user = await User.findById(id);
console.log (id);
if (!user) return = id
const result = await
catch(err) {
console.log("There was an error updating user", err);
So, I've been playing around some more and managed to update a hero using this code:
async function updateHero(id) {
const originalHero = {
uid: id,
name: 'Hero2',
saying: 'nothing'
Hero.findOne({ uid: id }, (error, hero) => { =;
hero.saying = originalHero.saying; => {
console.log('Hero updated successfully!');
Now I'm just not sure why this has actually worked and why it hasn't before. The main thing that is different is that I'm using an 'uid' instead of the actual ID assigned by CosmosDB.
I tested sample code you provided and they both updated document successfully.
Sample document:
Snippet One:
async function updateUser(id) {
try {
let user = await Family.findById(id);
console.log (id);
if (!user) return = id = 'ASDASDASASDASDASDASDASDA'
const result = await
catch(err) {
console.log("There was an error updating user", err);
Output One:
Snippet Two:
async function updateFamily(id) {
const updateFamily = {
_id: id,
name: 'ABCD',
Family.findOne({ _id : id }, (error, family) => { =; => {
console.log('Hero updated successfully!');
Output Two:
In addition, you could use db.collection.update() to update document.
{ _id: '5b46eb0ee1a2f12ea0af307f' },{ $set:
name: 'AAAA'
More details,please refer to the doc:
Hope it helps you.

Mongoose findOneAndUpdate not returning raw Mongo response

I'm trying to determine whether the document was found in my findOneAndUpdate operation. If it wasn't, I return a 404 not found error. I figured I'd use the "passRawValue" option Mongoose provides, and check for a raw value- if raw is undefined, I know the doc was not found.
However regardless whether the doc is found or not, my raw value is undefined. I've verified that the doc I'm trying to update is in the DB at the time of the query by running a simple "findOne" query just before the update. Where am I going wrong?
let updateItemById = (userId, itemId, params, cb) => {
//this finds and prints the document I'm testing with -- I know its in the DB
// Item.findOne({ "_id" : itemId, ownerId: userId }, (err, doc) => {
// if (doc) {
// console.log("This is the doc: ", doc);
// }
// });
Item.findOneAndUpdate({ "_id" : itemId, ownerId: userId },
$set: {
}, { runValidators: 1, passRawResult: true}, (err, doc, raw) => {
if (err) {
return cb(ErrorTypes.serverError(), false);
else if (raw) {
return cb(null, true);
else {
return cb(ErrorTypes.notFound(), false);
Hi I have a hunch that you are passing params that has a property that doesn't exist in the document in the database. In such case, nothing was modified, hence db doesn't return raw as the third parameter.
So I did some few tests of my own, and I see that if we pass option strict:false then your code should work as intended. So your options section will look like this
{ runValidators: 1, passRawResult: true, strict: false, new:true}
Mongoose has a strict option which by default is true. It makes sure that the values being updated is defined in the schema. So when we provide the option strict as false, as described in the [mongoose documentation] ( we can achieve updating document with new field.
I also added new:true option which will return you the updated document.
I would like to add though, since our upsert is false, which means it won't insert new document when a match is not found, it will return null for doc, and you can simple check on that. Why are you checking on raw? Is there any particular reason for this?
I know it's been awhile but I had the same problem here so I decided to leave an answer that maybe can help other people.
I was able to check whether the findOneAndUpdate() method found a document or not by checking if the doc parameter was null on the callback function:
async Update(request: Request, response: Response) {
const productId =;
const query = { _id: productId };
const options = { new: true };
try {
await Product.findOneAndUpdate(query, request.body, options, (err, doc, res) => {
if (doc === null)
return response.status(404).send({
error: 'Product not found'
return response.status(204).send();
catch (err) {
return response.status(400).send({
error: 'Product update failed'

Selecting only modified subdocument from Mongo

I have a mongoose query like this:
var query = Events.findOneAndUpdate({ '_id': event._id,'participants._id':participant._id},{'$set': {'participants.$': participant}}, {upsert:false,new: true},function(err,result){
return res.status(500).jsonp({
error: 'Unable to update participant'
and the query works properly modifying the participants subdocument inside Events collection.
The problem:
I need only the modified participant to be returned as JSON and I am not in need of the entire participants array but I am not able to achieve this since I get all the participants when I do console.log(result.participants);
How do I get only the modified subdocument after the query?
You may have to use the native JS filter() method as in the following:
{ '_id': event._id, 'participants._id': participant._id },
{ '$set': { 'participants.$': participant } },
{ upsert: false, new: true },
function(err, result){
return res.status(500).jsonp({
error: 'Unable to update participant'
var modified = result.participants.filter(function(p){
return p._id === participant._id

How do I update a doc in Cloudant using Cloudant Node.js

So, what I'm doing should be really simple, and maybe it is and I'm just doing something wrong. I want to update an existing document in my database but I'm having some issues, can someone please advise?
Nano's Documentation states the following for insert:
db.insert(doc, [params], [callback])
Therefore, I should surely be able to do the following:
var user = {
'firstname' : 'my',
'secondname' : 'name'
db.insert(user, {_rev: '2-cc5825485a9b2f66d79b8a849e162g2f'}, function(err, body) {});
However, whenever I try this, it creates an entirely new document. If I do the following then it will indeed update my document, but of course, with nothing in this document other than the _rev:
db.insert({_rev: '2-cc5825485a9b2f66d79b8a849e162g2f'}, function(err, body) {});
So the question is, how do I pass in my object and get it to update, rather than creating a new record?
var user = {
'firstname' : 'my',
'secondname' : 'name',
'_id': <id from prev object>,
'_rev': <rev from prev object>
db.insert(user, function(err, body) {});
the _id and _rev are both required in order for the update to work.
they should be in the object that you are sending also.
The first argument in the db.insert(...) command is the document which you want to create/update. If you pass in a doc with a ._rev attribute, then it will replace the document with that same _rev in Cloudant with the doc passed in as the first argument of your db.insert(...). If the doc does not include a ._rev attribute, then Cloudant will create an entirely new document.
This explains the behavior you were experiencing in both the scenarios you tried. In order to make an update to your doc, make sure to include ._id and ._rev attributes, along with the rest of your doc's attributes when you use it as the first argument to your db.insert(...) function.
Got it! Here's the solution:
db.get('user', { revs_info: true }, function(err, doc) {
if (!err) {
doc.firstname = 'my';
doc.secondname = 'name';
db.insert(doc,, function(err, doc) {
if(err) {
console.log('Error inserting data\n'+err);
return 500;
return 200;
First get the record id and rev id (_id,_rev)
const newData={email:"",name:"Aftab Falak"}
cloudant.use("user").find({selector:{_id:"user_id"}}, (err, documents) => {
var revision =[0]._rev;
const data={[0],...newData};
if (!err) {
console.log('success', 'The record was updated successfully');
else {
console.log('failure', err);
