I'm trying to write a bool function to return True if a binary tree is a bst using recursion, and I need a little guidance on haskell syntax.
I understand that for a binary tree to be a bst, the left subtree must always contain only nodes less than the head. and the right subtree must always contain only nodes greater than the head. I was structuring my function as such:
isBST :: Tree -> Bool --recieve Tree, return bool
isBST (Lead i) = True --return true if its only one leaf in tree
isBST (Node h l r) = if (((isBST l) < h) && ((isBST r) > h)) then True else False
--return true if left subtree < head AND right subtree > head
But this code results in the error:
Couldn't match expected type ‘Bool’ with actual type ‘Int’
Referring to the < h and > h parts specifically. Is it something wrong with my haskell formatting? Thanks in advance
Is it something wrong with my haskell formatting?
No, it is a semantical error. You write:
(isBST l) < h
So this means you ask Haskell to determine whether l is a binary search tree, which is True or False, but you can not compare True or False with h. Even if you could (some languages see True as 1 and False as 0), then it would still be incorrect, since we want to know whether all nodes in the left subtree are less than h.
So we will somehow need to define bounds. A way to do this is to pass parameters through the recursion and perform checks. A problem with this is that the root of the tree for example, has no bounds. We can fix this by using a Maybe Int is a boundary: if it is Nothing, the boundary is "inactive" so to speak, if it is Just b, then the boundary is "active" with value b.
In order to make this check more convenient, we can first write a way to check this:
checkBound :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> Maybe a -> a -> Bool
checkBound _ Nothing _ = True
checkBound f (Just b) x = f b x
So now we can make a "sandwich check" with:
sandwich :: Ord a => Maybe a -> Maybe a -> a -> Bool
sandwich low upp x = checkBound (<) low x && checkBound (>) upp x
So sandwich is given a lowerbound and an upperbound (both Maybe as), and a value, and checks the lower and upper bounds.
So we can write a function isBST' with:
isBST' :: Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> Tree -> Bool
isBST' low upp ... = ....
There are two cases we need to take into account: the Leaf x case, in which the "sandwich constraint" should be satisfied, and the Node h l r case in which h should satisfy the "sandwich constraint" and furthermore l and r should satsify different sandwhich constraints. For the Leaf x it is thus like:
isBST' low upp (Leaf x) = sandwich low upp x
For the node case, we first check the same constraint, and then enforce a sandwich between low and h for the left part l, and a sandwich between h and upp for the right part r, so:
isBST' low upp (Node h l r) = sandwich low upp h &&
isBST' low jh l &&
isBST' jh upp r
where jh = Just h
Now the only problem we still have is to call isBST' with the root element: here we use Nothing as intial bounds, so:
isBST :: Tree -> Bool
isBST = isBST' Nothing Nothing
There are of course other ways to enforce constraints, like passing and updating functions, or by implement four variants of the isBST' function that check a subset of the constraints.
Martin, I'd recommend you to look at Willem's answer.
Another thing, you could also use your maxInt function that you asked in a previous question to define this function:
isBST (Node h l r) = ... (maxInt l) ... -- at some point we will need to use this
Taking your definition of BSTs:
I understand that for a binary tree to be a bst, the left subtree must
always contain only nodes less than the head. and the right subtree
must always contain only nodes greater than the head.
I'll add that also the subtrees of a node should be BSTs as well.
So we can define this requirement with:
isBST (Node h l r) =
((maxInt l) < h) -- the left subtree must contain nodes less than the head
&& ((minInt r) > h) -- the right must contain nodes greater than the head
&& (...) -- the left subtree should be a BST
&& (...) -- the right subtree should be a BST
Recall that you might need to define minInt :: Tree -> Int, as you probably know how to do that.
I like Willem Van Onsem's pedagogical approach in his answer.
I was going to delete my answer, but am going to post a "correction" instead, at the risk of being wrong again:
data Tree = Empty | Node Int Tree Tree deriving show
isBST :: Tree -> Bool
isBST Empty = True
isBST (Node h l r) = f (<=h) l && f (>=h) r && isBST l && isBST r
f _ Empty = True
f c (Node h l r) = c h && f c l && f c r
Note that I'm using Wikipedia's definition of BST, that
the key in each node must be greater than or equal to any key stored
in the left sub-tree, and less than or equal to any key stored in the
right sub-tree.
So, this tree is NOT a Binary Search Tree. It is in no particular order, and is just in this order for quick access to specific indices (nth element), rather than whether an element exists or not.
The form of the Tree is like so:
data Tree a = Leaf a | Node Int (Tree a) (Tree a) deriving Show
For this specific tree, the "Int" from the Node constructor is the number of elements underneath that node (or number of leaves).
Using this structure, I copied parts of the Tree functions available in a lecture I found online (that I slightly modified when trying to understand):
buildTree :: [a] -> Tree a
buildTree = growLevel . map Leaf
growLevel [node] = node
growLevel l = growLevel $ inner l
inner [] = []
inner (e1:e2:rest) = e1 <> e2 : inner rest
inner xs = xs
join l#(Leaf _) r#(Leaf _) = Node 2 l r
join l#(Node ct _ _) r#(Leaf _) = Node (ct+1) l r
join l#(Leaf _) r#(Node ct _ _) = Node (ct+1) l r
join l#(Node ctl _ _) r#(Node ctr _ _) = Node (ctl+ctr) l r
And I was able to create some basic functions for moving through a tree. I made one that finds the nth element and returns it. I also made a Path datatype and implemented a function to return the path (in left and rights) to a specific index, and one function that can travel through a path and return that Node/Leaf.
Now, what I would like to make is a delete function. The problem here is with the fact that the tree is "leafy", or at least that is what is causing me difficulties.
If I end up with a Leaf at the deletion path, there is no "Null" or equivalent item to replace it with. Additionally, if I try to stop at the last path (like [L]), and check if that's a Node or not, then if it's a leaf replace the whole node with the opposite side etc., I run into the problem of changing the whole tree to reflect that change, not just return the end of the deletion, and change all the numbers from the tree to reflect the change in leaves.
I would like order to be preserved when deleting an item, like if you were to use a list as a simpler example:
del 4 [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7]
If there is a simpler way to structure the Tree (that still can contain duplicate elements and preserve order) what is it?
Is there some way to delete an element using this method?
If I ... replace the whole node with the opposite side ... I run into the problem of changing the whole tree to reflect that change, not just return the end of the deletion, and change all the numbers from the tree to reflect the change in leaves.
Well, not the whole tree - just the path from the deleted node back to the root. And isn't that exactly what you want?
I guess the first step would be, define what you mean by "delete". Should the indexes of undeleted nodes remain the same after deletion, or should nodes after the deleted node have their indexes reduced by one? That is, given:
tree :: [a] -> Tree a
-- get and del both 0-indexed, as in your example
get :: Int -> Tree a -> Maybe a
del :: Int -> Tree a -> Tree a
then of course
get 5 $ tree [1..7]
should yield Just 6. But what about
get 5 . del 4 $ tree [1..7]
? If you want this to still yield Just 6 (there is a "blank" spot in your tree where 5 used to be), that is a rather tricky concept, I think. You can put Nothings in to make space, if you define Leaf (Maybe a) instead of Leaf a, but this only papers over the problem: inserts will still shift indices around.
I think it is much simpler for this to yield Just 7 instead, making del 4 $ tree [1..7] the same as tree [1,2,3,4,6,7]. If this is your goal, then you simply must renumber all the nodes on the path from the deleted node back to the root: there is no getting around the fact that they all have one fewer leaf descendant now. But the other nodes in the tree can remain untouched.
For reference, one possible implementation of del:
count :: Tree a -> Int
count (Leaf _) = 1
count (Node s _ _) = s
del :: Int -> Tree a -> Maybe (Tree a)
del n t | n < 0 || n >= size || size <= 1 = Nothing
| otherwise = go n t
where size = count t
go n (Leaf _) = Nothing
go n (Node s l r) | n < size = reparent flip l r
| otherwise = reparent id r l
where reparent k c o = pure . maybe o (k (Node (s - 1)) o) $ go n c
size = count l
If I end up with a Leaf at the deletion path, there is no "Null" or equivalent item to replace it with.
Well, make one :). This is what Maybe is for: when you delete an element from a Tree, you cannot expect to get a Tree back, because Tree is defined to be nonempty. You need to explicitly add the possibility of emptiness by wrapping in Maybe. Deletion may also fail with an out-of-bounds error, which I represent with Either Int and incorporate into the logic.
delete :: Int -> Tree a -> Either Int (Maybe (Tree a))
delete i t | i >= max = Left (i - max) where max = count t
delete _ (Leaf _) = Right Nothing
delete i (Node n l r) = case delete i l of
Left i' -> Just <$> maybe l (Node (n - 1) l) <$> delete i' r
Right l' -> Right $ Just $ maybe r (\x -> Node (n - 1) x r) l'
Where count is as I recommended in the comments:
count :: Tree a -> Int
count (Leaf _) = 1
count (Node n _ _) = n
I'm working my way through Haskell Programming From First Principles and am stuck proving that I've correctly answered question 1 of the Finally something other than a list exercise subsection. The following function invocation doesn't terminate and I can't tell if that's expected or if my implementation is faulty.
data BinaryTree a = Leaf
| Node (BinaryTree a) a (BinaryTree a)
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
unfold :: (a -> Maybe (a, b, a)) -> a -> BinaryTree b
unfold func seed =
case (func seed) of
Just (l, m, r) -> Node (unfold func l) m (unfold func r)
Nothing -> Leaf
I would think that each a/x would eventually be decremented/incremented until it causes the if to take the True branch and return a Nothing/Leaf.
func = (\x -> if (x < 0 || x > 10)
then Nothing
else Just (x - 1, x, x + 1))
unfold func 5
-- Node (Node (Node (Node (Node (Node Leaf 0 ... ad infinitum
The reason the program never terminates can be understood if you try to invoke func outside unfold. Here, I renamed func to unfolder, because the Haskell linter didn't like that it had the same name as the func argument.
Close to the boundaries, unfolder returns these values:
*So> unfolder 1
Just (0,1,2)
*So> unfolder 0
Just (-1,0,1)
*So> unfolder (-1)
For unfolder 0, the left branch clearly evaluates to Nothing the next time around, but the right branch is unfolder 1, which evaluates to Just (0,1,2), and so on ad infinitum.
Your implementation generates infinitely many calls to unfold.
Consider the first recursive call, where your initial seed value of 5 is split into 4 and 6 for the left and right subtree. There you split this new seed into 3 and 5 on the left and 5 and 7 on the right, hence you define an infinitely large tree.
I'm a beginner at Haskell and am having some trouble with understanding the warnings I get. I have implemented a binary tree,
data Tree a = Nil | Node a (Tree a) (Tree a) deriving (Eq, Show,
and it works fine but I get incomplete patterns warning on this code
get :: Ord a => a -> Tree a -> Maybe a
get _ Nil = Nothing
get x (Node v lt rt)
| x == v = Just x
| x < v = get x lt
| x > v = get x rt
The pattern it wants me to match is _ (Node _ _ _ ). I'm not sure what this pattern means?
There are two problems here. First of all, the datatype:
data Tree a = Nil | Node a (Tree left) (Tree right) deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
-- ^ left? ^ right?
In your data definition, you make use of left and right, but those are not defined in the head of the data definition, therefore these are not type parameters. You probably wanted to say:
data Tree a = Nil
| Node { value :: a, left :: Tree a, right :: Tree a}
deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
But now we still get an error:
hs.hs:5:1: Warning:
Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive
In an equation for ‘get’: Patterns not matched: _ (Node _ _ _)
Ok, modules loaded: Main.
The problem here is that Haskell does not know that two values can only be <, == or >).
If you write an instance of Ord, then you have a "contact" that you will define a total ordering. In other words, for any two values x and y, it holds that x < y, x > y or x == y. The problem is however that Haskell does not know that. For Haskell any of the functions (<), (==) or (>) can result in True or False. Therefore - since a compiler is always conservative - it considers the case where there are two values such that all x < y, x == y and x > y fail (say that you hypothetically would have written foo x y, bar x y and qux x y then this definitely could happens since those are three blackbox functions). You can resolve it by writing otherwise in the last case:
get :: Ord a => a -> Tree a -> Maybe a
get _ Nil = Nothing
get x (Node v lt rt)
| x == v = Just x
| x < v = get x lt
| otherwise = get x rt
otherwise is an alias for True and therefore there is no possibility not to take that branch. So now the conservative compiler understands that, regardless what the values of x and y are, it will always take some branch, because if it does not take the first two, it will certainly take the last one.
You may think that it is weird, but since the contracts are usually not specified in a formal language (only in the documentation, so a natural language), the compiler has no means to know that: you could as a programmer decide not to respect the contracts (but note that this is a very bad idea). Even if you write a formal contract usually as a programmer you still can decide not to respect it and furthermore a compiler cannot always do the required logical reasoning about the formal contracts.
Willem Van Onsem has already explained the issue well. I only want to add that it is possible to perform a comparison between x and v in a very similar way to the posted code, whose branches are however found exhaustive by the compiler.
Instead of
get :: Ord a => a -> Tree a -> Maybe a
get _ Nil = Nothing
get x (Node v lt rt)
| x == v = Just x
| x < v = get x lt
| x > v = get x rt
simply use
get :: Ord a => a -> Tree a -> Maybe a
get _ Nil = Nothing
get x (Node v lt rt) = case compare x v of
EQ -> Just x
LT -> get x lt
GT -> get x rt
Indeed, compare is a function taking two arguments and returning a value in the enumerated type Ordering, which can only be EQ (equal), LT (less than), and GT (greater than). Since this is an algebraic type, GHC can see that all its constructors are handled by the case.
Further, depending on the actual type a, using compare can be more efficient. E.g., when comparing two potentially long strings, it's suboptimal to traverse them twice (if not three times, in the original code): compare does only a single pass to both strings and determines which order relation holds.
So this week we learned about union types, tail recursion and binary trees in Haskell. We defined our tree data type like so:
data BinTree a = Empty
| Node (BinTree a) a (BinTree a)
deriving (Eq, Show)
leaf :: a -> BinTree a
leaf x = Node Empty x Empty
Now we were asked to write a function to find the most left node, return it, cut it out and also return the remaining tree without the node we just cut.
We did something like this, which worked quite well:
splitleftmost :: BinTree a -> Maybe (a, BinTree a)
splitleftmost Empty = Nothing
splitleftmost (Node l a r) = case splitleftmost l of
Nothing -> Just (a, r)
Just (a',l') -> Just (a', Node l' a r)
Now I need to make this function tail recursive. I think I understood what tail recursion is about, but found it hard to apply it to this problem. I was told to write a function which calls the main function with the fitting arguments, but was still not able to solve this.
Since nodes do not have a parent link, one approach would be to maintain root-to-leaf path within a list. At the end the modified tree can be constructed using a left fold:
slm :: BinTree a -> Maybe (a, BinTree a)
slm = run []
run _ Empty = Nothing
run t (Node Empty x r) = Just (x, foldl go r t)
where go l (Node _ x r) = Node l x r
run t n#(Node l _ _) = run (n:t) l
As others have hinted, there is no reason, in Haskell, to make this function tail-recursive. In fact, a tail-recursive solution will almost certainly be slower than the one you have devised! The main potential inefficiencies in the code you've provided involve allocation of pair and Just constructors. I believe GHC (with optimization enabled) will be able to figure out how to avoid these. My guess is that its ultimate code will probably look something like this:
splitleftmost :: BinTree a -> Maybe (a, BinTree a)
splitleftmost Empty = Nothing
splitleftmost (Node l a r) =
case slm l a r of
(# hd, tl #) -> Just (hd, tl)
slm :: BinTree a -> a -> BinTree a
-> (# a, BinTree a #)
slm Empty a r = (# a, r #)
slm (Node ll la lr) a r =
case slm ll la lr of
(# hd, tl' #) -> (# hd, Node tl' a r #)
Those funny-looking (# ..., ... #) things are unboxed pairs, which are handled pretty much like multiple return values. In particular, no actual tuple constructor is allocated until the end. By recognizing that every invocation of splitleftmost with a non-empty tree will produce a Just result, we (and thus almost certainly GHC) can separate the empty case from the rest to avoid allocating intermediate Just constructors. So this final code only allocates stack frames to handle the recursive results. Since some representation of such a stack is inherently necessary to solve this problem, using GHC's built-in one seems pretty likely to give the best results.
Here, not to spoil anything, are some "tail recursive" definitions of functions for summing along the left and right branches, at least as I understand "tail recursion":
sumLeftBranch tree = loop 0 tree where
loop n Empty = n
loop n (Node l a r) = loop (n+a) l
sumRightBranch tree = loop 0 tree where
loop n Empty = n
loop n (Node l a r) = loop (n+a) r
You can see that all the recursive uses of loop will have the same answer as the first call loop 0 tree - the arguments just keep getting put into better and better shape, til they are in the ideal shape, loop n Empty, which is n, the desired sum.
If this is the kind of thing that is wanted, the setup for splitleftmost would be
splitLeftMost tree = loop Nothing tree
loop m Empty = m
loop Nothing (Node l a r) = loop ? ?
loop (Just (a',r')) (Node l a r) = loop ? ?
Here, the first use of loop is in the form of loop Nothing tree, but that's the same as loop result Empty - when we come to it, namely result. It took me a couple of tries to get the missing arguments to loop ? ? right, but, as usual, they were obvious once I got them.
I have this data definition for a tree:
data Tree = Leaf Int | Node Tree Int Tree
and I have to make a function, nSatisfy, to check how many items of the tree check some predicate.
Here's what I've done:
nSatisfy :: (Int->Bool) -> Tree -> Int
nSatisfy _ Leaf = 0
nSatisfy y (Node left x right)
|y x = 1 + nSatisfy y (Node left x right)
| otherwise = nSatisfy y (Node left x right)
Is this the right way to solve this problem?
In your nSatisfy function, you should add the number of nodes satisfying the condition in both subtrees with two recursive calls. The last two lines should be like this:
|x y=1+(nSatisfy y left)+(nSatisfy y right)
|otherwise=(nSatisfy y left)+(nSatisfy y right)
This way, it will call itself again on the same node but only on the subtrees.
Also, if a leaf contains an integer, as is implied in the data declaration, you should make it evaluate the condition for a leaf and return 1 if it is true, instead of always returning 0.
In addition to the main answer, I'd like to offer a slightly different way how to generalize your problem and solving it using existing libraries.
The operation you're seeking is common to many data structures - to go through all elements and perform some operation on them. Haskell defines Foldable type-class, which can be implemented by structures like yours.
First let's import some modules we'll need:
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Monoid
In order to use Foldable, we need to generalize the structure a bit, in particular parametrize its content:
data Tree a = Leaf a | Node (Tree a) a (Tree a)
In many cases this is a good idea as it separates the structure from its content and allows it to be easily reused.
Now let's define its Foldable instance. For tree-like structures it's easier to define it using foldMap, which maps each element into a monoid and then combines all values:
instance Foldable Tree where
foldMap f (Leaf x) = f x
foldMap f (Node lt x rt) = foldMap f lt <> f x <> foldMap f rt
This immediately gives us the whole library of functions in the Data.Foldable module, such as searching for an element, different kinds of folds, etc. While a function counting the number of values satisfying some predicate isn't defined there, we can easily define it for any Foldable. The idea is that we'll use the Sum:
nSatisfy :: (Foldable f) => (a -> Bool) -> f a -> Int
nSatisfy p = getSum . foldMap (\x -> Sum $ if p x then 1 else 0)
The idea behind this function is simple: Map each value to 1 if it satisfies the predicate, otherwise to 0. And then folding with the Sum monoid just adds all values up.