HelpIntent, CancelIntent, and StopIntent - node.js

This is my first certification. My skill is pretty simple. I've registered two handlers:
const handlers = {
'LaunchRequest': function () {
this.handler.state = "ASKMODE";
'Ask me to play a musical note, for example, say C sharp');
'Unhandled': function () {
this.response.speak('I do not know how to proceed. Try asking for a note like, alexa, ask pitch pipe to give me a d flat.');
'PlayPitch': function () {
const noteSlot = this.event.request.intent.slots.Note;
let noteName;
if (noteSlot && noteSlot.value) {
noteName = noteSlot.value.toLowerCase();
var speech = resultingSpeech(noteName);
else {
this.response.speak('I don\'t know that note.');
const followUpHandlers = Alexa.CreateStateHandler("ASKMODE", {
'PlayPitch': function () {
const noteSlot = this.event.request.intent.slots.Note;
let noteName;
if (noteSlot && noteSlot.value) {
noteName = noteSlot.value.toLowerCase();
var speech = resultingSpeech(noteName);
else {
const speechOutput = 'Pitch Pipe will play any note of the 12 tone scale surrounding A440 ';
const reprompt = 'Simply speak the name of a note, such as e flat.';
'AMAZON.HelpIntent': function () {
const speechOutput = 'Pitch Pipe will play any note of the 12 tone scale surrounding A440 ';
const reprompt = 'Simply speak the name of a note, such as e flat.';
'AMAZON.CancelIntent': function () {
'AMAZON.StopIntent': function () {
this.response.speak('See you later!');
'Unhandled': function () {
this.response.speak('I think you asked for a note, but I don\'t understand.');
So the original LaunchRequest on handlers works appropriately and when it comes back in ASKMODE it goes to the followUpHandlers with a PitchPipe intent, which works fine as well.
The problem is in handling help/cancel/stop. If, while in ASKMODE, you say, "Help" it comes back into the PitchPipe intent with no value in the slot. I have hacked it to handle help for now, but can't figure out how this should really work.

This problem was caused by the fact that I had saved my interaction model, but not built it. Once I built the interaction model, everything worked perfectly.


Getting timestamp of individual alexa responses in dynamodb

I am creating an Alexa factskill that asks the user for some information on their health, and users respond with a score from 1-10 depending on the level of pain in different areas. I then input the data into a DynamoDB table, which stores the information(score out of 10) for the four health questions (swelling, feeling, sleeping, breathing) and the user ID. However, the entries are not giving a timestamp for when they were created. I was wondering if there was a way to make a timestamp for preferably every health question response, but also a timestamp for the entire entry would help. Would I have to use any external SDKs, as I was looking up DynamoDB documentations and didn't find out any way to add a timestamp.
Below is my index.js code for my Lambda function that is used for my Alexa skill.
'use strict';
const Alexa = require('alexa-sdk');
const SKILL_NAME = 'Home Assist';
const HELP_MESSAGE = 'You can say I want to input my data';
const HELP_REPROMPT = 'What can I help you with?';
const STOP_MESSAGE = 'Goodbye!';
const handlers = {
'LaunchRequest': function () {
'HomeAssistQuestions': function () {
this.attributes.healthscores = {
'patientID' : 0,
'scores': {
'feeling': {
'score': 0
'sleeping': {
'score': 0
'breathing': {
'score': 0
'swollen': {
'score': 0
if(this.event.request.dialogState !== 'COMPLETED'){
const feelingScore = this.event.request.intent.slots.feelingRating.value;
const sleepingScore = this.event.request.intent.slots.sleepingRating.value;
const breathingScore = this.event.request.intent.slots.breathingRating.value;
const swollenScore = this.event.request.intent.slots.SwollenRating.value;
const id =;
this.attributes.healthscores.patientID = id;
this.attributes.healthscores.scores['feeling'].score = feelingScore;
this.attributes.healthscores.scores['sleeping'].score = sleepingScore;
this.attributes.healthscores.scores['breathing'].score = breathingScore;
this.attributes.healthscores.scores['swollen'].score = swollenScore;
this.response.speak("Health Scores Recorded");
'AMAZON.HelpIntent': function () {
const speechOutput = HELP_MESSAGE;
const reprompt = HELP_REPROMPT;
'AMAZON.CancelIntent': function () {
'AMAZON.StopIntent': function () {
'SessionEndedRequest': function(){
this.emit('saveState', true);
exports.handler = function (event, context, callback) {
const alexa = Alexa.handler(event, context, callback);
alexa.dynamoDBTableName = 'HealthScores';
alexa.APP_ID = "amzn1.ask.skill.d5b8d597-eb50-41c6-a22d-b0f18c23b544";
You can try something like this:
this.attributes.healthscores.scores['swollen'].score = swollenScore;
this.attributes.healthscores.timestamp =;
this.response.speak("Health Scores Recorded");

alexa implement CanFulfillIntentRequest in node.js

Alexa has released CanFulfillIntentRequest feature or Name-free Interaction for custom skills recently. I am trying to implement it in my existing skill which uses alexa-sdk. Please find my code below:
'use strict';
const Alexa = require('alexa-sdk');
var handlers = {
'LaunchRequest': function() {
var speechOutput = "You can ask me to read out quotes from Steve Jobs";
var repromptText = "Sorry I didnt understand";
this.emit(':tell', speechOutput, repromptText);
'RandomQuote': function() {
let data = getQuoteFunction();
const author = data[0];
const quote = data[1];
let cardTitle = "Quotation from author";
let cardContent = "Actual quote";
let speechOutput = "Actual quote";
// Speak out the output along with card information
this.emit(':tellWithCard', speechOutput, cardTitle, cardContent);
exports.handler = function (event, context, callback) {
const alexa = Alexa.handler(event, context, callback);
Do we need to add handler for CanFulfillIntentRequest, the way I did for other handlers ? for example:
var handlers = {
'LaunchRequest': function() {
'RandomQuote': function() {
'CanFulfillIntentRequest': function() {
//code to handle
Is this feature only available in ASK SDK v2 for Node.js ? Can we implement it in skill developed using alexa-sdk. Could anyone please let me know ?

Alexa-SDK Audio Issue

I've been trying to make an alexa skill that involves audio. I found a great guide here.
Here is their example code:
var stateByUser = {};
var podcastURL = "";
// Entry-point for the Lambda
exports.handler = function(event, context) {
var player = new SimplePlayer(event, context);
// The SimplePlayer has helpful routines for interacting with Alexa, within minimal overhead
var SimplePlayer = function (event, context) {
this.event = event;
this.context = context;
// Handles an incoming Alexa request
SimplePlayer.prototype.handle = function () {
var requestType = this.event.request.type;
var userId = this.event.context ? this.event.context.System.user.userId : this.event.session.user.userId;
var response = null;
// On launch, we tell the user what they can do (Play audio :-))
if (requestType === "LaunchRequest") {
this.say("Welcome to the Simple Audio Player. Say Play to play some audio!", "You can say Play");
// Handle Intents here - Play, Pause and Resume is all for now
} else if (requestType === "IntentRequest") {
var intent = this.event.request.intent;
if ( === "Play") {, 0);
} else if ( === "AMAZON.PauseIntent") {
// When we receive a Pause Intent, we need to issue a stop directive
// Otherwise, it will resume playing - essentially, we are confirming the user's action
} else if ( === "AMAZON.ResumeIntent") {
var lastPlayed = this.load(userId);
var offsetInMilliseconds = 0;
if (lastPlayed !== null) {
offsetInMilliseconds = lastPlayed.request.offsetInMilliseconds;
}, offsetInMilliseconds);
} else if (requestType === "AudioPlayer.PlaybackStopped") {
// We save off the PlaybackStopped Intent, so we know what was last playing, this.event);
* Creates a proper Alexa response using Text-To-Speech
* #param message
* #param repromptMessage
SimplePlayer.prototype.say = function (message, repromptMessage) {
var response = {
version: "1.0",
response: {
shouldEndSession: false,
outputSpeech: {
type: "SSML",
ssml: "<speak> " + message + " </speak>"
reprompt: {
outputSpeech: {
type: "SSML",
ssml: "<speak> " + message + " </speak>"
* Plays a particular track, from specific offset
* #param audioURL The URL to play
* #param offsetInMilliseconds The point from which to play - we set this to something other than zero when resuming
*/ = function (audioURL, offsetInMilliseconds) {
var response = {
version: "1.0",
response: {
shouldEndSession: true,
directives: [
type: "AudioPlayer.Play",
playBehavior: "REPLACE_ALL", // Setting to REPLACE_ALL means that this track will start playing immediately
audioItem: {
stream: {
url: audioURL,
token: "0", // Unique token for the track - needed when queueing multiple tracks
expectedPreviousToken: null, // The expected previous token - when using queues, ensures safety
offsetInMilliseconds: offsetInMilliseconds
// Stops the playback of Audio
SimplePlayer.prototype.stop = function () {
var response = {
version: "1.0",
response: {
shouldEndSession: true,
directives: [
type: "AudioPlayer.Stop"
// Saves information into our super simple, not-production-grade cache = function (userId, state) {
console.log("Save: " + userId);
stateByUser[userId] = state;
// Load information from our super simple, not-production-grade cache
SimplePlayer.prototype.load = function (userId) {
console.log("Load: " + userId);
var state = null;
if (userId in stateByUser) {
state = stateByUser[userId];
console.log("Loaded " + userId + " State: " + state);
return state;
I am trying to refactor this code so that it follows a similar format to the trivia skills example that amazon provides. However, when I run my refactored code I get an error saying
TypeError: Cannot set property 'say' of undefined
at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/Rob/Desktop/super-simple-audio-player/index.js:47:28)
Here is my attempt at refactoring
"use strict";
var stateByUser = {};
var podcastURL = "";
var Alexa = require("alexa-sdk");
// Entry-point for the Lambda
exports.handler = function(event, context) {
var alexa = Alexa.handler(event, context);
// The SimplePlayer has helpful routines for interacting with Alexa, within minimal overhead
var SimplePlayer = {
"LaunchRequest": function () {
this.emit(":tell","Welcome to the Simple Audio Player. Say play to begin.");
"Play": function() {, 0);
"AMAZON.PauseIntent": function() {
"AMAZON.ResumeIntent": function () {
var lastPlayed = this.load(userId);
var offsetInMilliseconds = 0;
if (lastPlayed !== null) {
offsetInMilliseconds = lastPlayed.request.offsetInMilliseconds;
}, offsetInMilliseconds);
"AudioPlayer.PlaybackStopped": function () {, this.event);
// Handles an incoming Alexa request
SimplePlayer.prototype.say = function (message, repromptMessage) {
var response = {
version: "1.0",
response: {
shouldEndSession: false,
outputSpeech: {
type: "SSML",
ssml: "<speak> " + message + " </speak>"
reprompt: {
outputSpeech: {
type: "SSML",
ssml: "<speak> " + message + " </speak>"
* Plays a particular track, from specific offset
* #param audioURL The URL to play
* #param offsetInMilliseconds The point from which to play - we set this to something other than zero when resuming
*/ = function (audioURL, offsetInMilliseconds) {
var response = {
version: "1.0",
response: {
shouldEndSession: true,
directives: [
type: "AudioPlayer.Play",
playBehavior: "REPLACE_ALL", // Setting to REPLACE_ALL means that this track will start playing immediately
audioItem: {
stream: {
url: audioURL,
token: "0", // Unique token for the track - needed when queueing multiple tracks
expectedPreviousToken: null, // The expected previous token - when using queues, ensures safety
offsetInMilliseconds: offsetInMilliseconds
// Stops the playback of Audio
SimplePlayer.prototype.stop = function () {
var response = {
version: "1.0",
response: {
shouldEndSession: true,
directives: [
type: "AudioPlayer.Stop"
// Saves information into our super simple, not-production-grade cache = function (userId, state) {
console.log("Save: " + userId);
stateByUser[userId] = state;
// Load information from our super simple, not-production-grade cache
SimplePlayer.prototype.load = function (userId) {
console.log("Load: " + userId);
var state = null;
if (userId in stateByUser) {
state = stateByUser[userId];
console.log("Loaded " + userId + " State: " + state);
return state;
I've added alexa-sdk and changed the exports.handler and the simplePlayer.prototype.handler(). Any thoughts as to why it is not working?
Thanks in advance
I actually created the project you reference. Glad you are finding it useful.
In re-factoring the project, you changed it from prototype-style JS object to an object literal. Both are viable approaches, but the object literal becomes a problem when holding the state for a particular request (the event and context fields in particular).
It also means that the prototype methods defined in the project are not available from the object literal definition. You need to instantiate SimplePlayer (by calling new SimplePlayer(event, context)) before you will get those.
If you want to understand the trade-off between these approaches better, you can read here:
Object literal vs constructor+prototype
Here is an example of working with the Alexa SDK consistent with my project. It defines the "LaunchRequest" function as a prototype function rather than simply a property:
SimplePlayer.prototype.LaunchRequest = function () {
this.emit(":tell", "Welcome to the Simple Audio Player. Say play to begin.");
You also need to make sure to instantiate the SimplePlayer (not just reference it). When registering it, it should look like this:
alexa.registerHandlers(new SimplePlayer(event, context));
Hope that makes sense, and good luck with it! Let me know how it goes (I can always be reached at

Amazon Alexa Session Attributes don't persist

I'm using the nodejs 'alexa-sdk' to develop a pension calculator skill for Amazon Alexa. The problem I have is that when switching from one state to another it doesn't keep the session attributes. I'm storing them like
this.attributes['ATTRIBUTE_NAME'] = 'some_value';
But when I get to the point to give an answer (Alexa.CreateStateHandler(states.ANSWER[...]), all attributes are 'undefined'. Can anyone advise what I'm doing wrong with storing or passing on the session attributes?
var Alexa = require('alexa-sdk');
var moment = require('moment'); // deals with dates and date formatting, for instance converts AMAZON.DATE to timestamp
// import pension calculator
var calculator = require('./pensionCalculator');
var GENDERCUTOFFDATE = new Date(1953, 12, 6);
// States are required for conversational skills.
// States assume a context. e.g. _DOB expects date of birth; providing a gender in this state would confuse Alexa.
// UX design principle have to be as unambiguous as possible in language (e.g. "are you male or female" vs "what gender are you?")
var states = {
START: '_STARTMODE', // Prompt the user to start or restart
DOB: '_DOB',
// Outbound messages spoken back to end user.
// alexa-nodejs-sdk wraps all strings in the advanced SSML speech markup (<speak>STRING HERE</speak>) that allows phonetic overrides etc.
var snippets = {
WELCOME: "<s>Welcome to the D W P Pension Age calculator.</s> " +
"<s>You can ask to calculate your pension age or for the U K pension eligibility criteria?</s>",
WELCOME_REPROMPT: "You can say, " +
"Calculate my pension age or, say what are the eligibility criteria in the U K.",
GENDER: "Thank you. Are you female or male?",
GENDER_REPROMPT: "In order to calculate your pension age, please tell me: Are you male or female?",
GENDER_INVALID: "Sorry I couldn't understand your gender, can you please tell me if you are you male or female?",
DATEOFBIRTH: "Ok, please tell me what is your date of birth?",
DATEOFBIRTH_REPROMPT: "In order to calculate your pension age please tell me your date of birth?",
DATEOFBIRTH_INVALID_FUTURE: "Nice you're from the future. Did you bring a hoverboard? Seriously, can you please say your actual date of birth please?",
DATEOFBIRTH_INVALID: "Please say your date of birth. For example you can say, my date of birth is the 23rd of April 1980",
STOP: "Thank you for using the D W P pension calculator.",
HELP: "You can ask things like: What is my pension age or what are the eligibility criteria.",
HELP_REPROMPT: "Simply say: calculate pension or eligibility criteria.",
UNHANDLED: "I'm sorry I couldn't understand what you meant. Can you please say it again?"
// You define a set of state handlers for every state PLUS the new session / launch event.
var newSessionHandlers = {
// session variables stored in this.attributes
// session state is stored in this.handler.state
// handler.state vs Intent vs
'LaunchRequest': function() {
// Initialise State
this.handler.state = states.START;
// emitWithState should be called executeStateHandler("Start").
// As such this will call a handler "Start" in the startStateHandlers object.
// Maybe this line and the previous line could be more coherently wrapped into a single
// function:
// this.stateTransition( states.START, "Start" )
// It's unclear whether this can ever happen as it's triggered by Alexa itself.
"Unhandled": function () {
var speechText = "I wasn't launched yet";
this.emit(":ask", speechText);
// This is the beginning of our skill.
// This is a list of accepted intents Alexa is listening for
// when the skill has just started.
// In this specific version, a user can't provide things like date of birth
// or gender as part of the initial skill invocation because we've not included in this set of start state handlers.
// We could but haven't in this particular scenario.
var startStateHandlers = Alexa.CreateStateHandler(states.START, {
'Start': function() {
this.attributes['dob'] = '';
this.attributes['gender'] = '';
this.handler.state = states.START;
var speechText = snippets.WELCOME;
var repromptText = snippets.WELCOME_REPROMPT;
// emit is the exit point to instruct Alexa how to and what to communicate with end user.
// e.g. do we want further information? (:ask) / no further information, skill terminates (:tell)
// do we provide a voice response with or without a card on the mobile device (:ask vs :askWithCard)
// as we've said :ask we are expecting the user to provide more information.
// maybe this function could be called this.respond()
// this is going to speak the snippets.WELCOME which implicitly asks a question (hence :ask).
// reprompt text is automatically spoken after a few seconds. This is a feature of the NodeJS SDK.
// See Unhandled for the fallback / unrecognised utteranes.
this.emit(':ask', speechText, repromptText);
// the intent text is defined in the
// Alexa interaction model web page at
// represented as sample utterances.
'StartCalculationIntent': function () {
var speechText = snippets.DATEOFBIRTH;
var repromptText = snippets.DATEOFBIRTH_REPROMPT;
// Change State to calculation
this.handler.state = states.DOB;
this.emit(':ask', speechText, repromptText);
// a predefined Utterance that you don't need to define in your interaction model
// We are choosing to provide this help function but equally you don't need to.
"AMAZON.HelpIntent": function () {
var speechText = snippets.HELP;
var repromptText = snippets.HELP_REPROMPT;
this.emit(':ask', speechText, repromptText);
"Unhandled": function () {
var speechText = snippets.UNHANDLED;
this.emit(":ask", speechText);
// User says stop. Stops even in the middle of a response.
"AMAZON.StopIntent": function () {
var speechText = snippets.STOP;
this.emit(":tell", speechText);
// unclear really what the difference is; default working practice is
// to do the same thing
// in a production system we'd probably dedupe this function.
"AMAZON.CancelIntent": function () {
var speechText = snippets.STOP;
this.emit(":tell", speechText);
"AMAZON.StartOverIntent": function () {
// TODO determine when this is requested and what initiates it
// Implement handler to save state if state should be stored persistently e.g. to DynamoDB
// 'SessionEndedRequest': function () {
// console.log('session ended!');
// this.emit(':saveState', true);
// }
// TODO add 'AMAZON.RepeatIntent' that repeats the last question.
var dobStateHandlers = Alexa.CreateStateHandler(states.DOB, {
'DateOfBirthIntent': function () {
var speechText = "",
repromptText = "";
var date_string = this.event.request.intent.slots.dob.value;
var date = moment(date_string);
if (date.isValid()) {
if (!isFutureDate(date)) {
// ALL GOOD – dob not in the future
speechText = snippets.GENDER;
repromptText = snippets.GENDER_REPROMPT;
this.attributes['dob'] = date_string;
if(isGenderNeeded(date)) {
// Transition to next state
this.handler.state = states.GENDER;
// this.emit(":saveState", false);
this.emit(':ask', speechText, repromptText);
} else {
// gender not needed
// this.attributes['gender'] = "unisex";
this.handler.state = states.ANSWER;
// this.emit(":saveState", false);
} else {
// dob in the future
// this.emit(":saveState", false);
repromptText = snippets.DATEOFBIRTH_INVALID_FUTURE; // could be improved by using alternative prompt text
this.emit(':ask', speechText, repromptText);
} else {
// not a valid Date
speechText = snippets.DATEOFBIRTH_INVALID;
// this.emit(':saveState', false);
repromptText = snippets.DATEOFBIRTH_INVALID; // could be improved by using alternative prompt text
this.emit(':ask', speechText, repromptText);
"AMAZON.HelpIntent": function () {
var speechText = snippets.HELP;
var repromptText = snippets.HELP_REPROMPT;
this.emit(':ask', speechText, repromptText);
"Unhandled": function () {
var speechText = snippets.UNHANDLED;
this.emit(":ask", speechText);
"AMAZON.StopIntent": function () {
var speechText = snippets.STOP;
this.emit(":tell", speechText);
"AMAZON.CancelIntent": function () {
var speechText = snippets.STOP;
this.emit(":tell", speechText);
"AMAZON.StartOverIntent": function () {
'SessionEndedRequest': function () {
// this.emit(':saveState', false);
// this.attributes['dob'] = date_string;
// this.attributes['dob'] = date_string;
console.log('session ended!');
var genderStateHandlers = Alexa.CreateStateHandler(states.GENDER, {
'GenderIntent': function () {
var speechText = "",
repromptText = "";
var gender = this.event.request.intent.slots.gender.value;
if (isGenderSlotValid(gender)) {
// valid gender
this.attributes['gender'] = gender;
this.handler.state = states.ANSWER;
this.emit(':saveState', false);
} else {
// not a valid gender
speechText = snippets.GENDER_INVALID;
repromptText = snippets.GENDER_INVALID; // could be improved by using alternative prompt text
this.emit(':saveState', false);
this.emit(':ask', speechText, repromptText);
"AMAZON.HelpIntent": function () {
var speechText = snippets.HELP;
var repromptText = snippets.HELP_REPROMPT;
this.emit(':ask', speechText, repromptText);
"Unhandled": function () {
var speechText = snippets.UNHANDLED;
this.emit(":ask", speechText);
"AMAZON.StopIntent": function () {
var speechText = snippets.STOP;
this.emit(":tell", speechText);
"AMAZON.CancelIntent": function () {
var speechText = snippets.STOP;
this.emit(":tell", speechText);
"AMAZON.StartOverIntent": function () {
'SessionEndedRequest': function () {
this.emit(':saveState', false);
console.log('session ended!');
var answerStateHandlers = Alexa.CreateStateHandler(states.ANSWER, {
'Answer': function () {
console.log(`##### START INPUT SNIPPETS #####`);
// var dob =
// var gender = ;
console.log(`this.attributes.dob: "${this.attributes.dob}"`);
console.log(`this.attributes.gender: "${this.attributes.gender}"`);
var pensionDate = calculator.calculatePension(this.attributes.dob, this.attributes.gender);
console.log(`pensionDate: "${pensionDate}"`);
var speechText = calculator.createPensionSnippet(pensionDate);
// Change State to Start again
this.handler.state = states.START;
this.emit(':tell', speechText);
console.log(`##### STOP SNIPPET #####`);
"Unhandled": function () {
var speechText = snippets.UNHANDLED;
this.emit(":ask", speechText);
function isGenderSlotValid(gender) {
if (gender == "male" || gender == "female") {
return true
} else {
return false
function isFutureDate(dob) {
var today = moment();
if (dob > today) {
return true
} else {
return false
function isGenderNeeded(dob) {
exports.handler = function(event, context, callback) {
var alexa = Alexa.handler(event, context);
alexa.appId = process.env.appId;
// alexa.appId = "your skill ID"; // better store it as ENV variable at AWS Lambda
// alexa.resources = languageStrings;
// register intent handlers for each state + new session.
// Each state constrains possible intents Alexa is listening for.
// If you only have one handler you are context-free and cannot have state.
alexa.registerHandlers(newSessionHandlers, startStateHandlers, dobStateHandlers, genderStateHandlers, answerStateHandlers);
You're missing a few ";"'s after this.emit("..."), They may be optional but I'd add them.
Try enabling "strict mode" for better error detection
Also why are you using
this.emit(':saveState', false);
It's commented out in a number of places except for inside GENDER
Finally, I reference my state variables as
Not a bad thing to try.
Possibility 1:
this.emit(':saveState', false);
Is used to save data to a DynamoDB database. Since you do not appear to be saving to a database this line of code is unnecesary. Alexa will persist your variables throughout a user session and they will then be forgotten either when the skill times out or the user ends the skill.
It's possible there is a mixup trying to save to a non existant database and that's what's causing your dropped data.
If you're interested in saving to a database follow the instructions found in the Alexa Node SDK
It's as simple as adding 1 line of code:
alexa.dynamoDBTableName = 'YourTableName'; // That's it!
Advice: Remove all save state directives
Possibility 2:
You have multiple states linked together in an odd way.
if (isGenderSlotValid(gender)) {
// valid gender
this.attributes['gender'] = gender;
this.handler.state = states.ANSWER;
this.emit(':saveState', false);
In this code your user has invoked the 'GenderIntent' you've determined what the gender is and then you call another intent "Answer". I see you "try to save the data" between switching intent but as stated above this.emit(':saveState', false); saves to a database not locally. It's very likely that the session attributes are saved when you emit and :ask or a :tell therefore since you are switching to a new intent handler Answer before returning an :ask or a :tell it's likely you are over writing or discarding the previous event handler, gender's, actions.
Advice: move the code from Answer and put it inside gender. Once you have all the information you need there's no need to jump to a different handler.
if (isGenderSlotValid(gender)) {
// valid gender
this.attributes['gender'] = gender;
var pensionDate = calculator.calculatePension(this.attributes.dob, this.attributes.gender);
console.log(`pensionDate: "${pensionDate}"`);
var speechText = calculator.createPensionSnippet(pensionDate);
// Change State to Start again
this.handler.state = states.START;
this.emit(':tell', speechText);
PS you do the same thing in DOB:
} else {
// gender not needed
// this.attributes['gender'] = "unisex";
this.handler.state = states.ANSWER;
// this.emit(":saveState", false);
Delete your answer state and move its functionality into both of these functions where it says this.emit("Answer")
Just add :
'SessionEndedRequest': function () {
console.log('session ended!'); // Optional
this.emit(':saveState', true);
In your handler function beside other intents and it will save the data whenever the user ends the session unexpectedly.
Have you tried accessing them like this:

Modify Alexa Audio Player Sample Project to play specific track

I've followed the sample code from and gotten the example podcast player to play via my Amazon Echo.
How would one modify this code in order to tell Alexa to "Ask MySkill to Play $trackname". Instead of just playing from the top?
I'm very new to creating skills but I've read all the documentation and understand that this involves Audio Directives. However, I can't figure out what goes where.
In the sample code, the audioAssets.js contains a list of titles and urls. So for example, if I wanted to say "Play Episode 138" (one of the titles) - which files would I need to modify in order to do this?
'use strict';
var audioData = [
'title' : 'Episode 140',
'url' : ' services-306355661-amazon-web-services.mp3'
'title' : 'Episode 139',
'url' : ''
'title' : 'Episode 138',
'url' : ''
'title' : 'Episode 137',
'url' : ''
module.exports = audioData;
I'm assuming the code would go into stateHandlers.js but honestly I'm not sure.
'use strict';
var Alexa = require('alexa-sdk');
var audioData = require('./audioAssets');
var constants = require('./constants');
var stateHandlers = {
startModeIntentHandlers : Alexa.CreateStateHandler(constants.states.START_MODE, {
* All Intent Handlers for state : START_MODE
'LaunchRequest' : function () {
// Initialize Attributes
this.attributes['playOrder'] = Array.apply(null, {length: audioData.length}).map(, Number);
this.attributes['index'] = 0;
this.attributes['offsetInMilliseconds'] = 0;
this.attributes['loop'] = true;
this.attributes['shuffle'] = false;
this.attributes['playbackIndexChanged'] = true;
// Change state to START_MODE
this.handler.state = constants.states.START_MODE;
var message = 'Welcome to the AWS Podcast. You can say, play the audio to begin the podcast.';
var reprompt = 'You can say, play the audio, to begin.';
'PlayAudio' : function () {
if (!this.attributes['playOrder']) {
// Initialize Attributes if undefined.
this.attributes['playOrder'] = Array.apply(null, {length: audioData.length}).map(, Number);
this.attributes['index'] = 0;
this.attributes['offsetInMilliseconds'] = 0;
this.attributes['loop'] = true;
this.attributes['shuffle'] = false;
this.attributes['playbackIndexChanged'] = true;
// Change state to START_MODE
this.handler.state = constants.states.START_MODE;
'AMAZON.HelpIntent' : function () {
var message = 'Welcome to the AWS Podcast. You can say, play the audio, to begin the podcast.';
'AMAZON.StopIntent' : function () {
var message = 'Good bye.';
'AMAZON.CancelIntent' : function () {
var message = 'Good bye.';
'SessionEndedRequest' : function () {
// No session ended logic
'Unhandled' : function () {
var message = 'Sorry, I could not understand. Please say, play the audio, to begin the audio.';
playModeIntentHandlers : Alexa.CreateStateHandler(constants.states.PLAY_MODE, {
* All Intent Handlers for state : PLAY_MODE
'LaunchRequest' : function () {
* Session resumed in PLAY_MODE STATE.
* If playback had finished during last session :
* Give welcome message.
* Change state to START_STATE to restrict user inputs.
* Else :
* Ask user if he/she wants to resume from last position.
* Change state to RESUME_DECISION_MODE
var message;
var reprompt;
if (this.attributes['playbackFinished']) {
this.handler.state = constants.states.START_MODE;
message = 'Welcome to the AWS Podcast. You can say, play the audio to begin the podcast.';
reprompt = 'You can say, play the audio, to begin.';
} else {
this.handler.state = constants.states.RESUME_DECISION_MODE;
message = 'You were listening to ' + audioData[this.attributes['playOrder'][this.attributes['index']]].title +
' Would you like to resume?';
reprompt = 'You can say yes to resume or no to play from the top.';
'PlayAudio' : function () { },
'AMAZON.NextIntent' : function () { },
'AMAZON.PreviousIntent' : function () { },
'AMAZON.PauseIntent' : function () { },
'AMAZON.StopIntent' : function () { },
'AMAZON.CancelIntent' : function () { },
'AMAZON.ResumeIntent' : function () { },
'AMAZON.LoopOnIntent' : function () { },
'AMAZON.LoopOffIntent' : function () { },
'AMAZON.ShuffleOnIntent' : function () { },
'AMAZON.ShuffleOffIntent' : function () { },
'AMAZON.StartOverIntent' : function () { },
'AMAZON.HelpIntent' : function () {
// This will called while audio is playing and a user says "ask <invocation_name> for help"
var message = 'You are listening to the AWS Podcast. You can say, Next or Previous to navigate through the playlist. ' +
'At any time, you can say Pause to pause the audio and Resume to resume.';
'SessionEndedRequest' : function () {
// No session ended logic
'Unhandled' : function () {
var message = 'Sorry, I could not understand. You can say, Next or Previous to navigate through the playlist.';
remoteControllerHandlers : Alexa.CreateStateHandler(constants.states.PLAY_MODE, {
* All Requests are received using a Remote Control. Calling corresponding handlers for each of them.
'PlayCommandIssued' : function () { },
'PauseCommandIssued' : function () { },
'NextCommandIssued' : function () { },
'PreviousCommandIssued' : function () { }
resumeDecisionModeIntentHandlers : Alexa.CreateStateHandler(constants.states.RESUME_DECISION_MODE, {
* All Intent Handlers for state : RESUME_DECISION_MODE
'LaunchRequest' : function () {
var message = 'You were listening to ' + audioData[this.attributes['playOrder'][this.attributes['index']]].title +
' Would you like to resume?';
var reprompt = 'You can say yes to resume or no to play from the top.';
'AMAZON.YesIntent' : function () { },
'AMAZON.NoIntent' : function () { },
'AMAZON.HelpIntent' : function () {
var message = 'You were listening to ' + audioData[this.attributes['index']].title +
' Would you like to resume?';
var reprompt = 'You can say yes to resume or no to play from the top.';
'AMAZON.StopIntent' : function () {
var message = 'Good bye.';
'AMAZON.CancelIntent' : function () {
var message = 'Good bye.';
'SessionEndedRequest' : function () {
// No session ended logic
'Unhandled' : function () {
var message = 'Sorry, this is not a valid command. Please say help to hear what you can say.';
module.exports = stateHandlers;
var controller = function () {
return {
play: function () {
* Using the function to begin playing audio when:
* Play Audio intent invoked.
* Resuming audio when stopped/paused.
* Next/Previous commands issued.
this.handler.state = constants.states.PLAY_MODE;
if (this.attributes['playbackFinished']) {
// Reset to top of the playlist when reached end.
this.attributes['index'] = 0;
this.attributes['offsetInMilliseconds'] = 0;
this.attributes['playbackIndexChanged'] = true;
this.attributes['playbackFinished'] = false;
var token = String(this.attributes['playOrder'][this.attributes['index']]);
var playBehavior = 'REPLACE_ALL';
var podcast = audioData[this.attributes['playOrder'][this.attributes['index']]];
var offsetInMilliseconds = this.attributes['offsetInMilliseconds'];
// Since play behavior is REPLACE_ALL, enqueuedToken attribute need to be set to null.
this.attributes['enqueuedToken'] = null;
if ( {
var cardTitle = 'Playing ' + podcast.title;
var cardContent = 'Playing ' + podcast.title;
this.response.cardRenderer(cardTitle, cardContent, null);
this.response.audioPlayerPlay(playBehavior, podcast.url, token, null, offsetInMilliseconds);
stop: function () {
* Issuing AudioPlayer.Stop directive to stop the audio.
* Attributes already stored when AudioPlayer.Stopped request received.
playNext: function () {
* Called when AMAZON.NextIntent or PlaybackController.NextCommandIssued is invoked.
* Index is computed using token stored when AudioPlayer.PlaybackStopped command is received.
* If reached at the end of the playlist, choose behavior based on "loop" flag.
var index = this.attributes['index'];
index += 1;
// Check for last audio file.
if (index === audioData.length) {
if (this.attributes['loop']) {
index = 0;
} else {
// Reached at the end. Thus reset state to start mode and stop playing.
this.handler.state = constants.states.START_MODE;
var message = 'You have reached at the end of the playlist.';
return this.emit(':responseReady');
// Set values to attributes.
this.attributes['index'] = index;
this.attributes['offsetInMilliseconds'] = 0;
this.attributes['playbackIndexChanged'] = true;;
playPrevious: function () {
* Called when AMAZON.PreviousIntent or PlaybackController.PreviousCommandIssued is invoked.
* Index is computed using token stored when AudioPlayer.PlaybackStopped command is received.
* If reached at the end of the playlist, choose behavior based on "loop" flag.
var index = this.attributes['index'];
index -= 1;
// Check for last audio file.
if (index === -1) {
if (this.attributes['loop']) {
index = audioData.length - 1;
} else {
// Reached at the end. Thus reset state to start mode and stop playing.
this.handler.state = constants.states.START_MODE;
var message = 'You have reached at the start of the playlist.';
return this.emit(':responseReady');
// Set values to attributes.
this.attributes['index'] = index;
this.attributes['offsetInMilliseconds'] = 0;
this.attributes['playbackIndexChanged'] = true;;
loopOn: function () {
// Turn on loop play.
this.attributes['loop'] = true;
var message = 'Loop turned on.';
loopOff: function () {
// Turn off looping
this.attributes['loop'] = false;
var message = 'Loop turned off.';
shuffleOn: function () {
// Turn on shuffle play.
this.attributes['shuffle'] = true;
shuffleOrder((newOrder) => {
// Play order have been shuffled. Re-initializing indices and playing first song in shuffled order.
this.attributes['playOrder'] = newOrder;
this.attributes['index'] = 0;
this.attributes['offsetInMilliseconds'] = 0;
this.attributes['playbackIndexChanged'] = true;;
shuffleOff: function () {
// Turn off shuffle play.
if (this.attributes['shuffle']) {
this.attributes['shuffle'] = false;
// Although changing index, no change in audio file being played as the change is to account for reordering playOrder
this.attributes['index'] = this.attributes['playOrder'][this.attributes['index']];
this.attributes['playOrder'] = Array.apply(null, {length: audioData.length}).map(, Number);
startOver: function () {
// Start over the current audio file.
this.attributes['offsetInMilliseconds'] = 0;;
reset: function () {
// Reset to top of the playlist.
this.attributes['index'] = 0;
this.attributes['offsetInMilliseconds'] = 0;
this.attributes['playbackIndexChanged'] = true;;
function canThrowCard() {
* To determine when can a card should be inserted in the response.
* In response to a PlaybackController Request (remote control events) we cannot issue a card,
* Thus adding restriction of request type being "IntentRequest".
if (this.event.request.type === 'IntentRequest' && this.attributes['playbackIndexChanged']) {
this.attributes['playbackIndexChanged'] = false;
return true;
} else {
return false;
function shuffleOrder(callback) {
// Algorithm : Fisher-Yates shuffle
var array = Array.apply(null, {length: audioData.length}).map(, Number);
var currentIndex = array.length;
var temp, randomIndex;
while (currentIndex >= 1) {
randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * currentIndex);
currentIndex -= 1;
temp = array[currentIndex];
array[currentIndex] = array[randomIndex];
array[randomIndex] = temp;
You need to create a custom intent and custom slot to your skill.
Go to your interaction model
add this
"intent": "PodcastIntent",
"slots": [
"name": "Podcast",
In your sample Utterances add
PodcastIntent play episode {Podcast}
This will let user to able to say play episode 140 etc...
Then in your var stateHandlers = {
startModeIntentHandlers create a new function for PodcastIntent
That part is up to you , the code I write wont work but should give you some idea, maybe something like
'PodcastIntent' : function () { var podname = this.handlerContext.event.request.intent.slots.Podcast.value;
//this should get the value from alexa if user say play episode 140 , podname sould be 140
//then in your audiodata dictionary you need to find episode 140
//again this part is your work
//when you find the url for episode 140
//you can set your state to _PLAY_MODE
//then pass the url to audio player
response().audioPlayerPlay('REPLACE_ALL', podcast.audioURL, token, previousToken, 0);
check the for the AMAZON.NUMBER intents...
I was able to set specific indexes when I modified the intents within "playModeIntentHandlers." In the example, they were only setting this.attributes['index'] within "startModeIntentHandlers" - which in my case were never being called.
There are several intents that go in each handler, but I'm only showing 1 (PlaySongIntent) as an example.
var stateHandlers = {
startModeIntentHandlers : Alexa.CreateStateHandler(constants.states.START_MODE, {
'PlaySongIntent' : function () {
if (!this.attributes['playOrder']) {
// Initialize Attributes if undefined.
this.attributes['playOrder'] = Array.apply(null, {length: audioData.length}).map(, Number);
this.attributes['index'] = 1; //CHANGING THIS NUMBER NEVER WORKED FOR ME.
this.attributes['offsetInMilliseconds'] = 0;
this.attributes['loop'] = false;
this.attributes['shuffle'] = false;
this.attributes['playbackIndexChanged'] = true;
// Change state to START_MODE
this.handler.state = constants.states.START_MODE;
playModeIntentHandlers : Alexa.CreateStateHandler(constants.states.PLAY_MODE, {
'PlaySongIntent' : function () {
this.attributes['index'] = 1; //HERE IS WHERE THE INDEX STICKS.
this.attributes['offsetInMilliseconds'] = 0;
this.attributes['playbackIndexChanged'] = true;;
