Execute SoapUI test on multi-threads - multithreading

I have a SoapUI test which uses an input file to read lines as input of requests. So there is a loop which reads data and execute request and write output to file. Response times are too long, so processing of this file should be done asynchronously, but I am not sure, how SoapUI can handle this. There is file attachment in SOAP requests, which is not handled by current version of JMeter.

As per the SoapUI's documentation below, both test cases or test suites can be executed in Parallel mode.
In the case of TestSuites and TestCases these can be executed either in sequence or parallell, as configured with the corresponding toolbar buttons.
In the above image, first one in the marked image stands for sequential execution and the second one (with multiple parallel arrows) stands for Parallel execution mode.
User can select either of the one before executing the tests.
Hope this helps.
Note that SOAPUI does not allows test steps to be executed in parallel. If you need any custom execution i.e., same test case and steps to be executed in Parallel, here is sample project done for that. It can be used as reference and apply it to your case.

I understood this question as requiring the ability to call a service asynchronously due to the time it takes to process. So, by this, I mean SoapUI makes a request to a web service and instead of waiting for it, it carries on. At some point later, SoapUI receives the response.
SoapUI can handle this, I haven't tried it myself, but when reading some guides recently, I noticed it can be done.
Blog Guide
SoapUI Forum
In short, it involves setting up a mock service to receive the response, which can then be validated.


Handling Multithreading in XML files for running testcases in parallel

I'm new with multithreading, here is my problem statement,
I have an xml file (TestCase.xml) where each tag resembles a test case something like below,
In turn, each main tag has a child-tag that links to another xml(TestStep.xml) which dictates the steps of the test case, it’s TS in the above example.
The execution always starts from the TestCase.xml based on the id provided. With this overview, I have 100 test cases in my suite & I want to execute them in parallel, i.e. execute at least 5-6 test cases at the same time. I’m not able to use external plug-ins like Testng, Junit, BDD or mavensurefire etc. After a lot of R&D we have ended up with Multithreading. I would need assistance on how to implement the same.

Sequencing multiple non-main-thread HttpRequest

In a .net-Application I work with several requests against a Web-Api, using HttpRequest. Since these request are not run on the main thread (async, await...), it is possible that some requests are launched at almost the same time, so a later one is started without a former one being finished. This, in the end, leads to an inconvienient behavior - for example when a first request runs into refreshing access tokens, a second one shall not start a similar request as well, but should wait for the first one to finish and run afterwards.
My idea is to somehow schedule the request in a FiFo-Way, using Arrays/List which are updated everytime one request is finished. A starting request then would check in this list if it is the one in line, or would wait for a start signal by some Array/List watcher.
However, I have strong doubts that this approach is the best/correct way for doing this. Any Help/Hint/Heads Up would be great!

Groovy script not executing sequentially with multiple threads in SOAPUI loadtest

I need to generate a new sequence number in SOAPUI request as a parameter while executing load test. I wrote a groovy script for that and added it as a test step.
But problem arises when I set number of Threads more than one. In that case, a new sequence number doesn't get generated for every request since multiple threads are executing and same sequence number gets repeated in multiple request.
Can somebody suggest any solution or workaround to deal with this situation.
P.S. I do not have SOAPUI PRO so that I can use DataGen.
If you just want a unique number in SOAP request parameter, everytime it runs, use this directly inside parameter.
${=((long) Math.floor(Math.random() * 90000000L) + 10000000L)}

How to specify dependency between multiple given, when or then in cucumber-jvm

I have a feature file which has multiple given when and then steps for ex
// File My.feature
Give doUserLogin
And changeUserPreference
When executeWhen1
And executeWhen2
Then executeThen1
And executeThen2
These are mapped to step definitions correctly, the problem i'm facing is that some are getting executed parallel for ex. in given, 'changeUserPreference' is happening before 'doUserLogin'. Similarly in Then part, 'executeThen2' is triggered before 'executeThen1' is fully completed.
How to specify the dependency between these statements.Is there any way i can say don't start execution of second statement(given, when or then) until first one is executed completely.
If your 'doUserLogin' step is exiting before the download completes, that would explain why the 'changeUserPreference' is starting up. This could happen, say, if you were connecting to an external system and initiating a download and then the api you are using is performing the download in another thread, then the main thread would continue on to the next step while the download is continuing in another thread.
My advice would be to execute this scenario in debug mode (assuming you are using an IDE that supports this) and see if your 'doUserLogin' step is finishing before the file download.

Cucumber: Each feature passes individually, but not together

I am writing a Rails 3.1 app, and I have a set of three cucumber feature files. When run individually, as with:
cucumber features/quota.feature
-- or --
cucumber features/quota.feature:67 # specifying the specific individual test
...each feature file runs fine. However, when all run together, as with:
...one of the tests fails. It's odd because only one test fails; all the other tests in the feature pass (and many of them do similar things). It doesn't seem to matter where in the feature file I place this test; it fails if it's the first test or way down there somewhere.
I don't think it can be the test itself, because it passes when run individually or even when the whole feature file is run individually. It seems like it must be some effect related to running the different feature files together. Any ideas what might be going on?
It looks like there is a coupling between your scenarios. Your failing scenario assumes that system is in some state. When scenarios run individually system is in this state and so scenario passes. But when you run all scenarios, scenarios that ran previously change this state and so it fails.
You should solve it by making your scenarios completely independent. Work of any scenario shouldn't influence results of other scenarios. It's highly encouraged in Cucumber Book and Specification by Example.
I had a similar problem and it took me a long time to figure out the root cause.
I was using #selenium tags to test JQuery scripts on a selenium client.
My page had an ajax call that was sending a POST request. I had a bug in the javascript and the post request was failing. (The feature wasn't complete and I hadn't yet written steps to verify the result of the ajax call.)
This error was recorded in Capybara.current_session.server.error.
When the following non-selenium feature was executed a Before hook within Capybara called Capybara.reset_sessions!
This then called
def reset!
driver.reset! if #touched
#touched = false
raise #server.error if #server and #server.error
#server.reset_error! if #server
#server.error was not nil for each scenario in the following feature(s) and Cucumber reported each step as skipped.
The solution in my case was to fix the ajax call.
So Andrey Botalov and Doug Noel were right. I had carry over from an earlier feature.
I had to keep debugging until I found the exception that was being raised and investigate what was generating it.
I hope this helps someone else that didn't realise they had carry over from an earlier feature.
