Acumatica Inventory Summary Inquiry all items via REST APi - acumatica

I need to retrieve the inventory summary for all Stock Items so that I can update an external site's inventory according to the "Available For Shipment" field on the inventory summary. I have attempted running the inventory summary via the rest API using the following method after logging in:
Method: PUT
Request Body:
"InventoryID": "CW-500-MC-30"
However I receive this response:
"message": "The request is invalid.",
"modelState": {
"": [
"Error reading JObject from JsonReader. Current JsonReader item is not an object: String. Path 'InventoryID', line 2, position 30."
If there is a way to run the inquiry and have it return ALL stock items in an array, that would be ideal.
If that's not possible, what do I need to change to get the individual stock item inventory summary to work?
After modifying my request body as #samol518 suggested, the request worked, but returned a very limited set of data (below). I'm looking to get to the "quantity available for shipment". Do I need to provide additional parameters to get more data returned?
"id": "bf8e0bbc-63dc-4491-802d-090367af203a",
"rowNumber": 1,
"note": null,
"ExpandByLotSerialNumber": {},
"InventoryID": {
"value": "CW-500-MC-30"
"LocationID": {},
"WarehouseID": {},
"custom": {},
"files": []

If I am not mistaken the correct structure for the Request Body should resemble the following :
Request Body :
"InventoryID": {"value": "CW-500-MC-30"}
Though if you want to retrieve all Stock Item, you could try and customize the inquiry in order to do so.
in order to retrieve all record, you might notice that the result fields are in a sub entity in the endpoint definition on the Web Service Endpoint screen (SM207060).
in order to return the data for these detail type sub entities, you must add the expand key word to your URL in the following format.
So your final URL should look like :$expand=Results


IBM Bluemix Discovery - query parameter

I have created a Discovery service on my bluemix account. I want to query my documents from a nodejs application.
I have built a query with some aggregation, tested it using the bluemix online tool and it's working well.
Now when I query the collection from my code, whatever my parameters are, I always receive all of my documents with the enriched text and so on. I think I am missing how to send the query attributes to the service (like filters and aggregations).
Here is my code:
var queryParams = {
aggregations:'nested(enriched_text.entities).filter(enriched_text.entities.type:Person).term(enriched_text.entities.text, count:5)'
discovery.query({environment_id:that.environment_id, collection_id:that.collection_id, query_options:queryParams }, function(error, data) {
console.log(JSON.stringify(data, null, 2));
And the result is always:
"matching_results": 28,
"results": [
"id": "fe5e2a38e6cccfbd97dbdd0c33c9c8fd",
"score": 1,
"extracted_metadata": {
"publicationdate": "2016-01-05",
"sha1": "28434b0a7e2a94dd62cabe9b5a82e98766584dd412",
"author": "Richardson, Heather S",
"filename": "whatever.docx",
"file_type": "word",
"title": "no title"
"text": "......
Independantly of the value of the query_optionparameter. Can you help me?
Instead of the query_options:queryParams, I have used query:"text:CHLOE RICHARDS" and it's working well. Now my problem still remains to find the right parameter format to add the aggregations I want
So I have looked at IBM's example on Github more carefully, and the parameters are now formatted like this:
const queryParams = {
count: 5,
return: 'title,enrichedTitle.text',
query: '"CHLOE RICHARDS"',
aggregations: [ 'nested(enriched_text.entities).filter(enriched_text.entities.type:Person).term(enriched_text.entities.text, count:5)' ],
environment_id: '1111111111',
collection_id: '11111111111'
It works well if I use only the query attribute. Now if I only use the aggregations one, all the documents are sent back as a result (which is understandable) but I have no aggregation part, so I can not access the list of proper name in my documents.
Your query does not look right. I you are going to use query then you will need to construct a query search like text:"CHLOE RICHARDS"
If you want to perform a natural language query then you should be setting the parameter natural_language_query.

Finding Overlap date ranges between startdate and enddate in couch Db or cloudant

Hello I am building a reservation app using database as couchDb. I have several reservation documents and each of them has roomId, start date and end date.
Now when user creates a meeting request with roomId, start date and end date, I need to search for overlaps time ranges between the start time and endtime in the existing reservations and create a reservations only when there is no conflict. Along with this I also need to check for roomid.
The requirement is similar to Determine Whether Two Date Ranges Overlap.
I had created a view on my couch db emitting three keys:
function (doc) {
if (doc.type == "reservation") {
emit([doc.roomid, doc.startTime, doc.endTime], doc);
I did try creating something like
?startkey=["1970-01-01T00:00:00Z", ""]&endkey=["\ufff0", "1971-01-01T00:00:00Z"]
However I am not really getting how to compound query the view to find range of date along with the roomid.
Any help would be appreciated.
You could use Cloudant Query and specify the (StartA <= EndB) and (EndA >= StartB) search condition that's outlined in the referenced answer.
Create an index
Send a POST request to the _index endpoint, passing the following JSON data structure as payload.
"index": {
"fields": [
{ "name":"startTime",
"type": "text"
Query the index
Send a POST request to the _find endpoint, passing the following JSON data structure as payload.
"selector": {
"startTime": {
"$lte": "2017-03-06T15:00:00Z"
"endTime": {
"$gte": "2017-03-06T14:00:00Z"
"roomid": {
"$eq": "room 123"
Replace the timestamp and room identifier values as needed. If the query returns at least one document you've encountered a booking conflict.

Marklogic Node.js API: How to get the document where an embedded triple lives?

I tried to insert the following test document:
uri: "/test/doc1.json",
contentType: "application/json",
collections: "test",
content: {
name : "Peter",
hobby: "Sleeping",
other: "Some other info",
"triple": {
"subject": {   
"datatype": "",  
"value": "Peter"   
"predicate": {     
"datatype": "",  
"value": "livesin"   
"object": {     
"datatype": "",  
"value": "Paris"   
console.log("Done loading");
Then I queried as follows:
var query = [
'SELECT ?s ?p ?o' ,
'WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }' ,
db.graphs.sparql('application/sparql-results+json', query.join('\n')
).result(function (result) {
console.log(JSON.stringify(result, null, 2));
}, function(error) {
console.log(JSON.stringify(error, null, 2));
The results showed me the values of the triple, but what if I also want to get the entire document where the triple was embedded? Is it also possible to filter by other fields in the document?
There isn't a way to retrieve the document that contains the result of a SPARQL query, because those results may not be a triple that exists within a particular document (instead, it returns a "solution" consisting of 1 or more values).
If you know you are looking for a particular triple, and you want the document that holds that triple, I would normally say to use a cts:triple-range-query; however, I don't see a way to do that through the Node.js API (or through REST, for that matter). With that in mind, I see two choices:
insert a triple that includes the document's URI as the subject or object, then make a request for that document (as #grtjn suggested)
make a REST API extension (using either JavaScript or XQuery) that calls cts:search with cts:triple-range-query as part of the query; call that extension from Node
I'd recommend doing it in two stages:
Run a sparql that will return document uris.
Run a document search to return those documents, optionally further constrained with extra criteria.
For this you will need to embed triples in your documents listing the document uri of the documents themselves.

How to restrict _rev_info in cloudant result json

I am using cloudant for my Project. Every time i update a document and fetch a document, the result JSON comes with { _rev_info : [...] } (contains 500+ rev history). how i restrict & fetch data without _rev_info in cloudant??
{ name: "test",
_revs_info: [
{ rev: '510-454.....',
status: 'available' },
_revs_info is only be returned if you explicitly request it by passing revs_info=true in the query string. If you don't require the revision history, just exclude that parameter.

CouchDB inner join by document field?

I have a question, i have 2 kind of documents, one of them is like this:
"type": "PageType",
"filename": "demo"
"content": "zzz"
and another one like this:
"type": "PageCommentType",
"refFilename": "demo"
"content": "some comment content"
i need to emit document that contains .comments field which is array of PageCommentType documents that i link on condition PageType document filename == PageCommentType document refFilename fields.
"filename": "demo",
"comments": [{}, {}, {}]
Anyone has any suggestions on how to implement it?
Thank you.
You need view collation. Emit both within the same view, using the filename as the key and a type identifier to discriminate between comments and the original content:
function(doc) {
if (doc.type == "PageType") emit([doc.filename,0],doc.content);
if (doc.type == "PageCommentType") emit[doc.refFilename,1],doc.content);
When looking for the document demo and its comments, run a query with startkey=["demo",0] and endkey=["demo",1]: you will get the page content followed by all the comments.
Once you have all the data you want, but it's not in the right format, you are almost done. Simply write a _list function to read all the rows and output the final JSON document with the structure/schema that you need.
