Sometimes, I want to change the body in a for-loop from one line to multiple lines. In Sublime Text the process goes like this for me:
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
System.out.println("Hello World");
And then I try to insert the curly braces by typing in the open brace (which automatically types the closing brace)
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++){}
System.out.println("Hello World");
I see that for some other people, the curly braces are inserted correctly. Namely, the closing brace will be at the end of the body.
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++){
System.out.println("Hello World");
No changes were made in their settings and it has always been like that for them. I transitioned from Sublime Text 2 to 3, and I never had that behavior in either version. Is there a fix for this?
In python i can write
s = "dad" * 3
Result will be: s = "daddaddad"
I want to append "tabs" to my string. Something like:
QString tabs = "\t" * count;
What would be a simple, idiomatic way to do it?
You can do it quite simply with a loop:
QString mystring("somestring");
QString output;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
//'output' will contain the result string
Please note that the code I provide is in C++, not Python, but the concept still applies (and should be easily ported).
If you need to concatenate single characters, you could do it more easily like this:
int size = 5;
QString output(size, QChar('\t'));
//'output' contains 5 tab characters
Or, if you need to assign to another string (output is already created):
int size = 5;
output.fill(QChar('\t'), size);
//'output' contains 5 tab characters
#include <QString>
QString s;
for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
s << "dad";
Redirect me if this is already a previously solved issue!
In my program, I have a Stage in which the user can view a list of content, stored in a list consisting of Strings.
goToView.setOnAction(event ->{
String horseNameList = "";
for(int i = 0; i < accountList.size(); i++){
for(int j = 0; j < accountList.get(i).createdHorses.size(); j++){
horseNameList += accountList.get(i).createdHorses.get(j);
horseNameList += "\n" + "\n";
Text hNameListTXT = new Text(horseNameList);
hNameListTXT.setFont(Font.font("Tahoma", FontWeight.NORMAL, 12));
createdHorses is a List of Strings, listVbox is as you may think a VBox where the String (which converts to a Text) is printed. Now, when I close the Stage with the following EventHandler, nothing in particular happens:
backView.setOnAction(event -> {
But as I then open the Stage once again (by using another EventHandler similar to the one I use to close the first Stage with), my List (or String) har been doubled. What should I do to clear the String (or possibly the Text) so that it doesn't display it twice?
What should I do to clear the String (or possibly the Text) so that it
doesn't display it twice?
The VBox has a method getChildren() which returns an ObservableList. So you could use clear() on it to remove all the children.
I am very new to c#. I am using Mono. I want to loop through each line in a TextView object and do my own processing to each line. I have narrowed it down to the Buffer property that contains a Text property but this property contains the whole text. How do I break it down into separate lines/strings?
string Line;
for (int i = 0;i < txtvMain.Buffer.LineCount; i++)
Line = txtvMain.Buffer.?;
(Untested) simple solution (perhaps not the most efficient):
string[] lines = txtvMain.Buffer.Text.split('\n');
I've come across this several times in a couple years of programming so I decided to do some research to see if it was possible. Often I create data structures in code that are initialized in a table like manner, with rows and columns, and I would have liked to have this table-to-text feature for code readability. How can you create a table in word, or excel, or some other program, and output the cells of the table to text, with spaces (not tabs)? Word can do it with tabs, and excel can do it with misaligned spaces. Is there any program out there that automates this?
Have you tried using a monospace font, such as courier, when you export from excel? Most fonts will adjust spacing based on the specific width, height and kerning of each character but a monospace font will allow you to use spaces for alignment.
As for converting tabs to spaces automagically, there must be 100s if not 1000s of methods, apps, commands available out there.
I spent an hour or 2 researching this. I experimented with excel and word and they both came so close to exact solution that it made me crazy. I tried other programs online but with no luck. Here's my solution, Microsoft's Word's Table-To-Text feature and custom C# program that converts the Word-tabified text to column aligned text with spaces and not tabs.
1) Put your columns and rows in an MS Word Table
2) Convert table to text with tabs (look up how to do this)
3) Save the converted table to a plain text file
4) Use my program to open and convert the file
5) Copy the text in the output file to your code
Below is the C# Windows Form Application I wrote. I apologize for lack of optimization. I was at work and wanted it done as quickly as possible:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.IO;
namespace WindowsFormsApplication1
static class Program
static void Main()
OpenFileDialog of = new OpenFileDialog();
of.Title = "Select Tabbed Text File To Convert";
if (of.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK)
StreamReader s = new StreamReader(of.OpenFile());
List<string> lines = new List<string>();
string line;
// Get each line into an array of lines.
while ((line = s .ReadLine()) != null)
int numTabs = 0;
// count the number of tabs in each line, assume good input, i.e.
// all lines have equal number of tabs.
foreach (char c in lines[0])
if (c == '\t')
for (int i = 0; i < numTabs; i++)
int tabIndex = 0;
// Loop through each line and find the "deepest" location of
// the first tab.
foreach (string l in lines)
int index = 0;
foreach (char c in l)
if (c == '\t')
if (index > tabIndex)
tabIndex = index;
// We know where the deepest tab is, now we go through and
// add enough spaces to take the first tab of each line out
// to the deepest.
//foreach (string l in lines)
for (int l = 0; l < lines.Count; l++)
int index = 0;
foreach (char c in lines[l])
if (c == '\t')
int numSpaces = (tabIndex - index) + 1;
string spaces = "";
for (int j = 0; j < numSpaces; j++)
spaces = spaces + " ";
lines[l] = lines[l].Remove(index, 1);
lines[l] = lines[l].Insert(index, spaces);
FileInfo f = new FileInfo(of.FileName);
string outputFile = f.FullName.Insert(f.FullName.IndexOf(f.Extension), " (Aligned)");
StreamWriter w = new StreamWriter(outputFile);
foreach (string l in lines)
w.Write(l + "\r\n");
MessageBox.Show("Created the file: " + outputFile);
i want to create a pattern in c++ that looks like a trianlge(or half a diamond)
using asteriscks: the pattern should have 1, 2, 3, 4, and end in 5 stars like this
(but straight!)
my code is as follows:
using namespace std;
int main()
int size;
int blank=size/2;
int newsize=1;
for (int i=0; i<=size/2; i++)
for(int j=blank;j>0;j--)
cout <<" ";
for(int j=newsize; j>0; j--)
cout <<"*";
cout <<endl;
return 0;
my only problem with it is that it displays 1, 3,and 5 stars like this.
its just a minor problem but although i have changed different parts of the code
i dont seem to get it right.
any suggestions?
I'm not sure what you mean by "but straight", so I'll just ignore that for now...
Start with blank the same value as size, so that you can decrement the value each time without having to decrement by a half:
int blank=size;
Loop up to size instead of size/2 to get more lines:
for (int i=0; i<=size; i++)
Decrement by two in the loop for spaces to get half the number of spaces:
for(int j=blank;j>0;j-=2)
Increase the size by one instead of two to get the slower increase:
That should produce the output that you showed.
I tested this to be sure, and the output is:
To get the exact output that you asked for, start with blank one less:
int blank=size - 1;
Did I get it right: you want to place some asterisks on borders of character places? If so, it isn't possible. Every asterisk (or any other symbol), when displayed in monospace fonts, will reside in a middle of a character place, like in a grid. You can place asterisks inside the cells, but you cannot place asterisks on the borders of the grid.
int NUMLINES = 5;
void display(int, char);
void main(){
for (int i=1; i<= NUMLINES; ++i){
display((NUMLINES + 1 - i), ' ');
display(( 2 * i - 1 ), '*');
cout << endl;
void display (int howmany, char symbol){
for (int i = 1; i<=howmany; ++i)
cout << symbol;