Sublime Text 3: Preferences menu greyed - sublimetext3

I am using Sublime Text 3 on my Mac (10.13.2)
The Preferences menu is always greyed and not usable. (even on restart)
Any idea to solve that?

On macOS, I deleted the file Package Control.last-run in /Users/cookedapple/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User and restarted Sublime Text 3. The problem was resolved.

There have been some suggestions that third-party Mac apps may be causing issues. So you may try restarting Sublime Text – I guess you have already done that before looking for a solution, try to do that again after each of the following steps:
Restarting menu bar Bartender or SecondBar if present
Reinstalling latest installed ST packages
Delete( Package Control.last-run, i.e. via Terminal: rm ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Packages/User/Package\ Control.last-run as mentioned in the other Answer
Restarting the computer

A user has figured out a reliable way to reproduce this (see Kronuz' comment from 6/19/18 on the issue tracker).
It seems to be caused by packages containing a large amount of files. There might be other causes as well, but hopefully with at least one reliable way to repro, the devs will come up with a fix.


Sublime Text 3 Bugged up after uninstalling Materialize package

So I recently installed Materialize package on my Sublime Text 3 just to try it out, and didn't like it. So I went ahead to remove it. After removing, My Sublime got all messed up. I couldn't see my files. Can't open package control. The screen itself is messed up. I tried Uninstalling and Reinstalling many times, and I'm still experiencing the same problem.
Please help me fix this, Thanks!
Most likely your settings still refer to the old theme, which doesn't exist any more. You can follow the instructions at to revert to a clean state, or just edit your Packages/User/Preferences.sublime-settings file to remove the old theme setting. (The Preferences menu -> Browse Packages will be visible even when you are having theme problems.)

Sublime Text Side Bar Activating every time when switching between open files. How can I stop it?

Using Sublime Text: build 3114 on Win7
Every time when I move between open files in different tabs the side bar annoyingly keeps activating itself each time and keeps sliding in.
Is this a bug or am I missing some setting somewhere that I have to tweak?
Looked all over the place for an explanation/settings option but no luck.
I have Sublime on another Win7 machine and the sidebar behaves as expected. It doesn't activate itself when I move between open files.
YES!!! finally found what was doing it :)
An obscure plugin I had : AutoHide Sidebar , Uninstalled and all is good..finally...
Hope this helps anyone who gets in my situation.
you can hide side bar from view
i had the same problem.
I did resolve it! just uninstall package AutoHide Sidebar and SyncedSideBar.

sublime text 2 doesnot restore open files after restart

I am using sublime text 2 (version 2.0.2) editor on cent os 6.5. Recently I started facing many issues, but one major issue is it does not remember the open files after closing and opening the editor window. Earlier it used to not only remember open files but also unsaved edits, after testing online suggestions I still could not resolve this issue, any suggestions would be of great help.
"hot_exit": false,
"remember_open_files": true,
"create_window_at_startup": true,
these are my current parameters in Preferences -> Settings - Default
I could solve this issue myself following this helpful link Reverting to fresh install state. Although that link has not worked for me, I just deleted from my /opt/Sublime Text 2 directory then it works fine. So it seems that sublime starts misbehaving after adding new packages. In fact, I had deleted everything inside ~/.config/sublime-text-2 before (it did not help though) not sure whether that is required, not to mention you can try after taking a backup

Package control in Sublime Text 3 no longer appearing when using keyboard shortcut

I don't know of any other way to access Package Control, but i find it weird that it doesn't work anymore, could the installation of other packages have caused it to just stop working? I don't even know how to debug something like this or find a solution for it, it appears this doesn't happen to many people, but it surely is happening to me.
When i press cmd+shift+p i don't get the Package control window. My ST3 has been very buggy and no updates have ever been available.
Is there just a quick way to wipe it all clean and start over?
If you want to completely start from scratch, first exit Sublime, then delete /Applications/Sublime Finally, delete ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3.
You can now re-download ST3 and reinstall Package Control. Restart Sublime as instructed, and you should now be able to hit ⌘ShiftP and open the Command Palette. Type in packcon to get the Package Control options. You'll need to reinstall all your plugins, and reset any custom preferences, keybindings, snippets, etc. you've made.
Good luck!

Komodo Edit: How to refresh the directory tree status

I've tried "Refresh Status" from the context menu, but this doesn't work for me. When I have deleted or added files in the tree display directory, it doesn't display them in the directory tree until I close Komodo Edit, and restart it. This is too bad.
Is there something I'm missing? I hope someone could give me a hand.
I get this problem sometimes too. Collapsing the directory, then refreshing its status, and expanding it again sometimes works.
A more reliable method is to change the root directory in the Places sidebar and then back to where you want to be.
Not perfect, but quicker than reopening Komodo Edit.
Do you have complete C++ support on your machine? One known issue in Kommodo is
Komodo may not start up correctly on
some Linux systems if C++
compatibility libraries have not been
installed. On Fedora and Red Hat
systems, install the
"compat-libstdc++" package. On SuSE,
install the "compat" package. On
Gentoo, as root, run emerge
lib-compat. This is not thought to be
a problem on Debian systems.
This bugs is listed here.
May be this can help you in solving your problem.
Use the JSdrivetree or remotedrivetree extensions.
Right click on the root directory (top left) and click "Refresh View".
