Emulator for Samsung Gear Fit 2 Tizen - emulation

I would like to develop a web application for Samsung Gear Fit 2 pro, but I have problems with getting an emulator to work. Do you know which emulator I should use?
(None of them scale properly or are circular)

You can change the emulator's template properties as shown on the picture below to have exactly the same look and feel as the real watch. Please also note that GearFit2 and Pro are currently supported in Galaxy App Store, so you can submit real apps, not only watch faces.
Here is the some application running in the emulator created this way

Till now there is no Emulator on Tizen Studio for Gear Fit series. But you may run your projects on Square Emulator in order to test Fit series projects.
You can fix the resolution of your project from config.xml.
As the resolution of Gear Fit 2 is 216 x 432, i am setting height and width accordingly.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<widget xmlns:tizen="http://tizen.org/ns/widgets" height="432" width="216" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/ns/widgets" id="http://yourdomain/XXXX" version="1.0.0" viewmodes="maximized">
<tizen:setting screen-orientation="portrait" context-menu="disable" background-support="disable" encryption="disable" install-location="auto" hwkey-event="enable"/>
And taking the emulator having resolution 320 x 320 as there are no other square emulator option on the Tizen Studio. Hopefully this technique will solve your problem.


Android Studio Avd emulator shows a black flickering

I have an issue all of a sudden where I am getting a weird black flickering at the bottom of the screen (as shown in the video below). I had no problem earlier also this happened after I removed android emulator and rechecked it (Reinstalled it ) under the setting “Tools” ->” SDK Manager” -> “SDK Tools” tab.
Video Link - https://vimeo.com/manage/videos/739329236
Computer Specs -
I7 - 10750h,
Nvidia 1650 Ti - 4GB,
16 GB Ram,
1 TB SSD (443 GB free)
Also, I have noticed the screen goes most of the part blank when I am not touching the screen.
I had the same problem recently after create a emulator with API level 33,
Then I've tried to used API level 31 and emulator works normally.
I tried giving more memory to my emulator and the issue disappeared.
It seems there is a problem with the x86_64 images. If Software GLESS is turned on then the flicker goes away but the graphics are little laggy.
x86 images works well smooth but out-dated.
I just installed Android Studio first time for a while and noticed the flickering problem right away. I have NVIDIA GPU which most likely contributes into this problem. In the AVD options inside the Android Studio device manager I tried switching the Graphics setting from automatic to "Software GLES 2.0" and it fixed the flickering. No way using software acceleration is optimal in any way but it could be a workaround until the root cause is fixed.
EDIT: found the issue posted about this behavior confirming it is a GPU driver related issue https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/246917660
I had a same issue in my new laptop. I have fixed it by changing one parameter in the emulator's config file.
Go to C:\Users\USER_NAME.android\avd\Pixel_5_API_31.avd
Edit the config.ini file.
Find the "hw.gpu.mode = auto" and change it to the "hw.gpu.mode = guest" and save the changes.
Restart the emulator.
Same here. After one of the latest Emulator (in SDK tools) updates virtual device with API level 31 or above show same issues. Devices with API level 30 or below work fine.
Tried to completely clean and re-install Studio and Video drivers. No effect.
So since it started right after update i believe it's Emulator component issue.
I just switched to a Pixel 5 with API 33 and it seems to have resolved my flickering problem..

Android studio emulator white screen

I've Installed the newest version of Android studio, including the newest version of HAXM, ndk, sdk and whatever other related dependencies it installs. Intel Virtualization bios setting thingy I can't remember the name of is enabled and I have no trouble in virtual box and such.
I created an empty activity and tried testing it on the phone, works perfectly. Then I tried it on the emulator and there is a problem when it is hardware accelerated. It just opens a white window. The android studio displays 0 errors and thinks it ran the app properly. The graphics card I have is a gtx 1060 6gb. When it is software accelerated it works but is so slow I would rather use a chisel on a rock to draw the application usage.
So if someone knows a fix it would be nice.
Well I have discovered that in order to solve the issue you have to go to the sidebar menu click More>Settings>OpenGL ES Renderer and(in my case) set it to Angle(D3D11) or Angle(D3D9) or Swiftshader. After that you simply restart the emulator and the issue should be gone.
For me Desktop native OpenGL and Autodetect based on host(which probably sets it to the first thing) don't work and leave you with a white screen.
In case someone finds this useful, you can set software acceleration as below and this solved the issue for me on Mac OS. (OP also mentions it works with software acceleration)
Tools > AVD Manager
Select virtual device
Click on Edit (pencil icon for me)
Click "Show Advanced Settings"
Look for Emulated Performance - Graphics
Select "Software" option
Current version of the emulator (27.1.3) doesn't work for me. The emulator just shows a white screen. Even playing with the gpu in the .ini configuration didn't work.
Once I downgraded to 26.1.4 (https://dl.google.com/android/repository/emulator-darwin-4266726.zip) the emulator started working again.
It seems that the Android Emulator is somehow conflicting with the NVidia Web driver on Mac OS. I had the latest NVidia Web driver (378.05.05.25f04) installed and I was having this same problem - the white screen whenever I used Desktop Native rendering (or left it at the automatic default which selects that as well).
I tried the Swift Shader as well, it works but the performance is abysmal!
On a hunch, I switched back to the OS X Default Graphic Driver from the Nvidia Pref Pane in Apple menu settings, and the Desktop Native driver is now working great after the computer restart!
The same problem can happen to the lightning fast Microsoft Android Emulators utilizing Hyper-V that work on both Intel and AMD CPU based PCs. The solution is in the same line as the accepted answer. For those who use Microsoft Android Emulators and land here by searching "android emulator white screen", here is the screenshot showing how to solve the problem by changing the default hw.gpu.mode from the default "auto" to "mesa":
So sorry
Check your onCreate method in your MainActivity.java, it should have setContextView(R.layout.activity_main)

Custom Size in Windows 8.1 Simulator

I have been searching this over the web for 2 days now and I am still unable to get my hands on something helpful. I have to run my windows 8.1 app on large device (i-e 80 inches) having 4k(3840 X 2160) resolution. The max resolution I have on the windows simulator is 2560 x 1440 (i-e 27 inches). Is there any way that I can add custom screen size/resolution to windows simulator? or is there any other option available where I can test my app on 4k resolution?
PS: I don't have a 4k device with me right now, that's why I want to test it on some simulator.
Thanks in anticipation.
The simulator doesn't support custom resolutions.
If you design your UI to be flexible and test it at a variety of resolutions and DPI levels you should be able to get a pretty good idea of how it will work. Running at 1920x1080 will give the same ratio as 3840x2160, just scaled by half in each direction.
You can request feature updates for the Windows Dev Platform at http://wpdev.uservoice.com

Is the Simulator or Emulator closer to matching device?

When I run my web application on the Tizen Web Simulator and the Tizen Emulator using the same resolution (HD 720x1280) and density (DPI), the display does not match. Which one is closer to the display on the actual Tizen device?
Tizen Emulator is closer to the actual device because does an actual emulation so it has an OS image build on it.
Web Simulator is simulating the API, the Web Runtime, and some of the connectivity using Chromium's Webkit engine. It is a simulated environment and there is support only fort the HTML5 applications and not for the native applications.
From my experience with the Tizen Web application API, Tizen Emulator was closer to the actual device compared with the simulator.
There is a scale menu for Tizen Emulator. You can find context menu when you click to right mouse button on the tizen emulator. 4 scales available.
'1x' is closer to actual Tizen device. Tizen simulator display is similar '1/2x' scale of tizen emulator for me.
The Emulator is indeed closer to the device display than the simulator.
However, if you want to see how your app would look on a device, why not flash the Tizen image on a device?
they can be found here, and i'm sure instructions are there also:

Android layout issue on x86 VM

I'm trying to run my app on Android x86 in VirtualBox, and I've hit a small but annoying problem. I've not had this problem before, when I had the VM at the tablet resolution I was mimicking. However, I'm now running the VM at and writing the app for a smaller (phone) resolution. The problem is that the layout looks fine in eclipse and on the actual phone, but everything is shifted in the VM. The resolution and pixel density are supposed to be the same in all three cases, so I'm not sure what to do. The app still functions, but I would prefer the various views to be where they should and look correctly placed, instead of being shifted left and up. It's almost as if everything is drawn correctly in a subset of the screen. Thanks in advance for any help!
