Is there a way to pass multiple dynamic sql values from a select query in JCL to a REXX? - mainframe

I have a select query in a JCL. For eg: the select query will fetch 130 rows with 6 columns. I need to pass the values of each row one by one to a REXX using the JCL. Is there a way to do it? Any help would be appreciated.


How to get data from 2 columns, in different tables within Power Query, to sum into 1 column?

How to get data from 2 columns, in different tables within Excel Power Query, to sum into 1 column?
For example: Table names - Main_Company_HR_Data and Company1_HR_Data -- Fields I want to combine: Main_Company_HR_Data.Gross Company1_HR_Data.Gross.
Within the Data Model; I have established the connection to my data warehouse, and have linked the tables in Power Query as well. I added a column and attempted several suggestions from multiple sites. None work. I have been using: Calculate(SUMX(Main_Company_HR_Data.Gross))+ SUMX(Company1_HR_Data.Gross). And other iterations of the sort, and it doesn't work.
I had this issue, and the way I tackle it, is to make it as simple as possible.
Try this:
Enter this code as a formula, adding a column, in the tab which will have the field summed.
Create a column to sum the two in the same tab you created the above formula.
='Main_Company_HR_Data'[Gross]+'Company1_HR Data'[Gross]

Power Query how to make a Table with multiple values a parameter that uses OR

I have a question regarding Power Query and Tables as parameters for excel.
Right now I can create a table and use it as a parameter for Power query via Drill down.
But I'm unsure how i would proceed with a Table that has multiple values. How can a table be recognized with multiple "values" as a parameter
For example:
I have the following rawdata and parameter tables
Now if I wanted to filter after Value2 with a parameter tables I would do a drill down of the parameter tables and load them to excel.
After that I have two tables that I can filter Value2 with an OR Function by 1 and 2
Is it possible to somehow combine this into 1 Table and that it still uses an OR Function to search
Im asking because I want it to be potentially possible to just add more and more parameters into the table without creating a new table everytime. Basically just copy paste some parameters into the parameter table and be done with it
Thanks for any help in advance
Assuming, you use Parameters only for filtering. There are other ways, but this one looks the best from performance point of view.
You may create Parameters table, so you have such tables:
Note, it's handy to have the same names (Value2) for key column in both tables, otherwise Table.Join will create additional column(s) after merging tables.
Add similar step to filter RawData table:
join = Table.Join(RawData, "Value2", Parameters, "Value2")

Syntax for DISTINCT query on one column in MS Query

I have an Excel spreadsheet which I use as a relational database for my milk round. I query this database using MS Query in Excel (Mac 2011 Version) to generate my delivery routes. One of the columns is the customer address and I'd like to have this shown once per order i.e. have a distinct query for just this column while displaying multiple other rows. It's purely for cosmetic purposes to make the spreadsheet less cluttered.
The main spreadsheet I use as my database has column headings which I have screenshotted, complete with some sample data:
From this main spreadsheet I use MS Query to generate my delivery route which looks like this:
As you can see there is a lot of repeated data in the route generated from the query. What I'd like to do is have just one instance of the address per customer's order, it would help with the legibility of the route when opened in an iPad. I hide other columns that aren't really necessary to help in that regard.
From isolated's comments below, here's a screenshot of ideally how the data returned from the query should look:
I've manually deleted the repeated info in the name & address column to achieve the desired result. I've also hidden some columns that aren't really necessary and I use some conditional formatting rules to help distinguish each customer's order.
I have tried using a group by clause and the following window function but can't get it to work:
SELECT “All Orders”.”Route ID”,
“All Orders”.Name,
“All Orders”.Address
ORDER BY “All Orders”.Address DESC) AS row_number
FROM “All Orders”
) AS rows
WHERE row_number = 1;
Whenever I try to run the query I get an error message regarding syntax. Hopefully someone can tell me where I'm going wrong!
I don't know MS Sql at all, but you could do something with a formula in excel. If you don't like this solution, simply put a comment below that you would still like a sql route and I can get you a query to try to adapt to ms sql.
Create another column and call it address2 (or several more columns if your address field is multiple columns).
Then use this/these formula and adjust as needed:
Column F (address2): =IF(A2=A1,"",C2)
Column G (town2): =IF(A2=A1,"",D2)
You can then hide columns C and D.
Here's a method that works in many dbms such as postgres, but I don't know how to adapt [rank() over (partition by...] to excel sql.
select account,
when prod_rank = 1 then address
else ''
end address
from (
rank() over (partition by account order by item) as prod_rank
from table1
order by account, item
I tried a few variations in excel sql and finally got this one to work.
select a.Account,
Iif(a.product = b.min_item,a.address,'') as [address]
FROM table1 as a
min(z.Product) as min_item
FROM table1 as z
group by z.Account ) as b
where b.account = a.Account
order by a.account, a.product

Is there a workaround for the maximum length of an ODBCConnection.CommandText string in VBA?

I have a VBA script that generates a query string for a SAP HANA ODBC Connection in Excel. The query is determined by user inputs and can vary greatly in length. The query itself uses many versions of a similar query appended to one another using UNION ALL syntax.
The script sometimes throws a runtime error when trying to refresh. From my research, it has become clear that the reason for this is that the CommandText string exceeds a maximum allowed length of 32,767 (
I wondered whether there is a workaround for this, other than using a stored procedure (I am not against this if there is a way to create a stored procedure at runtime then execute it, but I cannot use a predefined stored procedure as my query is always different hence the need for VBA to create it)
Some more info about the dynamic query in VBA:
Column names, as well as parameters, are created dynamically and can be different every time
The query uses groups of lists of product numbers to generate an IN statement for each product group, then sums the sales for those products under the name of the group. These are then all UNION'd together to create one table with grouped records
Example of user input:
Example of resulting query:
SELECT GEND "Gender", 'Attribute 1' "Attribute", SUM(UNITS) "Units", SUM(VAL) "Value", SUM(MARGIN) "Margin"
WHERE PRODUCT IN ('12345', '23456', '34567', '45678')
WHERE PRODUCT IN ('01234', '02345', '03456', '03567')
ORDER BY "Gender", "Attribute"
...and so on.
As you can see, with 2 attribute groups containing 4 products each there is no problem, but when we get to about 30 with several hundred each, it could be too long.
Note: I have tried things like shortening field references in the repeated parts of the query string to 1 character etc. which helps but does not solve the problem.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
One workaround is to send multiple queries. Since you are using union all, you could execute every time single select statement, i.e.
create table in (for example) master database (don't create temporary tables! as they will be dropped after every query) - but before that, make sure you create new table, so delete old one if exists (also drop the table after you are done with it). Now every single select statement you'll change to insert statement, which will insert records to your so-called temporary table.
This way, you'll avoid lengthy queries, you'll just send single insert .. into.. select statements.
At the end, to get all results, you just need simple select query. After getting this data, you should drop that table, as it's no longer needed.

Import 2 or more columns from Excel into 1 column Access

I have an Excel report that is the output of an opinion tool. In this Excel I have all the responses that the people submit for my quizz, in the questions that are multiple choise answer the tool output those questions like one question per option and only the selected option is the column with data in the Excel. For example, if my quizz is like this:
Q1 Your name:
R1 =
Q2 Options
opt 1
opt 2
opt 3
The Excel report will appear like this
Excel Report
So I want that when I import the Excel to Access it can automatically merge those columns to have only to headers in the Access table: "Q1 Your name:" & "Q2 Options"
Also, for context of the job, I will make some other editions to that imported table and then copy to another Access table (table 2) so even if there is a way to merge those Access columns before copy to the another one I will accept it like, I don't know, insert from this column and if empty insert from that column, I'm not good at doing queries sorry. Only the table 2 will have information, the first table would be like a temporary one so I will daily delete information from that one and preserve the important data en the table 2
Thanks for the support
Simplest way I can see to achieve your goal is to concatenate the three columns; since by the sound of it you will only ever have a value in one column per question per record. You could do this in Excel prior to the import, you could use a calculated field on the table or you could build a query that concatenates all your questions. My suggestion would be Excel since using the =CONCATENATE() function is probably going to be easiest option for you.
If you do import your raw data into Access you will need to assign unique column names, ie Q2_Op1, Q2_Op2, Q2_Op3.
The query syntax to concatenate these fields one would be something like:
SELECT Q1_Name, [Q2_Op1] & [Q2_Op2] & [Q3_Op3] AS Q2_Options
FROM Table1;
Where Q1_Name, Q2_Op1, Q2_Op2, Q3_Op3 are the column names on the imported data table.
