Excel VBA Code to pull SSRS data as a dataset - excel

I can’t seem to find a solution for my problem no matter how much I Google.
(Please excuse my verbosity in the following explanation)
My process is that I have to go to the SSRS web page, run my report (with parameters), and finally export as an excel file. Once all that is done I can execute my couple thousand lines of VBA code to import the raw data I just downloaded and apply my business logic. Now I’m able to make My pretty charts and graphs. For lots of reasons I won’t enumerate here, I need to further automate this.
What I would like to do is change my code so it will just pull the data directly into my Excel spreadsheet without having to have first saved it as a file.
The Googling I have done so far suggests I would be pulling it into a dataset, then work with that dataset object to consume my data.
Does anyone have VBA code that demonstrates how to connect to the SSRS server, call my specific report (with parameters) and, and return the results as ( I’m guessing as a dataset),and read that into my spreadsheet?

Excel is providing facility to connect to the database and run query. You can execute the SP's query from excel
Once you got the data, you can apply your chart logic in excel.
Please refer the link. Hope it will help you.


Extracting specific data from a pdf into excel

I need to extract select data from a pdf form into excel. Eventually, the data gathered will be used in another step (excel table) as part of an additional calculation.
I am hoping to find a way to automate this process so I tried importing the pdf file to excel using Power Query. Unfortunately, each time I loaded the pdf, I get a message (Page is blank).
After doing some initial search, I found out that this may be due to the fact the way the pdf file was built originally (not as a table converted to a pdf).
I went back and converted the pdf file into a spreadsheet and now I can actually see the data that I need to extract in excel but needs a lot of cell formatting and rearranging.
I would really like to know if there is an alternative to solving this problem. More importantly, I'd very much appreciate any bright ideas or recommendations on how to best tackle this task since I have to repeat the same process 30+ times.
Also, I don't have a lot of coding experience, knowledge- very minimal.
Thank you so much

Integration of complex Excel data extraction/transformation and Power BI

Looking for suggestions/recommendations
We currently have a report that has a large no. of metrics, across various areas of the business. The report is largely manually compiled. For many metrics, the data is sourced from some business system, then complex calcs/transformations are performed in Excel to get the metric, which is then manually 'plugged into' the report. The report is presented using Power BI
We want to automate the extraction/calculation process as much as we can. Both to reduce manual effort as well as to remove potential for errors/manipulation that can happen due to the Excel calcs.
Because the Excel transformations are so complex, we need to somehow keep the logic that's in the spreadsheets, but want to, as far as possible, secure the source data/calcs from human error/manipulation.
I think we need to somehow integrate the Excel data extraction/transformation logic into Power BI, and, as far as possible, remove any manual intervention required. And also remove any potential for unauthorised users to change source data or calculations. I'm not sure of the best way to go about this, so I'm looking for suggestions.
Thank you
I think you have two options.
Import the data into excel using macros, then export the completed data into a new sheet using macros.
Set up a powerquery which will do all the data manipulation for you given the raw data.
You'd probably need to post a specific example if you need more help.

Using a JIRA saved filter with REST API and Excel

I have a report that I need to update in Excel many times a day using statistics from JIRA. If I can import these directly with code I would save a lot of time and effort.
Is it possible to use a saved JIRA filter in conjunction with the REST API function to import the results to Excel using a VBA macro?
This is a solution does not use REST API, but it may work for you. This is a workaround I am using so far and it works:
Run the Filter in Jira
Export the result list into an excel file using the Export CSV file with the option current field (to avoid having unnecessary fields) and with the right button of mouse select: Open in a new window
Now you will see the URL associated with your filter in a new window of your browser. Your filter is represented by a Filter ID, therefore the query will be always the same.
Go to excel and use the URL as a hyperlink
Every time you click on the hyperlink it will download the file from Jira. You need to have a Jira open sesion in your browser.
Create a VBA marco that click on the hyperlink for downloading the file.
Use Power Query for example for loading the file from the download folder location into a worksheet. Power Query is a new excel feature. Power Query is an ETL tool integrated into excel for loading files and processing them.
The steps 6-7 automates the process. Run the Marco for downloading the file and refresh the content of your worksheet from Data Connection. You can have an additional macro that refreshes the content of the worksheet. It refreshes all pivot tables and the file connection for reading the file.
Hint: Use excel Table for keeping the information updated automatically when additional information is loaded into the worksheet. If you use pivot tables for presenting the data, use as data source an excel table instead of excel range.
It minimizes a lot the manual effort.
Here you can find a solution that uses REST API, the author provides the source code, but it is more complicated. If you need something simple, my solution may work for you.

Importing SAP Summary Statement Data to Excel

Hi I recently have been taking a deeper dive into excel and I was thinking about how to automate a task that I have to do every month. Every month I update financial projections by manually entering in monthly expenses into a spreadsheet for each account.
I would like to find a way to pull data that I normally manually enter from SAP Netweaver and our inhouse website that lists salary charges to an excel spreadsheet.
What do I need to learn to automate this repetitive task? I am not an expert in CS by any means so if anyone has any suggestions on ways to solve this problem, topics to learn that would be helpful and/or online resources that would help me learn how to automate this data entry it would be greatly appreciated.
TL;DR I want to upload data from SAP to an excel file where financial projections are kept so I don't have to manually enter the data in every month.
If you want to write some vba code to login into SAP and select necessary data, you need to develop custom function module on ABAP that will select it.
So it's much easier to write custom report with export to Excel. ABAP isn't very difficult to learn.
Take a look at some of the query tools available within Netweaver. Transaction SQVI can be used to build a simple query involving one or more tables, from which the results (in ALV) can be exported to excel. Transaction SQ01, SQ02 and SQ03 can be used for the same, but are a bit more involved.

Generate Automated Google Analytics Excel Reports

I want to be able to create reports in Excel which read data from Google Analytics
How do I go about doing this? I find a lot of information about using Google Spreadsheets but my team is more familiar with Excel
I'd like them to be able to pivot data from google analytics/create graphs and i'd like to be able to create graphs which refresh when the data refreshes
You can easily convert a Google Spreadsheet to Excel format by downloading it as "xlsx".
I'm doing pretty much the same.
First of all, you need to have 2 separate sheets, 1 for your core data and one for your visual part (ur graphs).
In raw data sheet, get insert the data from GA
In graphs sheet, create ur graphs using the raw data.
Now, if you import new data and replace the old one, it should automatically update your graphs as well (unless you deleted some references).
In general, this could be automated, but typically you need additional tool to so so. I hope this helps
