How to synchronously read from a ReadStream in node - node.js

I am trying to read UTF-8 text from a file in a memory and time efficient way. There are two ways to read directly from a file synchronously:
fs.readFileSync will read the entire file and return a buffer containing the file's entire contents
fs.readSync will read a set amount of bytes from a file and return a buffer containing just those contents
I initially just used fs.readFileSync because it's easiest, but I'd like to be able to efficiently handle potentially large files by only reading in chunks of text at a time. So I started using fs.readSync instead. But then I realized that fs.readSync doesn't handle UTF-8 decoding. UTF-8 is simple, so I could whip up some logic to manually decode it, but Node already has services for that, so I'd like to avoid that if possible.
I noticed fs.createReadStream, which returns a ReadStream that can be used for exactly this purpose, but unfortunately it seems to only be available in an asynchronous mode of operation.
Is there a way to read from a ReadStream in a synchronous way? I have a massive stack built on top of this already, and I'd rather not have to refactor it to be asynchronous.

I discovered the string_decoder module, which handles all that UTF-8 decoding logic I was worried I'd have to write. At this point, it seems like a no-brainer to use this on top of fs.readSync to get the synchronous behavior I was looking for.
You basically just keep feeding bytes to it, and as it is able to successfully decode characters, it will emit them. The Node documentation is sufficient at describing how it works.


Node.js read and write stream to the same file at the same time

I'm browsing through a number of solutions on npm and github looking for something that would allow me to read and write to the same file in two different places at the same time. So far I'm having trouble actually finding anything like this. Is there a module of some sort that will allow that?
In essence my requirement is that in a large file I need to, in the following order:
Ideally the usage would be something like:
const fd =, "r+");
const read = createReadStreamSomehowFrom(fd);
const write = createWriteStreamSomehowFrom(fd);
.pipe(new Transform(transform() {...}))
I could do that with standard fs.create[Read/Write]Stream but there's no way to control the flow of both streams and if my write position goes beyond read position then I'm reading something I just wrote...
The use case is the same as perl -p -i -e, read and write to the same file (meaning the same inode) asynchronously and replace the contents without loading everything into memory.
I would expect this a real world use case, yet all implementations I found actually load the whole file into memory and then save it. Am I missing a known module here or is there a need to actually write something like this?
Hmm... a tough one it seems. :)
So here's for the record - I found no such module and actually discussed this with some people responsible for a nice in-file replacing module. Seeing no way to solve this I decided to write it from scratch and here it is:
signicode/rw-stream repo on github
rw-stream at npm
The module works on a simple principle that no byte can be written until it has been consumed in the readable stream and it's fairly simple underneath (couple ops with keeping eye on the point of read and write).
If you find this useful then I'm happy. :)

piping node.js object streams to multiple destinations is producing bizarre results -- why?

When piping one transform stream to two other transform streams, occasionally I'm getting a few of the objects from one destination stream appearing in place of the proper objects in the other destination stream. In a stream of 90,000 objects, in about 1 out of 3 runs about 10 objects starting at the sequence number about 10,000 are from the wrong stream (the start position of number of anomolous objects varies). What in the world could account for such bizarre results?
The setup:
The sourceStream is a transform stream fed by a file read. The two destination streams are transform streams leading to file writes. Both the file read and file write are through the fs streaming API. All the streams rely on node.js automatic backpressure in piping.
Occasionally objects from processingStream2 are leaking into destinationStream1, as described above.
The checking streams (check1 a sink, check2 a passthrough) show the anomalous objects exist in the stream through check2 but not in the stream into check1.
The file reads and writes are of text (csv) files. I'm using Node.js version 8.6 on Windows 7 (though deserved, please don't throw rocks at me for the latter).
Suggestions on how to better isolate the problem also welcomed. The anomoly is structured enought that it doesn't seem like a generic memory leak, but not consistent enough to be a code error. I'm mystified.
Ugh! processingStream2 modifies the object in the stream coming through it (actually modifies a property of a sub-object). Apparently you can't count on the order of the pipes as controlling the order in changes in the streamed objects. Very occassionally, after sending the source objects through processingStream2, the input object to processingStream2 goes into processingStream1 via node internals. Probably as part of some optimization under the hood.
Lesson learned: don't change the input streamed object when piping to multiple destinations, even if you think you're making the change downstream. May you never have to learn this lesson the hard way!

Write stream into buffer object

I have a stream that is being read from an audio source and I'm trying to store it into a Buffer. From the documentation that I've read, you are able to pipe the stream into one using fs.createWriteStream(~buffer~) instead of a file path.
I'm doing this currently as:
const outputBuffer = Buffer.alloc(150000)
const stream = fs.createWriteStream(outputBuffer)
but when I run it, it throws an error saying that the Path: must be a string without null bytes for the file system call.
If I'm misunderstanding the docs or missing something obvious please let me know!
The first parameter to fs.createWriteStream() is the filename to read. That is why you receive that particular error.
There is no way to read from a stream directly into an existing Buffer. There was a node EP to support this, but it more or less died off because there are some potential gotchas with it.
For now you will need to either copy the bytes manually or if you don't want node to allocate extra Buffers, you will need to manually call, (this is the method that allows you to pass in your Buffer instance, along with an offset), and fs.close().

NodeJS Request Pipe buffer size

How can I set up the maximum buffer size on a NodeJS Request Pipe? I'm trying to use AWS Lambda to download from a source and pipe upload to a destination like in the code below:
This code works fine, but if the file size is bigger than the AWS Lambda Memory Size (image below), it crashes. If I increase the memory, it works, so I know is not the timeout or link, but only the memory allocation. Initially I don't to increase the number, but even if I use the maximum, still 1.5GB, and I'm expecting to transfer files bigger than that.
Is there a global variable for NodeJS on AWS Lambda for this? Or any other suggestion?
Two things to consider:
Do not use request(source).pipe(request(destination)) with or within a promise (async/await). For some reason it memory leaks when done with promises.
"However, STREAMING THE RESPONSE (e.g. .pipe(...)) is DISCOURAGED because Request-Promise would grow the memory footprint for large requests unnecessarily high. Use the original Request library for that. You can use both libraries in the same project." Source:
To control how much memory the pipe uses: Set the highWaterMark for BOTH ends of the pipe. I REPEAT: BOTH ENDS OF THE PIPE. This will force the pipe to let only so much data into the pipe and out of the pipe, and thus limits its occupation in memory. (But does not limit how fast data moves through the pipe...see Bonus)
request.get(sourceUrl,{highWaterMark: 1024000, encoding:null}).pipe(request(destinationUrl,{highWaterMark: 1024000));
1025000 is in bytes and is approximately 10MB.
Source for highWaterMark background:
"Because Duplex and Transform streams are both Readable and Writable, each maintains two separate internal buffers used for reading and writing, allowing each side to operate independently of the other while maintaining an appropriate and efficient flow of data. For example, net.Socket instances are Duplex streams whose Readable side allows consumption of data received from the socket and whose Writable side allows writing data to the socket. Because data may be written to the socket at a faster or slower rate than data is received, it is important for each side to operate (and buffer) independently of the other." <- last sentence here is the important part.
Bonus: If you want to throttle how fast data passes through the pipe, check something like this out:
const throttle = require('stream-throttle');
let th = new throttle.Throttle({rate: 10240000}); //if you dont want to transfer data faster than 10mb/sec
request.get(sourceUrl,{highWaterMark: 1024000, encoding:null}).pipe(th).pipe(request(destinationUrl,{highWaterMark: 1024000));

Saving a base 64 string to a file via createWriteStream

I have an image coming into my Node.js application via email (through cloud service provider Mandrill). The image comes in as a base64 encoded string, email.content in the example below. I'm currently writing the image to a buffer, and then a file like this:
//create buffer and write to file
var dataBuffer = new Buffer(email.content, 'base64');
var writeStream = fs.createWriteStream(tmpFileName);
writeStream.once('open', function(fd) {
console.log('Our steam is open, lets write to it');
}); //writeSteam.once('open')
writeStream.on('close', function() {
fileStats = fs.statSync(tmpFileName);
This works fine and is all well and good, but am I essentially doubling the memory requirements for this section of code, since I have my image in memory (as the original string), and then create a buffer of that same string before writing the file? I'm going to be dealing with a lot of inbound images so doubling my memory requirements is a concern.
I tried several ways to write email.content directly to the stream, but it always produced an invalid file. I'm a rank amateur with modern coding, so you're welcome to tell me this concern is completely unfounded as long as you tell me why so some light will dawn on marble head.
Since you already have the entire file in memory, there's no point in creating a write stream. Just use fs.writeFile
fs.writeFile(tmpFileName, email.content, 'base64', callback)
#Jonathan's answer is a better way to shorten the code you already have, so definitely do that.
I will expand on your question about memory though. The fact is that Node will not write anything to a file without converting it to a Buffer first, so given when you have told us about email.content, there is nothing more you can do.
If you are really worried about this though, then you would need some way to process the value of email.content as it comes in from where ever you are getting it from, as a stream. Then as the data is being streamed into the server, you immediately write it to a file, thus not taking up any more RAM than needed.
If you elaborate more, I can try to fill in more info.
