Unsupported languages in Azure AD B2C Localized Resources - azure

I would like to know how, if possible, to add unsupported languages as a Localized Resource in Azure B2C's authentication process. At present you can only select from a predefined list of languages, but I need to add other languages, Welsh for example, as options for the user.
I understand that this feature is currently in Preview and so the functionality just might not exist.

Actually,this information in that official document may be helpful to you:
we are planning to provide an extension of this feature that allows
you to upload a JSON resource towards 'custom languages'. The feature
allows you to specify the name and language code for any language and
provide all the translations for that language. If you need this
feature, send us your scenario at aadb2cpreview#microsoft.com.
So, I think you can send your scenario to the Email address aadb2cpreview#microsoft.com. You will get help with that Extension.
Hope this helps!


Azure RBAC - modularity and custom roles inheritance

My team and I are handling hundreds of subscriptions that are belonging to different teams.
Many of them have different needs in terms of security, services to be used, etc whereas we, as a central platform, also make sure that everyone work with the same baseline (security, monitoring, automation, etc.).
We of course have a need to handle RBAC and we are using custom roles a lot. I was wondering if there was a way to create a custom role based on another one to benefit from "classic inheritance".
So I could create for example a role named "basic_user" that would contains a set of "Actions" and an "advanced_user" could have "basic_user" accesses plus additional ones, and so on with "super_advanced_user".
I know that Microsoft has designed it the opposite way so far, allowing us to assign multiple roles to a given individual/group, but for internal design reasons, we would like to stick to one role assignment for a given recipient (one AAD group containing all people accordingly to their role).
Is this something technically feasible/reproducible or does anyone heard about such a feature ? Or maybe is it something we should not consider because of some reasons you'd want to highlight ?
The feature that you would like to implement as you described is not currently not available as you were already aware of this. But however you can post about this feature directly via this link. It will reviewed directly by the Microsoft engineering teams and will respond.

ADB2C built-in policies and javascript

ADB2C now allow us to use javascript within built-in policies.
But this is still a preview feature (since several months). Is it safe to use it or not ? We clearly need now to move on the new b2clogin.com domain and we would have taken the opportunity to also implement javascript.
Pubic previews are not suggested for production environment because, the behavior will change during preview and we can't confirm the GA date.

Does Gmail saves organization structure in user's details?

My company is using G-suite and I'd like to analyze basic organization structure details like who's my manager? or who do I manage?
Is this possible using the GoogleApis?
You can definitely consult this information, not by using Gmail API, but by using the G Suite Admin SDK.
Particularly, you may be interested in the following endpoints:
Retrieving a user
Retrieving an organizational unit
You may also want to see the Quickstart which will help you set up an application that can retrieve this data. There are many languages supported (you can choose the one you prefer on the left sidebar).

Azure AD B2C date attribute without Custom Policies

I need users to enter a date when signing-up or editing their profile in Azure AD B2C. Is there any way to do this without using Custom Policies?
I see two options:
Use a string extension attribute with a text input. But you cannot do client-side validation...
Use 3x string extension attributes (day, month, year) with 3x single-select drop-down inputs. I think this is the way I will need to do it.
Is there a simpler way? Am I missing something?
Why not use Custom Policies? This is the only functionality I am missing using the built-in policies, so it seems like overkill to introduce the additional complexity of getting everything working with Custom Policies, just to get a valid date. Plus Custom Policies are in preview at the time of asking, so are subject to change etc.
Many thanks!
I opened a question on the MSDN forums to see if I could get an answer there.
To sum it up, you need to use Custom Policies.
My concern regarding using features in Public Preview was addressed like so:
We recommend built-in policies for most scenario's. However, for specific requirement (scenario) built-in policies may not fetch you the actual results. In that situation, you have to use custom policies. Yes, you're right, Microsoft does not recommend using preview features in production environment. It is good to be cautious and follow the recommendations.

Where can I find a list of all supported B2C custom policy Claim Transformation Methods?

Where can I find a list of all supported Azure AD B2C Custom Policy Claims Transformation Methods?
I have searched Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo and GitHub for such list, but can't find it.
And TrustFrameworkPolicy_0.3.0.0.xsd schema doesn't contain it.
https://github.com/Azure-Samples/active-directory-b2c-advanced-policies/blob/master/Documentation/Features%20part%206.md - does have an outdated list - some of methods like AddParameterToStringCollection can't be used - policy can't be imported when I use it.
No such list exists at this time. You should request it via the Azure AD B2C feedback forum.
Your best bet is to go through all the starter packs and see which transformations are included in those. While there might be others, if they are not referenced in the starter packs or docs, they are unsupported and not recommended for broad use.
We have released a full documentation of the schema here:
All elements of custom policies for b2c, also known as Identity Experience Framework or IEF are published.
