how to check if any of given queries return any result in knex - node.js

I have two queries:
a) select id from ingredietns where name = my_param;
b) select word_id from synonyms where name = my_param;
Both return 0 or 1 row. I can also add limit 1 if needed (or in knex first()).
I can translate each into knex like this:
knex("ingredients").select('id').where('name', my_param) //do we need first()?
knex("synonyms").select('word_id').where('name', my_param) //do we need first()?
I need function called "ingredientGetOrCreate(my_param)". This function would
a) check if any of above queries return result
b) if any of these return, then return or synonyms.word_id - only one could be returned
c) if record doesn't eixst in any of tables, I need to do knex inesrt aand return newly added id from function
d) later I am not sure I also understand how to call this newly create function.
Function ingredientGetOrCreate would be used later as seperate function or in the following scenario (like "loop") that doesn't work for me either:
knex("products") // for each product
.select("id", "name")
.map(function (row) {
var descriptionSplitByCommas = row.desc.split(",");
.map(function (my_param) {
// here it comes - call method for each param and do insert
.then(function (id_of_ingredient) {
knex('ingredients_products').insert({ id_of_ingredient });
I am stuck with knex and Promise queries because of asynchronouse part. Any clues, please?
I though I can somehow use Promise.all or Promise.some to call both queries.
P.S. This is my first day with nodejs, Promise and knex.

As far as I decode your question, it consists of two parts:
(1) You need to implement upsert logic (get-or-create logic).
(2) Your get part requires to query not a single table, but a pair of tables in specific order. Table names imply that this is some sort of aliasing engine inside of your application.
Let's start with (2). This could definitely be solved with two queries, just like you sense it.
function pick_name (rows)
if (! rows.length) return null
return rows[0].name
// you can sequence queries
function ingredient_get (name)
return knex('ingredients')
.select('id').where('name', name)
.then(name =>
if (name) return name
return knex('synonyms')
.select('word_id').where('name', name)
// or run em parallel
function ingredient_get (name)
var q_ingredients = knex('ingredients')
.select('id').where('name', name)
var q_synonyms = knex('synonyms')
.select('word_id').where('name', name)
return Promise.all([ q_ingredients, q_synonyms ])
.then(([name1, name2]) =>
return name1 || name2
Important notions here:
Both forms works well and return first occurence or JS' null.
First form optimizes count of queries to DB.
Second form optimizes answer time.
However, you can go deeper and use more SQL. There's a special tool for such task called COALESCE. You can consult your SQL documentation, here's COLASCE of PostgreSQL 9. The main idea of COALESCE is to return first non-NULL argument or NULL otherwise. So, you can leverage this to optimize both queries and answer time.
function ingredient_get (name)
// preparing but not executing both queries
var q_ingredients = knex('ingredients')
.select('id').where('name', name)
var q_synonyms = knex('synonyms')
.select('word_id').where('name', name)
// put them in COALESCE
return knex.raw('SELECT COALESCE(?, ?) AS name', [ q_ingredients, q_synonyms ])
This solution guarantees single query and furthermore DB engine can optimize execution in any way it sees appropriate.
Now let's solve (1): We now got ingredient_get(name) which returns Promise<string | null>. We can use its output to activate create logic or return our value.
function ingredient_get_or_create (name, data)
return ingredient_get(name)
.then(name =>
if (name) return name
// …do your insert logic here
return knex('ingredients').insert({ name, })
// guarantee homohenic output across get/create calls:
.then(() => name)
Now ingredient_get_or_create do your desired upsert logic.
We already got ingredient_get_or_create which returns Promise<name> in any scenario (both get or create).
a) If you need to do any specific logic after that you can just use then:
.then(() => knex('another_table').insert(…))
.then(/* another logic after all */)
In promise language that means «do that action (then) if previous was OK (ingredient_get_or_create)». In most of the cases that is what you need.
b) To implement for-loop in promises you got multiple different idioms:
// use some form of parallelism
var qs = [ 'name1', 'name2', 'name3' ]
.map(name =>
return ingredient_get_or_create(name, data)
var q = Promise.all(qs)
Please, note, that this is an agressive parallelism and you'll get maximum of parallel queries as your input array provides.
If it's not desired, you need to limit parallelism or even run tasks sequentially. Bluebird's is a way to run map which analogous to example above but with concurrency option available. Consider the docs for details.
There's also Bluebird's Promise.mapSeries which conceptually is an analogue to for-loop but with promises. It's like map which runs sequentially. Look the docs for details.
Promise.mapSeries([ 'name1', 'name2', 'name3' ],
(name) => ingredient_get_or_create(name, data))
.then(/* logic after all mapSeries are OK */)
I believe the last is what you need.


Filling a database with after promises parsing a text file

I'm trying to build a db with bluebird and sqlite3 to manage a lot of "ingredients".
So far I've managed to parse a file and extrapolate some data from it using regex.
Every time a line matches the regex I want to search in the database if an element with the same name has already been inserted, if so the element is skipped, otherwise it must be inserted.
The problem is that some elements get inserted more than one time.
The code partially works, and I'm saying it partially works because if I remove the line of code where I check the existence of an element with the same name, the duplicate rows are much more.
Here's the piece of code:
lineReader.eachLine(FILE_NAME, (line, last, cb) => {
let match = regex.exec(line);
if (match != null) {
let matchedName = match[1].trim();
//This function return a Promise for all the rows with corresponding name
.then((entries) => {
if (entries.length > 0) {
console.log("ALREADY INSERTED INGREDIENT: " + matchedName)
} else {
console.log("ADDING " + matchedName)
I know I'm missing something about Promises but I can't understand what I'm doing wrong.
Here's the code of Both getByName(name) and create(name):
create(name) {
`INSERT INTO ingredients (name) VALUES (?)`,
getByName(name) {
return this.dao.all(
'SELECT * FROM ingredients WHERE name == ?',
ingredientsRepo.getByName(matchedName) returns a promise, this means it's asynchronous. I am also guessing that ingredientsRepo.create(matchedName) is asynchronous, because you are inserting something into a DB.
Your loop doesn't wait for these async functions to complete. Hence the loop could already be on the 50th iteration, when the .then(...) is called for the first iteration.
So let's say the first 10 elements have the same name. Well, since the asynchronous functions take some time to complete, the name will not be inserted into the DB until say maybe the 20th iteration of the loop. So for the first 10 elements, the name does not exist within the DB.
It's a timing issue.

Adding a raw select statement to the Knex query builder

Using Knex to make queries to my Postgres DB. I have a function that provides a "base" query using the Knex QueryBuilder. This works fine until I need to add something raw to the SELECT statement. From what I can tell, running .raw always wants to return a result. I just need it to be added to the QueryBuilder, though, so it can be executed by a different part of my app.
const baseQuery = knex
.leftJoin('user_roles', '', 'user_roles.user_id')
.leftJoin('roles', 'user_roles.role_id', '')
.leftJoin('role_permissions', '', 'role_permissions.role_id')
.orderBy('users.created_at', 'desc');
I need to add the following to the select:
knex.raw('to_json(array_agg(distinct as roleNames')
knex.raw('to_json(array_agg(distinct as permissionNames')
How can I add these raw selects to the base query so that the base query can then be passed to a different function as a QueryBuilder and added to?
The cool thing about knex is that it is a queryBuilder, which allows you to call the methods without any limits about the order of calls. That means that you can just construct your base query in a function, and then attach to it additional things (such as additional columns).
In your case you just can call another time to select (knex will join the select calls)
// base-query.js
export const getBaseQuery = () => knex
.leftJoin('user_roles', '', 'user_roles.user_id')
.leftJoin('roles', 'user_roles.role_id', '')
.leftJoin('role_permissions', '', 'role_permissions.role_id')
.leftJoin('permissions', '', 'role_permissions.permission_id')
.orderBy('users.created_at', 'desc');
// other-file.js
import {getBaseQuery} from 'base-query';
const enhancedQuery = getBaseQuery().select([
knex.raw('to_json(array_agg(distinct as roleNames'),
knex.raw('to_json(array_agg(distinct as permissionNames'),
const results = await enhancedQuery;
Another cool way that I'm using heavily, solves the following requirement: Sometimes I need to change an internal query from the outside, I use the modify
For example, I have a getProducts method which execute a select query and do some data transformation.
In order to implement getProductById which needs to return the same data structure (it is just need to filter the base query) I pass a queryModifier method which modifies the original query.
async function getProducts(queryModifier) {
const products = await knex
.modify((queryBuilder) => {
if (typeof queryModifier === 'function') {
return queryModifier(queryBuilder);
async function getProductById(id) {
return getProducts((qb) => {
return qb.where('id', id);

Running node sqlite3 code synchronously

I'm having trouble adjusting to the async-first nature of node / js / typescript. This intent of this little function should be pretty clear: it takes a database and returns an array of courses that are listed in that database.
The problem is that the return statement gets run before any of the database operations have run, and I get an empty list. When I set a breakpoint inside the database each loop, I can see that the rows are being found and that courses are being put into ret one by one, but these courses never become visible in the scope where courseList() was called.
const courseList = (database: sqlite3.Database): Course[] => {
let ret = new Array<Course>();
database.each("select ID, Title from Course", (err: Error, row: Object) => {
ret.push(new Course(
return ret;
The calling code just wants to print information about courses. For example:
let courses = courseList(db);
console.log(courses.length); // logs 0, even though the db contains courses
database.each takes a complete callback. Use that to resume e.g.
const courseList = (database: sqlite3.Database, complete): Course[] => {
let ret = new Array<Course>();
database.each("select ID, Title from Course", (err: Error, row: Object) => {
ret.push(new Course(
}, complete);
return ret;
let courses = courseList(db, () => {
There are better ways to write this. Use promises
The documentation is horrible : I would be tempted to look elsewhere (TS First) for a database solution. Its not worth the pain for me personally. YMMV.

Knex Query build - build chain dynamically

I've traded node-DBI for knex because it has more function that I require.
So far I'd make the same choice again but only one thing is holding me back: writing abstract methods that take a options variable where params like where, innerjoin and such are contained in.
Using node-dbi I could easily forge a string using these variables but I can't seem to create the knex chain dymanicly because after using a switch, you'd get knex.method is not a function.
Any idea how to resolve this?
I'm looking for something as in
var knex=knex
/** append the select data using
/** append the where data using knex.where(data)*/
/** append innerjoin data*/
This way I can avoid having to write alot of DB functions and let my Business Logical Layers handel the requests
/*This function serves as the core of our DB layer
This will generate a SQL query and execute it whilest returning the response prematurely
#param obj:{Object} this is the options object that contain all of the query options
#return Promise{Object}: returns a promise that will be reject or resolved based on the outcome of the query
The reasoning behind this kind of logic is that we want to abstract our layer as much as possible, if evne the slightest
sytnax change occurs in the near future, we can easily update all our code by updating this one
We are using knex as a query builder and are thus relying on Knex to communicate with our DB*/
/*Can also be used to build custom query functions from a data.service. This way our database service will remain
unpolluted from many different functions and logic will be contained in a BLL*/
/* All available options
var options = {
/*Test object*/
/*var testobj = {
var testobj = {
function queryBuilder(options){
var promise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
var query;
for (var prop in options) {
if (options.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
switch (prop) {
case 'table':
query = knex(options[prop]);
case 'where':
query[prop](options[prop].value, options[prop].operand, options[prop].valueToEqual);
/*andWhere and orWhere share the same syntax*/
case 'andWhere':
case 'orWhere':
for(let i=0, len=options[prop].length;i<len;i++){
query[prop](options[prop][i].value, options[prop][i].operand, options[prop][i].valueToEqual);
case 'select':
/*Same syntax for update and insert -- switch fallthrough*/
case 'insert':
case 'update':
case 'innerJoin':
for(let i=0, len=options[prop].length;i<len;i++){
query[prop](options[prop][i].table, options[prop][i].value, options[prop][i].valueToEqual);
return query
.then(function (res) {
return resolve(res);
}, function (error) {
return reject(error);
return reject('Options wrongly formatted');
return promise
Thanks to Molda I was able to produce the code above. This one takes a Object called options in as a parameter and will build the knex chain based on this value. See the comments for the syntax of Object
Not every knex query option has been included but this will serve as a good base for anyone trying to achieve a similar effect.
Some examples to use this:
/*Will return all values from a certain table
#param: table{String}: string of the table to query
#param: select{Array[String]}: Array of strings of columns to be select -- defaults to ['*'] */
function getAll(table,select) {
/*Select * from table as default*/
var selectVal=select||['*']
var options={
return queryBuilder(options)
or a more specific use case:
function getUserAdvantages(userid){
var options = {
return sqlService.queryBuilder(options)
Note: the sqlService is a module of node that I export containing the queryBUilder method.
Edit: I wanted to add that the only roadblock I had was using the .from / .insert from Knex. I no longer use these methods as they resulted in errors when using them. Ive used knex(table) as commented.

Protractor compare string numbers

Today I've faced interesting problem of create test for pretty simple behavior: 'Most recent' sorting. All what test need to know:
Every item have ID
Previous ID is less then next in this case of sorting
Approach: writing ID in to attribute of item, getting that id from first item with getAttribute() and either way for second.
Problem: getAttribute() promise resulting with string value and Jasmine is not able to compare (from the box) string numbers.
I would like to find elegant way to compare them with toBeLessThan() instead of using chains of few .then() that will be finished with comparing that things.
Root of no-type-definition evil
Thanks guys <3
You can create a helper function to convert string number to actual number, which will make use of Promises:
function toNumber(promiseOrValue) {
// if it is not a promise, then convert a value
if (!protractor.promise.isPromise(promiseOrValue)) {
return parseInt(promiseOrValue, 10);
// if promise - convert result to number
return promiseOrValue.then(function (stringNumber) {
return parseInt(stringNumber, 10);
And then use the result with .toBeLessThan, etc:
I forgot of native nature of promises but tnx to Michael Radionov I've remembered what I want to do.
expect(first.then( r => Number(r) )).toBe(next.then( r => Number(r) ));
I guess this stroke looks simple.
it('should test numbers', async function () {
let first = Number(await $('#first').getText());
let second = Number(await $('#second').getText());
One option to approach it with a custom jasmine matcher:
toBeSorted: function() {
return {
compare: function(actual) {
var expected = actual.slice().sort(function (a, b) {
return +a.localeCompare(+b);
return {
pass: jasmine.matchersUtil.equals(actual, expected)
Here the matcher takes an actual input array, integer-sort it and compare with the input array.
Note that here we are calling getAttribute("id") on an ElementArrayFinder which would resolve into an array of id attribute values. expect() itself is patched to implicitly resolve promises.
