How to create complex nested If statement in Excel? - excel

I have an If formula in Excel as seen below:
Basically, if cells Q2 to U2 is O the cell with formula will have O written in it. Otherwise it will have X. Now I want to change it into a nested If statement due to new conditions.
These conditions, in order are:
If any one of cells Q2 to U2 = X, cell = X
If any one of cells Q2 to U2 = date format, cell = ∆
If Q2 to U2 = O, cell = O
If none of the conditions are met, the cell will have value "FALSE". (Default appears)
Each of the cells have this condition to follow,
If any one of cells Q2 to U2 = -, ignore that cell and count the other cells to get final result.
I tried switching to Or in my original formula to test out conditions 1 and 3.
But it doesn't work. Plus I'm not sure how to do condition 5 as well. Any help?
Is it possible to do something so complex just by using Excel formula? Or do I need to go into VBA?

Things like this are usually easier if you tackle the problem in order of priority. It looks like 1 has the highest priority:
=IF(COUNTIF(Q2:U2,"X")>0,"X","Does not contain X")
COUNTIF(Q2:U2,"X") returns the number of occurrences of X in the range Q2:U2.
In place of "Does not contain X", we can first check for condition 2:
=IF(SUMPRODUCT(--ISNUMBER(Q2:U2))>0,"∆","Does not contain X or dates")
A date in excel is literally a number with some decorative formatting. I am using ISNUMBER to find the numbers and SUMPRODUCT to count the identified cells in the range. If there are more than 0 (at least 1), then it will become ∆.
In place of "Does not contain X or dates" now, we could check for Os. I would count the Os and add the cells with - (conditions 3 and 5 together) and see if they add up to the total cells in Q2:U2 (which is 5 in this case):
When combined, it would become:
Since all these involve counts, it might be easier setting up helper columns, something like:
| Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
1 | | | | | | Count of X | Count of dates | Count of O | Count of - | Final value
2 | | | | | | A | B | C | D | E
A will be:
B will be:
C will be:
D will be:
E will be:


Excel sum if meets condition

I currently have two columns that look like this:
value | condition
50 | Y
60 | N
30 | Y
10 | Y
I cant seem to make use of IF function to get a sum of all the rows. Basically the aim here is to only sum the values if condition is Y and display the total in a cell. And if condition column is N, it will see value as 0. I want to be able to do this without the need of creating an additional column even though I understand this is easily done with a brand new column.
as Nick mentioned, you can use Sumif:
A | B
1 value | condition
2 50 | Y
3 60 | N
4 30 | Y
5 10 | Y
sumif structure:
=sumif(Range, Criteria, Sum_Range)
sumif for table above:
Excel formulas are not case-sensitive and there is no difference between A1:A5 and A2:A5 because the table titles are not important but start row and end row is important in both Range and Sum_Range.

Countif criteria with IF/OR logic across multiple sheets and columns

I've been struggling between the SUMPRODUCT and COUNTIFS formulas as there are a lot of specific dependencies in my data. Wondering if anyone can shed a bit more light on this issue.
Have tried SUMPRODUCT and COUNTIFS which give me calculations based on 1 set, but I need to include additional if/or statements.
I have the following:
| ID | Size | Dead/Alive | Duration | Days | Pass/Fil | Reason |
| 1 | Full | Dead | Permanent | 125 | Pass | Comments |
| 2 | Partial | Alive | Permanent | 500 | Pass | |
| 3 | Other | Dead | Temporary | 180 | Fail | Comments |
| 4 | No | Dead | Temporary | 225 | Fail | Comments |
| 5 | Yes | Alive | Permanent | 200 | Pass | |
with the following rules:
Only Count the ID/ROW if:
1) Values in column A = Full, Partial or Other
2) Values in column A = No AND values in column B = Dead
3) If values in column C = Permanent AND values in column D = >=100 or <=200
4) If values in column C = Temporary AND values in column E = Pass, Fail AND column F=not blank
By my calculations, the total should be 5, but this is just a small sampling of my total data. Just not sure how to get that in Excel with either Sumproduct, Countifs or even someone suggested a Lookup function, although Ive never used that one.
Given that you have so many different conditions, I have to break it down one by one and create a few helper columns to account for each condition.
In my solution I created 10 helper columns as shown below, and I have added some sample data (ID 6 to 29) to test the solution.
I also named 7 conditions in my solution:
Cond_1 Values in column A = Full, Partial or Other
Cond_2 Values in column A = No AND values in column B = Dead
Cond_3A Values in column C = Permanent
Cond_3B Values in column D >=100
Cond_3C Values in column D <=200
Cond_3A, Cond_3B and Cond_3C must be TRUE at the same time
Cond_4 Values in column C = Temporary AND values in column E = Pass
Cond_5A Values in column C = Temporary AND values in column E = Fail
Cond_5B Column F is not blank (I did not give a name to this condition)
Cond_5A and Cond_5B must be TRUE at the same time
Please note my Cond_4, Cond_5A and Cond_5B are all related to your original condition 4), which reads a bit odd, and I am not 100% sure if my interpretation of the condition is correct. If not please re-state your last condition and I can amend my answer accordingly.
As shown in my screen-shot, the formulas in I2 to Q2 are listed in Column U. I only used MAX, AND, SUM, =, &, and/or <> to interpret each condition. Please note some of the formulas are Array Formula so you need to press Ctrl+Shift+Enter to make it work.
The To Count column is simply asking whether the SUM of the previous 9 columns is greater than 1, which means at least one of the conditions is met. If so returns 1 otherwise 0.
Then you just need to work out the total of To Count column. In my example it is 22. I have highlighted the entries that did not meet any of the given condition.
You can use only one helper column to capture all conditions in one formula, but I would not recommend it as it would be too long to be easily understood and modified in future.
Ps. I would also wonder if there is a formula-based solution without using any helper column...? :)

Google Spreadsheet - Sum cell value if another cell contain one of N strings

As shown on this Google Spreadsheet I would like to SUM a list of currency values from a column only if in the row of the value I have one of the selected strings from a list.
| Tag | Value |
| : | : |
| Goo | 12$ | <= SUM value because I have Goo or Boo
| Dee | 3$ |
| Boo | 4$ | <= SUM value because I have Goo or Boo
| Yoo | 7$ |
| : | : |
| Result | 16$ |
I didn't found a way to do that, is that possible?
You can just sum two SUMIF() functions together.
=SUMIF(A:A,"Goo",B:B) + SUMIF(A:A,"Boo",B:B)
Assuming that A:A contains the words to match and B:B contains the values to sum.
To be more specific to your issue, you will actually have to modify your range so you are not getting any circular reference errors (since the cell is in the same column as your sum range)
So, if the cell that contains your formula is in row 25 (for example), then something like this should work:
=SUMIF(A1:A24,"Goo",B1:B24) + SUMIF(A1:A24,"Boo",B1:B24)
=ArrayFormula(SUMPRODUCT((A2:A5=({"Goo","Boo"}))*(B2:B5))) - SUMIF has a lot of inherent limitations, you would do well to read something about array formulas.

SUMIF minimum-so-far condition

I am trying to set up a smart conditional summing within Excel. But the range of functions available doesn't appear to provide what I am looking for.
I have two columns of numbers. In A, I have what we'll call indentation levels. In B, I have values.
For any particular row that has child indentations, I want to use a formula in B that will calculate the sum of values in B from the next row down to the next instance of that row's A value if the corresponding value in A is the minumum it has been so far.
row | A | B | calc'd
1 | 0 | 9 | y
2 | 2 | 2 |
3 | 1 | 7 | y
4 | 2 | 3 |
5 | 2 | 4 |
6 | 0 | 5 | y
7 | 1 | 5 |
So, for row 1, the sum range will be rows 2 through 5. This part, I can do with an OFFSET MATCH.
The SUMIF should include row 2, as A2 is the minimum value in A2:A2.
Likewise, it should include row 3, as A3 is the minimum value in A2:A3.
But it should not include rows 4 or 5 in the sum, because their A-column values are not the minimum "so far". (These values have already been "summed up" into row 3.)
How do I create a ranged sumif with this "minimum-so-far" condition?
I found a solution to this. Not quite as clean as I wanted, but it does the trick:
Add a helper value to column C, which is the "parent row" is will sum into.
For example, C5 {=MAX(ROW($9:5)*(A$1:A4<A5))} (note: array function).
Making the final equation for B1 =SUMIF(C2:Cn,"="&ROW(),B2:Bn) (where n is the upper limit of the working range).
As written here, inserting lines messes things up, but it can all be expanded with OFFSETs for row insertability.

How to compare two columns value in excel?

I have over 100k rows of data like below:
ALLA,ALLA,"Company1, Inc.","Company1, Inc.",PSA,PSA,1,1,FALSE,FALSE
BCCO,BCCO,"Company2, Inc.","Company2, Inc.",PSB,PSB,1,1,FALSE,FALSE
CTTP,CTTP,"Company3, Inc.","Company3, Inc.",PSC,PSC,1,1,FALSE,FALSE
CMMZ,CMMZ,"Company4, Inc.","Company4, Inc.",PSD,PSD,1,1,FALSE,FALSE
I want to know how to figure if data in column 1 is the same as column 2, column 3 as column 4 and so on. How could I do that in excel?
Following Cory's formula, I found that I can compare whole columns using:
=if(A:A=B:B, "yay", "aww")
Problem is I have a header in the file:
c - symbol, symbol, c - companyname, companyname, c - tradingvenue, tradingvenue, c - tierrank, tierrank, c - iscaveatemptor, iscaveatemptor
Shouldn't this cause A:A=B:B to be false?
Given this:
| A | B |
1 | X | X |
2 | Y | Y |
3 | Z | Z |
The formula =SUMPRODUCT(--(A1:A3=B1:B3)) will tell you how many times the A value matches the B value.
You should get 3 as a result here. If, for example, you change B3 to Q then it will give you 2.
To do this on two columns without specifying the end of the range, try:
I've been using Excel since 1991, and unless you want to write a VB macro, I think the best way is to do the simple IF statement suggested in the comments. If you need to test several columns at once, which is what your question suggests, then I'd do
Fill that formula down the column and then you'll be able toinstantly count the number of rows that don't matchwith a data-filter, select all the rows which have a '1', so you'll be able to examine the rows that don't match
