Azure App Service Error 405 - The request could not be completed. (Method Not Allowed) - azure

I'm working with Azure App Service .NET backend with a Xamarin.iOS app. I am able to successfully register a new user and I can see the user's details in the database. I have a custom ApiController, which handles the registration and the I'm able to save the details with a successful POST call.
However, when I try to log into the app, I get the following error:
{Microsoft.WindowsAzure.MobileServices.MobileServiceInvalidOperationException: The request could not be completed. (Method Not Allowed)
Below is my code:
The RegistrationController in the backend which successfully makes a POST call
public class RegisterController : ApiController
public HttpResponseMessage NewUser(RegistrationRequest request)
// Registration code in here
This is how I call this function on the client side:
public async Task<Result<UserProfile>> RegisterUser(RegistrationWrapper registrationrequest)
var registrationRequest = new JObject();
registrationRequest.Add("username", registrationrequest.username);
registrationRequest.Add("password", registrationrequest.password);
registrationRequest.Add("firstname", registrationrequest.firstname);
registrationRequest.Add("lastname", registrationrequest.lastname);
var result = await client.InvokeApiAsync("register/newuser", registrationRequest);
// Handle result here
catch (Exception ex)
return Result<UserProfile>.Failure(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace + ex.InnerException);
Custom AuthController which handles the login
This POST call fails with the error described above.
public class AuthController : ApiController
public HttpResponseMessage Post(AuthenticationRequest credentials)
//Authentication code goes here
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("Ërror :" + e.Message);
return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, new
Stacktrace = e.StackTrace,
ErrorMessage = e.Message,
Credentials = credentials
How I invoke this function from the client side
async Task<Result<Account>> Login(string username, string password)
var credentials = new JObject();
credentials.Add("username", username);
credentials.Add("password", password);
var result = await client.InvokeApiAsync("auth", credentials);
//Handle result here
catch (Exception ex)
return Result<Account>.Failure(ex, ex.Message + ex.StackTrace);
I'm not sure why it's failing during the log in. Any ideas?

After trying tons of solutions found here on StackOverflow, the one that finally worked for me was this first answer found on a similar question.
It seems that the http POST call is redirected to https.
After enabling authentication on your App Service in the Azure portal, you need to change the url to https.
So I changed mine from this:
To this:
On the client side, and now used this new one to create my local sync tables.
Everything works as expected now.

The HTTP status code 405 is returned when an API endpoint is called with a wrong (Not Allowed) HTTP method. For example, if instead of a POST request the endpoint is called with a GET request.


Solace can't SEND while in WaitingForDNS

I'm trying send a message on a topic queue but the API returns
OperationError: Cannot perform operation SEND while in state WaitingForDNS
The URL can be pinged and it resolves to an IP address. I feel this message is misleading.
FWIW, I'm using Solace's Javascript API calling it from my Typescript code.
Below is code snippet. I've tried to remove irrelevant items such as the console logging. In short, it tests for a session already having been created, and if not, creates it using the Solace factory, then sets some event handlers which I think are irrelevant to this item
so I didn't include them. Because I don't catch any errors at connect() time, I presume it connected. Then when I try to send(), it suddenly is still waiting on the DNS. Or, at least, the error implies this.
class TopicPublisher {
private getSession() {
if (this.session == null) {
try {
this.log('Creating session for url=' + this.hosturl+' vpn='+this.vpn+' username='+this.username);
this.session = this.solace.SolclientFactory.createSession({
// solace.SessionProperties
url: this.hosturl,
vpnName: this.vpn,
userName: this.username,
password: this.pass,
// Set session event handlers
try {
} catch(error : any) {
this.log('Could not make connection to existing session. Error: '+error.toString());
this.session = null;
} catch (error: any) {
return this.session;
public publish(messageContent: any) {
var solaceMessage = this.getSolaceMessage(messageContent);
this.log('Publishing message "' + messageContent + '" to topic "' + this.topicName + '"...');
try {
// *************************
// This is where SEND fails
// *************************
this.log('Message published.');
} catch (error: any) {
An OperationError is thrown when you are attempting to execute a command on the session before it's actually up. What you can do here is only return this.session on session.on(solace.SessionEventCode.UP_NOTICE)
You can also see more info on this in the API docs and check out the note in the docs
Note: Before the session's state transitions to 'connected', a client
application cannot use the session; any attempt to call functions will
throw solace.OperationError.

Why a 400 response from Azure endpoint for Postman but works fine with the Alexa console?

I am new to developing Alexa skills so I am using a sample I found on the web as a C# endpoint hosted on Azure. It works correctly with the Alexa console but when I try to test the same endpoint with the Postman app, I get a 400 error.
When I use the Alexa console, it displays the JSON input that it sends to the endpoint and the JSON output that it receives from the endpoint. If I copy the JSON input and paste it into Postman and send it to the same endpoint, I get a 400 error. Obviously, I am missing something.
The following are my two source files and the JSON input.
public static class RollTheDice
public static async Task<HttpResponseMessage> Run([HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "get", "post", Route = null)]HttpRequestMessage req, TraceWriter log)
log.Info("C# HTTP trigger function processed a request.");
var speechlet = new RollTheDiceSpeechlet();
return await speechlet.GetResponseAsync(req);
public class RollTheDiceSpeechlet : SpeechletBase, ISpeechletWithContext
public SpeechletResponse OnIntent(IntentRequest intentRequest, Session session, Context context)
// Default to 6 sides if not specified
if (!int.TryParse(intentRequest.Intent.Slots["DiceType"].Value, out int numSides))
numSides = 6;
var rollResults = new Random().Next(Math.Max(1, numSides - 1)) + 1; // Account for random returning '0'
return new SpeechletResponse
ShouldEndSession = false,
OutputSpeech = new PlainTextOutputSpeech { Text = $"I rolled a {numSides} sided die and got a {rollResults}." }
catch (Exception ex)
return new SpeechletResponse
ShouldEndSession = false,
OutputSpeech = new PlainTextOutputSpeech { Text = ex.Message }
public SpeechletResponse OnLaunch(LaunchRequest launchRequest, Session session, Context context)
return new SpeechletResponse
ShouldEndSession = false,
OutputSpeech = new PlainTextOutputSpeech { Text = "Welcome to the Roll the Dice. Ask me to roll the dice." }
public void OnSessionEnded(SessionEndedRequest sessionEndedRequest, Session session, Context context)
public void OnSessionStarted(SessionStartedRequest sessionStartedRequest, Session session, Context context)
JSON Input
Again, everything works fine but when I test it with Postman I get a 404 error.
The endpoint is C# serverless function that I developed in Visual Studio 201.
When I run it locally, I copy/paste the URL in the Postman app and send a post. See attached screenshots.
As the error suggest you are missing Signature and SignatureCertChainUrl headers. These helps to protect your endpoint and verify that incoming requests were sent by Alexa. Any requests coming from other sources should be rejected. When you test it via Test Console these headers are included and you get successful response.
There are two parts to validating incoming requests:
Check the request signature to verify the authenticity of the request.
Check the request timestamp to ensure that the request is not an old request.
More information on verifying that the request was sent by Alexa here

How can I catch exception from backend server using IMobileServiceSyncTable - InsertAsync?

I'm using IMobileServiceSyncTable from Azure Mobile App. In InsertAsync operation, on the backend server side, I had some validations for the data and, if that validations failure, I want throw Exception from the server side. I tried return InternalServerError(), throw HttpResponseException, but never worked on the client side. I debbuged the Post method in server side, the server throws the exception or return InternalServerError, but in the mobile client, don't occurs error.
Can anyone help me?
Here is my code on the client side:
public async Task<bool> AddPaciente(Paciente novoPaciente)
//other things
await _pacienteTable.InsertAsync(novoPaciente);
catch (Exception e)
throw new WebException(AppResources.MensagemFalhaConexaoServidorAzure);
await SyncPaciente();
return true;
Here is my post method on the backend server side
// POST tables/Paciente
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> PostPaciente(Paciente novoPaciente)
//other things
if (paciente != null)
var responseMessage = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)
Content = new StringContent("Já existe um paciente com esse token cadastrado.")
//throw new HttpResponseException(responseMessage);
return InternalServerError(new Exception("Já existe um paciente com esse token cadastrado."));
You should listen to the response status code.
var response = await _pacienteTable.InsertAsync(novoPaciente);
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode) {
var content = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync ();
//Here handle the error code
throw new WebException(AppResources.MensagemFalhaConexaoServidorAzure);
I'm using IMobileServiceSyncTable from Azure Mobile App. In InsertAsync operation, on the backend server side, I had some validations for the data and, if that validations failure, I want throw Exception from the server side.
For IMobileServiceSyncTable, you are dealing with An Offline Client which means that IMobileServiceSyncTable<T>.InsertAsync would directly insert data into the local SQLite store on your mobile client-side. Until you manually call MobileServiceClient.SyncContext.PushAsync(), then your local data store would be pushed to your mobile backend. For this approach, I would recommend you make sure that you need to validate the inputs before you saving them into the local data store, otherwise your push operations would fail, then you need to force your client user to adjust the existing inputs even after it has been successfully added before.
If you use An Online Client as follows, then both your approaches for throwing the exception would be immediately returned to your client.
var mobileClient= new MobileServiceClient("https://{your-mobile-app-name}");
var _pacienteTable= mobileClient.GetTable<Paciente>();
await _pacienteTable.InsertAsync(novoPaciente);
Moreover, I used the following code line for catching the exception:
await table.InsertAsync(item);
catch (MobileServiceInvalidOperationException ex)
//await ex.Response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); //get detailed response content
catch (Exception e)
//TODO: other uncaught exception
Also, for the similar issue, you could leverage Fiddler to capture the network traces to narrow down this issue, make sure your client-side could correctly receive the relevant response.

Getting an error after trying to send notification through Firebase Cloud Functions (Android)

I am new to Firebase and to nodejs. I am trying to send a notification from one device to another using Firebase Cloud Functions.
This is the node.js code of sending the notification:
var functions = require('firebase-functions');
var admin = require('firebase-admin');
exports.sendNotification = functions.database.ref('/sendNotification/{notificationId}')
.onWrite(event => {
var regToken="fYRweeL8cic:APA91bH6Q_gyKKrLL...";
// Grab the current value of what was written to the Realtime Database.
var eventSnapshot =;
var payload = {
data: {
title: eventSnapshot.child("title").val()
// Set the message as high priority and have it expire after 24 hours.
var options = {
priority: "high",
timeToLive: 60 * 60 * 24
console.log("Successfully sent message: ", response);
console.log("Error sending message: ", error);
This is the code of adding the notification to the Realtime Database in order to trigger the function:
public void sendNotification(){
FirebaseDatabase database = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance();
final DatabaseReference myRef = database.getReference("sendNotification");
myRef.addListenerForSingleValueEvent(new ValueEventListener() {
public void onDataChange(DataSnapshot dataSnapshot) {
"sent", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
Map data = new HashMap();
data.put("title", "this is my title");
data.put("message", "this is the message");
public void onCancelled(DatabaseError databaseError) {
I can see that the function was executed, but with the following error:
The notification appears in the database:
This is how the function appears in the console:
The problem is that the notification is not sent.
I'm getting this: {results:[{error: [Object]}] for some reason.
What can be the cause of this error?
EDIT: (Solution)
As suggested in the comments, I have used this: JSON.stringify(response) to get some more information. This was the response:
{"results":[{"error":{"code":"messaging/registration-token-not-registered","message":"The provided registration token is not registered. A previously valid registration token can be unregistered for a variety of reasons. See the error documentation for more details. Remove this registration token and stop using it to send messages."}}],"canonicalRegistrationTokenCount":0,"failureCount":1,"successCount":0,"multicastId":6051985890611026000}
The response was really clear, the token has changed. I have changed it to a valid token and it worked.
As suggested in the comments, I have used this: JSON.stringify(response) to get some more information. This was the response:
{"results":[{"error":{"code":"messaging/registration-token-not-registered","message":"The provided registration token is not registered. A previously valid registration token can be unregistered for a variety of reasons. See the error documentation for more details. Remove this registration token and stop using it to send messages."}}],"canonicalRegistrationTokenCount":0,"failureCount":1,"successCount":0,"multicastId":6051985890611026000}
The response was really clear, the token has changed. I have changed it to a valid token and it worked.

External Login WebAPI2 MVC5

I need to use a 3rd party token as a way to authenticate. I'm getting the token in the home controller and need to be able to send it on to my WebAPI controllers (It's an SPA application using Backbone). Is there a way of doing this?
Relevant code:
public ActionResult Index(string projectId, int companyId, bool isCompanyAdmin)
// if not a valid user return error
var validate = new Validate().ValidateContext(HttpContext,
"Key", "Secret");
if (!validate.IsValidated) return View(Constants.ValidationFailed);
// The info validated, so now I can set it to authorized
// put code here for doing it
//Get the model for the user
var model = ConvertToVM(_smsRepository.GetCompany(companyId, projectId));
catch (ProviderIncompatibleException)
// connection string wrong
return View(Constants.ConnectionFailed);
catch (Exception e)
// catch all
return View(Constants.DatabaseError);
//create and send through the view model that determines what view the user will get
return View(model);
Ok I put in the index method on the Home Controller. Like I said, we make a call to a third party API passing in the context, the client key, and the client secret to verify our identity. Could I just add a Bearer token in the home controller? Or otherwise pass the http context to OWiN and use some custom logic to add the token if validate.IsValidated is true? It needs to be something that works with WebAPI.
