How to create node.js module proper to VS Code intellisense - node.js

I coded all js classes according to ES6 and added all JSDoc comments using with eslint.
I created index.js file for the module which exports necessary classes of node module.
After linking(npm link) the module and import the classes from other node application I can't see the class files.
Would you write if there is a proper way to create, export modules and import them in order to see every types, properties etc in VS Code intellisense?
Should I generate .d.ts file and import it somehow in VS Code to see them in intellisense?


Unable to import IDropdownOption when not using TypeScript

Having a project here not using TypeScript and trying to implement a Dropdown.
But I fail importing the Dropdown Option. Like documented in
import { Dropdown, DropdownMenuItemType, IDropdownStyles, IDropdownOption } from '#fluentui/react/lib/Dropdown';
It cannot find the IDropdownOption export. It does not exist in the JS file, but in the TypeScript file.
Does that mean TypeScript is mandatory?
Thanks for any hints

Create own class

created a new project in expressjs. I want to create my own class. So I created a file MyClass.js in /routes/.
class MyClass {
constructor() {
export default MyClass;
And in /routes/index.js i added:
import MyClass from './MyClass';
And I have an error:
import MyClass from './MyClass;
SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module
What I'm doing wrong?
Your project is not set up properly to interpret the file that has the error as an ESM module file. It is, instead, being interpreted as a CommonJS module (where you use require(), not import) which is the nodejs default.
There are a number of ways to tell nodejs that your file is supposed to be an ESM module.
You can give it a file extension of .mjs.
You can add "type": "module" to your package.json file.
You can use the --input-type=module command line argument when starting node.js if this file is your top level file you're executing.
See nodejs doc here on this subject.
FYI, you could just switch to the CommonJS syntax of using require() and module.exports instead of import and export, but I assume what you really want to do is to tell nodejs that you want to use ESM modules so you can use the more modern import and export syntax.
Well first of all to export your class you suppose to use exports or module.export
and to import it you suppose to use require('') not import.
Those features are only available with .mjs or if you will setup babel though soome es6 features are yet to land in

How do I configure an npm module so that it's exports are always imported from the libraries root?

I have written a library published as an npm module
When a user installs the module, and then tries to use VSCode's IntelliSense to auto import functions from it, IntelliSense write the import line with a file path all the way to where the function is defined- deep inside the file-folder structure of my library
I would prefer that it import the function from where it is exported in the root file of the module, so that if multiple functions are imported from the library, all of the imports are expressed in a single line of the users code.
Thank you for reading, any advice on how to fix or where to start researching would be much appreciated. Have a blessed day!

Change routes realative in React Js

I have these import:
import {Input, InputTxtCenter} from '../../../components/forms/input/input.js';
import {ButtonRed} from '../../../components/buttons/';
import {TxtCenter} from '../../../components/misc/texts/texts.js';
and I want to transform these routes into something similar to this
import {ButtonRed, ButtonWarning} from 'buttons';
import {TxtCenter} from 'misc/text';
import {TxtCenter} from 'forms/input';
that is, that the system knows that importing will always be from the "components" folder
Is it possible to do this?
Without having to create the component in node_modules?
I think this less of a React question, and more of a module resolution/aliasing one.
I assume that you are using some tool like babel, in which you can try babel-plugin-module-resolver.
The main idea is to define aliases in your .babelrc file so that you can avoid keeping track of relative directory structure when importing.
You can create .env file containing NODE_PATH=src if you're using create-react-app.
I recommend you to start any project using CRA with possible eject option if you really require customization.

Importing Typescript modules in renderer

I'm attempting to import Typescript classes in the renderer process of Electron.
The issue I have is that I cannot use the "import" keyword in the Renderer process. This is because I can't use commonJS as the module importer on the client side, only the server side.
I am at a loss for how I can import these classes that I've exported.
I made a gist trying to explain
Tldr: import keyword fails with "Uncaught ReferenceError: exports is not defined". Using const dataset = require("./dataset"); doesnt actually import my exported classes.
What am I missing?
When I'm writing a module that will be used both on the client and the server, I use the module flag to compile the module in UMD format:
tsc --module umd app.ts
You can then use standard imports:
import * as MyModule from './MyModule';
And they will work with both commonjs and AMD module loaders (for example, you could use require.js in your browser).
