android things 0.6 border on display - display

In the new version of android things 0.6 for raspberry pi 3 on the monitor and display Waveshare 10.1 (1280x800) black borders are displayed, tell me how to remove them?

This issue seem to have been introduced in Android Things 0.6.
The release notes brush on this briefly here
Graphics: Overscan is disabled, causing UI not to extend to the edge of some displays.
Graphics: Screen resolution cannot exceed 1280x720.
My solution to this issue, in the CONFIG.TXT file on the SD Card you use in the Raspberry PI, add these lines, or change them if they are present.
Tweak overscan values until you have your desired resolution and border size


How Can I Fix Inconsistent Text Downscaling with a Rich Text Label In Godot?

I have a rich text label that works fine under a resolution of 1920x1080. However, when scaled down to the resolution on my laptop, which has a 1366x768 resolution, the text on said label becomes janky and malformed.
Some lines are cut off at the top or the bottom, and others are squished (as you can see in the image at lines 3, 6, and 13).
I'm using Godot v3.5.1 and the text font is Noto Sans Regular from here
I tried enabling mipmaps, using the filter, disabling anti aliasing, disabling font oversampling and enabling GPU pixel snap under Project Settings > Rendering > 2D > Snapping. And out of all of those, only the pixel snap setting worked. Completely fixes the issue and the text is rendered properly.
However, this completely breaks an animation of a spinning circle that plays at basically all times during the actual gameplay. It becomes stuttered and shakes instead of the normally smooth animation it has otherwise. I realize this may possibly be fixed by using SVG instead of PNG sprites, but I feel like that's not an ideal solution in case other sprites get added. Especially since my game will also allow community members to add their own sprites for their own game play.
So is there any way to fix the text without breaking the animations, or make it so that the animations don't break with pixel snap enabled?

Big parallax with left and right eyes

When I use cardboard on a device which has a big screen, 5.5 inch.
And it's resolution is 2560*1440,dpi=640.
The question is that the parallax is too big, so that I can see two non overlapping images through a VR device.
So, what should I to to fix it?
It looks like your phone might be reporting an incorrect DPI, which prevents the SDK from drawing the two images at the right place on the screen.
According to the numbers you gave, the phone DPI should be around 534, not 640.
What is your phone model? Even better, could you give us the output of the following:
adb shell getprop | grep "model|manufacturer|hardware||lcd_density"
This way we could add a DPI override in the cardboard SDK for your phone model.

PyQt5 font size changing between desktop and surface pro

I wrote a GUI for my desktop a while ago and have just tried to run it on a surface pro 3 only to find the fonts are all exceeding their bounding boxes. Labels are exceeding the worst. Disabling the bold attribute helps when it comes to buttons but not by much.
I have checked to make sure the chosen fonts are compatible for both devices.
Has anyone else encountered this issue and know of a fix for it?

monogame screen resolution is incorrect

Monogame, or XNA really, is reporting the wrong screen resolution on my Surface Pro 3.
Using GraphicsAdapter.DefaultAdapter.CurrentDisplayMode.Width and Height returns dimensions of 800 x 600, which is incorrect. So, I cannot set up my game size correctly.
I've been using this code without problem on an Acer V5 and can set the game resolution to a size I expect. This is because the GraphicsAdapter reports the correct screen size.
Whether using it as is, or docking the tablet with an external monitor, returns exactly the same resolution. What error is causing this?
This used to be a bug in Monogame, and was fixed.
If you are not building from the latest source code, it is possible that you still have the bug in your monogame dll.

Retina Display and it's implementation confuses me

Ok so I have been working with a designer who made the mockup of app in Photoshop. I am not using iPhone statusbar and using custom navigation bar which the designer made of 100px. In that navigation he put an icon of 48 pixels.
Now I have to transform into code and I am using UIWebView for the purpose. The layout he designed, I am going to make it in HTML/CSS that will be loaded in UIWebView.
Now the issue is, the PSD he made for the screen has SIZE of 640 x 960. In Iphone4 it's resolution rather than Physical Size. Base on setting of 640 x 960 pixel Image/PSD, he made the top bar of 100pixels. Now If I follow him that things getting messed up.
What I did that I just made everything half of size to accomodate 320 x 480 sceen size in CSS. I set Navigation Bar to 50px(for 320 x 480) and I put #2x.png image (48 x 48) in it.
Now when I load app in my mobile it appears big as it should which gives me impression that 48 pixels did not appear as 24px Image with High Density.
I am quite confused, If I make 100px navigation bar then everything looks big as I am targetting big size while I have to target high resolution. How do I adjust elements(DIV) and Images in my scenario?
Take a look at these articles on using CSS3 media queries and the viewport tag in order to help manage styles between normal and high definition displays:
Targeting the iPhone 4 Retina Display with CSS3 media queries
iPhone 4 and iOS 4 Safari Detection and Behavior
