Resizable window in electron.js - node.js

I am making small code editor and i want user to be able to resize window if user wants. I have main window property non resizable.
mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({width: 800, height: 600 , resizable: false});
I have button
I have drop down menu :
label: 'Screen',
label:'Resizable Window',
mainWindow.resizable = false;
My code doesn't work. Please help me to fix it.

To change if a window is resizable you have to call mainWindow.setResizable(false) instead of .resizable = false.
And it seems that you're setting resizable to false when it's already false, I think you want to set it to true to enable resizing.
In summary you would end up with something like:
label: 'Screen',
submenu: [
label: 'Resizable Window',
click () {
.setResizable Docs.


Adding a colorbutton in tinymce dialog with api 4.x doesn't work

I'm trying to add a colorbutton in a TinyMCE dialog box to replace my old color selector which was initially created with a select input.
See : ColorButton : API 4.X
This class creates a color button control. This is a split button in which the main button has a visual representation of the currently selected color. When clicked the caret button displays a color picker, allowing the user to select a new color.
I can add and see the new colorbutton in the dialog box but it doesn't show the colorpicker when clicked.
Here is my code: {
title: 'Choose color',
body: [
type: 'listbox',
name: 'bg-color',
label: 'Color (select)',
'values': [
{text: 'White', value: '#FFF'},
{text: 'Black', value: '#000'},
{text: 'Silver', value: 'silver'},
type: 'ColorButton',
name: 'bg-color2',
label: 'Color (colorpicker)',
onsubmit: function(e) {
// Do something here
And you will find a tinymce fiddle here to illustrate this issue:
Since my debugger doesn't show any JS error, is there something wrong in this code or is there another way to add a colorpicker in a dialogbox?
#MavBzh I think you've a wrong perception on how the color button works. The ColorButton UI is only help with rendering a button which not much difference with PanelButton UI. you can see this example in this fiddle I use textcolor plugin example.
So, in order to use color button you're required to specify the Panel to hold the color picker.
type: 'colorbutton',
name: 'color',
text: 'Color',
selectcmd: 'ForeColor',
panel: {
role: 'application',
ariaRemember: true,
html: renderColorPicker,
onclick: onPanelClick
onclick: onButtonClick
then later set onclick callback action and render the color picker HTML output yourself, the renderColorPicker function is used as the panel content, then assigned onPanelClick callback to put the color to the text placeholder in the ColorButton.
PS: in the fiddle I used v4.0.21

where is my window title dude?

everyone, my question is very simple:
I'm using Android emulator.
I try to create a simple empty window with title (so simple))
But..... Why doesn't this code works properly:
var win1 = Ti.UI.createWindow({
title: 'HOY',
exitOnClose: true
I see on my emulator empty window with title === 'name of my project' but != 'HOY', why is that?
And if i add string
navBarHidden: true
I have empty, BLACK window... WTF... I expected at least window with color == #1E563F...
You need to create window as:
var win1 = Ti.UI.createWindow({
title: 'HOY',
exitOnClose: true,
navBarHidden: false,
backgroundColor: '#1E563F'

sencha touch: Tab with no icon

Is it possible to create a item in a tabbar-ed card layout, that has no tab?
I want to create a message overlay that stretches from screen top to the tab bar and doesn't cover the tab bar. When i do this by adding an item to the panel everything works fine except a blank icon is created on the tabbar. Is there a way to prevent this icon from being created?
you can create the new item with hidden: true config option
Ext.define('App.view.settings.SettingsContainer', {
extend: '',
xtype: 'settingsContainer',
requires : [
config: {
tabBar: {
docked: 'top'
tab: {
title: 'Settings',
iconCls: 'user'
items: [{
xtype: 'settingsAccountContainer'
, {
xtype: 'changeCompanyView',
hidden: true
changeCompanyView is created, but no tab icon is visible.
It could be activated by
Cheers, Oleg
This should work. Add the overlay to the child item and not the tab panel.
If you add to the child panel the icon will not appear on the tab bar.

extj4 grid doesn't fit in container panel

I have a grid with data, contained in a panel which also hold a title and a smaller summary grid.
the panel has layout fit and therefore the title and first grid, which is the summary grid, are displayed just fine. But the grid in question has more records than can be shown on the screen and its component height is not adjusted to the size of the panel which always fits with the height of the browser window.
What I would like to have is that the grid component's height, like the panel, is adjusted to its parent so that the scrollbar inside the grid body will show up.
My code is similar to this (initComponent is of an extension to Ext.panel.Panel):
(header in this code means the summary grid)
initComponent: function (config) {
var config = {
border: false,
hidden: false,
hideMode: "display",
padding: '5',
layout: "fit"
Ext.apply(this, Ext.apply(this.initialConfig, config));
title = Ext.create("Ext.panel.Panel", {
html: '<h2>title</h2>',
padding: '5',
border: false
// the stores for the grids are created here
var storeHdr = DataStoreFactory.CreateStore("GetHeaderP", DataStoreFactory.fieldsCollection.Default);
var storeBdy = DataStoreFactory.CreateStore("GetBodyP", DataStoreFactory.fieldsCollection.Default);
var grdHeader = Ext.create("Ext.grid.Panel", {
store: storeHdr,
columns: getHeaderColumns(),
columnLines: true,
autoHeight: false,
autoWidth: false,
enableHdMenu: false,
enableColumnMove: false,
enableColumnResize: false,
disableSelection: true,
trackMouseOver: false,
sortable: false
var grdBody = Ext.create("Ext.grid.Panel", {
id: id,
store: storeBdy,
columns: getBodyColumns(),
columnLines: true,
autoHeight: false,
autoWidth: false,
autoScroll: true,
scroll: "vertical",
enableColumnMove: false,
enableColumnResize: false,
enableHdMenu: false,
trackMouseOver: false,
disableSelection: true
var headerGridContainer = Ext.create("Ext.panel.Panel", {
layout: "fit",
border: false,
items: [grdHeader]
var bodyGridContainer = Ext.create("Ext.panel.Panel", {
layout: "fit",
border: false,
items: [grdBody]
I hope someone can help me with this. Thanks in advance
edit - screenshots how it is and how it should be. Realtime Data is removed or blotted out, since it is private and doesn't matter for the problem.
this is how it is
this is how it should be
You're using layouts in a wrong way. First, your main container has layout 'fit' which supposed to be used when you have single item inside -!/api/Ext.layout.container.Fit - and you have few items.
Second, try to avoid over-nesting. You're wrapping your grids into panels and then put these panels inside container. Is there a reason for that?
Please post a screenshot of what you have and what you want to have and we will help you figure out layouts that you need to use for this.
Try to use layout: 'hbox' in your main container. And specify flex: 1 for the main (bottom) grid if you want it to fill the rest of the screen. Son basically you would have something simliar to this (in you main container):
layout: 'hbox',
items: [{
xtype: 'panel', // header
height: 100,
xtype: 'grid', // first grid
height: 200
xtype: 'grid', // second grid
flex: 1

How do you prevent a jquery.qtip2 tooltip from hiding when the mouse is over the tip?

Using jquery qTip2 for tooltips.
I have a tooltip with a link in it. I want the tip to stay open if the user's mouse enters the tip (not the trigger). Can't seem to figure out how to do that in the documentation....
If you want it to remain visible when you mouse over and into the tip, but still want it to dismiss on mouseout, use the fixed and delay options as described in the documentation here:
content: {
text: 'I hide on mouseout, but you can mouse into me within 500ms',
hide: {
fixed: true,
delay: 500
The hide parameter has many options. For example, if you just want to not hide it indefinitely, simply set hide to false:
content: {
text: 'I never hide',
hide: false
If you want it to hide on a different event, such as clicking anywhere outside the tip, set the event explicitly:
content: {
text: 'I hide when you click anywhere else on the document',
hide: {
event: 'unfocus'
If you want it to hide when the trigger is clicked, specify the click event:
content: {
text: 'I hide when you click the tooltip trigger',
hide: {
event: 'click'
See specifically the "hide" options documentation for more info.
If you want the tip to stay open and then hide it when the user clicks outside the target or leaves the target:
show: {
event: 'mouseover'
hide: {
event: 'click mouseleave'
