Excel file retrieve original file extension or bypass fileformat-extension mismatch - excel

We have a file that gets imported by a macro to extend Excel's macros functionality. This file has an extension .dll. The person who originally made this purposely changed the extension to dll to make it a bit less easy for users to just open it. All was well, but now the latest excel 2016 update gives an error "file format and extension mismatch".
which is correct. Now, in my opinion, I have 2 options.
change the extension to what it originally was (which I don't know).
bypass the extension/file format mismatch (which I don't know how to do and might pose a security risk).
I tried the following extensions: xla,xlam,xlsx,xlsb,xlm,xls,xll. but still get the same message.
Does anyone have a clue on how I can find out what the original file extension was?
I am not sure but the file might have been created in excel 2000 or 2007.

I found out that the issue is not with extension or file format but the problem was caused by AV/bit Defender which saw the file as a zip file started scanning inside and removed a single file inside thus causing excel to no longer recognise it as a valid file.
I noticed some weird behaviour as soon as I restored quite some files from backup, AV defender started using 95% cpu. after that I went into the logs and noticed defender thinks it is a trojan.
Thanks all for your input!


Excel behaves strange with XSLX file created manually

Based on knowledge gained through working with the OpenXML SDK, I have implemented an Excel generator in JS (using TypeScript with ReactJS and a custom JSX factory generating plain XML). The files generated open fine in Excel and one can also edit and save them fine in Excel, no errors.
However, if one tries to copy cells (even a single one) from such a generated Excel file to another worksheet in the same Excel instance, it fails with the error "The command cannot be used on multiple selections.". Just saving and reopening the file is enough to fix the problem. Copying to other applications (e.g. Notepad) works fine.
It seems that this particular error is shown by Excel in several edge cases where the data is not exactly meet the expected format, for instance I found reports of that happening when a sheet is hidden when manipulating it via VBA. However, in my case I'm not sure what could be causing the issue.
Just saving the file in Excel unfortunately significantly alters its parts, so that I couldn't get a meaningful diff out of it. I did not see what could be causing the problem. Maybe someone has some experience with the internals of Excel?
To get a sample file, copy the following into your browser address bar and save it as xlsx file:
Well, I don't know the particulars of how you are generating the xml file, but I can tell you how to edit the underlying xml files so that it will work, and then perhaps you can figure out how to use your implementation to change the property that's gunking things up.
First, an xlsx is a set of xml files. I'm sure you know that, but I'm just starting at the beginning. You can change the extension to zip and then extract the files, and then rezip them and change the extension back to xlsx.
So do this:
take the generated xlsx
change the extension to .zip
extract the files
find xl\worksheets\sheet1.xml
open it and find this property: worksheet>sheetViews>sheetView:tabSelected
set it to 0
save the file
go back to the unzipped folder
select all files and send to zip
change the extension on the new zip file to .xlsx
You should now be able to open the newly created xlsx, add a new sheet, and copy freely.
If this works for you, then you have diagnosed the problem, one property set to true when it shouldn't be, and it should be relatively simple for you to modify your export procedure.
I've had this issue multiple times in the past.
The way I solved it was by filling out (populating) a template (file, previously created in Office) with the exported data rather than generating a file from scratch. Office unfortunately does not fully comply with OpenXML, and for more complex exports you might even be unable to open the file.
I would also recommend Beyond Compare (now Scooter Software) for comparing the two files instead of just doing a diff.

Excel VBA macro failing to save workbook on coworker's computer, but fine on mine

I'm encountering an issue trying to get some macros and VBA scripts working on a new coworker's computer. I've been using the same code for years on my machine and several others without issue, but when my new analyst tries to run it, it throws an error stating it couldn't save the file. He can manually save the file without issue, but running the script throws the error. The really weird part is that it lists the file path, but replaces the filename with a seemingly random hex byte.
On another file, if he opens it, closes with or without saving, then I open the file and try to save it using a macro, it fails saying "cannot access file...". If I copy and paste the file, open and run the macro again, it saves over the offending file no problem.
We've checked permissions and settings and haven't found anything that was different between the two systems. We're both on VMs. His hardware allowance is less than mine but otherwise they're both IT-managed and identical. I'm at my wits' end... Any advice on what may be the source of my grief would be helpful, even if not a solution.
A couple of things I'd check before trying to step through debugger mode.
Coworker does not have write access to the directory (I think you said you checked already)
The new users' Trust Center Settings are not correct
File > Options > Trust Center > Trust Center Settings... > Macro Settings > Ensure the box is checked to trust the VBA model and that macros are not disabled
The new user does not have the same libraries referenced.
Alt + F11 > Tools > References... > Check if coworkers' libs match yours
Is he using a new/different version of Excel that you? A lot of older code got bojangled when Office 365 hit the scene.
After checking settings, I would ask the following:
What error is thrown when coworker attempts to run the macro?
When does the error get thrown? It could be that you have code that is attempting to edit the file (or has another file stuck in an edit) at the same time you're trying to save it.
I would see why the file name is getting corrupted. It sounds like coworkers' machine is looking to a bit of memory or memory address that is somehow getting forgotten. Like the code is referencing a variable that is out of scope.
User Access Control has been enabled on his VM that is somehow preventing him from saving the file correctly.
Your code does not properly Quit the Excel application, so its still running in the background on coworkers' machine. Have them open/close without saving a file and check Task Manager to see if Excel is still up to confirm

Excel hangs/crashes while updating external link at file opening

I encountered this weird ass and funny error.
I built a file for data ETL. This one takes in various .csv files, combines them and export new .csv files using VBA. The file is originally named as "xxx Modelling ETL.xlsm". It could be opened normally till one day it hangs or crashes while trying to recalculating something (may be the underground query).
After hours of struggling, I opened the file as a copy (under a new name of Copy of ...). Strangely it ran smoothly, no crash or hang. Then I try rename it by remove the "Copy of" part, then the error occurs again.
I want to share this as there could be someone has the same problem, or someone who could shed some light on this black magic thing.
Some solutions:
Rename the file or move it to local drive instead of Onedrive makes thing works normally again.
Open Trust Center, disable Macro with notification, Trusted Locations, and Trusted Documents. Enable them for specific files when open, not for all.

Is There a way to recover a severely corrupted EXCEL FILE?

I'm currently working on my data using Ms.Excel.
But suddenly the file that I'm working in was broken. when I tried to open it again I get error where it contain "ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ" (See Picture).
Screenshoot Corrupted Excel File
The data was not really big, it's only arround 130KB. Besides, Autorecovery Mode was Turned On every 10 minutes. But I don't know How To use it.
I tried to solve the problem many times using below method:
First, I tried to check the "Ignore .... " in Excel Option.
Second, I tried Open and Repair the file, but still can't open it.
Third, I tried to use a third party, Using 2 Software (Stellar Phoenix Excel Repair And Recovery Tools For Excel). but Both not Working.
So I wonder if anyone can help me to get my data back? is there any way to recover the file? or is there a way to get the data within the file?
Thank you for all the suggestion you gave me, From the last comment I tried to get and extract the data using Programmer editor and using VBA, but both not give a good result, basically when you tried to extract the data when the file is corrupted it only get a unique character.
So here is my solution, since i'm using windows, I tried to Reinstall my Ms.Office and recover my Excel file on mac, and boom the magic worked.
Once again, thanks for your help.

SWT OleClientSite: How to load XML file in Excel?

I have an Excel file in OfficeML format, MyData.xls. Since I upgraded to Office 2007 from Office 2003 I get a warning message saying that the file content does not match the file extension. It seems that OfficeML now must have the extension 'xml'.
In my application I use OleClientSite to display the file in an OleFrame object. If I change the file extension to 'xml' then Excel is not started. If I leave the extension as 'xsl' then I get the above warning message.
How can I force the file with the 'xml' extension to be opened in the OleFrame using Excel?
The easiest solution is to switch back to the 2003 format, which should not require any changes to your application. To do this, open your file with the extension set to *.xls. When prompted with the warning ("... do you want to open the file now?"), proceed to open (this is a warning to make sure you don't unintentionally open a macro-enabled file). Once in Excel and the file is open, simply save it as *.xls. This can be done by going to "Office Button / Save As / Excel 97-2003 Workbook".
Now, the harder solution will be upgrading your application to deal with the new OfficeML format. I don't know about the component you're using, but it will likely still work for some of the binary parts in the new standard (most notably VBA projects), but you're going to have to unpack and start reading XML files.
If you haven't already done this, create a new Excel workbook, save it as *.xlsx (the 2007 format) and in Explorer, change its extension to *.zip. Open it up and take a look around. For more in-depth on the files, I would start digesting this MSDN article.
Maybe I'm missing something, but shouldn't you just use .xslx as your extension? I'm assuming that by OfficeML, you're refering to Office Open XML.
The <?mso-application progid="Excel.Sheet"?> should be present in the XSL template used.
The below link explains clearly how to include the processing instruction. I had to do something similar and it worked for me.
