Generating a unique identifier list with multiple tables & criteria - excel

I'm not a coder, just someone who uses excel for basic estimating functions at work. However I've found myself in need of a complex list or index system.
Background/Intent: (Skip below if doesn't matter.) In an apartment building construction they build buildings like opened books - mirror images of 2 bed 2 bath apartments, for example. There is a standard "typical" unit and then the mirror image across the hall, the "reverse" unit. The door swings are all opposite from one to the other. My job is to figure out how to give each door a unique identifier code based on: Bldg No., Unit Type, Door No., Door Swing (left or right.) The raw data tables are provided below.
I've attempted to clean this up as much as possible, but there are two steps (I think) to this process.
Step 1:
The raw data table is on the left. My output field is on the right. I want to be able to select a drag down box, like data validation list, and select the building. Then a formula (which one?) spits out a list of every unit type per building. For example, Bldg 5 has 2 each of "A1 Typ." How do I get the formula to recognize that if there are 2 of them, to produce 2 separate lines for "A1 Typ." And so on and so forth until all 41 occurences/units have been accounted for and labeled appropriately. Some occur once, some multiple times, and some zero.
Step 1
From there, Step 2.
I want to use this output field again to automate another sequence, this time pulling from a different table, see picture. Now, depending on the unit type under the "type" column, I want it to expand each unit type showing each indivudual door number (1,2,3 etc through 12) and if it's an L (LH) or R (RH), and if there is more than one, to list out each occurence. (what formula?)
Then the decriptor text that will pop up under "DOOR LABEL" column would just be a joining of several fields to give a unique identifier. (suggestions?)
Step 2.
Easy right? Is this too much for excel, or can this be done?
Thanks so much for considering helping me out!


Match and Conditional Formatting from Matrix Table

I am looking for some decent help with my matrix table, and is there a good or best approach to properly match dependent instances in certain matrix using drop downs.
This picture represents my matrix table (Picture 1):
As you can see there are a lot of instances, but horizontally and vertically they got the same number of "headers". Those "1`s" are representing not compatibility in my case but lets call it simply "match". That is on one sheet that is gonna be populated with some new values from time to time.
On another sheet which is actually sheet for showing the data and their compatibility possibilities is equipped with drop downs. There you got "Groups (Group1, Group2...)" in a sense of main parts and "dependent groups (AA1, BB2..)" as small components that are part of main parts. To avoid misunderstanding here you have explanations, I used for the sake of this example fictional values:
Groups aka. Main Parts
Dependent groups aka. components
As you can see beneath, is my fictional table but exactly the same concept as I should use in my real case.
What I used firstly there are =match functions, one for vertical position (A3) and one for horizontal (B4). This boolean row is done using =or(index) but reffering to the match positions as you can see. And from there I should use true/false for coloring my group boxes in a case compatibility is possible - thats all the science.
So, my question is if there is another approach to this problem? As you can see I have 3 different rows of functions at one place, or imagine if I will have more "groups" that can rise in many more rows and calculations.
Picture 2
This is screenshot of the original sheet, I just hid some rows that were with Infos that is reason the number is not consistent. As you can see it is almost the same as dummy example I provided above. Underneath every "box" you got three rows of calculations as I mentioned before. The two times number "2" that you see here is the position of some value that I found using =match function, one is for horizontal and another for vertical lookup. In this case it is model type, 070FX is position 2, 100FX is 3 and 200FX is 4th position in the matrix table, and so on for all the other groups. And those groups (Model, Endpoint, Gas sensor...) are defined separately on another sheet where I had to make unique list and dependent list so I can reference those to my drop down list.
EDIT Nr 4! So this formula I used for true/false:
I copied only last part, or when it starts from second row..Because it is too long to write whole funciton - it cuts down automatically.
But on marked cells I am getting the same results: B22 - F22 has the same as B21 - F21 (boolean) what shouldnt be like that but to follow color, green is False, it has to be something with an array reference.
Checkout the following. A1 to E5 is the matrix that shows which pieces are incompatible (=1). The others have to be empty or 0.
In cell I8 I used the following formula (and copied it down up to I11):
The formula result shows you the amount of incompatibilities a part has. Eg AA1 has one incompatibility with BB2 but BB2 is incompatible with 2 AA1 and CC3.
To get the TRUE/FALSE use the same formula and append >0: like =SUMPRODUCT(…)>0
For any additinonal "group" (Model, Endpoint, …) you need to add another +($B$1:$E$1=$H$12) where $B$1:$E$1 points to your matrix data and $H$12 to your selected group value.
Overview of the formula ranges:
Note that this kind of calculation can only tell the amount of incompatibilites a part has but not the names of the parts that are incompatible.
Edited horizontal version
Formula in the selected cell is
you can pull it to the right.

Creating a process to filter Specific Data via Rows and Columns in Excel

I'm trying to help a colleague with some work in Excel, he has a data-set of 40 Organisations of which each organisation has multiple Key Personal (KP). For each of these KP there has been an assessment against 3 key areas of criteria (where they are given a Y or N), these criterion being:
Geographic Area (Broken down into 26 Geographic Areas)
Industry Experience (Broken down into 18 Industries)
Areas of Expertise (Broken down into 18 Areas)
An example of the data is shown in the screenshot is linked
What I am trying to achieve is set up a 'filter form' that will allow an individual to put in their requirements (e.g. Aged Care Experience, in All of the West Region) and be provided with an output of the organisations that fit this criteria.
I have attempted to achieve this via utilizing a Pivot table, but have had no luck due to the different criteria and the fact that each organisation has multiple KP.
Any assistance would be much appreciated as to whether this can actually be achieved in Excel and how it could be done. If it can't I was thinking whether an Access Database could be used.
Please see attached the example data extract as requested by donPablo
Data Extract
From discussions with my Colleague the best outcome for him would be to get the Supplier, The KP and the other Criteria (think of it as filtering to hide all the Organisations and KPs expect the ones that meet the criteria).
if this is not achievable I can imagine that having the name of the organisation and KP as the output (that meet the criteria) would be suffice.
Think about maintenance of the ExampleData...
Adding a new Industry. Adding a new Expertise.
Splitting Industry into 3 Industry-s
Adding new Org with 2 KP
Deleting old KP3 from an org
For now with the initial concept, changes are small.
But soon in growth period there will be many changes.
How do you distribute these changes to all the users?
Thus, some sort of Split solution is needed.
A back-end DB (XLS or MSACCESS or SQLSERVER) ,
and a front-end form for--
Back-end as XLS could still be as ExampleData...
To be kept in central office.
And a front-end that links or references that db
but does not contain all the detail rows.
I think that the main matrix needs another column
called AreaType, value G or I or E
and that the area heading row needs to say
'ANY Geo" and have all "Y"-s in each column, etc for I and E.
In searching the matrix for Aged Care we should only look at Industry.
The ANY row would be chosen when the user does not choose an area.
I think that "Org" is a separate table
And that "KP" is another separate table.
This allows full details to be stored elsewhere
than the main matrix of areas.
Column heading of matrix would be "Org#~KP#", which would be
parsed on the tilde and separately looked up.
(it is improbable that any org or kp will have a tilde).
Yes, it is possible to search the matrix and retrieve qualified rows.
For ncol = minCol to maxCol
CountYInG = 0: CountYInI = 0: CountYInE = 0:
For each AreaType G, I, E
' then look at what was selected (gggg/iiii/eeee)
For each AreaName in (gggg/iiii/eeee)
If matrix = "Y" then add 1 to Count
if CountYInG > 0 and CountYInI > 0 and CountYInE > 0 then
This Org/KP qualifies
added Pi Day, 20:00
First inclination is NOT to have 3 criteria tables (G/I/E), but rather ONE table.
Lets make several alternative DB designs. Then look at usage, and rank them.
Finally choose one and do it. Good luck, and Bye.
Matrix alternative
MatrixTable--AreaType & AreaName (PK), and one attribute Column for each Org/KP with value 'Y' or blank.
1st row has PK=C-ColHeadings, and each Column has Org#/KP# for that column.
OrgTable--Org# (PK), and OrgName, OrgStreet1, OrgStreet2, OrgCity/State/Zip, OrgPhone, ...
KPTable --KP# (PK), and KPName, KPOrg#, KPPhone
Normalized alternative (Admin would need to do pivot to see matrix view)
DetailTable--Org#(FK)-KP#(FK)-AreaType-AreaName(FK) DetailValue = 'Y' or ('Y' by implication of row existance)
OrgTable--Org# (PK), and OrgName, OrgStreet1, OrgStreet2, OrgCity/State/Zip, OrgPhone, ...
KPTable --KP# (PK), and KPName, KPOrg#, KPPhone
AreaTable--AreaType-AreaName(PK) (so that everyone spells it the same)
Your favorite design... list the tables, and their fields

Search formula for best text match among two excel lists

I have a long list of products (+20,000 items) of surgical instruments. Sometimes I receive requests for different names of these products which is impossible to manually match in my list.
I was thinking of a formula to find or suggest the closest result of match for the common words in each cell.
I have created this formula:
(where Products G:G refers to my long list.
it gave some results correctly but more than 80% of the result came back with false results.
please see the attached image to show you the result.
is there is a way I can get more accurate result?
or I was thinking of finding major category of each item such as:
Category 1: Scissors, Retractors, Knives, etc.
Category 2: Straight, Curved, Angeled, etc.
Category 3: Sharp, Blunt, etc.
Category 4: 10mm, 130mm, 24cm, etc. (size)
which is easy for me to do it.
then use the same formula but with referring to the common words..
something like:
where E2, F2, G2 refers to the categories..
I tried but it gave false results as well.
I urge you in the strongest sense of the word to spend some time creating a good quality master table and then spinning off 1 table for each category.
make use of clean(), trim(), proper(), heck, if you need to copy the data in notepad++ and enable view all symbols then switch between ansi utf utf8 wtf omgwtf or any other encoding to ensure you dont have any hidden special characters than do it.
you have 4 categories, so that's 4 1 column tables. name them. no duplicates. no trash. no junk. sort your data. nice clean names/words/whatever you categorize by. if you absolutely must add an index or key column then go ahead but do yourself a favor and stop there. use a different table to deepen your relationships.
next step is to to create comboboxes. i'm not sure why but the combobox in excel is not the same combobox in the vba editor. you want the one in the editor. you can make a fancy user form or you can make a minimalist text box design. whatever you fancy. just make sure the combobox has a field for RowSource in the properties. for whatever reason i don't get that option if i am not in the vba editor when i create the box.
you're almost gauratneed to want drawmodal = false on every user form you make for these boxes
you probably really don't need more than 4 boxes but it depends what you're doing so that's up to you. name your combo boxes.
verify each box has: matchentry = 1-fmMatchEntryComplete
i recommend: style = 0 - fmStyleDropDownCombo
this will allow you to begin typing and autocomplete the first match and also let you select from a drop down list, starting with the the first match of the name you've typed.
you can set the number of elements in the list. default is 8. if you have a slow computer than i wouldn't push it much. if you have a best then give it a shot.
you can also change fonts for easier reading and a bunch of other format changes.
now the this is the most important part - RowSource will be one of those 4 tables
now that i've given instructions, let me explain why. some businesses don't have the best practices and i'm currently with one that's using an oracle erp solution for data management but the front end isn't used. data entry is done in excel and loaded into oracle using batches. lookups in oracle continue to be a psychological barrier for the ap/ar teams so i did exactly what i suggested here but took it a few steps farther.
i pulled the vendor master and i pulled teh customer master
i cleaned the data and compiles simple pure clean 1 column tables
then i created a form for the comboboxes
first came ap with vendor name
then vendor number
then vendor remittance location
our orderering facility number
selecting a vendor name populates the vendor number box with the possible vendor numbers. same for remittance location and ordering facility
i pulled a year's worth of transaction data and created a gl table. some vendors have only ever used 1 gl acount. some several. there's a % number next to each gl. that represents the value of transactions posted from that vendor to that gl for the last year.
next up a date picker and text boxes for invoice fields.
get it nice and tight on a form, set the tab stops, add a commit button and all of a sudden we have a front end excel platform that performs better than oracle - because people use
i haven't finished the ar side but it'll get done and i'll the angels will be rejoicing and singing my name for years to come.
1:1 matching with autofill and drop down functionality you can't beat it. that's what you get with my suggestion.
best of luck!

Relabeling Duplicates in Excel of Cells in direct proximity

Apologies for the tile gore - was trying to be descriptive.
I have a large lab result data set, and it has been found that one analyte was screened for twice per sample and i need to capture both sets of results. This results in me having a table similar to below where Antimony is listed twice. Is there a way to automate something either to flag the instances where i have two rows like that or rename to antimony-1 and antimony-2? Since I have 300 sites screened for the same things, everything shows up as duplicate and i can't use the simple methods. The main trigger is the proximity to another row where everything is matching except the results.
If I assume you have the data in you screen shot starting in cell A1 (and Soil as your site) I'd add to columns the first combines Site & Element (Column F in my example):
Result: SoilAluminium
In the column next to that I'd have a formula:
Result - SoilAluminium1, SoilAntimony1, SoilAntimony2 etc
Note: Pay Attention to the $'s
I hope that works

Crystal Reports - my formula works, but when repeated in more than 1 subreport, all records disappear

I'm not a developer but I'm supposed to create a report by C.R., so excuse me in advance if it is an obvious question for you, and please keep in mind that I'm a real beginner.
I have a job composed of 3 different workings (3 out of 5, which is the maximum workings I can have for a job).
In my SQL database, the table.field corresponding to those workings is job.phase, so when I put, in my report details, the field "job.phase", I get 3 rows for that job.
The point is that my report printout always has to show 5 different text objects (one below the other), corresponding to the descriptions of all the 5 possible table.field-records, and a 'X' should appear next to text objects when each one of the workings listed there is a part of my job (otherwise nothing should appear).
What I have done is the following:
- created a subreport containing the "job.phase" field
- put it near my first text object
- specified in my subreport the following "show string" formula:
if job.phase = 'working1' then 'X' else ''
and it works: a X appears if working1 is part of my job, nothing appears if working1 is not part of my job.
Then I have created 4 subreports more, equal to the first one, and specified the same for job.phase = working2, working3, working4 and working5, BUT, after doing that, no X is shown (even though working 1, 2 and 3 are part of my job)...
Is there anybody who can help me, please? It's so frustrating...
Using subreports for something like this is overkill for what you're trying to do and could be causing any number of things to behave badly. I'd recommend you abandon that idea. Here's how I would do it:
The first thing you'll want to do is group by job (if more than one will appear in your report, which I'll assume it will). The Group Footer section is where you can display the labels and Xs. You'll need to create 5 formulas as you did before if {job.phase} = "working1" then "X", one for each of the phases/workings. Drop all 5 of those formulas into the Details section of the report and then suppress that entire section so that it doesn't display.
To show the Xs, you can use a Maximum summary in the Group Footer for each of the five formulas you created. To do this, right-click each of the formulas in turn, select Insert -> Summary. Choose Maximum as the summary, and "Group 1" (Your job ID or whatever field you are using to group the job) as the Location. That will insert a field into the Group Footer that will display an X when that particular working is specified for the job, otherwise it won't display anything. Move them to display next to the appropriate label/text field and you're done.
