How to pass url as configuration parameter in Behave Python - python-3.x

I am starting using behave and selenium to write automative tests. I want to create parameter called url as an configuration parameter and:
- be able to set it's default value
- be able to pass it as an argument from command line
I know I should be able to use userdata to achieve this, but I can't figure out how exactly. Can anybody help? :)

You can pass directly any variable your behave execution needs via CLI, in my project we use it on Jenkins CI (Shell step) like so:
python -m behave -D platform=desktop -D os=linux -D test.environment=$environment -D -D jenkins.job=$JOB_NAME $TAGS -t=~ignore --no-skipped --no-capture --junit --junit-directory junit_reports
In our behave.ini:
platform=desktop ;this should be configurable via behave #tags
Then in Python code just access the data:
if context.config.userdata['browser'].lower() == ApplicationDriversEnum.SELENIUM_CHROME:
driver = __create_chrome_driver(context)


Problem running bitbucket rest api command using python

I,am building a script to update files on Bitbucket using the rest api.
My problems are:
Running the command using subprocess lib and running the command directly on the command line gives two different results.
If I run the command using the command line, when I inspect my commits on the Bit bucket app I can see a Commit message and a Issue.
If I run the command using the help of the subprocess lib I don't have a commit message and a Issue in the end. The commit message sets itself by default to "edited by bitbucket" and the issue is null.
This is the command:
curl -X PUT -u user:pass -F -F 'message= test 4' -F branch=develop -F sourceCommitId={} bitbucket_URL".format(latest_commit)
The other problem is that I need to pass a file to the content in order to update it.
If I pass it like above it works. The problem is that I am generating the file content as raw string and creating a temporary file with that content.
And when I pass the file as a variable, it does not get the content of the file.
My code:
content = b'some content'
current_dir = os.getcwd()
temp_file=tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".py",prefix="conanfile", dir=current_dir) ="\\") = [x for x in if x.startswith("conanfile")][0] = "#" +
update_file_url = "curl -X PUT -u user:pass -F content={} -F 'message=test 4' -F branch=develop -F sourceCommitId={} bitbucket_url".format(, latest_commit)
Basically I'am passing the file like before, just passing the name to the content, but it does not work.
If I print the command everything looks good, so I don't know why the commit message does not get set and the file content as well.
I was able to pass the file, My mistake was that I was not passing it like
But I could not solve the problem of the message.
What I found is that the message will only take the first word. If there is a space and one more word after, it will ignore it.
The space is causing some problem.
I found the solution, if someone found himself with this problem we need to use a \ before the message= .
Example: '-F message=\" Updated with latest dependencies"'

how to pass float value as query params using curl?

I have a python flask server running and the following http GET works on my browser, , however when I use command curl it doesn't work. How to correct my query to work for curl?
You have to pass URL as a string.
It's because for shell a lot of characters used in URL have special meaning (ie = is an assignment, & makes command to run in background, etc). So
curl ""
should work as expected.
To pass the query-parameters separated and let cURL build the query-string we can also use option -G together with usual -d like
curl -G -d 'lng=18.565810740668912' -d 'lat=-33.93153605161741'
See also: Construct a Query String (TLDR: Use -G argument)

Register a variable output with Ansible CLI / Ad-Hoc

Can I register the output of a task? Is there an argument with ansible command for that ?
This is my command:
ansible all -m ios_command -a"commands='show run'" -i Resources/Inventory/hosts
I need this, because the output is a dictionary and I only need the value for one key. If this is not possible, is there a way to save the value of that key to a file?
I have found that you can convert ansible output to json when executing playbooks with "ANSIBLE_STDOUT_CALLBACK=json" preceding the "ansible-playbook" command. Example:
ANSIBLE_STDOUT_CALLBACK=json ansible-playbook Resources/.Scripts/.Users.yml
This will give you a large output because it also shows each host's facts, but will have a key for each host on each task.
This method is not possible with ansible command, but it's output is similar to json. It just shows " | SUCCESS =>" before the main bracket.
Set the following in your ansible.cfg under the [defaults] group
Then as #D_Esc mentioned, you can use
ANSIBLE_STDOUT_CALLBACK=json ansible all -m ios_command -a"commands='show run'" -i Resources/Inventory/hosts
and can get the json output which you can try to parse.
I have not found a way to register the output to a variable using ad-hoc commands

Cmake add command line argument to binary

I create a binary myBinary via cmake/CMakeLists.txt.
I would like to "include" default options on my binary.
In other words, I want my binary to be called with myBinary --option myopt even when I just run ./myBinary
How can I do that?
CMake does not have built-in support for you you want to do.
One solution is to do as #Youka said - change the source code of your program.
Another solution that I have used sometimes is to autogenerate a script that executes an executable:
# Create startup script
# Generate content
"# This startup script is auto generated - do not modify!\n"
"${binName} -a 23 -b 34 -c 976\n"
# Write to file
SET(fileName ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${binName}.sh)
FILE(WRITE ${fileName} ${fileContent})
Then call the macro after defining your executable:
ADD_EXECUTABLE(myBinary file1.c file.2)
You can of course add other stuff to the script, like environment variables etc.
If you're in control of the sources and you want different default behavior... change the sources!
This is in no way a build system issue (CMake or otherwise).

How can I write own cloud-config in cloud-init?

cloud-init is powerful to inject user-data in to VM instance, and its existing module provides lots of possibility.
While to make it more easy to use, I want to define my own tag like coreos below, see detail in running coreos in openstack
# generate a new token for each unique cluster from
# multi-region and multi-cloud deployments need to use $public_ipv4
addr: $private_ipv4:4001
peer-addr: $private_ipv4:7001
- name: etcd.service
command: start
- name: fleet.service
command: start
So I could have something like below using my own defined tag/config myapp
admin: admin
I am new to cloud-init, is it called module ? it is empty in document
Can you provide some information to describe how I can write my own module ?
You need to write a "cc" module in a suitable directory, and modify a few configurations. It is not terribly easy, but certainly doable (we use it a lot).
Find the directory for cloudconfig modules. On Amazon Linux, this is /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/cloudinit/config/, but the directory location differs in different cloud init versions and distributions. The easiest way to find this is to find a file named
Add a new file there, in your case Copy some existing script as a base to know what to write there. The important function is def handle(name,cfg,cloud,log,args): which is basically the entrypoint for your script.
Implement your logic. The cfg parameter has a python object which is the parsed YAML config file. So for your case you would do something like:
myapp = cfg.get('myapp')
admin = myapp.get('admin')
database = myapp.get('database')
Ensure your script gets called by cloud-init. If your distribution uses the standard cloud-init setup, just adding the file might work. Otherwise you might need to add it to /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/defaults.cfg or directly to /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg. There are keys called cloud_init_modules, cloud_config_modules, etc. which correspond to different parts of the init process where you can get your script run. If this does not work straight out of the box, you'll probably have to do a bit of investigation to find out how the modules are called on your system. For example, Amazon Linux used to have a hardcoded list of modules inside the init.d script, ignoring any lists specified in configuration files.
Also note that by default your script will run only once per instance, meaning that rerunning cloud-init will not run your script again. You need to either mark the script as being per boot by setting frequency to always in the configuration file listing your module, or remove the marker file saying that the script has run, which lives somewhere under /var/lib/cloud like in /var/lib/cloud/instances/i-86ecc763/sem/config_mounts.
paste my note for you:
config: after installed cloud-init in VM,if u want to have root permission to access with passwd, do simple config below
modify /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg like below
- defaults
ssh_pwauth: 1
Note: ssh_pwauth: "it will modify PasswordAuthentication in sshd_config automatically, 1 means yes
the behavior of cloud-init can configured using user data. user data can be filled by user during the start of instance (user data is limited to 16K).
Mainly there are several ways to do (tested):
user-data script
$ cat
echo "Hello World. The time is now $(date -R)!" | tee /root/output.txt
when starting instance, add parameter --user-data, and the instance will run the script once during startup and only once.
cloud config syntax:
It is YAML-based, see
run script
- [ ls, -l, / ]
- [ sh, -xc, "echo $(date) ': hello world!'" ]
- [ sh, -c, echo "=========hello world'=========" ]
- ls -l /root
- [ wget, "", -O, /tmp/index.html ]
change hostname, password
list: |
expire: False
ssh_pwauth: True
hostname: test
include format
run url script, it will download URL script and execute them sequence, this can help to manage the scripts centrally.
