Get All attachments of gmail compose box using inboxsdk - google-chrome-extension

I am creating a chrome addon for Gmail email tracker. For which I am using InboxSDK, I want to get all attachments from current Gmail compose body and I am using the following code.
onClick: function (event) {
var cv = event.composeView;
var mail_body = cv.getHTMLContent();
As I am new to Chrome addon development as well as InboxSDK, I don't know how to get attachments from mail_body. Please, can anyone help me?
Thanks in advance.

Try input[name="attach"] + a as a selector to fetch all the composes attachments links.
From there you can go up in the DOM tree to get the root element for each attachment and do whatever you wanna do.
you could use document.querySelectorAll('input[name="attach"] + a'); for example. But that would return all the attachments links in all open compose views.
Here is an example with jquery, which then would just get the links from the given compose view.
onClick: function (event) {
var cv = event.composeView;
var mail_body = cv.getHTMLContent();
var attachment_links = $(mail_body).find('input[name="attach"] + a');


setRedirectURLToSearchResults() not redirecting

I an new to NetSuite, and I am having a problem. I have created a button on a form through a user event script.
The button calls a client script, which executes a saved search. The search result should be displayed to the user.
Everything is located in one file:
function userEventBeforeLoad_AddSearchButton(type, form, request){
if(type == 'view' || type == 'edit'){
var projectid = nlapiGetFieldValue('companyname');
form.addButton("custpage_search", "KHM Search", "performSearch('" + projectid + "')");
function performSearch(projectid) {
console.log('test in client');
alert('projectid = ' + projectid);
var obj = nlapiLoadSearch(null, 'customsearch_project_cost_detail_sublist');
I created a user event script record for userEventBeforeLoad_AddSearchButton(). and a client script record for performSearch().
In the code above, the button is created and the alert is being displayed. But no redirect is happening.
When I look at the result in Firebug it looks like this:
Any ideas why the redirect is not happening, and what to do?
Edit: My code above was stripped down to simplify. The reason I am passing projectid over is that I actually need to filter the search result, suing the following two lines:
var searchFilter = new nlobjSearchFilter('job', null, 'anyof', projectid);
Although the documentation does state that, "This method is supported in afterSubmit user event scripts, Suitelets, and client scripts", it seems from this NS User Group post by a Netsuite Employee in reply to someone who experienced the same issue as you, that the API does not actually perform the redirection client side:
Redirection works on server side. Use window.location.assign(url) to
navigate via script in client-side.
Testing this, I can see that setRedirectURLToSearchResults does appear to correctly "load the search into the session", so adding this line afterwards should fix your problem.
window.location = '/app/common/search/';
setRedirectURLToSearchResults is not working for me either, but since you are using clientscript you might want to try this:
function performSearch(projectid) {
console.log('test in client');
alert('projectid = ' + projectid);
var searchid = 'customsearch_project_cost_detail_sublist';
location = '/app/common/search/' + searchid;

Google Docs embed answering form

I want to embed a form in an email that works both in a web browser and the gmail app, using google docs.
I have been able to embed it and use it in different browsers with the following code, but I can't use it in the app.
The problem is that I want the user to respond by ticking either Yes or No, and clicking an Accept button.
Could you please help me?
Thanks in advance
var url = form.getPublishedUrl();
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url);
var htmlBody = HtmlService.createHtmlOutput(response).getContent();
"Course request",
name: 'Course request confirmation'+""+program+""+name,
htmlBody: htmlBody,
attachments: [documetoDatos],

data from web scraping using node.js request is different from data shown in the browser

Right now, I am doing some simple web scraping, for example get the current train arrival/departure information for one railway station. Here is the example link,, from this link you can visit the current arrival trains in the chester station.
I am using the node.js request module to do some simple web scraping,
app.get('/railway/arrival', function (req, res, next) {
console.log("/railway/arrival/ "+req.query["city"]);
var city = req.query["city"];
if(typeof city == undefined || city == undefined) { console.log("if it undefined"); city ="liverpool-james-street";}
function getRailwayArrival(station,callback){
uri: ""+station,
}, function(error, response, body) {
var $ = cheerio.load(body);
var a = new Array();
$(".results-contents li a").each(function() {
var link = $(this);
//var href = link.attr("href");
var due = $(this).find('.due').text().replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r|\t)/gm,"");
var destination = $(this).find('.destination').text().replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r|\t)/gm,"");
var on_time = $(this).find('.on-time-yes .on-time').text().replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r|\t)/gm,"");
if(on_time == undefined) var on_time_no = $(this).find('.on-time-no').text().replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r|\t)/gm,"");
var platform = $(this).find('.platform').text().replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r|\t)/gm,"");
var obj = new Object();
obj.due = due;obj.destination = destination; obj.on_time = on_time; obj.platform = platform;
console.log("arrival ".green+due+" "+destination+" "+on_time+" "+platform+" "+on_time_no);
console.log("get station data "+a.length +" "+ $(".updated-time").text());
The code works by giving me a list of data, however these data are different from the data seen in the browser, though the data come from the same url. I don't know why it is like that. is it because that their server can distinguish the requests sent from server and browser, that if the request is from server, so they sent me the wrong data. How can I overcome this problem ?
thanks in advance.
They must have stored session per click event. Means if u visit that page first time, it will store session and validate that session for next action you perform. Say, u select some value from drop down list. for that click again new value of session is generated that will load data for ur selected combobox value. then u click on show list then that previous session value is validated and you get accurate data.
Now see, if you not catch that session value programatically and not pass as parameter with that request, you will get default loaded data or not get any thing. So, its chalenging for you to chatch that data.Use firebug for help.
Another issue here could be that the generated content occurs through JavaScript run on your machine. jsdom is a module which will provide such content but is not as lightweight.
Cheerio does not execute these scripts and as a result content may not be visible (as you're experiencing). This is an article I read a while back and caused me to have the same discovery, just open the article and search for "jsdom is more powerful" for a quick answer:

Chrome Omnibox extension to post form data to a website?

How can an Omnibox extension create and post form data to a website and then display the result?
Here's an example of what I want to do. When you type lookup bieber into the Omnibox, I want my extension to post form data looking like
searchtype: all
searchterm: bieber
searchcount: 20
to the URL
So that the browser will end up loading with the results of the search.
This would be trivial if I could send the data in a GET, but expects an HTTP POST. The only way I can think of is to inject a form into the current page and then submit it, but (a) that only works if there is a current page, and (b) it doesn't seem to work anyway (maybe permissions need to be set).
Before going off down that route, I figured that somebody else must at least have tried to do this before. Have you?
You could do this by using the omnibox api:
function(text, suggest) {
Once you have you extension 'activated' due to a certain keyword you typed you can call something like this:
var q = the params you wish to pass
var url = "";
var req = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", url, true);
req.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
req.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (req.readyState == 4) {

follow a link without using window.location

I hope you are all well!
A question for an app that uses Backbone.js and node.js.
I'm in a situation where I want to create a model, and then automatically go to a different uri that is constructed using the newly created model :
MessageView = Backbone.View.extend({
events : {
'click #button' : 'go here'
go here : function(model) {
var message = new Message({model : model)};
var id = message.get('id');
// go to uri '/messages/id'
Now I have set up my app using Express, and so I would like to have a real GET request to the server here invoking the data from the newly created model. So I would like to load the page and not just change the view.
One way to do this (I think) would be to just have
window.location = 'messages/'+id;
as the last line above, but I seem to have the impression this is not good practice for Backbone in general.
Otherwise, could just create the message model inside of the render method, and then write its id directly into the href of the button when the view is rendered, but this also seems messy :
render : function() {
var message = new Message({model : model)};
var id = message.get('id');
$('a #button').attr('href', '/messages/'+id);
Any ideas on how I could set this up in a more elegant way? Thanks in advance!
Are you sure you want to actually change the browser page to a new window location? Doing that will cause all your javascript and everything else to have to reload. if you need to invoke a GET to the server to get the information for that model id, you just need to call fetch on a model with an id attribute.
From the little code you have here, this may be more along the lines of what you're trying to do:
MessageView = Backbone.View.extend({
events : {
'click #button' : 'go_here'
go_here : function(model) {
//myID is the id of your message you want to get from the server
//I'll leave it up to you on how you get the id of what you
//want from that button
//I'll also assume that you have a router setup somewhere
//to handle navigation
MyApp.MyRouter.navigate("messages/"+id, {trigger: true});
Then, in your router you'd have a route setup to watch for that:
routes: {
"messages/:id" : "showMessage"
And in your showMessage function:
showMessage: function(id) {
var message = new Message({id: id});
message.fetch({success: function(model) {
//render view of for the message to be shown
var messageView = new MessageView({model: model});
When you create the view this way, it will be created with a model that already has all the data for your message in its attributes.
