Use ENV variable in hook Cucumber - cucumber

How do I use an ENV variable in a hook?
I have some driver configs set in the my env.rb file that work on an if statement.
if ENV['headless_phantom']
Capybara.register_driver :poltergeist do |app|, window_size: [1280, 1024], js_errors: false, debug: false)
Capybara.default_driver = :poltergeist
elsif ENV['headless_chrome']
Capybara.register_driver :headless_chrome do |app|
opts =
opts.add_argument '--start-maximized'
opts.add_argument '--disable-infobars'
opts.add_argument '--headless', browser: :chrome, options: opts)
Capybara.default_driver = :headless_chrome
Usually to invoke a driver other than the default, I add the following in the runner options in my IDE or command line:
headless_chrome = true
I'm looking to do the following to save me going into the runner options all the time to allow a quick change of driver when initially writing the tests.
before('#chrome_headless') do
ENV['headless_chrome'] = true

Why not use cucumber profiles and then set the ENV var there. See for details on how to use profiles.
Keep It Super Simple! Otherwise it will grow into a nightmare to maintain.


Combine two json files to give a set of variables to use in Gulp

I have seen lots of posts online about how to use a set of variables defined in a file using a require statement.
I want to know how I can use two files.
For example, in pseudo...
gulp --env=prod
if (env):
defaultConfig = require('./config/default.json')
envConfig = require('./config/prod.json')
config = combine(defaultConfig, envConfig)
config = require('./config/default.json')
// Now i can access everything like so...
This keeps by config DRY and also means I don't have to create a new file for every environment I have.
I'm new to Gulp but i thought this would be a common requirement however, Google hasn't turned up anything for having defaults merged with env specific settings.
Do i need to write a node module?
You can do it with ES6 function Object.assign:
gulp --env=prod
if (env):
defaultConfig = JSON.parse(require('./config/default.json'))
envConfig = JSON.parse(require('./config/prod.json'))
config = Object.assign(defaultConfig, envConfig)
config = JSON.parse(require('./config/default.json'))
// Now i can access everything like so...
ES6 is supported in Node so you can use it whenever you want.
EDIT: If you have older versions of Node, you can use extend like Sven Schoenung suggest.
Use yargs to parse command line arguments and extend to combine the two config objects:
var gulp = require('gulp');
var argv = require('yargs').argv;
var extend = require('extend');
var config = extend(
(argv.env) ? require('./config/' + argv.env + '.json') : {}
gulp.task('default', function() {
Running gulp --env=prod will print the combined config, while simply running gulp will print the default config.
Use the following function :
function combine(a,b){
var temp0 = JSON.stringify(a);
var temp1 = temp0.substring(0, temp0.length-1);
var temp2 = (JSON.stringify(b)).substring(1);
var temp3 = temp1 + "," + temp2;
return JSON.parse(temp3);

Using Yeoman programmatically inside nodejs project

I want to use an yeoman generator inside a NodeJS project
I installed yeoman-generatorand generator-git (the generator that I want use) as locally dependency, and, at this moment my code is like this:
var env = require('yeoman-generator')();
var path = require('path');
var gitGenerator = require('generator-git');
var workingDirectory = path.join(process.cwd(), 'install_here/');
generator = env.create(gitGenerator);
obviously the last line doesn't work and doesn't generate the scaffold.
The question: How to?
Importantly, I want to stay in local dependency level!
#simon-boudrias's solution does work, but after I changed the process.chdir(), this.templatePath() and this.destinationPath() returns same path.
I could have use this.sourcePath() to tweak the template path, but having to change this to each yeoman generator is not so useful. After digging to yo-cli, I found the following works without affecting the path.
var env = require('yeoman-environment').createEnv();
env.lookup(function() {'generator-name');
env.create() only instantiate a generator - it doesn't run it.
To run it, you could call But that's not ideal.
The best way IMO would be this way:
var path = require('path');
var env = require('yeoman-generator')();
var gitGenerator = require('generator-git');
// Optionnal: look every generator in your system. That'll allow composition if needed:
// env.lookup();
env.registerStub(gitGenerator, 'git:app');'git:app');
If necessary, make sure to process.chdir() in the right directory before launching your generator.
Relevant documentation on the Yeoman Environment class can be found here:
Also see:
The yeoman-test module is also very useful if you want to pass predefined answers to your prompts. This worked for me.
var yeomanTest = require('yeoman-test');
var answers = require('from/some/file.json');
var context ='path/to/generator'));
context.settings.tmpdir = false; // don't run in tempdir
.withOptions({ // execute with options
'skip-install': true,
'skip-sdk': true
.withPrompts(answers) // answer prompts
.on('end', function () {
// do some stuff here

nodejs config module optimist or nconf?

I've just started writing my first app with NodeJS and I must say it's a pleasure learning how to work with :)
I've reached the point where I'm making some configuration before starting the server, and I would like to load the config from a config.json file.
I have found a few ways so far, either request that json file and leaver node require parse it, use a config.js file and export my config, use nconf, which seems pretty easy to use, or the last option I've seen is using optimist which I thought it would be better than ncond. Though I'm starting to think that the latter, optimist, can only be used for parsing arguments from the node cli.
So I'm asking here, can I use node optimist to get my config from a file, or, if not, should I use nconf ? Or maybe, there's something even better and lightweight out there that I don't know of ? (my options at this point are pretty vague, since I'm not sure if at some point I would like to parse any config from the cli).
I use a config.js file like this:
var config = {}
config.web = {};
config.debug = {};
config.server_name = 'MyServerName';
config.web.port = process.env.WEB_PORT || 32768;
config.debug.verbositylevel = 3;
module.exports = config;
then i can just call config variables like this:
var port = config.web.port;
I find it much easier to maintain like this. Hope that helps you.
I use dotenv. It's as easy as:
var dotenv = require('dotenv');
Then you just create a .env file with your configuration settings.
Disclaimer: I'm the creator, and didn't find the config.json file approach useful in production environments. I prefer getting configuration from my environment variables.
6 years later and the answer should have been: Use Nconf. it's awesome.
// yourrepo/src/options.js
const nconf = require('nconf');
// the order is important
// from top to bottom, a value is
// only stored if it isn't found
// in the preceding store.
// env values win all the time
// but only if the are prefixed with our appname ;)
separator: '__',
match: /^YOURAPPNAME__/,
lowerCase: true,
parseValues: true,
transform(obj) {
obj.key.replace(/^YOURAPPNAME__/, '');
return obj;
// if it's not in env but it's here in argv, then it wins
// note this is just passed through to [yargs](
port: {
type: 'number'
// if you have a file somewhere up the tree called .yourappnamerc
// and it has the json key of port... then it wins over the default below.
file: '.yourappnamerc'
search: true
// still not found, then we use the default.
port: 3000
module.exports = nconf.get();
then in any other file
const options = require('./options');
console.log(`PORT: ${options.port}`);
now you can run your project like :
$ yarn start
# prints PORT: 3000
$ YOURAPPNAME__PORT=1337 yarn start
# prints PORT: 1337
$ yarn start --port=8000
# prints PORT: 8000
$ echo '{ "port": 10000 }' > .yourappnamerc
$ yarn start
# prints PORT: 10000
and if you forget what options you have
$ yarn start --help
# prints out all the options

Couchbeam in YAWS page

I am here because I am trying to use Couchbeam form my page on a YAWS.
I have tested CB and it worked correctly from Terminal, using:
erl -pa ebin -pa deps/ibrowse/ebin -s couchbeam
Now I am trying to replicate what I did locally on my webpage.
I believe the issue is that I don't know how to tell erl to do 'erl -pa ebin -pa deps/ibrowse/ebin -s couchbeam' from a yaws page.
I have tried to simply running all the needed apps, but I am getting this:
Stack: [{ibrowse_lib,url_encode,["test"],[]},
This is my erl code:
startApp() ->
out(Arg) ->
Host = "localhost",
Port = 5984,
Prefix = "",
Options = [],
S = couchbeam:server_connection(Host, Port, Prefix, Options),
Options = [],{ok, Db} = couchbeam:open_db(S, "erlang", Options),
Doc = {[{<<"_id">>, <<"test">>},{<<"content">>, <<"web text">>}]},
{ok, Doc1} = couchbeam:save_doc(Db, Doc).
I wouldn't recommend running Couchbeam from within a .yaws page like this. You should instead either create an Erlang release such that Couchbeam and Yaws are both executed within the same Erlang VM and then use a Yaws appmod to call into Couchbeam, or maybe you should consider making Couchbeam a bootstrap yapp for Yaws.
If you really think you're having load path problems, you can specify load paths in the yaws.conf file via the ebin_dir directive. For example:
ebin_dir = deps/ibrowse/bin
ebin_dir = couchbeam/ebin
But the stack trace you show seems like it's missing something, so it's hard to tell you exactly what's wrong.
I managed to fix it doing this:
I've added these lines in yaws.conf:
ebin_dir = /usr/local/var/yaws/couchbeam/deps/ibrowse/ebin
ebin_dir = /usr/local/var/yaws/couchbeam/deps/jiffy/ebin
ebin_dir = /usr/local/var/yaws/couchbeam/deps/mochiweb/ebin
ebin_dir = /usr/local/var/yaws/couchbeam/ebin
Note: I put the folder 'couchbeam' in /usr/local/var/yaws/
then I modified the code in this way:
load_deps() ->
out(Arg) ->
Host = "localhost",
Port = 5984,
Prefix = "",
Options = [],
S = couchbeam:server_connection(Host, Port, Prefix, Options),
Options = [],{ok, Db} = couchbeam:open_db(S, "erlang", Options),
Doc = {[{<<"content">>, <<"Checking webpage">>}]},
{ok, Doc1} = couchbeam:save_doc(Db, Doc),
{html, "Document has been added"}.

Method for managing app settings with Node.js / Heroku env variables

Currently, I have several "environments" which are loaded using NODE_ENV
(I'm using RailwayJS / express)
app.set('mongodb_connection_string', 'mongodb://localhost/') // example
app.set('mongodb_connection_string', process.env.MONGOLAB_URI)
So, in production, we're using the MONGOLAB_URI variable set within heroku.
Just wondering if there's a better way of managing these, without having to double up, and set app.set('mongodb_connection_string') ??
I use this really tiny module for that. It's written in coffee-script if you can't read it let me know and I'll translate it:
extend = (source, replacement)->
for k, v of replacement
source[k] = v
module.exports =
create: ->
env_settings = this[process.env.NODE_ENV]
extend this.general, env_settings
This allows me to write the following settings:
settings = require 'square-settings'
settings.general =
domain: ''
settings.production =
domain: ''
module.exports = settings.create()
Everything in settings.general are the default settings. I can overwrite it for each environment by adding settings.environment.
