Get address using geolocation in http website - azure

Recently I created a website in core and hosted in Azure Shared tier (non-secure). there is one feature on my website, get user address based on geolocation and autofill registration form.
getCurrentPosition() and watchPosition() no longer work on insecure origins (As of Chrome 50, the Geolocation API will only work on secure contexts such as HTTPS.)
The site is very small and I don't want to spend money on SSL certificate. (I can go with free SSL
Custom SSL certificate hosting only available on Azure Basic and above tier.
Is there any solution/workaround available?

Use Let's Encrypt ( to get a certificate for free.

Sign up CloudFlare Free Plan and use their free SSL.


How to let users connect their custom domains to my next.js app hosting on Google App Engine?

I developed a next.js app where everyone can design his own profile page.
Today, everyone using a unique sub-domain like and
I want to give everyone the option to connect his own domain to point to his profile page like
I know how to manage it on the server after the domain is pointing to the server.
My question is how can I connect, using code (API) many domains to my google app engine without any limitation in the future? What is required? Google will manage all the SSL certificates automatically? I will have an additional cost?
Thank you.
I haven't looked into this in 2021 but as of last year this was not possible. You have to manually map each unique domain to one of your subdomains.
Regarding SSL certificates, note the following from Google
....If you are using subdomains, there is a limit of 20 managed certificates per week for each base domain. ..

If I have an external public HTTP web server, can I use Microsoft Azure to set up an HTTPS front?

Given I have a HTTP (non-secure) web server up and running with the public address
Are there any / what Microsoft Azure products, where I can setup my own custom domain ( as a HTTPS front/reverse proxy to my web server without buying my own certificate?
(Currently, I am using Cloudflare Crypto to achieve this, so I am investigating if Microsoft Azure can achieve this as well in an easy way)
As far as I know, the recommended Azure way to do this would be to use Application Gateway and a CNAME for the custom domain. This question also has some information on using a custom domain for Application Gateway.
However, if you want to use a custom domain, you will need to buy a certificate. You can do this through Azure as well. You can then use the certificate for the Application Gateway.
Edit: Sorry, Application Gateway does not seem to support the static public IP in your scenario. You would need to work around that. It might be easier to go a different route then...

Windows Azure websites https

If I create an azure website let's assume:, I can access this by using http ( or https (
What does this mean? Did I understood it right that basically I don't need an SSL certificate as it has one by default?
I need to build a web service that needs to use SSL. Therefore do I need to buy an ssl certificate and custom domain (not important)? I don't need a custom domain and the default one works fine for me. So can I use my service over SSL provided by Azure: (is a wildcard certificate)?
If you need to build a web service that needs to use SSL I highly suggest that you use your own domain and your own SSL certificate (buy one) if you are going in production with it. If you just test/play around - than you can safely use the default provided one.
And you are correct about default provided one - you get a (free) SSL for your azure web site as long as it is only bound to the default domain. However the certificate you get there is a wildcard certificate issued to * I would not use it if I have to go for a production service!
If you are to use SSL features of Azure Web Sites with your own domain and certificate, check out the Pricing and requirement pages. There are important things to note!

Multi-domain SSL Certificate and Windows Azure

I have a single .NET website that is currently running under a traditional hosting account.
I am using a multi-domain (5 domain) SSL certificate to handle domains for different regions i.e.
At a code level I detect the address and localize the site depending on the URL extension.
This has all worked perfectly for the past few years with no problem. Now I want to migrate this site to Windows Azure to allow for better performance and redundancy.
I have successful experience of setting up a site using a Wildcard SSL certficate under Azure (i.e. * but I am keen to sound out whether the multi-domain SSL is also possible.
So my question is does Azure support this kind of certificate and setup, has anyone successfully achieved this and were there any pitfalls?
Just to follow up on my question, it was very simple to implement in the end. I uploaded multiple certificates against my cloud service and the code then worked as before.

Using an SSL connection in windows azure

I'll admit i am very new to web app development and have primarily developed offline. I am developing a facebook application and have decided to give windows azure a shot at being my host.
Facebook requires SSL to use and of course on my development machine this works fine, but i do not have my own SSL certificate. In order to have a custom SSL certificate I need to upgrade my azure subscription to get a custom domain and be able to upload my own custom SSL certificate.
Is there any alternative to get my site to allow SSL (https) requests during my development process because paying for a custom SSL, domain and reserved azure instance in an application during the initial build process seems to be a needless expense.
Windows Azure Web Sites is a prime candidate for Facebook application development. If you use the base domain you have SSL without needing your custom domain.
The reason for this being the domain has a wild card certificate in place.
