What is/how does the "search" command work? - linux

Put briefly, can I use the 'search' command to search through file contents? If so, how?
I am trying to find an easier way to search through file contents in Linux Mint than having to type
grep -rnw . -e 'my search text'
I just noticed there is a 'search' command
$ which search
However, when I look at its help text; I am presented with this:
usage: search [arguments] [options]
for text
in directory
I am unable to make sense of this, any arguments I try passing in seem to inevitably lead me to the same text.
There is also no man page entry, I tried that as well.
I have tried e.g.
$ search "my search text" .
$ search . "test"
$ search . . . .
Lacking a way to get this to work, I may opt for an alias. Sadly though, 'search' is already taken..

I just did a clean install, and went to have a look at this 'search' executable. Turns out, it is in fact a shell command with the following resulting command:
find $directory -type f -exec grep -$case$verbose "$text" --color=auto -n {} \;
The four $variables above are respectively populated with the search directory, case-sensitivity, verbosity and ultimately the single word search text.
I have no idea why this facility exists, but as the manual suggests, you can only use it to search for a single word (no spaces), and in the specified following directory.
An example looking for (case insensitive) and without verbosity would thus be:
search for bar in ~/home/foo
The command was apparently added in Linux mint in 2008, as indicated in this post that also details its use.

Holy smokes. I never thought you may need to interpret a manual so literally;
$ search for text in directory
find: ‘directory’: No such file or directory
It still doesn't completely make me sure how to use it exactly, though; I am puzzled on whether it supports regex/wildcards, etc.
I do get good results for simple case-insensitive text with
~/mytargetfolder/ $ search for singlewordspacesdontwork in .
However, it breaks as soon as there is a space, escaping it with ", \ or ' is not working.
Given my experienced, I'd recommend steering clear of this command.
I'd also like to recommend not giving answers on StackOverflow, or asking questions like these, since I seem to be having a case of the downvotes as of just now?


Find command with quotation marks results in "no such file"

In my directory there are the files:
file1.txt fix.log fixRRRRRR.log fixXXXX.log output.txt
In order to understand the find command, I tried a lot of stuff among other things I wanted to use 2 wildcards. Target was to find files that start with an f and have an extension starting with an l.
$ find . f*.l*
I read in a forum answer to use quotation marks with find find . "f*.l*" with the result: `
It results in find: ‘f*.l*’: No such file or directory
What am I doing wrong, where is my error in reasoning?
Thanks for an answer.
find doesn't work like that. In general find's call form looks like:
find [entry1] [entry2] ... [expressions ...]
Where an entry is a starting point where find starts the search for files.
In your case, you haven't actually supplied any expressions.
In the first command (without quotes), the shell expands the wildcards to a list of matching files (in the current directory), then passes the list to find as arguments. So find . f*.l* is essentially equivalent to find . fix.log fixRRRRRR.log fixXXXX.log. As a result, find treats all of those arguments as directories/files to search (not patterns to search for), and lists all files under ., (everything) then all files under fix.log (it's not a directory, so that's just the file itself), then all files under fixRRRRRR.log and finally all files under fixXXXX.log.
In the second one (with quotes) it searches for all files beneath the current directory (.) and tries the same for the file literally called "f*.l*".
Actually you are likely seeking for the "-name" expression, which may be used like this:
find . -name "f*.l*"

GNU find, how to use debug options, -D

I've been using find more successfully in my daily work especially with xargs, parallel, grep and pcregrep.
I was reading the man pages for find tonight and found a section I'd always skipped right over...Debug options.
I promptly tried:
find -D help
# then
find -D tree . -type f -name "fjdalfj"
# and
find -D search . -type f -name "fjaldkj"
Wow some really interesting output....however I was unsuccessful in tracking down what this means.
Can someone point me to a resource I can read about this or perhaps they care to explain a bit about how they would use these options or when they'd be useful.
Fedora '$ man find' provides illumination. Notice carefully where the "-D" options are placed: before the selection expression and before the search directories are listed. Most of the debug mode deals with how the selection expressions are parsed, as these can get quite involved.
tree: shows the generated parse tree for the expression.
search: verbosely log the navigation of the searched directories.
stat: trace calls to stat(2) and friends when getting the file attributes, such as its size.
rates: indicate how frequently each expression predicate is successful.
opt: provide details on how the selection expression was optimized after it is parsed.
exec: show details about the -exec, -execdir, and -okdir programs run.
You mileage may vary, your version of find(1) may have different debug options. A '$ find -D help' is probably in order.

storing output of ls command consisting of files with spaces in their names

I want to store output of ls command in my bash script in a variable and use each file name in a loop, but for example one file in the directory has name "Hello world", when I do variable=$(ls) "Hello" and "world" end up as two separate entries, and when I try to do
for i in $variable
mv $i ~
it shows error that files "Hello" and "world" doesn't exist.
Is there any way I can access all files in current directory and run some command even if the files have space(s) in their names.
If you must, dirfiles=(/path/of/interest/*).
And accept the admonition against parsing the output of ls!
I understand you are new to this and I'd like to help. But it isn't easy for me (us?) to provide you with an answer that would be of much help to you by the way you've stated your question.
Based on what I hear so far, you don't seem to have a basic understanding on how parameter expansions work in the shell. The following two links will be useful to you:
Matching Pathnames, Parameters
Now, if your task at hand is to operate on files meeting certain criteria then find(1) will likely to do the job.
Say it with me: don't parse the output of ls! For more information, see this post on Unix.SE.
A better way of doing this is:
for i in *
mv -- "$i" ~
or simply
mv -- * ~

Using wildcards to exclude files with a certain suffix

I am experimenting with wildcards in bash and tried to list all the files that start with "xyz" but does not end with ".TXT" but getting incorrect results.
Here is the command that I tried:
$ ls -l xyz*[!\.TXT]
It is not listing the files with names "xyz" and "xyzTXT" that I have in my directory. However, it lists "xyz1", "xyz123".
It seems like adding [!\.TXT] after "xyz*" made the shell look for something that start with "xyz" and has at least one character after it.
Any ideas why it is happening and how to correct this command? I know it can be achieved using other commands but I am especially interested in knowing why it is failing and if it can done just using wildcards.
These commands will do what you want
shopt -s extglob
ls -l xyz!(*.TXT)
shopt -u extglob
The reason why your command doesn't work is beacause xyz*[!\.TXT] which is equivalent to xyz*[!\.TX] means xyz followed by any sequence of character (*) and finally a character in set {!,\,.,T,X} so matches 'xyzwhateveryouwant!' 'xyzwhateveryouwant\' 'xyzwhateveryouwant.' 'xyzwhateveryouwantT' 'xyzwhateveryouwantX'
EDIT: where whateveryouwant does not contain any of !\.TX
I don't think this is doable with only wildcards.
Your command isn't working because it means:
Match everything that has xyz followed by whatever you want and it must not end with sequent character: \, .,T and X. The second T doesn't count as far as what you have inside [] is read as a family of character and not as a string as you thought.
You don't either need to 'escape' . as long as it has no special meaning inside a wildcard.
At least, this is my knowledge of wildcards.

linux find command is not working properly

I am using Linux(Ubuntu), I am trying to find the files, but it is not working properly.
I have created some files in my directory structure, for example: World/India/Maharashtra/Pune/filename.xml
When I use the find command like:
find /home/lokesh/Desktop/Testing_India2/Test/World/India/Maharashtra/ -name filename*.xml -mmin -3000
It is giving the result perfectly.
But, when I am using the same command at "World" or "India" level:
find /home/lokesh/Desktop/Testing_India2/Test/World/ -name filename*.xml -mmin -3000
it does not give any result.
I have lots of directories at "India" level as well as at "Maharashtra" level and may be some directories within "Maharashtra's" inner directories. I have to find each file created in all directories.
And I have mounted all folders from different machine.(I mean some state from different and some from different machine.)
If someone knows how to solve this problem please reply me as soon as possible.
Double quote your search string and -L to make it follow symbolic links:
find -L /home/lokesh/Desktop/Testing_India2/Test/World/ -name "filename*.xml" -mmin -30000
This is something I ran into earlier today actually when using the '*' wildcard. I couldn't get it to continually traverse the subdirectories unless I escaped the * with a .
Give this a try:
find -L /home/lokesh/Desktop/Testing_India2/Test/World/ -name filename\*.xml -mmin -30000
Yes, as mentioned you have to double qoute your -name argument or use a backslash prior to the *. The reason for it not working from one directory, but working fine in other directories, is that the * character is used for filename generation by your shell. This of course happens before the find command is executed. Therefore, if you have a file that match the filename*.xml pattern in your current directory it will be substituted before find is executed, which is not what you want. On the other hand, if there is no pattern match in the current directory, the * character is passed on to the find command unmodified. By qouting you protect the string from shell filename generation.
