Nightwatch.js using data attributes - attributes

I'm new to nightwatch.js. I work in QA and the developers don't want to use ids or classes for the automated tests. They want to use data-test. So for example data-test="nav-button".
Is there way to find elements and click elements using this attribute in nightwatch.js?

This is actually pretty simple. Just put the data-test in square brackets after the element type. See below for examples. In these examples, the data-test attribute is in an anchor tag.


WebPart cleanly render a list of n items

I am attempting to create a WebPart in Kentico 11 that supports handling an n-length list of items. I found that creating a WebPart with property fields is pretty straightforward in Kentico, but I am having trouble finding documentation on how to best set up a WebPart that can lookup & output multiple model objects.
I've tried the following approach, but it has some drawbacks that I'm not entirely comfortable with:
Set up a Container page type to place instances of data objects inside. I restricted it to ensure that only my custom Page Type data object is available as a child of it.
Place a Pages DataSource in the template zone and direct it to the Container page.
Hook up a Repeater element to it and apply a transformation & content before+after to the Repeater.
While this works, it feels a little cludgey. Content editors have to be wise enough to know how to set up DataSources & Repeaters, plus how to bind them together and apply transforms, and additionally remember to fill in the content before and content after fields with the appropriate wrapping HTML markup.
This is not something that I expect a content editor should need to remember.
Is there a cleaner way to put lists of items inside of a template zone without needing to drag & configure a datasource and container page?
I did not see any way to set up a Page Type field in such a way that it would essentially model a one-to-many relationship with another Page Type. Did I miss something there? If I could do that, then I could write a transformation to handle the wrapping HTML markup, and the looping of children. Haven't been able to find a way to make this work though.
The best way to accomplish what you are asking is with a custom form control. In your case, the form control should be able to let users select multiple items.
You can actually use 'Sortable multiple object selector' marketplace item for this purpose. This form control will enable you to select multiple items based on a certain type (that you need to configure in code) and editors would simply use the select dialog to choose the items.

MarkLogic Text Search: Return Results Based on Matches Inside Attributes

I am using Marklogic's search:search() functions to handle searching within my application, and I have a use case where users need to be able to perform a text search that returns matches from an attribute on my document.
For example, using this document:
<document attr="foo attribute value">Some child content</document>
I want users to be able to perform a text search (not using constraints) for "foo", and to return my document based on the match within the attribute #attr. Is there some way to configure the query options to allow this?
Typing in attr:"foo" is not a workable solution, so using attribute range constraints won't help, and users still need to be able to search for other child content not in the attribute node. I'm thinking perhaps there is a way to add a cts:query OR'd into the search via the options, that allows this attribute to be searched?
Open to any and all other solutions.
Some additional information, to help clarify:
I need to be able to find matches within the attribute, and elsewhere within the content. Using the example above, searches for "foo", "child content", or "foo child content" should all return my document as a result. This means that any query options that are AND'd with the search (like <additional-query>, which is intended to help constrain your search and not expand it) won't work. What I'm looking for is (likely) an additional query option that will be OR'd with the original search, so as to allow searching by child node content, attribute content, or a mix of the two.
In other words, I'd like MarkLogic to treat any attribute node content exactly the same as element text nodes, as far as searching is concerned.
You could accomplish this search with a serialized element-attribute-word cts query in the additional-query options for the search API. The element attribute word query will use the universal index to match individual tokens within attributes.
In MarkLogic 9 You may be able to use the following to perform your search:
import module namespace search = ""
at "/MarkLogic/appservices/search/search.xqy";
<options xmlns="">
<cts:element-attribute-word-query xmlns:cts="">
MarkLogic has ways to parse query text and map a value to an attribute word or value query.
First, you can use cts:parse():
Second, you can use search:search() with constraints defined in an XML payload:
I'd look into using the <default> option of <term>. For details see
Alternatively, consider doing query expansion. The idea behind that is that a end user send a search string. You parse it using search:parse of cts:parse (as suggested by Erik), and instead of submitting that query as-is to MarkLogic, you process the cts:query tree, to look for terms you want to adjust, or expand. Typically used to automatically blend in synonyms, related terms, or translations, but could be used to copy individual terms, and automatically add queries on attributes for those.

Difference between XSD Simple element and XSD Complex element

I Googled this Question but still i'm unable to find the best difference for the Simple XSD (XML Schema Definition) Element and Complex XSD Element.
Any guidance would be highly appreciated.
I have no idea, why I answer this. But...
To summarize,
simple types can only have content directly contained between the element’s opening and closing tags. They cannot have attributes or child elements.
complex types can have attributes, can contain other elements, can contain a mixture of elements and text, etc etc.
One is a single value and the other a compound value.

Can i get all components of an xsp document in xpages?

I have a simple document with 3 fields and 1 rich text field. I also have an xpage with 3 simple edit box controls and 1 rich text. The name of my NotesXSPDocument is document1.
Question 1:
Can i get a vector with all the controls of the xsp document? for example, instead of using getComponent("fld1"), getComponent("fld2") ... etc, can i use something like getAllComponents() or document1.getControls()? These methods do not exist of course so i am asking if there is a way to do it. I know i can get all items of a document (not XSP) by calling document1.getDocument().getItems(). IS there anything similar for xsp?
Lets say we can get a vector as i described above. Then if i iterate through this vector to get each control's value, is there a method to check if it is rich text or simple text field?
Technically, yes, but not readily and this is one of those situations where there's likely a better way to approach whatever underlying problem it is you want to solve.
Nonetheless, if you're looking to get a list of inputs on the page, XspQuery is your friend: . With that, you could use "locateInputs" to get a List of all the inputs on the page, and then check their value method bindings to see if the string version is referencing your variable name. Error-prone and not pretty, but it'd work. Since they're property bindings, I don't think the startsWith filter in there would do what you want.
Alternatively, you could bind the components to something in a Java class from the start. I've been doing just such a thing recently (for a different end) and initially described it here: . The upshot is that, with the right cleverness for how you do your binding="" property, you could get a list of all the components that reference a property of a given object.
As for the second part of the question, if you DO get a handle on the components one way or another, you can check to see if it's a rich text control by doing "component instanceof".
A bit complex but yes. facesContext.getViewRoot() is an UIViewRoot object so it has List<UIComponent> getChildren() method which returns its children.
However, since it's a tree-structure, some of its children will have additional children components. You have to traverse the entire tree to build a list of components you want to see.
For types, you can decide what type a component is by its class. For instance, UIInput is a text box, etc.

Expression Engine - passing multiple categories as URL segments

I'm trying to create a product filter with deep-linking capability. Essentially, I want the user to be able to filter my product list on multiple categories and have the URL reflect the filtering they've done.
So it would start as:
My first level of category filtering already works. So I can use EE's regular handling of URL segments to get to my first level of filtering. For instance:
Returns a filtered subset showing only a spectacular collection of leather thongs. But now I want the user to be able to filter on another category - color for instance. This is where stuff stops working.
EE's way of handling multiple categories inside templates (with ampersands or pipes) doesn't work in the URL:
Nor does any variation that I've tried.
My next move is to create a simple raw PHP method that can capture regular querystring parameters and then inject them into the {entries} tag before rendering. Not very difficult, but quite ugly. I would love to know if there is a way to handle multiple categories in the URL natively.
Thanks for your time.
Have you considered using Low's Seg2Cat add-on? I'm not sure how complex you want to make this but it seems that you could specify something in your channel:entries loop like categories='{segment_2){if segment_3}|{segment_3_category_id}{/if}'
This exact syntax is untested but I have had success in the past with a similar solution.
