How to find --name of kubernetes cluster in Azure portal? - azure

anyone knows how to find the name of a kubernetes cluster in azure portal? I did not create the cluster but I'm trying to connect to it and I don't know and can't find what to put in the --name tag

Well, the name of the kubernetes cluster is the name of the resource you see in the portal. As simple as that.
Just find the cluster in question and look how its called.

The az aks list command can list all Kubernetes clusters in given resource group. You can use the command to query names of your clusters:
> az aks list --resource-group MyAKSRG --query "[].name"


Azure k8s HPA on custom metric

I am trying to achieve HPA on azure cluster. But it is not working as expected, as it is not scaling up the pods when it is clearly showing the metric value is double of the target value. As you can see in the below screenshot
Here is the HPA configuration for the same.
Might be your Metrics server is not automatically installed with AKS,The Metrics Server is used to provide resource utilization to Kubernetes, and is automatically deployed in AKS clusters versions 1.10 and higher.
To see the version of your AKS cluster, use the az aks show command, as shown in the following example:
az aks show --resource-group myResourceGroup --name myAKSCluster --query kubernetesVersion --output table
If your AKS cluster is less than 1.10, the Metrics Server is not automatically installed. You can install via url.
kubectl apply -f
To use the autoscaler, all containers in your pods and your pods must have CPU requests and limits defined.
For more information how to implement you can refer this Microsoft Document

How to Simulate Eviction of nodes in Azure Kubernetes

I have spot instance nodes in Azure Kubernetes Cluster. I want to simulate the eviction of a node so as to debug my code but not able to. All I could find in azure docs is we can simulate eviction for a single spot instance, using the following:
az vm simulate-eviction --resource-group test-eastus --name test-vm-26
However, I need to simulate the eviction of a spot node pool or a spot node in an AKS cluster.
For simulating evictions, there is no AKS REST API or Azure CLI command because evictions of the underlying infrastructure is not handled by AKS RP.
Only during creation of the AKS cluster the AKS RP can set eviction Policy on the underlying infrastructure by instructing the Azure Compute RP to do so.
Instead to simulate the eviction of node infrastructure, the customer can use az vmsss simulate-eviction command or the corresponding REST API.
az vmss simulate-eviction
az vmss simulate-eviction --instance-id
Reference Documents:
Use the following commands to get the name of the vmss with nodepool:
az aks nodepool list -g $ClusterRG --cluster-name $ClusterName -o
Get the desired node pool name from the output
CLUSTER_RESOURCE_GROUP=$(az aks show –resource-group YOUR_Resource_Group --name YOUR_AKS_Cluster --query
nodeResourceGroup -o tsv)
az vmss list -g $CLUSTER_RESOURCE_GROUP --query "[?tags.poolName == '<NODE_POOL_NAME>'].{VMSS_Name:name}" -o tsv
(you may create vmss if you dont have it configured. Refer :create a VMSS)

how to view attached ACR in AKS clusters in Azure

I have tried az aks show and az aks list commands but they don't show the names of the attached ACR's.
I ran the command to attach acr using az aks update --attach-acr and it shows thats it attached.
Can I see through the CLI or portal that the acr is in the cluster?
I am afraid you cannot see the attached ACR in the cluster UI portal.
When you attached the ACR to the AKS cluster using az aks update --attach-acr command.
It just assigned the ACR's AcrPull role to the service principal associated to the AKS Cluster. See here for more information.
You can get the service principal which associated to the AKS Cluster by command az aks list
See below screenshot. The AcrPull role was assigned to the service principal associated to the AKS Cluster.
If you want to use Azure CLI to check which ACR is attached to the AKS cluster. You can list all the ACRs. And then loop through the ACRs to check which one has assigned the AcrPull role to the AKS service principal. See below example:
# list all the ACR and get the ACR id
az acr list
az role assignment list --assignee <Aks service principal ID> --scope <ACR ID>
Actually, the parameter --attach-acr in the command just grant the role ACRPull to the service principal of the AKS. There is no difference from before. You only can see the service principal of the AKS. Currently, the CLI command az role assignment list cannot get the ACR directly if you do not know the ACR scope already. But you can get the principal ID first like this:
az aks show --resource-group groupName --name aksName --query identityProfile.kubeletidentity.objectId
And then use the CLI command to get the resource Id of the ACR:
az rest --method get --uri "{subscription_id}/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments?api-version=2015-07-01" --uri-parameters "\$filter=principalId eq 'objectId'" --query "value[0].properties.scope"
If you know the ACR resource Id, I think you know which ACR attached to the AKS clearly.
The az aks check-acr command checks if a certain ACR is available from a specific AKS.
You have to provide both the ACR and AKS as argument, so this is not good for discovery.
You can build a small script around this that queries multiple subscriptions for their registered ACRs (you cannot pass multiple subscription argument to az acr list --subscription, you have to query the Subscriptions one-by-one), build an aggregated table of the ACRs then pass those values in a loop to az aks check-acr.

Where to find Kubernetes API credentials with AKS?

I'm trying to follow this guide to setting up a K8s cluster with external-dns' Azure DNS provider.
The guide states that:
When your Kubernetes cluster is created by ACS, a file named /etc/kubernetes/azure.json is created to store the Azure credentials for API access. Kubernetes uses this file for the Azure cloud provider.
When I create a cluster using aks (e.g. az aks create --resource-group myResourceGroup --name myK8sCluster --node-count 1 --generate-ssh-keys) this file doesn't exist.
Where do the API credentials get stored when using AKS?
Essentially I'm trying to work out where to point this command:
kubectl create secret generic azure-config-file --from-
From what I can see when using AKS the /etc/kubernetes/azure.json doesn't get created. As an alternative I followed the instructions for use with non Azure hosted sites and created a service principal (
Creating the service principal produces some json that contains most of the detail. This can be used to manually create the azure.json file and the secret can be created from it.
Use this command to get credentials:
az aks get-credentials --resource-group myResourceGroup --name myK8sCluster
Did you try this command ?
cat ~/.kube/config
It provided all i needed for my CI to connect to the Kubernetes Cluster and use API

Azure Kubernetes on different network?

I've setup kubernetes in azure using the azure acs and the azure cli.
az account list
az account set --subscription foobar
az group create --name foobar --location westus
az acs create --orchestrator-type=kubernetes --resource-group foobar --master-count 1 --name=foobar --dns-prefix=foobar
I want to be able to setup a site to site vpn, so that kubernetes can reach internal services in my datacenter.
Unfortunatly azure acs sets up kubernetes on a network which overlaps with other resources in azure and my datacenter.
I can't find any way to change which subnet kubernetes runs on in acs. Is there a way to change the prefered network?
There does not appear to be a way to choose network from the acs create command
az acs create --name
[--orchestrator-type {Custom, DCOS, Kubernetes, Swarm}]
No, there's no way of doing that. There might be a way to create a new kubernetes to existing vnet, but I'm not aware of that.
Your another option would be to delete all vm's and recreate them in the new vnet. No guarantee it would work.
With ACS through its CLI you can specify subnet id so the acs is created in a particular VNET. However this is only available in certain regions
