Using existing Office365 Active Directory with existing Azure account - azure

We have a Office365 account that uses Azure Active Directory for our company e-mail accounts. We have a totally separate (different login) Microsoft Azure account that we have been using without touching Azure Active Directory within.
We are looking to implement Azure Active Directory within our apps, and would like to use our existing O365 Active Directory since it already has all the users created. Is there any way for us to somehow link our Azure account to the O365 account so we can use that active directory in our Azure account?
I have found some examples, but they all seem to use the premise that you are logging into both Azure and O365 with the same credentials. That is not how ours is setup unfortunately.

If you are interested in combining the two (usually keeping O365 identities and making that AAD the default for your Azure subscription), you can contact Microsoft directly and they will be able to manually pair the two. As of 6 months ago (last time I did this) there was no way to do this yourself without assistance from MS.
You can open tickets through the Azure portal or the Office 365 web site.

Found a article that got me pointed pointed in the right direction and I was able to get this done:
How to associate or add an Azure subscription to Azure Active Directory
Ultimately I needed to have one Microsoft account that had sufficient permissions on both Active Directory tenants. It was tricky because both accounts were different Microsoft accounts using the same e-mail address, and either directory would not let me add another account with a duplicate e-mail address. I used a separate Microsoft account and added it as a AD guest on both directories. Once that was done, I was able to login with the new account with access to both directories and pick which directory I wanted to use within my Azure account.


How to move an Azure application created under a personal account to a directory?

I have an application in Azure that's listed under 'App registrations' -> 'Applications from personal account' that I would like to move to a directory so other users in the company can manage it.
There's an info message that has this to say about personal account applications:
These applications are associated with the account xxxxxxxxxxxxx but
are not contained within any directory. They are shown here so you
can manage them, but will not be available to other users or admins in
this directory.
Is there any way to move it? I haven't been able to find any info on this, and seeing as it's in use in the wild by thousands of users I would prefer not to create a new one and have them re-authorize.
I have confirmed this with Azure support engineer. The answer is no. Here is the reply. Hope it helps.
Your applications were created in converged app portal by your
Microsoft account. After lab tested, the Apps owner cannot be changed
to a work account because the MSA account is not contained within any
AAD. The workaround would be re-create it in the new tenant for your

How to associate Office 365 subscription to Azure AD directory

Given situation
I have two Azure AD directories in one Azure portal tenant.
AD_1 - A directory that got automatically created when signed up for Azure cloud the first time
AD_2 - A directory that I have manually created for managing a different set of users.
I also have an office365 account, that got created using the same Azure account. In it first I purchased a subscription.
SUBSCRIPTION_1 - only office apps. The licenses are attached to users in AD_1
Later I purchased another subscription purely for non-office products for different set of users.
SUBSCRIPTION_2 - exchange, yammer etc apps - A new subscription.
Is it possible to associate SUBSCRIPTION_2 to only users in directory AD_2?
If above is YES, how to do?
Disclaimer: I am a noob to whole Azure AD, Office 365, for that matter Microsoft products. Please forgive my naivety.
No matter the originating subscription access to services or apps only depends on licenses. So just navigate to Office 365 Portal > Administration > Users > Active, there select a user and assign the appropriate license, no matter from which AD user comes from, in fact it is also possible to assign licenses to users created in a local AD that is synchronized to Azure AD (administration privileges are needed for this procedure)

Syncing users between two azure AD

Is there any way to sync users from one azure active directory to another azure active directory. When searching for this I found a lot of options (using AAD connect for example) to sync on premises AD to azure active directory is there a way to do this between 2 actual AAD's.
What I want to achieve is that the users and groups from an office365(what means it has an AAD) gets synced to another azure active directory (moving the second active directory into the 365 AAD is not an option). And so when a user gets added to the 365 it gets added to the other AAD but also when it gets removed (the second active directory has no need for backwards syncing).
AFAIK, there is no such settings/tool we can sync the users between different Azure AD.
To achieve the goal, you need to write the code yourself. For example, you can write a service which pull the users from the two Azure AD and compare them. Then sync the users using the Azure AD Graph as you wanted.

Windows Azure Active Directory and Office 365 integration

In my company, we are using Office365 for our emails.
In addition to this, we are using Windows Azure Active Directory to secure some applications.
Now I've been asked to create some kind of link between our users in Office 365 and Windows Azure Active Directory.
The point would be to have some admin applications deployed and secured with WAAD but for which the users are the ones from Office365.
I've found lots of documentation on the web on how to sync directories but not really anything stating clearly that this is possible.
I'd like to insist on the fact that it is our own application that we'd like to secure like this.
(Edit 2018-03-23: This answer was updated to reflect changes in the new Azure portal.)
The underlying directory for Office 365 is Azure Active Directory (Azure AD). This means that if you have an Office 365 account, you already have a directory -or "tenant"- in Azure AD.
In your case, I think what you want to do is move from securing your application with a different Azure AD tenant (under a different domain), to securing your applications with the tenant you got when you started using Office 365. The key here is to be able to get access to your Office 365 tenant from the Azure portal.
All you need to do is sign in to the Azure portal ( with you Office 365 account (which, remember, is an Azure AD account), and head over to the "Azure Active Directory" blade. (Note: You do not need an Azure subscription in order to manage your Azure AD tenant in the Azure portal.)
Now you can go about adding and configuring apps to the Office 365 tenant so that you can use that tenant to secure your apps.
Extra: Since you've already started doing things with another Azure subscription (presumably your Microsoft Account, MSA --formerly LiveID--), you might be interested in transferring that Azure subscription to be owned by an account in your primary Azure AD tenant:
If the aim is to make the Office 365 directory available inside the Azure portal, this currently works:
In the Azure portal, under Active Directory, click the New button, then Directory, then Custom Create. In the Directory pull-down, select 'Use existing directory' and follow the instructions to sign out and sign in using your Office 365 admin user. This will make your Office 365 directory available inside your Azure portal (in addition to any other Azure directories you have access to.)
When you setup your Azure Subcription did you use the same account you used when you setup your Office 365 Subscription? If so you should be able to see an existing WAAD instance when you log into Azure that has your #* domain registered against it. If you don't see that you may be able to add the domain to Azure subscription assuming of you are the domain admin. See here:
For the sake of completion, I hope the OP would come back and accept the answer provided by Philippe.
I found this that was quite helpful:

How to remove Azure Active Directory from Subscription

I can't seem to figure out how I can delete the tenant which I have created from my Azure Subscription. Can anyone help me figure out how to do this? It sounds like it should be easy to do, but maybe I'm missing something.
Currently you cannot remove AAD tenant from the Azure Portal. You also cannot rename it. The good thing is that you are not being charged for it if you are not using any special features (i.e. even if you use for just authenticating without the Two-Factor-Authentication it is still free!). And I don't recall to have seen an API via which you would be able to remove an AAD tenant.
As of November 2013 you are able to rename Azure AD, Add new Azure AD, change default AD for a subscription, delete Azure AD(as long as there is not subscription attached, and no user/groups/apps objects in it).
We were eventually able to delete an Azure Active Directory instance after we deleted all mapped users (except for the administrator who was logged in) and groups.
Make sure you go through the following list of possible causes for not being able to delete your Azure AD:
You are signed in as a user for whom <Your Company Name> is the home directory
Directory contains users besides yourself
Directory has one or more subscriptions to Microsoft Online Services.
Directory has one or more Azure subscriptions.
Directory has one or more applications.
Directory has one or more Multi-Factor Authentication providers.
Directory is a "Partner" directory.
Directory contains one or more applications that were added by a user or administrator.
