Import Phaser in Aurelia - phaser-framework

I want to use Phaser in an aurelia CLI application using typescript,
npm install runs properly, and I have already modified aurelia.json as follows
"name": "phaser",
"path": "../node_modules/phaser/build",
"main": "phaser"
When I try to use phaser in a ts file, it says phaser is undefined. And in fact, looking cli onsole, doesn't seem to be tracking phaser. If I change dependency name to something like "phaserjs", it starts tracing it, but of course I cannot use it because the import requires another name.
import {autoinject} from 'aurelia-framework';
import * as phaser from "phaser";
export class Login {
console.log("this print undefined", Phaser);
I have tried using import * as phaser from "phaser", import {Game} from "phaser" and nothing seems to work.
However, looking at vendor-bundle.js, phaser.js lines are found. So I do not know why I cannot use it
Any help will be great.

For someone with same issue later:
Phaser 2x was not designed to be modular,. To be able to use it you need to exports a couple of dependencies it requires.
First, use phaser-ce (Community-edition), it has support for webpack.
Second, export its dependencies:
In aurelia using requirejs, modify aurelia.json vendor dependencies.
"name": "pixi",
"path": "../node_modules/phaser-ce/build/custom",
"main": "pixi",
"exports": ["PIXI"]
"name": "p2",
"path": "../node_modules/phaser-ce/build/custom",
"main": "p2",
"exports": ["p2"]
"name": "phaser-ce",
"path": "../node_modules/phaser-ce/build/custom",
"main": "phaser-split",
"exports": ["Phaser"]
Now you can use phaser without problems
import * as Phaser from "phaser-ce";
Phaser-CE also includes typescripts definitions inside its module folder "typings"


Jasmine on Node.js fails with ERR_UNSUPPORTED_DIR_IMPORT

I'm writing an Express v4.18.2 app on Node.js 18.12.1 on Windows. I'm testing a controller with Jasmine 4.5.0. When I run jasmine spec, it fails with an error message about resolving ES modules:
Error [ERR_UNSUPPORTED_DIR_IMPORT]: Directory import
'...\SimpleServiceJasmine\spec' is not supported resolving ES modules
imported from
url: 'file:///D:/.../SimpleServiceJasmine/spec'
I use require, not import, everywhere in the code being tested or the spec.
Note that jasmine runs fine if I specify the spec file explicitly, even with wildcards, as long as the wildcard path resolves to a single file:
jasmine spec/service/contact-api.spec.js # ok
jasmine spec/*/c* # ok
I tried downgrading jasmine to 3.0.0 and 2.0.1 but got the same error. The behavior is the same on Windows 11 and Windows Server 2019.
Any suggestions for how can I run all the specs in this project?
Here's my package.json:
"name": "simpleservice",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "A simple CRUD API for contacts",
"main": "service/contact-api.js",
"scripts": {
"test": "jasmine spec/service/contact-api.spec.js",
"start": "node src/service/contact-api.js"
"author": "Puzzled Dev",
"license": "ISC",
"dependencies": {
"express": "^4.18.2"
"devDependencies": {
"jasmine": "^4.5.0"
Here's the spec/support/jasmine.json:
"spec_dir": "spec",
"spec_files": [
"helpers": [
"env": {
"stopSpecOnExpectationFailure": false,
"random": true
Jasmine uses glob for pattern matching, which means whenever you pass spec as a pattern, glob finds this particular directory and then returns it to jasmine. Unfortunately, path validation in jasmine does not seem in a very smart way, it continues executing with the given path, and then it throws an error by Node.js.
It is equivalent to this:
import spec from './spec'
You can take a look at the jasmine-runner code, and the line in which contributor put a comment:
The ES module spec requires import paths to be valid URLs. As of v14,
Node enforces this on Windows but not on other OSes. On OS X, import
paths that are URLs must not contain parent directory references.
So, once you have defined spec_files in jasmine.json, there is no need to give an extra pattern to execute all tests.
jasmine will execute all tests with the help of spec_dir, and spec_files fields in jasmine.json. All you need to do is just simply run jasmine or npx jasmine.

Newly made NPM package is found, but deeper import references are all unfound

This is my first go publishing an NPM package and I feel like a newb. My basic imports aren't working, both within the module itself and when trying to reference specific files within the package from outside. The whole npm publish -> npm install part works as expected.
The file structure is a ./lib directory, with a ./lib/data-types directory. The main files with the objects getting exported live in the lib, and some other "helper" files live in the data-types.
- index.js, etc
- /lib
-- connection.js
-- session.js
-- /data-types
--- point.js, etc
I have an index.js file that's just a passthrough for some other objects:
import Connection from "./lib/connection.js"
import Session from "./lib/session.js"
export default {
And I've defined the main export and the data-types in package.json:
"name": "ef-vue-crust",
"type": "module",
"main": "index.js",
"exports": {
"." : "./index.js",
"./data-types/": "./lib/data-type/*.js"
The basic import from my application seems to work, i.e. import {Connection} from 'ef-vue-crust', except for the aforementioned inner disconnect. index.js is unable to find the following files:
import Connection from "./lib/connection.js"
import Session from "./lib/session.js"
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve './lib/session.js' in 'C:\Projects\my-app\node_modules\ef-vue-crust'
Directly importing a file from the ./lib/data-type/ directory has the same issue in my application:
import Point from '#ef-vue-crust/data-types/point.js';
Does anyone see the disconnect?
Part 1: changed export default {} to export {} in index.js.
Part 2: looks like I was missing an * in the exports:
"name": "ef-vue-crust",
"type": "module",
"main": "index.js",
"exports": {
"." : "./index.js",
"./data-types/*": "./lib/data-type/*.js"
And finally: I had some strings flat out not matching in the imports, which became obvious once the above was fixed.
So I suppose the answer is "attention to detail"

Jest moduleNameMapper and NPM package exports

I am developing fullstack NPM packages with multiple entrypoints (namely client, server and sometimes tests), using the exports property of package.json.
I also use a small hack to make TS work with exports until it's officially supported (see this Stack Overflow post, this hackish solution and this ticket).
The package.json ends up looking like this:
"name": "#vulcanjs/graphql",
"version": "0.4.7",
"main": "./dist/index.js",
"files": [
"exports": {
".": "./dist/index.js",
"./server": "./dist/server/index.js",
"./testing": "./dist/testing.js"
"types": "./dist/index.d.ts",
"typesVersions": {
"*": {
"server": [
"testing": [
"description": "Vulcan graphQL schema generator",
You can then import using either #vulcanjs/graphql for shared code, and #vulcanjs/graphql/server for Node.js-only code.
It works perfect in my Next.js app. However, it seems to break Jest moduleNameMapper.
First, I had this:
moduleNameMapper: {
"#vulcanjs/(.*)": [
The error is:
Configuration error:
Could not locate module #vulcanjs/graphql/server mapped as:
The problem is that it tries to find a package named #vulcanjs/graphql/server: yet "server" is not a different package, it's an entrypoint of #vulcanjs/graphql.
I've also tried this:
moduleNameMapper: {
"#vulcanjs/(.*)/(.*)": [
With this config, #vulcanjs/graphql/server is mapped to #vulcanjs/graphql. The problem is that now, server code is not found. I've checked and the problem is that this solution totally removes the /server: so #vulcanjs/graphql/server points to the main entrypoints instead of the server entrypoint.
Finally I did try to remove the moduleNameMapper, but then #vulcanjs/graphql/server package is not found by Jest. Note that I need the mapper for a use case I did not demonstrate here, so getting rid of it is possible but not the best solution.
The bug can be reproduced by installing the framework: You can clone, yarn install, unskip the test in src/models/tests/sampleModel.server.test.ts and run yarn run test:unit sampleModel. It will show the error.
Any idea how I could fix this?

How to get snowpack to look inside a package for subpath

I am building a snowpack app right now, and I would like to import client in the frontend (For intellisense and offline dev testing). However, only exports the backend materials when using import ... from ''.
Normally, I use
import { io } from '';
Which gets all the correct files and exports, however, when building with snowpack I get this error:
Package exports for 'C:\dev\JS\Node+Browser\foo\node_modules\' do not define a './client-dist/' subpath
Which fails the build, stopping everything.
Right now, my snowpack.config is really bare bones:
module.exports = {
buildOptions: {
out: 'dist/client'
mount: {
"src/client": "/"
All of the rest of my modules run fine, because they are all imported with only import ... from 'module-name. I understand what the error is saying, but I cant find anything online or thing of anything to solve it. Does anyone know how to fix this?
NOTE: This is a "hacky" fix that I think is messy and can not be used for larger projects.
I patched this by editing the package.json of the package (In node_modules) to use a temporary export alias that was exactly the same as the real directory path:
"exports": {
".": [
"require": "./dist/index.js",
"import": "./wrapper.mjs"
"./client-dist/": "./client-dist/",
"path-to-other-modules": "same-path"

How to add Tether in Aurelia-CLI to use with Bootstrap 4

I am trying to add Bootstrap 4 to Aurelia. I can only get the CSS to work but the bootstrap.js requires Tether and I can't get it included, since I keep getting this error in the console:
Bootstrap tooltips require Tether
I tried something along this
"name": "tether",
"path": "../node_modules/tether/dist",
"main": "js/tether.min",
"exports": "Tether",
"resources": [
"name": "bootstrap",
"path": "../node_modules/bootstrap/dist",
"main": "js/bootstrap.min",
"deps": ["tether", "jquery"],
"exports": "$",
"resources": [
It does bundle, but it's still complaining about the missing Tether.
I read on another stack answer that I have to makeTetheravailable globally which could be done viarequirejs.config.js` with this
define(['lib/tether.min'], function(tether) {
window.Tether = tether;
but there's no such config with Aurelia.
After some more time spent on this, I believe that I came up with something working. I don't see anymore errors and I am now able to use Bootstrap tooltip, so I will assume this is the working solution.
All the changes were made inside the aurelia.json configuration file, as the following:
"prepend": [
"dependencies": [
"name": "bootstrap",
"path": "../node_modules/bootstrap/dist",
"main": "js/bootstrap.min",
"deps": ["jquery", "tether"],
"exports": "$",
"resources": [
So basically, I just had to add it to the prepend to get it working. Also note that adding tether inside the deps[] array has no effect (probably because Tether is now global with the prepend), but I like to see it there as a reminder that it's a dependencies anyway.
As mentioned by #Paul-Sebastian, it's probably better to remove tether from showing up in the deps of Bootstrap to remove possibility of double inclusion. Basically this is the updated code:
"name": "bootstrap",
"path": "../node_modules/bootstrap/dist",
"main": "js/bootstrap.min",
"deps": ["jquery"],
"exports": "$",
"resources": [
There is now also an append section that just got added to Aurelia-CLI to help with Legacy Library with Plugins. The section reads as the following:
A Very Stubborn Legacy Library With Plugins
Some legacy libraries may support plugins which you also want included in your bundle. In some cases these plugins depend on a
global object defined by the main library, so it is important that the
plugins exist later in the bundle than the main library scripts. These
plugins can go in the append section, which works exactly the same
as the prepend section but the scripts are appended to the end of
the bundle, after all other items. Like the prepend section all items
are relative to the project folder, not the src.
