How to change the attributes of a file inside an archive - attributes

I have a file in an archive that I wish to edit. I can open the archive with 7zip without any issues, and copy/modify/paste files into/from the archive (from within 7zip). The files have the following properties:
Modified: someDate
Attributes: -rwxrwxr-x
Host OS: Unix
There are more, but you get my point. I'm on a windows system and as such can't make/edit the files without changing host OS and attributes (and the date ofcourse). Ideally what I'd like is a method to copy the properties of one file, and directly paste the over the properties of another file within the archive. So far I've tried a few freeware application on the internet (eg. I've tried Attribute Change but it doesn't allow you to change much more than the date as far as I can tell).


In Windows Node.js fs.readdirSync With Users Folders etc

I've been developing an nw.js project and use node.js file system functions in it as normal. In my application there is a file manager and I list folders and files according to user navigation. In Windows, for example, if I scan drive C: I get the Turkish named folder "Kullanıcılar" as "Users". I know it's real name in operating system is "Users" and just seen on the screen according to Languages. I can replace names of such folders when dispaying in my file manager but I'm searching for better solution if exists. Thanks in advance.
There's an SO answer here that reads the localized name of a folder in C# using the SHGetFileInfo function which might help you along.
Now I know you didn't ask, but in case you want to know where the information is stored... It's within the directory, in the Desktop.ini file.
For instance, my Windows 10 installation has this in it for "Users":
And this for the Images folder within my user folder (bringing this up to show you the additional keys):
The #%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll,-21813 points to having to read the MUI (multilingual user interface) resources, key 21813 for the given file (presumably the # means that it's in this file, not this literal value, but don't quote me on that). %SystemRoot% is an environment variable that points to the Windows directory.
The actual MUI files and their locations are handled by Windows (see the MSDN link above), but we'll just happen to handily know that the MUI file for the US English localization of shell32.dll is system32\en-US\shell32.dll.mui.
Opening up that file with Resource Hacker, we can search for 21813 -- and voila! We can find STRINGTABLE resource #1364 that contains:
21812, "Extras and Upgrades"
21813, "Users"
21814, "Saved Games"
I unfortunately don't have tr-TR/shell32.dll.mui available, so you'll just have to trust me that you'd find the Kullanıcılar string there.

Node.js file rotation

I have a process that periodically gets files from a server and copy them with SFTP to a local directory. It should not overwrite the file if it already exists. I know with something like Winston I can automatically rotate the log file when it fills up, but in this case I need a similar functionality to rotate files if they already exist.
An example:
The routine copies a remote file called testfile.txt to a local directory. The next time it's run the same remote file is found and copied. But now I want to rename the first testfile.txt to testfile.txt.0 so it's not overwritten. And so on - after a while I'd have a directory of files with the name testfile.txt.N and the most recent testfile.txt.
What you can do is you can append date and time on the file name that gives every filename a unique name and also helps you archive it.
For example you text.txt can be either 20170202_181921_test.txt or test_20170202_181921.txt
You can use a JavaScript Date Object to get date and time.
P.S show your code of downloading files so that I can add more to that.

WinSCP - Do not synchronize subdirectories

I am writing winscp script in VBA to synchronize certain files from remote to local.
The code I am using is
""synchronize -filemask=""""*.xlsx"""" local C:\Users\xx\Desktop /JrnlDetailSFTPDirect""
There are three xlsx files: 14.xlsx, 12.xlsx, 13.xlsx. However, seems like it is running through all the files even though it is not synchronizing them. Besides, one folder under JrnlDetailSFTPDirect is also downloaded from remote, which is not expected.
Is it possible to avoid looping through all the files, just selecting those three files and downloading them?
There are separate masks for files and folders.
To exclude all folders, use */ exclude mask:
synchronize -filemask="*.xlsx|*/" local C:\Users\xx\Desktop /JrnlDetailSFTPDirect
See How do I transfer (or synchronize) directory non-recursively?
I cannot tell anything regarding the other problem, as you didn't show us names of the files. Ideally, append a session log file to your question. Use /log switch like: /log=c:\writablepath\winscp.log /command ...

Change .eclipse folder in Linux

How can I change the .eclipse folder in Linux? I tried adding this line:
at the top of eclipse.ini but it doesn't work. I've also tried adding it to various other places in the eclipse.ini but still no luck.
I have added this line:
immediately below -vmargs. When Eclipse starts, it now reads from the correct .eclipse location and if .eclipse does not exist there, it creates it. Unfortunately, after Eclipse has loaded, another .eclipse folder is created in my home folder and Eclipse then continues to read from that folder. I suspect that my eclipse.ini file is now correct but there is another file I need to change.
The simplest thing to do is probably pass java a different user.home so that all the other myriad of places that derive a location base it off of user.home. So instead of what you have, use this in .ini file:
In addition to .eclipse, you will probably find other directories created in your overridden user.home, such as .p2, .oracle_jre_usage, etc.
Other notes:
-Dosgi.configuration.area is the changes the configuration area for Eclipse, it does not effect user area. You also probably don't want to change that setting away from the default unless you really want multiple configurations (read more below).
Additionally, the normal thing to do would be to use -configuration as an argument to eclipse{.exe} and let eclipse convert it to the appropriate VM argument.
You probably want -user though to override the user area. Have a look at locations in the Eclipse help for more info (quoted below).
However, there are still things that have individual control over their location, such as secure storage, which is controlled by the -eclipse.keyring command line argument.
The Eclipse runtime defines a number of locations which give
plug-in developers context for reading/storing data and Eclipse users
a control over the scope of data sharing and visibility. Eclipse
defines the following notions of location:
User (-user) {osgi.user.area} [#none, #noDefault, #user.home,
#user.dir, filepath, url]
User locations are specific to, go figure,
users. Typically the user location is based on the value of the Java
user.home system property but this can be overridden. Information such
as user scoped preferences and login information may be found in the
user location.
Install (-install) {osgi.install.area} [#user.home,
#user.dir, filepath, url]
An install location is where Eclipse itself
is installed. In practice this location is the directory (typically
"eclipse") which is the parent of the eclipse.exe being run or the
plugins directory containing the org.eclipse.equinox.launcher bundle.
This location should be considered read-only to normal users as an
install may be shared by many users. It is possible to set the install
location and decouple eclipse.exe from the rest of Eclipse.
Configuration (-configuration) {osgi.configuration.area} [#none,
#noDefault, #user.home, #user.dir, filepath, url]
locations contain files which identify and manage the (sub)set of an
install to run. As such, there may be many configurations per install.
Installs may come with a default configuration area but typical
startup scenarios involve the runtime attempting to find a more
writable configuration location.
Instance (-data) {osgi.instance.area}
[#none, #noDefault, #user.home, #user.dir, filepath, url]
locations contain user-defined data artifacts. For example, the
Resources plug-in uses the instance area as the workspace location and
thus the default home for projects. Other plugins are free to write
whatever files they like in this location.
While users can set any of
these locations, Eclipse will compute reasonable defaults if values
are not given. The most common usecase for setting location is the
instance area or, in the IDE context, the workspace. To run the
default Eclipse configuration on a specific data set you can specify:
eclipse -data c:\mydata
You must put property definitions like this at the end of the eclipse.ini after the -vmargs line. If there is no -vmargs line you must add one.
.... other lines ....
... other arguments

A simple way to save a file version to a child folder and generate/increment a log?

I looked to TortoiseSVN and TortoiseHG... bit too much for me and I don't want to setup a structure where the files will be saved. All I want is:
When saving a file, first saves the file.
Then if there isn't in file's folder a sub-folder called "History", it creates it.
Then Copies the file to "History" and gives it the first available number suffix as "_[version]".
Then, if is no txt file, in the file's folder, called "[filename].[extension]_Notes.txt", it creates it and adds a line with:
Version: [version] " of the " [filename] " saved at: " [date]
Now how would this run from any application? Dunno. Maybe have a button in the file save dialog?
I'm asking this because I'm just one guy working and not on huge projects and 99% of the time I would just like to have a localized versioning, set on a local sub-folder and a log to track the versions and dates.
Is this super easy with Tortoise and I'm being a mule?
