Can we save files in local when developing custom functions? - ms-office

I am following this link to try custom functions.
First I put customfunctions.js and customfunctions.html in my local folder, and then replace https://<INSERT-URL-HERE> in the manifest file with their path: I tried \\SOFTTIMUR9FDC\Users\SoftTimur\tmp\EXCEL-CUSTOM-FUNCTIONS and \\Mac\Home\tmp\EXCEL-CUSTOM-FUNCTIONS\, but I could not see any application in SHARED FOLDER in Excel.
Then, I put these 2 files on a website, and then replace https://<INSERT-URL-HERE> in the manifest file with their https address. Now, it worked; I could see the application in SHARED FOLDER in Excel and the custom functions worked.
So is it expected? In other words, when we test custom functions, we could not save these files in LOCAL; we have to save them in a website?
PS: when we develop a normal excel add-in, there is no problem to save the source files in local.

It's possible to host your customfunctions.html file locally, yes. From your description, it sounds like there's something wrong with how you're deploying the manifest, or with the manifest itself. Verify that your only change was the URL for those files, and that it worked properly otherwise.


Web Deploy Set Parameter using external file

We have an Website project that's hosted in Azure, and we use Web.config transforms for setting environment variables. However, our current approach for building the system for different environments is to build the project multiple times (currently this is 3), which is inefficient.
We'd like to move to using Web Deploy, as this would then set us up nicely for using Release Manager.
Our issue is around using Web Deploy parameters instead of web.config transforms; we need to substitute multiple xml elements, rather than single values.
After much research, I found these 2 articles which detail almost exactly what I'm trying to do
Essentially I'm trying to replicate Scenario 5, but using a separate Set Parameter file for the value.
Unfortunately, in the examples, referencing an external xml file only works if it is on the target machine. Some testing with a colleague confirmed this; works on local machine, but not on Azure.
Is there a way I can force Web Deploy to look in a particular location for the external configuration files?
As you've already noticed, Web Deploy is only able to read replacement values on the local machine or on a UNC share. It can't read that specific file over HTTP.
If you're deploying to an Azure Web App, then one thing you could try would be to use Kudu/FTP to manually upload that file one level above your wwwroot folder. Then you could specify the file location like so:
Of course this implies that you'd have to pre-upload this file before publishing to your site, so it's not a perfect solution, but it should work for what you're trying to accomplish.

How to deploy application in windows azure with text file?

I have created a mvc4 application with text file. I write some data in a file "ddd.txt". I wrote such address at my PC: "#D://Project//ddd.txt" and it worked finely. However, when I deploy my website on "", then I should write another address.
It is very important text file for me. And I would like to read data from it.
What address of directory should I write in my application to work him on Windows Azure server?
I would try using App_Data (you can just add the directory if it doesn't exist in your project).
You could then load the file like this:
string path = HttpContext.Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/ddd.txt");
// load file here
The other option would be to store it in Blob storage, there is a good walkthough of the different features here:

Coldfusion security to hide directory of files?

So, I decided to try to break my website...I googled my site by typing in and behold, all of the users uploaded files were available for view under a specific directory.
What kind of script/ counter measure should I use to block these files from being viewed? I already have a script that checks the path and the logged in status, however this doesn't seem to be working. I've looked all over for solutions...but I can't quite find one. I'm using ColdFusion 8.
This isn't a ColdFusion issue so much as a web server configuration issue.
You should either:
configure your web server not to show a directory of files when using a URL without a filename (e.g.,
drop a blank default web document (index.html, index.htm, default.htm, index.cfm, whatever) into that directory so that it displays that document rather than the list of files. If you use index.cfm, it'll fire your Application.cfm/cfc in your file path and use whatever other security you've built.
(or, better, do both)
The best way to secure your file listings and the files themselves is to store them in another folder outside of the Web site root folder. You can then serve them up using CFDIRECTORY and CFCONTENT. The pages that display the files can check your access controls and only serve the files to those allowed to see them.

bypass IIS xml file settings at file/folder level

Our site is currently set to pass all files with the xml file extension through the worker process because all the xml files on the site at the moment are generated dynamically on being hit, by writing the output directly into the response stream.
However we now have a requirement to add a file which is much larger and takes several minutes to generate in this way. I wrote a console app to generate the file and set it to run nightly, but because of the global IIS setting directing xml files to run through asp_wp, it's not being served properly.
I can't seem to find a way to make an exemption for the treatment of a single file in the IIS settings. Is there any other way we can do it?
As far as I know, this is not possible for a single file, but you can do it for a whole folder.
You simply place a web.config file in the folder in question and configure the settings you need there.

IIS Config file in virtual directory

I have multiple websites that all have the same code, but different app settings.
I want to place my app settings in a separate configuration file that is located in a virtual directory. This will allow me to have a single copy of all of the code shared across all of the sites with a different virtual directory for each site.
Unfortunately, when I try to configure this, IIS doesn't process the config file when it is in a virtual directory.
If you have a solution to this, I would appreciate your help.
Maybe using the machine.config file on your web server would be a suitable alternative? Otherwise you could create a web.config file in a global folder somewhere and open it using the WebConfigurationManager.OpenMappedWebConfiguration() method.
It's not possible to use a virtual directory (or even files outside of the current website; only the current folder, or a sub-folder).
One possible way to share setting across projects would be to do it at build-time - either by coping it in, or using a Linked File in VS to have it copied to the folder on publish.
If you really need this functionality on the server, you could try (though I can't say how well it would work) a Junction.
