GitVersion source only from branch name - gitversion

By default GitVersion can increment version based on tags, branch names, commit messages, etc.
This is not convenient for my case because different people can increment version by mistake.
I'd like only branch name to be the source for GitVersion.
In GitVersion docs I've found only ignoring commit messages by adding "commit-message-incrementing: Disabled" line to GitVersion.yml
Any ideas how tags can be ignored?

I doubt you can. Tag is at the core of GitVersion. Check the "How it works" here:


View Git history before a specific commit ID in the current branch

I'd like some Git log command to list out the commits before some specific commit ID/hash in the current working branch.
E.g. Something like
git log --before <commit id>
But I haven't been able to find what the correct command to do this is.
Just give the commit hash as the ref to explore via log
git log <commitHash>
and it will output all history from that point, backwards, until initial commit.
Alternatively, if you need to exclude this specific commit itself, then refer to its parent with
git log <commitHash>^
Sidenote about your mention of "in the current working branch"
Branches are technically irrelevant here to tree traversal logic. This won't limit output to what's "in" the branch, largely because the common metaphor is quite bad : commits are just not "on" branches. Branches are to be seen as soft (and disposable) shortcuts to designate one commit in the tree.

How to get all the tags on a specific branch with GitLabAPI

I'm new to Gitlab API, I know how to create a tag on a specific branch, let's say I have several branches on my repository, and I created several tags on each branch. Now I want get all the tags on a specific branch with GitLabAPI. I've read the Branchs API and Tags API docs carefully, however was unable to find an answer to my question. Please help me out.
I am unsure what you're trying to accomplish as you literally described your problem with one short sentence, so it will be more of a guess.
If what you want to do is to create GitLab tag for a specific commit for a specific branch, you simply do that as you can define branch when creating it. Will not post description of how it should be done as there is documentation.
With GitLabAPI(as you wanted based on you problem description) follow this link:
How to with GitLabAPI
And instead of Release tag just make same steps for any other tag. For tagging from console you should follow this one:
How to with git
If you're looking for a way to find specific tag with GitLabAPI just go that way:
Repository->Tags->Filter by tag name
Tags are unique across the whole repository.
For doing checkout from console:
git checkout <tag>
Your consternation, I believe, comes from misunderstanding the idea of tags. It's kind of a snapshot of repository at specific point, might be for release, may be for backup purposes, does not matter, it's up to you. Important part is that no matter where you will place it, it has to be unique in scope of a whole repository not just a branch you place it. There is no way to create two same tags on two different branches, git won't let you. Read info from links and everything should be clear.
If my answer is not what you were looking for, expand your question to get more proper and accurate one.

Perforce -Keep working on the project while the code is under review

I am a git person. In git, after I finishing a little feature, I will submit the branch to review and start a new branch to work on new features.
For example, I had submitted a code recview for feature A, and it is still under review. At this time, I want to start working on feature B, assuming feature A's code will be merged in the near future. In Git, typically I just create a new branch to work on the new feature, if there is some problem with feature A I can easily switch back to branch A to fix it and merge the fixed version to my new feature branch.
How's it achieved in perforce? Should I copy the whole code somewhere as a way to manage branch myself?
You can do this in Perforce exactly the same way you'd do it in Git, if you like -- create your feature B branch and work on feature B there. If you need to make changes to your feature A branch, those can be merged back to your mainline and/or your feature B branch.
If you do your code reviews as shelves, you can have any number of them in development at a time; a shelved change is effectively "rebased" onto submitted changes when you sync+resolve.
FWIW, usually the way I've done reviews in Perforce is to make my changes on my own development branch, set up the merge to the mainline, and then shelve that for review. That way I can continue work on my development branch uninterrupted, I don't need to create a new branch, and if there's a fix needed to my merge-in-progress I can just amend the shelved change (either by submitting the fix to my branch and adding it to the merge, or making the edit as part of the merge operation); it also has the benefit of making conflict resolution (if any) part of the change under review.

Target specific commit in gitolite rules

I need to forbid pushing of specific commit (by its sha). Is it possible to do with gitolite configuration?
I tried specifying something like
repo myRepo
- 794b62a8b1cf4417c8320a261177b43bd5d8331e = #all
But it does not work as intended. I guess that VREFs can help here but I din't find much info on that.
You can set in place a VREF which will list commits pushed and reject the push if one of those commits matches the one you want to block.
Check as an example src/VREF/MERGE-CHECK, which does use git rev-list to list commits.
See Adding a VREF to implement and add your own.

How to find which release a changeset is in

What's a way to find a release that a given changeset is in?
For example given this changeset:;a=commit;h=50d3e6399a61fca53c5c440a79f71299db66b803
How do I use git to tell me the earliest release this changeset made it into?
You can use git describe --contains $SHA1, which will give you the oldest tag that your commit is reachable from.
