How to add nohup? - Redirect stdin to program and background - linux

I have a program prog that takes stdin input like this:
prog < test.txt
But the processing takes quite a lot time, so once the input is read, it the process should background.
From this answer I have working solution, but without nohup. How modify it to use nohup too?
{ prog <&3 3<&- & } 3<&0

disown is a shell builtin which tells bash to remove a process from its recordkeeping -- including the recordkeeping that forwards HUP signals. Consequently, if stdin, stdout and stderr are all redirected or closed before the terminal disappears, there's absolutely no need for nohup so long as you use disown.
logfile=nohup.out # change this to something that makes more sense.
[ -t 1 ] && exec >"$logfile" # do like nohup does: redirect stdout to logfile if TTY
[ -t 2 ] && exec 2>&1 # likewise, redirect stderr away from TTY
{ prog <&3 3<&- & } 3<&0
If you really need compatibility with POSIX sh, then you'll want to capture stdin to a file (at a potentially very large cost to efficiency):
# create a temporary file
tempfile=$(mktemp "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/input.XXXXXX") || exit
# capture all of stdin to that temporary file
cat >"$tempfile"
# nohup a process that reads from that temporary file
tempfile="$tempfile" nohup sh -c 'prog <"$tempfile"; rm -f "$tempfile"' &

From what I see the following code is contained in a separate shell file:
{ prog <&3 3<&- & } 3<&0
So, why not try just:
nohup &


nohup append the executed command at the top of the output file

Let's say that we invoke the nohup in the following way:
nohup -n 20 2>&1 &
This will write the output to the nohup.out.
How could we achieve to have the whole command nohup -n 20 2>&1 & sitting at the top of the nohup.out (or any other specified output file) after which the regular output of the executed command will be written to that file?
The reason for this is for purely debugging purpose as there will be thousands of commands like this executed and very often some of them will crash due to various reasons. It's like a basic report kept in a file with the executed command written at the top followed by the output of the executed command.
A straightforward alternative would be something like:
myNohup() {
set +m # disable job control
[[ -t 0 ]] && exec </dev/null # redirect stdin away from tty
[[ -t 1 ]] && exec >nohup.out # redirect stdout away from tty
[[ -t 2 ]] && exec 2>&1 # redirect stderr away from tty
set -x # enable trace logging of all commands run
"$#" # run our arguments as a command
) & disown -h "$!" # do not forward any HUP signal to the child process
To define a command we can test this with:
waitAndWrite() { sleep 5; echo "finished"; }
...and run:
myNohup waitAndWrite
...will return immediately and, after five seconds, leave the following in nohup.out:
+ waitAndWrite
+ sleep 5
+ echo finished
If you only want to write the exact command run without the side effects of xtrace, replace the set -x with (assuming bash 5.0 or newer) printf '%s\n' "${*#Q}".
For older versions of bash, you might instead consider printf '%q ' "$#"; printf '\n'.
This does differ a little from what the question proposes:
Redirections and other shell directives are not logged by set -x. When you run nohup foo 2>&1 &, the 2>&1 is not passed as an argument to nohup; instead, it's something the shell does before nohup is started. Similarly, the & is not an argument but an instruction to the shell not to wait() for the subprocess to finish before going on to future commands.

command to redirect output to console and to a file at the same time works fine in bash. But how do i make it work in korn shell(ksh)

command to redirect output to console and to a file at the same time works fine in bash. But how do i make it work in korn shell(ksh).
All my scripts runs on korn shell so cant change them to bash for this particular command to work.
exec > >(tee -a $LOGFILE) 2>&1
In the code beneath I use the variable logfile, lowercase is better.
You can try something like
touch "${logfile}"
tail -f "${logfile}"&
trap 'kill -9 ${tailpid}' EXIT INT TERM
exec 1>"${logfile}" 2>&1
A not too unreasonable technique is to re-exec the shell with output to tee. That is, at the top of the script, do something like:
test -z "$REXEC" && { REXEC=1 exec "$0" "$#" | tee -a $LOGFILE; exit; }

How to send to stdin in bash 10 seconds after starting the process?

What I want to do is:
run a process
wait 10 seconds
send a string to the stdin of the process
This should be done in a bash script.
I've tried:
sleep 10
echo $string > /proc/${pid}/fd/0
It does work in a shell but not when I run it in a script.
( sleep 10; echo "how you doin?" ) | ./script
Your approach might work on Linux if e.g., your scripts stdin is e.g., something like a FIFO:
myscript(){ tr a-z A-Z; }
rm -f p
mkfifo p
exec 3<>p
myscript <&3 &
echo :waiting
sleep 0.5
echo :writing
file /proc/$pid/fd/0
echo hi > /proc/$pid/fd/0
exec 3>&-
But this /proc/$pid/fd stuff behaves differently on different Unices.
It doesn't work for your case because your scripts stdin is a terminal.
With default terminal settings, the terminal driver will put background proccesses trying to read from it to sleep (by sending them the SIGTTIN signal) and writes to a terminal filedescriptor will just get echoed -- they won't wake up the sleeping background process that's was put to sleep trying to read from the terminal.
What about this (as OP requested it to be done in the script):
#! /bin/bash
sleep 10
echo $string > /proc/${pid}/fd/0
just proposing the missing element not commenting on coding style ;-)

How redirect nohup stdout to stdin

Is there a way to redirect the nohup output to the stdin instead of nohup.out ?
I've tried:
nohup echo Hello > /dev/stdin 2>&1 &
But it does not the trick.
The nohup command purposefully detaches itself from the stdin, so there is nothing it expects to read in itself, and thus I think what you are really after in this question, is redirecting the output of nohup as the stdin for the next command. (Well somebody has to read the stdin, and it ain't nohup.)
Further, POSIX mandates that the output goes to the nohup.out file in the working directory, if the file can be successfully opened. So what you can do is to wire the stdin of the following commands from the nohup.out file. For instance:
$ nohup echo Hello 2>/dev/null; read VAR 0<nohup.out; echo "VAR=$VAR"

How do I know if a bash script is running with nohup?

I have a script to process records in some files, it usually takes 1-2 hours. When it's running, it prints a progress of number of records processed.
Now, what I want to do is: when it's running with nohup, I don't want it to print the progress; it should print progress only when it run manually.
My question is how do I know if a bash script is running with nohup?
Suppose the command is nohup &. In the script, how do I get the nohup from command line? I tried to use $0, but it gives
Checking for file redirections is not robust, since nohup can be (and often is) used in scripts where stdin, stdout and/or stderr are already explicitly redirected.
Aside from these redirections, the only thing nohup does is ignore the SIGHUP signal (thanks to Blrfl for the link.)
So, really what we're asking for is a way to detect if SIGHUP is being ignored. In linux, the signal ignore mask is exposed in /proc/$PID/status, in the least-significant bit of the SigIgn hex string.
Provided we know the pid of the bash script we want to check, we can use egrep. Here I see if the current shell is ignoring SIGHUP (i.e. is "nohuppy"):
$ egrep -q "SigIgn:\s.{15}[13579bdf]" /proc/$$/status && echo nohuppy || echo normal
$ nohup bash -c 'egrep -q "SigIgn:\s.{15}[13579bdf]" /proc/$$/status && echo nohuppy || echo normal'; cat nohup.out
nohup: ignoring input and appending output to `nohup.out'
You could check if STDOUT is associated with a terminal:
[ -t 1 ]
You can either check if the parent pid is 1:
if [ $PPID -eq 1 ] ; then
echo "Parent pid=1 (runing via nohup)"
echo "Parent pid<>1 (NOT running via nohup)"
or if your script ignores the SIGHUP signal (see
if egrep -q "SigIgn:\s.{15}[13579bdf]" /proc/$$/status ; then
echo "Ignores SIGHUP (runing via nohup)"
echo "Doesn't ignore SIGHUP (NOT running via nohup)"
One way, but not really portable would be to do a readlink on /proc/$$/fd/1 and test if it ends with nohup.out.
Assuming you are on the pts0 terminal (not really relevant, just to be able to show the result):
if [[ $(readlink /proc/$$/fd/1) =~ nohup.out$ ]]; then
echo "Running under hup" >> /dev/pts/0
But the traditional approach to such problems is to test if the output is a terminal:
[ -t 1 ]
Thank you guys. Check STDOUT is a good idea. I just find another way to do it. That is to test tty.
test tty -s check its return code. If it's 0 , then it's running on a terminal; if it's 1 then it's running with nohup.
