Add new variables to optimize to a tensorflow model - python-3.x

I have a tensorflow version of GloVe:
Xij = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None], name="Xij")
wordI = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[None], name="wordI")
wordIW = tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform([inputSize, embedSize], initRange, -initRange), name="wordIW")
wordIB = tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform([inputSize], initRange, -initRange), name="wordIB")
wi = tf.nn.embedding_lookup([wordIW], wordI, name="wi")
bi = tf.nn.embedding_lookup([wordIB], wordI, name="bi")
wordJ = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[None], name="wordJ")
wordJW = tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform([outputSize, embedSize], initRange, -initRange), name="wordJW")
wordJB = tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform([outputSize], initRange, -initRange), name="wordJB")
wj = tf.nn.embedding_lookup([wordJW], wordJ, name="wj")
bj = tf.nn.embedding_lookup([wordJB], wordJ, name="bj")
scalingFactor = tf.constant([scalingFactor], name="scalingFactor")
countMax = tf.constant([countMax], name="countMax")
wFactor = tf.minimum(1.0, tf.pow(tf.div(Xij, countMax), scalingFactor))
wiwjProduct = tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(wi, wj), 1)
logXij = tf.log(Xij)
dist = tf.square(tf.add_n([wiwjProduct, bi, bj, tf.negative(logXij)]))
loss = tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(wFactor, dist), name="loss")
tf.summary.scalar("GloVeLoss", loss)
global_step = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False, name="global_step")
learn_rate = tf.Variable(learn_rate, trainable=False, name="learn_rate")
optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate=learn_rate, name="optimizer").minimize(loss, global_step=global_step)
saver = tf.train.Saver()
I would like to add a new input (increase input size of 1 and add the corresponding rows in wordIW and wordIB). I can't find a proper way to modify the existing graph.
ps: my goal is to stop the gradient on existing variables and optimize the loss only on the new input.


Kerastuner search doesn't get restarted even with Overwrite flag set to true

Tuning is done as follows:
tuner = kt.RandomSearch(
And I'm iterating over how many features to use:
data[name]=pd.read_pickle(os.path.join(root, name)+'/'+name+'.data.reindexed_by_pc.pkl')
train_score, valid_score = [], []
hps_by_CpG_num = []
for CpG_num in CpG_num_lst:
# force overwrite tune search (to start new search). Cause even with overwrite=True it doesn't overwrite
if os.path.exists(results_dir+'/tune_hypermodel'):
# initialize
X1, y1, X2, y2 = [dict() for _ in range(4)]
X1[name] = data[name][fold1_ids].head(CpG_num).values.T
X2[name] = data[name][fold2_ids].head(CpG_num).values.T
# get the ages of the corresponding persons. Notice info_1 and info_2 only contain "Ctrl" and not "Test" samples
y1[name] = info_1[name].query("`Train.Test`=='Train'")['Age'].values.astype(float)
y2[name] = info_2[name].query("`Train.Test`=='Train'")['Age'].values.astype(float)
# Split the data
X1_train, X1_valid, y1_train, y1_valid = train_test_split(X1[name], y1[name], test_size=0.2, shuffle= True)
# Grid search, y1_train, validation_data = (X1_valid,y1_valid))
best_hps = tuner.get_best_hyperparameters(num_trials=1)[0]
# Get best hyperparameters
hp_dict = dict()
hp_dict['num_layers'] = best_hps.get('num_layers')
hp_dict['batch_size'] = best_hps.get('batch_size')
hp_dict['act_1'] = best_hps.get('act_1')
hp_dict['act_2'] = best_hps.get('act_2')
hp_dict['units_1'] = best_hps.get('units_1')
hp_dict['units_2'] = best_hps.get('units_2')
# Build best model
best_model = MyHyperModel().build(hp=best_hps)
history =, y1_train, validation_data = (X1_valid,y1_valid), batch_size=best_hps.get('batch_size'), epochs=200)
However for each element in the for loop the tuner search doesn't restart, it just uses the best hyperparameters from the first search (CpG_num = 500)
What am I missing? Why is Keras taking old hyperparameters?
The solution was to include the tuner instantiation within the for loop.
tuner = kt.RandomSearch(
Not sure why though, but works... If somebody has any insight on this let me know. I thought the tuner would be overwritten.
Is there a better way of doing this?

Error: `data` and `reference` should be factors with the same levels for imbalanced class

I Used SMOTE and Tomek methods for imbalanced classes that I have. I'm trying to do boosted regression tree.
It runs smoothly until I create the confusion matrix I have this error (
Error: data and reference should be factors with the same levels.
### SMOTE and Tomek
NOAA_SMOTE= read.csv("NOAA_SMOTE.csv", TRUE, ",")
train.index <- createDataPartition(NOAA_SMOTE$japon, p = .7, list = FALSE)
train <- NOAA_SMOTE[ train.index,]
test <- NOAA_SMOTE[-train.index,]
tomek = ubTomek(train[,-1], train[,1])
model_train_tomek = cbind(tomek$X,tomek$Y)
names(model_train_tomek)[1] = "japon"
removed.index = tomek$id.rm
train$japon = as.factor(train$japon)
train_tomek = train[-removed.index,]
## SMOTE after tomek links
traintomeksmote <- SMOTE(japon ~ ., train_tomek, perc.over = 2000,perc.under = 100)
fitControlSmoteTomek<- trainControl(## 10-fold CV
method = "repeatedcv",
number = 10,
repeats = 3,
## Estimate class probabilities
classProbs = TRUE,
## Evaluate performance using
## the following function
summaryFunction = twoClassSummary)
gbmGridSmoteTomek <- expand.grid(interaction.depth = c(3,4, 5, 6),
n.trees = (1:30)*50,
shrinkage = c(0.1,0.001,0.75,0.0001),
n.minobsinnode = 10)
gbmFitNOAASMOTETomek <- caret::train (make.names(japon) ~ ., data = traintomeksmote,
method = "gbm",
trControl = fitControlSmoteTomek,
distribution = "bernoulli",
verbose = FALSE,
tuneGrid = gbmGridSmoteTomek,
## Specify which metric to optimize
metric = "ROC")
test$japon = as.factor(test$japon)
PredNOAASMOTETomek <- predict(gbmFitNOAASMOTETomek, newdata= test ,type='prob')
cmSMOTETomekNOAA = confusionMatrix(PredNOAASMOTETomek , as.factor(test$japon), mode="everything")
part of the data
[enter image description here](

How to implement a custom Pytorch Dataset with map() method

Many of the Pytorch examples use the Dataset map() method. For example:
ds = load_dataset("common_voice", 'zh-TW', split="test")
ds = ds.cast_column("audio", Audio(sampling_rate=16_000))
def map_to_array(batch):
audio = batch["audio"]
batch["speech"] = processor(audio["array"], sampling_rate=audio["sampling_rate"]).input_values[0]
batch["sampling_rate"] = audio["sampling_rate"]
batch["sentence"] = re.sub(chars_to_ignore_regex, '', batch["sentence"]).lower().replace("’", "'")
return batch
ds =
def map_to_pred(batch):
features = processor(batch["speech"], sampling_rate=batch["sampling_rate"][0], padding=True, return_tensors="pt")
input_values =
attention_mask =
with torch.no_grad():
logits = model(input_values, attention_mask=attention_mask).logits
pred_ids = torch.argmax(logits, dim=-1)
batch["predicted"] = processor.batch_decode(pred_ids)
batch["target"] = batch["sentence"]
return batch
result =, batched=True, batch_size=3, remove_columns=list(ds.features.keys()))
However, implementing a custom Map style dataset only requires __len__() and __getitem__()
What is the correct way to convert a custom Dataset into one with all the useful methods needed by the examples?

Select multiple target variables in keras tensorflow

I am trying to follow a kaggle kernel for BERT implementation :
But i am not able to select target variables. I have to select multiple target variables as my y variable as it is a multi-label classification.
This is the line of code i am stuck on:
train_lines, train_labels = train_df['comment_text'].values,
def convert_lines(example, max_seq_length,tokenizer):
max_seq_length -=2
all_tokens = []
longer = 0
for i in range(example.shape[0]):
tokens_a = tokenizer.tokenize(example[i])
if len(tokens_a)>max_seq_length:
tokens_a = tokens_a[:max_seq_length]
longer += 1
one_token = tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(["[CLS]"]+tokens_a+["[SEP]"])+[0] * (max_seq_length - len(tokens_a))
return np.array(all_tokens)
bsz = 32
dict_path = os.path.join(BERT_PRETRAINED_DIR, 'vocab.txt')
tokenizer = tokenization.FullTokenizer(vocab_file=dict_path, do_lower_case=True)
print('build tokenizer done')
train_df = pd.read_csv('../input/jigsaw-unintended-bias-in-toxicity-classification/train.csv')
train_df = train_df.sample(frac=0.01,random_state = 42)
#train_df['comment_text'] = train_df['comment_text'].replace({r'\s+$': '', r'^\s+': ''}, regex=True).replace(r'\n', ' ', regex=True)
train_lines, train_labels = train_df['comment_text'].values,
print('sample used',train_lines.shape)
token_input = convert_lines(train_lines,maxlen,tokenizer)
seg_input = np.zeros((token_input.shape[0],maxlen))
mask_input = np.ones((token_input.shape[0],maxlen))
print('begin training')[token_input, seg_input, mask_input],train_labels,batch_size=bsz,epochs=nb_epochs)
Please help me understand how to select target variables here?

Implementation of k-cross validation in python

I am trying to implement the logic behind k-cross validation without the use of library on a test matrix.Somehow , my rotated matrices are not working fine.
I have taken k to be 5.
X = np.matrix([[1,2,3,4,5],[7,8,9,4,5],[4,9,6,4,2],[9,5,1,2,3],[7,5,3,4,6]])
P = np.ones((5,5))
target = np.matrix([[1,2,3,4,5]]).T
#def k_fold(X,target,k):
r = X.shape[0]
step = r//k
last_row_train = step*(k-1)
for i in range(5):
X_train = X[0:last_row_train,:]
tempX = X_train
X_test = X[last_row_train:r,:]
temp_X_test = X_test
t_train = target[0:last_row_train,:]
temp_t_train = t_train
t_test = target[last_row_train:r,:]
temp_test = t_test
X[step:r,:] = tempX # On running this line, it changes the value of
# temp_X_test which is very weird and not
# supposed to happen
X[0:step,:] = temp_X_test
target[0:step,:] = temp_test
target[step:r,:] = temp_t_train
print (X)
print (target)
tempX = X_train
This statement does not create a new variable tempX and assign X_train to it. It makes both the variable names tempX and X_train point to the same object. Any change in tempX will be reflected in X_train. This is a recurring problem in your code.
When trying to make a list assignment like that use the code below.
tempX = X_train.copy()
Here's a link to a similar question with more solutions.
How to clone or copy a list?
