What is the correct way to check for String equality in Typescript (for Angular 4) - string

In Angular 4, I want to check for the current url and if it is equal to "/login" I need to submit a specific form. Here is the code:
let responseString=this.router.url;
if (responseString.match("/login")==null)
The above code does not submit the form in all cases. There is something wrong with the if condition I guess.
Any clues?

For simple string-to-string equality, you can use the === operator.

For a more flexible solution I would do
This way you’re not stuck to the format of the url. It can be a bit more flexible.

use below code for reference
if ( this.loginForm.value['username'] === this.username && this.loginForm.value['password'] === this.password) {
alert(' login successfully : ' + JSON.stringify(this.loginForm.value));
} else {
alert(' enter valid username and password ');


How to chain express-validator based on query values?

I am trying to find a solution to chain conditions based on the query values passed to the route.
// if value for query A = noIdNeeeded, then i do not need to search for a second queryB
// if value for query A = idNeeded, then i need to ensure second queryB exists
I am having trouble with the writing parameter for Task 2.
For task 1 i have use this logic and works fine [query('page').exists().notEmpty().isIn(seoPageTypes),]
So far I have seen there is an if clause that we can use probably (link) however implementing this has been a challenge due to lack of examples and no prior experience.
If anyone can guide on how to do this correctly or any hint is much appreciated.
Make sure you have a new version of express-validator installed.
The following should do your job.
.exists().notEmpty().withMessage('queryB must exist'),
Another approach is to use a custom validator
.custom((value, {req}) => {
if (value === "idNeeded" && !req.query.queryB) {
throw new Error('queryB must exist');
return true;
Use what suits you more :)

NetSuite SuiteScript Client Side drop down validation

I have a custom form where, in a subtab, I have a dropdown that I need to find out the selected value on the client side after the user selects to perform some validation. I created the script and tied it to the on change event of the dropdown. I cannot seem to find the code to get the selected value on the client side. I have found code to read the value on the server side from a submit event. I need this on the client side on change. I am going to use the ID to look up a record and check a value on that record and if applicable popup a warning to the user. Either SS1 or SS2 is good, whatever would be better I have both available. Any help with this would be great. thanks
In a client script, you can use nlapiGetFieldValue() to retrieve the results.
function fieldchanged(type, name, linenum) {
if(name == 'dropdownid') {
var value = nlapiGetFieldValue('dropdownid');
OK the nlapiGetFieldValue, did not do the trick, what did was the following
function ValidateField( type, field, linenum ) {
if ( field === 'recordid' ) {
var vendorid = nlapiGetCurrentLineItemValue(type,field,linenum);
var vendorRecord = nlapiLoadRecord('vendor',vendorid);
return true;
thanks for your help

is_singular() for custom post type in pre_get_posts

I'm trying to modify the query for a specific post type, whatever page (single or archive) is currently displayed. I'm using the pre_get_posts filter with this test:
if ( is_singular( 'evenement' ) || is_post_type_archive( 'evenement' ) ) {
// do something
but the is_singular conditional tag never seems to be true when I'm on a single evenement page.
Any idea what I could have missed?
Thanks for helping.
I had the same issue and figured that you can't use is_singular in pre_get_posts because the queried object is not set at this point. It make sense: the query isn't processed yet, and is_singular return true if a post is being displayed - we don't know at this point if the query return any result, as of pre​_get_posts).
You can use instead the post_type query parameter like this:
if($query->get('post_type') === 'evenement') {
// ... do stuff
You can use '$query->is_singular' in combination with a post_type check:
if ( $query->is_singular && $query->get('post_type') === 'your_post_type' ) {
// your code
If you only test for post type then you will also modify the query for archive pages.

jade (for nodejs) substrings in templates

Would anyone please advise how in jade for nodejs I can truncate a string to a number of characters/words, ideally conscious about the HTML markup within the string?
This should be similar to Django's truncatechars/truncatewords and truncatechars_html/truncatewords_html filters.
If this doesn't exist in jade, which way is right to go? I'm starting my first nodejs+express+CouchDB app, and could do it within nodejs code but it seems that filters are much more appropriate.
I would also consider writing a filter like this (and others) if I knew how :))
Just a quick illustration:
// in nodejs:
// body variable comes from CouchDB
res.render('home.jade', { title : "test", featuredNews : eval(body)});
// in home.jade template:
each article in featuredNews.rows
p!= article.value.description:truncatewords_html(30)
So I've made up the truncatewords_html(30) thing to illustrate what I think it should be similar to.
Will appreciate any ideas!
Here is a little "truncate_words" function:
function truncate( value, arg ) {
var value_arr = value.split( ' ' );
if( arg < value_arr.length ) {
value = value_arr.slice( 0, arg ).join( ' ' );
return value;
You can use it before sending the string to the template, or in the template using a helper method.
cheerio is a nice little library that does a subset of jquery and jsdom. Then it's easy:
truncateWords_html : function(html, words){
return cheerio(html).text().split(/\s/).slice(0, words).join(" ")
Then, in a jade template use:
#{truncateWords_html(article.value.description, 30)}
This looks like a generic way to add any filters, hurray! :))

How do you deal with the fact, that URLs are case sensitive in xPages?

How do you deal with the fact, that URLs are case sensitive in xPages even for parameters? For example URL:
my_page.xsp?folderid=785478 ... is not the same as ...
How to make, for example, a proper check that params contain some key e.g.
param.containsKey("folderid") which desnt work when there is 'FOLDERID' in URL.
I'd suggest defining a couple convenience #Functions:
var #HasParam = function(parameter) {
var result:boolean = false;
for (var eachParam : param.keySet()) {
if (eachParam.toLowerCase() == parameter.toLowerCase()) {
result = true;
return result;
var #GetParam = function(parameter) {
var result = "";
if (#HasParam(parameter)) {
for (var eachParam : param.keySet()) {
if (eachParam.toLowerCase() == parameter.toLowerCase()) {
result = param.get(eachParam);
return result;
Then you can safely query the parameters without caring about case. For bonus points, you could add requestScope caching so that you can skip looping through the keySet if you're examining a parameter that you've previously looked at during the same request.
you may use this function:
then test if it's null or not.
make sure to decide for one,so either upper or lowercase
other than that i'd suggest something like
KeyValuePair<string,string> kvp = null;
foreach(KeyValuePair<string,string> p in param)
if(UPPERCASE(p.Key) == UPPERCASE("folderid"))
kvp = p;
syntax isn't correct and idk the uppercase method in c# right now,but you get the point
The easiest answer is ofcourse the obvious. Be sure that the parameters you are using througout your application are always the same on every url you are generating and know what to expect. A good approach to accomplish this is to create a ssjs function which generates url's for you according to the objects you submit.
In this function you could check which object you are receiving and with the use of keywords and so forth generate the correct url. This way generating twice a url with the same input parameters should always generate the exact same url.
another option would be just to double check with a bit of code like this
var key = "yourkey";
if(param.contains(#uppercase(key)) || param.contains(#lowercase(key)){
// do stuff
But should not be necesarry if the url you are parsing is generated by your own application
Edit after post of topic starter
Another option would be to grap the url directly from from the facescontext and to convert it to a string first. When it is a string you can parse the parameters yourself.
You can combine server side substitution/redirection to get around the issue that David mentioned. So a substitution rule will redirect incoming patern like this:
http://myhost/mypage/param (/mypage/* => which converts to - /dbpath/mypage.xsp?*) - substitution is tricky so please handle with care.
Also I believe I read somewhere that context.getUrlParameter is not case sensitive - can someone please confirm this.
Hope this helps.
