Pdf signing with bouncycastle using pdfbox 2.x.x - bouncycastle

I tried to find example of signing pdf with pdfbox version 2.x.x in bouncycastle , what i see is only with pdfbox version 1.8.9
This works for pdfbox 1.8.9 but not for 2.x.x versions the apis have changed. Could not find documentation specific to the same usecase but in 2.x.x versions of pdfbox.
Could anyone please help here.

The examples are in the source code download or online here:
Below is the current CreateSignature example. However you'll need the other files from the directory above. The file structure may change from time to time when new features are added; so the code below is more a kind of snapshot. The best is to retrieve the current code from the link above or from a release.
public class CreateSignature extends CreateSignatureBase
* Initialize the signature creator with a keystore and certficate password.
* #param keystore the pkcs12 keystore containing the signing certificate
* #param pin the password for recovering the key
* #throws KeyStoreException if the keystore has not been initialized (loaded)
* #throws NoSuchAlgorithmException if the algorithm for recovering the key cannot be found
* #throws UnrecoverableKeyException if the given password is wrong
* #throws CertificateException if the certificate is not valid as signing time
* #throws IOException if no certificate could be found
public CreateSignature(KeyStore keystore, char[] pin)
throws KeyStoreException, UnrecoverableKeyException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, CertificateException, IOException
super(keystore, pin);
* Signs the given PDF file. Alters the original file on disk.
* #param file the PDF file to sign
* #throws IOException if the file could not be read or written
public void signDetached(File file) throws IOException
signDetached(file, file, null);
* Signs the given PDF file.
* #param inFile input PDF file
* #param outFile output PDF file
* #throws IOException if the input file could not be read
public void signDetached(File inFile, File outFile) throws IOException
signDetached(inFile, outFile, null);
* Signs the given PDF file.
* #param inFile input PDF file
* #param outFile output PDF file
* #param tsaClient optional TSA client
* #throws IOException if the input file could not be read
public void signDetached(File inFile, File outFile, TSAClient tsaClient) throws IOException
if (inFile == null || !inFile.exists())
throw new FileNotFoundException("Document for signing does not exist");
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(outFile);
// sign
PDDocument doc = PDDocument.load(inFile);
signDetached(doc, fos, tsaClient);
public void signDetached(PDDocument document, OutputStream output, TSAClient tsaClient)
throws IOException
int accessPermissions = SigUtils.getMDPPermission(document);
if (accessPermissions == 1)
throw new IllegalStateException("No changes to the document are permitted due to DocMDP transform parameters dictionary");
// create signature dictionary
PDSignature signature = new PDSignature();
signature.setName("Example User");
signature.setLocation("Los Angeles, CA");
// TODO extract the above details from the signing certificate? Reason as a parameter?
// the signing date, needed for valid signature
// Optional: certify
if (accessPermissions == 0)
SigUtils.setMDPPermission(document, signature, 2);
if (isExternalSigning())
System.out.println("Sign externally...");
ExternalSigningSupport externalSigning =
// invoke external signature service
byte[] cmsSignature = sign(externalSigning.getContent());
// set signature bytes received from the service
// register signature dictionary and sign interface
document.addSignature(signature, this);
// write incremental (only for signing purpose)
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, GeneralSecurityException
if (args.length < 3)
String tsaUrl = null;
boolean externalSig = false;
for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++)
if (args[i].equals("-tsa"))
if (i >= args.length)
tsaUrl = args[i];
if (args[i].equals("-e"))
externalSig = true;
// load the keystore
KeyStore keystore = KeyStore.getInstance("PKCS12");
char[] password = args[1].toCharArray(); // TODO use Java 6 java.io.Console.readPassword
keystore.load(new FileInputStream(args[0]), password);
// TODO alias command line argument
// TSA client
TSAClient tsaClient = null;
if (tsaUrl != null)
MessageDigest digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256");
tsaClient = new TSAClient(new URL(tsaUrl), null, null, digest);
// sign PDF
CreateSignature signing = new CreateSignature(keystore, password);
File inFile = new File(args[2]);
String name = inFile.getName();
String substring = name.substring(0, name.lastIndexOf('.'));
File outFile = new File(inFile.getParent(), substring + "_signed.pdf");
signing.signDetached(inFile, outFile, tsaClient);
private static void usage()
System.err.println("usage: java " + CreateSignature.class.getName() + " " +
"<pkcs12_keystore> <password> <pdf_to_sign>\n" + "" +
"options:\n" +
" -tsa <url> sign timestamp using the given TSA server\n" +
" -e sign using external signature creation scenario");


Media creation via php in Shopware 6

i'm struggling get a media import via PHP for Shopware 6 to work.
This is my service:
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace My\Namespace\Service;
use Shopware\Core\Content\Media\File\MediaFile;
use Shopware\Core\Content\Media\MediaService;
use Shopware\Core\Framework\Context;
class ImageImport
* #var MediaService
protected $mediaService;
* ImageImport constructor.
* #param MediaService $mediaService
public function __construct(MediaService $mediaService)
$this->mediaService = $mediaService;
public function addImageToProductMedia($imageUrl, Context $context)
$mediaId = NULL;
$context->disableCache(function (Context $context) use ($imageUrl, &$mediaId): void {
$filePathParts = explode('/', $imageUrl);
$fileName = array_pop($filePathParts);
$fileNameParts = explode('.', $fileName);
$actualFileName = $fileNameParts[0];
$fileExtension = $fileNameParts[1];
if ($actualFileName && $fileExtension) {
$tempFile = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'image-import');
file_put_contents($tempFile, file_get_contents($imageUrl));
$fileSize = filesize($tempFile);
$mimeType = mime_content_type($tempFile);
$mediaFile = new MediaFile($tempFile, $mimeType, $fileExtension, $fileSize);
$mediaId = $this->mediaService->saveMediaFile($mediaFile, $actualFileName, $context, 'product');
return $mediaId;
A entry in the table media with the correct media_folder_association is created. And as far as i can see there are no differences to other medias uploaded via backend (except private is 1 and user_id is NULL).
But in the backend the media entries are broken, seems like it can not load the actual image file (i've tried to set private to true to see it in the media section, same happens when adding the media to a product via php, but i guess the problem is before any assignment to products).
Image in backend media
Has anybody a suggestion whats wrong here?
===== SOLUTION ======
Here is the updated and working service:
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace My\Namespace\Service;
use Shopware\Core\Content\Media\File\FileSaver;
use Shopware\Core\Content\Media\File\MediaFile;
use Shopware\Core\Content\Media\MediaService;
use Shopware\Core\Framework\Context;
class ImageImport
* #var MediaService
protected $mediaService;
* #var FileSaver
private $fileSaver;
* ImageImport constructor.
* #param MediaService $mediaService
* #param FileSaver $fileSaver
public function __construct(MediaService $mediaService, FileSaver $fileSaver)
$this->mediaService = $mediaService;
$this->fileSaver = $fileSaver;
public function addImageToProductMedia($imageUrl, Context $context)
$mediaId = NULL;
$context->disableCache(function (Context $context) use ($imageUrl, &$mediaId): void {
$filePathParts = explode('/', $imageUrl);
$fileName = array_pop($filePathParts);
$fileNameParts = explode('.', $fileName);
$actualFileName = $fileNameParts[0];
$fileExtension = $fileNameParts[1];
if ($actualFileName && $fileExtension) {
$tempFile = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'image-import');
file_put_contents($tempFile, file_get_contents($imageUrl));
$fileSize = filesize($tempFile);
$mimeType = mime_content_type($tempFile);
$mediaFile = new MediaFile($tempFile, $mimeType, $fileExtension, $fileSize);
$mediaId = $this->mediaService->createMediaInFolder('product', $context, false);
return $mediaId;
In order to import files to Shopware 6 theres two steps which are necessary:
You have to create a media file object (MediaDefinition / media table). Take a look at the MediaConverter
Create a new entry in the SwagMigrationMediaFileDefinition (swag_migration_media_file table).
Each entry in the swag_migration_media_file table of the associated migration run will get processed by an implementation of MediaFileProcessorInterface.
To add a file to the table you can do something like this in your Converter class (this example is from the MediaConverter):
abstract class MediaConverter extends ShopwareConverter
public function convert(
array $data,
Context $context,
MigrationContextInterface $migrationContext
): ConvertStruct {
$this->context = $context;
$this->locale = $data['_locale'];
$connection = $migrationContext->getConnection();
$this->connectionId = '';
if ($connection !== null) {
$this->connectionId = $connection->getId();
$converted = [];
$this->mainMapping = $this->mappingService->getOrCreateMapping(
$converted['id'] = $this->mainMapping['entityUuid'];
if (!isset($data['name'])) {
$data['name'] = $converted['id'];
'runId' => $migrationContext->getRunUuid(),
'entity' => MediaDataSet::getEntity(), // important to distinguish between private and public files
'uri' => $data['uri'] ?? $data['path'],
'fileName' => $data['name'], // uri or path to the file (because of the different implementations of the gateways)
'fileSize' => (int) $data['file_size'],
'mediaId' => $converted['id'], // uuid of the media object in Shopware 6
unset($data['uri'], $data['file_size']);
$this->getMediaTranslation($converted, $data);
$this->convertValue($converted, 'title', $data, 'name');
$this->convertValue($converted, 'alt', $data, 'description');
$albumMapping = $this->mappingService->getMapping(
if ($albumMapping !== null) {
$converted['mediaFolderId'] = $albumMapping['entityUuid'];
$this->mappingIds[] = $albumMapping['id'];
// Legacy data which don't need a mapping or there is no equivalent field
$returnData = $data;
if (empty($returnData)) {
$returnData = null;
$this->updateMainMapping($migrationContext, $context);
// The MediaWriter will write this Shopware 6 media object
return new ConvertStruct($converted, $returnData, $this->mainMapping['id']);
swag_migration_media_files are processed by the right processor service. This service is different for documents and normal media, but it still is gateway dependent
=== DIFFERENT APPROACH (Shyim suggestion) ===
Take a look at this (taken from Shopwaredowntown's Github repository):
public function upload(UploadedFile $file, string $folder, string $type, Context $context): string
$this->validator->validate($file, $type);
$mediaFile = new MediaFile($file->getPathname(), $file->getMimeType(), $file->getClientOriginalExtension(), $file->getSize());
$mediaId = $this->mediaService->createMediaInFolder($folder, $context, false);
try {
pathinfo($file->getFilename(), PATHINFO_FILENAME),
} catch (MediaNotFoundException $e) {
throw new UploadException($e->getMessage());
return $mediaId;
public function upload(UploadedFile $file, string $folder, string $type, Context $context): string

Programmatically create a new Person having an Internal Login

I am trying to programmatically create Users with Internal Accounts as part of a testing system. The following code can not create an InternalLogin because there is not password hash set at object creation time.
Can a person + internal account be created using metadata_* functions ?
data _null_;
length uri_Person uri_PW uri_IL $256;
call missing (of uri:);
rc = metadata_getnobj ("Person?#Name='testbot02'", 1, uri_Person); msg=sysmsg();
put 'NOTE: Get Person, ' rc= uri_Person= / msg;
if rc = -4 then do;
rc = metadata_newobj ('Person', uri_Person, 'testbot02'); msg=sysmsg();
put 'NOTE: New Person, ' rc= uri_Person= / msg;
rc = metadata_setattr (uri_Person, 'DisplayName', 'Test Bot #2'); msg=sysmsg();
put 'NOTE: SetAttr, ' rc= / msg;
rc = metadata_newobj ('InternalLogin', uri_IL, 'autobot - IL', 'Foundation', uri_Person, 'InternalLoginInfo'); msg=sysmsg();
put 'NOTE: New InternalLogin, ' rc= / msg;
NOTE: Get Person, rc=-4 uri_Person=
NOTE: New Person, rc=0 uri_Person=OMSOBJ:Person\A5OJU4RB.AP0000SX
NOTE: SetAttr, rc=0
NOTE: New InternalLogin, rc=-2
ERROR: AddMetadata of InternalLogin is missing required property PasswordHash.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
real time 0.02 seconds
cpu time 0.01 seconds
The management console and metabrowse were used to find what objects might need to be created.
I ended up using Java to create new users.
A ISecurity_1_1 instance from MakeISecurityConnection() on the metadata connection was used to SetInternalPassword
Java ended up being a lot more clear coding wise.
package sandbox.sas.metadata;
import com.sas.iom.SASIOMDefs.GenericError;
import com.sas.metadata.remote.*;
import com.sas.meta.SASOMI.*;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.util.List;
* #author Richard
public class Main {
public static final String TESTGROUPNAME = "Automated Test Users";
* #param args the command line arguments
public static void main(String[] args) {
String metaserver="################";
String metaport="8561";
String omrUser="sasadm#saspw";
String omrPass="##########";
MdFactoryImpl metadata = new MdFactoryImpl(false);
MdOMIUtil util = metadata.getOMIUtil();
ISecurity_1_1 security = metadata.getConnection().MakeISecurityConnection();
MdObjectStore workunit = metadata.createObjectStore();
String foundationID = util.getFoundationReposID();
String foundationShortID = foundationID.substring(foundationID.indexOf(".") + 1);
// Create group for test bot accounts
List identityGroups = util.getMetadataObjects(foundationID, MetadataObjects.IDENTITYGROUP, MdOMIUtil.OMI_XMLSELECT,
String.format("<XMLSelect search=\"IdentityGroup[#Name='%s']\"/>", TESTGROUPNAME));
IdentityGroup identityGroup;
if (identityGroups.isEmpty()) {
identityGroup = (IdentityGroup) metadata.createComplexMetadataObject (workunit, TESTGROUPNAME, MetadataObjects.IDENTITYGROUP, foundationShortID);
identityGroup.setDesc("Group for Automated Test Users performing concurrent Stored Process execution");
identityGroups = util.getMetadataObjectsSubset(workunit, foundationID, MetadataObjects.IDENTITYGROUP, MdOMIUtil.OMI_XMLSELECT,
String.format("<XMLSelect search=\"IdentityGroup[#Name='%s']\"/>", TESTGROUPNAME));
identityGroup = (IdentityGroup) identityGroups.get(0);
// Create (or Update) test bot accounts
for (int index = 1; index <= 25; index++)
String token = String.format("%02d", index);
String personName = String.format("testbot%s", token);
String password = String.format("testbot%s%s", token, token); * simple dynamically generated password for user (for testing scripts only);
String criteria = String.format("Person[#Name='%s']", personName);
String xmlSelect = String.format("<XMLSelect search=\"%s\"/>", criteria);
List persons = util.getMetadataObjectsSubset(workunit, foundationID, MetadataObjects.PERSON, MdOMIUtil.OMI_XMLSELECT | MdOMIUtil.OMI_GET_METADATA | MdOMIUtil.OMI_ALL_SIMPLE, xmlSelect);
Person person;
if (persons.size() == 1)
person = (Person) persons.get(0);
System.out.println(String.format("Have %s %s", person.getName(), person.getDisplayName()));
person = (Person) metadata.createComplexMetadataObject (workunit, personName, MetadataObjects.PERSON, foundationShortID);
person.setDisplayName(String.format("Test Bot #%s", token));
person.setDesc("Internal account for testing purposes");
System.out.println(String.format("Make %s, %s (%s)", person.getName(), person.getDisplayName(), person.getDesc()));
security.SetInternalPassword(personName, password);
AssociationList personGroups = person.getIdentityGroups();
catch (GenericError | MdException | RemoteException e)

Why is JExcel enforcing a cell's positive prefix ($) over the currency symbol assigned (£)?

I have an program that uses the JExcel library to read in excel sheets and do some processing on them.
Once disturbing thing I've noticed (after being notified by one of our users) is that the JExcel seems to be force converting cells formated to be currency cells to use the $ symbol. I've done a lot of digging but I can't see where to go next. Skip to the bottom to see the crux of the issue.
In essence, we have this method:
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Locale;
import jxl.Cell;
import jxl.Sheet;
import jxl.Workbook;
import jxl.WorkbookSettings;
import jxl.read.biff.BiffException;
public class Launcher {
* #param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
nothingSpecifc("D:\\Documents and Settings\\castone\\My Documents\\JExcelCurrencyExample.xls");
public static void nothingSpecifc(String excelFilePath){
try {
File myFile = new File(excelFilePath);
Locale myLocal = Locale.UK;
WorkbookSettings wbkSettings = new WorkbookSettings();
Workbook workbook = Workbook.getWorkbook(myFile,wbkSettings);
Sheet mySheet = workbook.getSheet(0);
Cell[] myRow = mySheet.getRow(0);
String myCellA1 = myRow[0].getContents();
} catch (BiffException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
My example .xls file has this value in A1:
But after running, I get this value out!
Now I can't fathom why this would happen. The disturbing thing is, I'm worried that any fix I put in place would force the conversion of other currency symbols into the £ sign.
Looking into Workbook.java, I'm calling this method:
* A factory method which takes in an excel file and reads in the contents.
* #exception IOException
* #exception BiffException
* #param file the excel 97 spreadsheet to parse
* #param ws the settings for the workbook
* #return a workbook instance
public static Workbook getWorkbook(java.io.File file, WorkbookSettings ws)
throws IOException, BiffException
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file);
// Always close down the input stream, regardless of whether or not the
// file can be parsed. Thanks to Steve Hahn for this
File dataFile = null;
dataFile = new File(fis, ws);
catch (IOException e)
throw e;
catch (BiffException e)
throw e;
Workbook workbook = new WorkbookParser(dataFile, ws);
return workbook;
So in essence, this class is just a clever wrapper/interface between file I/O handling and excel. I'm looking into the Default constructor for WorkbookSettings, and WorkbookParser.
First, WorkbookSettings:
* Default constructor
public WorkbookSettings()
localeFunctionNames = new HashMap();
excelDisplayLanguage = CountryCode.USA.getCode();
excelRegionalSettings = CountryCode.UK.getCode();
refreshAll = false;
template = false;
excel9file = false;
windowProtected = false;
// Initialize other properties from the system properties
boolean suppressWarnings = Boolean.getBoolean("jxl.nowarnings");
drawingsDisabled = Boolean.getBoolean("jxl.nodrawings");
namesDisabled = Boolean.getBoolean("jxl.nonames");
gcDisabled = Boolean.getBoolean("jxl.nogc");
rationalizationDisabled = Boolean.getBoolean("jxl.norat");
mergedCellCheckingDisabled =
formulaReferenceAdjustDisabled =
propertySetsDisabled = Boolean.getBoolean("jxl.nopropertysets");
ignoreBlankCells = Boolean.getBoolean("jxl.ignoreblanks");
cellValidationDisabled = Boolean.getBoolean("jxl.nocellvalidation");
autoFilterDisabled = !Boolean.getBoolean("jxl.autofilter");
// autofilter currently disabled by default
useTemporaryFileDuringWrite =
String tempdir =
if (tempdir != null)
temporaryFileDuringWriteDirectory = new File(tempdir);
encoding = System.getProperty("file.encoding");
catch (SecurityException e)
logger.warn("Error accessing system properties.", e);
// Initialize the locale to the system locale
if (System.getProperty("jxl.lang") == null ||
System.getProperty("jxl.country") == null)
locale = Locale.getDefault();
locale = new Locale(System.getProperty("jxl.lang"),
if (System.getProperty("jxl.encoding") != null)
encoding = System.getProperty("jxl.encoding");
catch (SecurityException e)
logger.warn("Error accessing system properties.", e);
locale = Locale.getDefault();
Nothing here seems off, I've set the Encoding, Local and DisplayLanguage to UK specific/compatible ones. Regional settings are already UK by default.
Now for the WorkbookParser:
public class WorkbookParser extends Workbook
implements ExternalSheet, WorkbookMethods
* The logger
private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(WorkbookParser.class);
* The excel file
private File excelFile;
* The number of open bofs
private int bofs;
* Indicates whether or not the dates are based around the 1904 date system
private boolean nineteenFour;
* The shared string table
private SSTRecord sharedStrings;
* The names of all the worksheets
private ArrayList boundsheets;
* The xf records
private FormattingRecords formattingRecords;
* The fonts used by this workbook
private Fonts fonts;
* The sheets contained in this workbook
private ArrayList sheets;
* The last sheet accessed
private SheetImpl lastSheet;
* The index of the last sheet retrieved
private int lastSheetIndex;
* The named records found in this workbook
private HashMap namedRecords;
* The list of named records
private ArrayList nameTable;
* The list of add in functions
private ArrayList addInFunctions;
* The external sheet record. Used by formulas, and names
private ExternalSheetRecord externSheet;
* The list of supporting workbooks - used by formulas
private ArrayList supbooks;
* The bof record for this workbook
private BOFRecord workbookBof;
* The Mso Drawing Group record for this workbook
private MsoDrawingGroupRecord msoDrawingGroup;
* The property set record associated with this workbook
private ButtonPropertySetRecord buttonPropertySet;
* Workbook protected flag
private boolean wbProtected;
* Contains macros flag
private boolean containsMacros;
* The workbook settings
private WorkbookSettings settings;
* The drawings contained in this workbook
private DrawingGroup drawingGroup;
* The country record (containing the language and regional settings)
* for this workbook
private CountryRecord countryRecord;
private ArrayList xctRecords;
* Constructs this object from the raw excel data
* #param f the excel 97 biff file
* #param s the workbook settings
public WorkbookParser(File f, WorkbookSettings s)
excelFile = f;
boundsheets = new ArrayList(10);
fonts = new Fonts();
formattingRecords = new FormattingRecords(fonts);
sheets = new ArrayList(10);
supbooks = new ArrayList(10);
namedRecords = new HashMap();
lastSheetIndex = -1;
wbProtected = false;
containsMacros = false;
settings = s;
xctRecords = new ArrayList(10);
I can't see anything here that would affect the creation/access of the workbook.
Looking further down, through the sheets and cells, I found two interesting things:
The cell's format has this parameter |value positivePrefix|"$" (id=709)
The currency of this is correct. Look at this:
So my question is, when the getContents() method is run on a cell, why does it not return with the currency (giving, I suppose £$#####, as it still has the postivePrefix) and why would the positive prefix of this be set to $ anyway?
I can't see where cells are created in the src document, or where the getContents() method is implemented (I found it's declaration) so I can't dig any further, but I was hoping someone else knew the cause of this 'issue', or at least a work around?.
This did it for me. Make some settings. Get the workbook with the WorkbookSettings as 2nd parameter. I think encoding is the important one for you.
WorkbookSettings wbs = new WorkbookSettings();
Locale l = new Locale("en_GB");
Workbook workbook = Workbook.getWorkbook(new File("experimental-in.xls"), wbs);
I can't figure out why this is happening. But if you can't fix the system, hack it!
I'm getting returns in one of the following forms, for the cell 'value' of 100:
100 - Plain number
[£$ -42] 100 - Prefix Currency not recognised
100 [£$ -42] - Postfix Currency not recognised
"?" 100 - Prefix Symbol not renderable
100 "?" - Postfix Symbol not renderable
So I decided I should regex the number out of what cell.getContent() returns, once I determine I have a number.
Recognising the number format:
public static boolean isNumberFormat(Cell cell){
CellType myCellType = cell.getType();
return myCellType.equals(CellType.NUMBER);
Capturing the digits with Regex
I got the 'style' of regex form text2re, for each of the above, and then played with debuggex until I had combined them. This resulted in the following regex expression:
Which looks like a nightmare, but I'll break it down, as in my code:
String digits="(\\d+,?\\d?\\.\\d*)";
One or more digit, with commas, and decimal places.
String sbraceGroup="\\[.*?\\]";
The group that matches zero or more characters enclosed in square braces
String quotationGroup="\"..*?\"";
The group that matches zero or more characters enclosed in quotation marks
String junk = "(?:"+sbraceGroup+"|"+quotationGroup+")*?";
A string for the regex stuff we don't want, using (?:.....) to enclose it as a non-matching group, and *? for an ungreedy zero->many match.
I can now compile my pattern:
Pattern p = Pattern.compile(junk+"\\s*"+digits+"\\s*"+junk,Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.DOTALL);
Where the \s* is zero->many whitespace characters (tabs, spaces etc.).
Now all together:
String myCellA1 = myRow[rowCounter].getContents();
String digits="(\\d+,?\\d?\\.\\d*)"; // Non-greedy match on digits
String sbraceGroup="\\[.*?\\]"; // non-greedy match on square Braces 1
String quotationGroup="\"..*?\""; // non-greedy match on things in quotes
String junk = "(?:"+sbraceGroup+"|"+quotationGroup+")*?";
Pattern p = Pattern.compile(junk+"\\s*"+digits+"\\s*"+junk,Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.DOTALL);
Matcher m = p.matcher(myCellA1);
String match = "";
if (m.find())
match = myCellA1;
And now I have solved my problem(s)

How do I debug a form which does not send an email?

I have a form build from the kohana framework which should send an email.
when I press the "send" button, everything seems to work fine...no error messages...but no email turns up!
If I can´t see anything in firebug..where can I look?
the application logs state
"error: Missing i18n entry contact.captcha.valid for language en_US"
but I don´t know how to get to the bottom of the problem..any help welcome..
Ill try and find out which version im using.....the application is the latest version of Ushahidi (2.2.1) www.ushahidi.com
<?php defined('SYSPATH') OR die('No direct access allowed.');
* Captcha library.
* $Id: Captcha.php 3917 2009-01-21 03:06:22Z zombor $
* #package Captcha
* #author Kohana Team
* #copyright (c) 2007-2008 Kohana Team
* #license http://kohanaphp.com/license.html
class Captcha_Core {
// Captcha singleton
protected static $instance;
// Style-dependent Captcha driver
protected $driver;
// Config values
public static $config = array
'style' => 'basic',
'width' => 150,
'height' => 50,
'complexity' => 4,
'background' => '',
'fontpath' => '',
'fonts' => array(),
'promote' => FALSE,
* Singleton instance of Captcha.
* #return object
public static function instance()
// Create the instance if it does not exist
empty(self::$instance) and new Captcha;
return self::$instance;
* Constructs and returns a new Captcha object.
* #param string config group name
* #return object
public static function factory($group = NULL)
return new Captcha($group);
* Constructs a new Captcha object.
* #throws Kohana_Exception
* #param string config group name
* #return void
public function __construct($group = NULL)
// Create a singleton instance once
empty(self::$instance) and self::$instance = $this;
// No config group name given
if ( ! is_string($group))
$group = 'default';
// Load and validate config group
if ( ! is_array($config = Kohana::config('captcha.'.$group)))
throw new Kohana_Exception('captcha.undefined_group', $group);
// All captcha config groups inherit default config group
if ($group !== 'default')
// Load and validate default config group
if ( ! is_array($default = Kohana::config('captcha.default')))
throw new Kohana_Exception('captcha.undefined_group', 'default');
// Merge config group with default config group
$config += $default;
// Assign config values to the object
foreach ($config as $key => $value)
if (array_key_exists($key, self::$config))
self::$config[$key] = $value;
// Store the config group name as well, so the drivers can access it
self::$config['group'] = $group;
// If using a background image, check if it exists
if ( ! empty($config['background']))
self::$config['background'] = str_replace('\\', '/', realpath($config['background']));
if ( ! is_file(self::$config['background']))
throw new Kohana_Exception('captcha.file_not_found', self::$config['background']);
// If using any fonts, check if they exist
if ( ! empty($config['fonts']))
self::$config['fontpath'] = str_replace('\\', '/', realpath($config['fontpath'])).'/';
foreach ($config['fonts'] as $font)
if ( ! is_file(self::$config['fontpath'].$font))
throw new Kohana_Exception('captcha.file_not_found', self::$config['fontpath'].$font);
// Set driver name
$driver = 'Captcha_'.ucfirst($config['style']).'_Driver';
// Load the driver
if ( ! Kohana::auto_load($driver))
throw new Kohana_Exception('core.driver_not_found', $config['style'], get_class($this));
// Initialize the driver
$this->driver = new $driver;
// Validate the driver
if ( ! ($this->driver instanceof Captcha_Driver))
throw new Kohana_Exception('core.driver_implements', $config['style'], get_class($this), 'Captcha_Driver');
Kohana::log('debug', 'Captcha Library initialized');
* Validates a Captcha response and updates response counter.
* #param string captcha response
* #return boolean
public static function valid($response)
// Maximum one count per page load
static $counted;
// User has been promoted, always TRUE and don't count anymore
if (self::instance()->promoted())
return TRUE;
// Challenge result
$result = (bool) self::instance()->driver->valid($response);
// Increment response counter
if ($counted !== TRUE)
$counted = TRUE;
// Valid response
if ($result === TRUE)
self::instance()->valid_count(Session::instance()->get('captcha_valid_count') + 1);
// Invalid response
self::instance()->invalid_count(Session::instance()->get('captcha_invalid_count') + 1);
return $result;
* Gets or sets the number of valid Captcha responses for this session.
* #param integer new counter value
* #param boolean trigger invalid counter (for internal use only)
* #return integer counter value
public function valid_count($new_count = NULL, $invalid = FALSE)
// Pick the right session to use
$session = ($invalid === TRUE) ? 'captcha_invalid_count' : 'captcha_valid_count';
// Update counter
if ($new_count !== NULL)
$new_count = (int) $new_count;
// Reset counter = delete session
if ($new_count < 1)
// Set counter to new value
Session::instance()->set($session, (int) $new_count);
// Return new count
return (int) $new_count;
// Return current count
return (int) Session::instance()->get($session);
* Gets or sets the number of invalid Captcha responses for this session.
* #param integer new counter value
* #return integer counter value
public function invalid_count($new_count = NULL)
return $this->valid_count($new_count, TRUE);
* Resets the Captcha response counters and removes the count sessions.
* #return void
public function reset_count()
$this->valid_count(0, TRUE);
* Checks whether user has been promoted after having given enough valid responses.
* #param integer valid response count threshold
* #return boolean
public function promoted($threshold = NULL)
// Promotion has been disabled
if (self::$config['promote'] === FALSE)
return FALSE;
// Use the config threshold
if ($threshold === NULL)
$threshold = self::$config['promote'];
// Compare the valid response count to the threshold
return ($this->valid_count() >= $threshold);
* Returns or outputs the Captcha challenge.
* #param boolean TRUE to output html, e.g. <img src="#" />
* #return mixed html string or void
public function render($html = TRUE)
return $this->driver->render($html);
* Magically outputs the Captcha challenge.
* #return mixed
public function __toString()
return $this->render();
} // End Captcha Class
From the little details provided I think your site uses the I18n library from Kohana for internationalization of the site. The other option is your site use Kohana messages for showing form errors.
The Validation class uses the __() function internally when generation validation errors. I think you don't have a message for key valid specified in APPPATH/messages/contact/captcha.php.
You should try to investigate more on how the form is processed and whether some validation errors are being generated. There might be an error in the captcha validation and despite it seem there is no error, there might be and just the error message could not be shown.
class Contact_Controller extends Main_Controller
function __construct()
public function index()
$this->template->header->this_page = 'contact';
$this->template->content = new View('contact');
$this->template->header->page_title .= Kohana::lang('ui_main.contact').Kohana::config('settings.title_delimiter');
// Setup and initialize form field names
$form = array (
'contact_name' => '',
'contact_email' => '',
'contact_phone' => '',
'contact_subject' => '',
'contact_message' => '',
'captcha' => ''
// Copy the form as errors, so the errors will be stored with keys
// corresponding to the form field names
$captcha = Captcha::factory();
$errors = $form;
$form_error = FALSE;
$form_sent = FALSE;
// Check, has the form been submitted, if so, setup validation
if ($_POST)
// Instantiate Validation, use $post, so we don't overwrite $_POST fields with our own things
$post = Validation::factory($_POST);
// Add some filters
$post->pre_filter('trim', TRUE);
// Add some rules, the input field, followed by a list of checks, carried out in order
$post->add_rules('contact_name', 'required', 'length[3,100]');
$post->add_rules('contact_email', 'required','email', 'length[4,100]');
$post->add_rules('contact_subject', 'required', 'length[3,100]');
$post->add_rules('contact_message', 'required');
$post->add_rules('captcha', 'required', 'Captcha::valid');
// Test to see if things passed the rule checks
if ($post->validate())
// Yes! everything is valid - Send email
$site_email = Kohana::config('settings.site_email');
$message = Kohana::lang('ui_admin.sender').": " . $post->contact_name . "\n";
$message .= Kohana::lang('ui_admin.email').": " . $post->contact_email . "\n";
$message .= Kohana::lang('ui_admin.phone').": " . $post->contact_phone . "\n\n";
$message .= Kohana::lang('ui_admin.message').": \n" . $post->contact_message . "\n\n\n";
$message .= "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n";
$message .= Kohana::lang('ui_admin.sent_from_website'). url::base();
// Send Admin Message
email::send( $site_email, $post->contact_email, $post->contact_subject, $message, FALSE );
$form_sent = TRUE;
// No! We have validation errors, we need to show the form again, with the errors
// repopulate the form fields
$form = arr::overwrite($form, $post->as_array());
// populate the error fields, if any
$errors = arr::overwrite($errors, $post->errors('contact'));
$form_error = TRUE;
$this->template->content->form = $form;
$this->template->content->errors = $errors;
$this->template->content->form_error = $form_error;
$this->template->content->form_sent = $form_sent;
$this->template->content->captcha = $captcha;
// Rebuild Header Block
$this->template->header->header_block = $this->themes->header_block();
$this->template->footer->footer_block = $this->themes->footer_block();
My problem has been solved!
My Email server was not set up properly. I resolved the postfix issue and now the comments form is working as it should,
thanks to all who answered,

Player with custom data source on Blackberry

I must create a custom media player within the application with support for mp3 and wav files. I read in the documentation I can't seek or get the media file duration without a custom datasource.
I checked the demo in the JDE 4.6 but I have still problems... I can't get the duration, it returns much more then expected so I'm sure I screwed up something while I modified the code to read the mp3 file locally from the filesystem.
Can somebody tell me what I did wrong? (I can hear the mp3, so the player plays it correctly from start to end)
I must support OSs >= 4.6.
Here is my modified datasource:
/* LimitedRateStreaminSource.java
* Copyright © 1998-2009 Research In Motion Ltd.
* Note: For the sake of simplicity, this sample application may not leverage
* resource bundles and resource strings. However, it is STRONGLY recommended
* that application developers make use of the localization features available
* within the BlackBerry development platform to ensure a seamless application
* experience across a variety of languages and geographies.
* For more information on localizing your application, please refer to the
* BlackBerry Java Development Environment Development Guide associated with
* this release.
package com.halcyon.tawkwidget.model;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import javax.microedition.io.Connector;
import javax.microedition.io.file.FileConnection;
import javax.microedition.media.Control;
import javax.microedition.media.protocol.ContentDescriptor;
import javax.microedition.media.protocol.DataSource;
import javax.microedition.media.protocol.SourceStream;
import net.rim.device.api.io.SharedInputStream;
* The data source used by the BufferedPlayback's media player.
public final class LimitedRateStreamingSource extends DataSource
/** The max size to be read from the stream at one time. */
private static final int READ_CHUNK = 512; // bytes
/** A reference to the field which displays the load status. */
//private TextField _loadStatusField;
/** A reference to the field which displays the player status. */
//private TextField _playStatusField;
* The minimum number of bytes that must be buffered before the media file
* will begin playing.
private int _startBuffer = 200000;
/** The maximum size (in bytes) of a single read. */
private int _readLimit = 32000;
* The minimum forward byte buffer which must be maintained in order for
* the video to keep playing. If the forward buffer falls below this
* number, the playback will pause until the buffer increases.
private int _pauseBytes = 64000;
* The minimum forward byte buffer required to resume
* playback after a pause.
private int _resumeBytes = 128000;
/** The stream connection over which media content is passed. */
//private ContentConnection _contentConnection;
private FileConnection _fileConnection;
/** An input stream shared between several readers. */
private SharedInputStream _readAhead;
/** A stream to the buffered resource. */
private LimitedRateSourceStream _feedToPlayer;
/** The MIME type of the remote media file. */
private String _forcedContentType;
/** A counter for the total number of buffered bytes */
private volatile int _totalRead;
/** A flag used to tell the connection thread to stop */
private volatile boolean _stop;
* A flag used to indicate that the initial buffering is complete. In
* other words, that the current buffer is larger than the defined start
* buffer size.
private volatile boolean _bufferingComplete;
/** A flag used to indicate that the remote file download is complete. */
private volatile boolean _downloadComplete;
/** The thread which retrieves the remote media file. */
private ConnectionThread _loaderThread;
/** The local save file into which the remote file is written. */
private FileConnection _saveFile;
/** A stream for the local save file. */
private OutputStream _saveStream;
* Constructor.
* #param locator The locator that describes the DataSource.
public LimitedRateStreamingSource(String locator)
* Open a connection to the locator.
* #throws IOException
public void connect() throws IOException
//Open the connection to the remote file.
_fileConnection = (FileConnection)Connector.open(getLocator(),
//Cache a reference to the locator.
String locator = getLocator();
//Report status.
System.out.println("Loading: " + locator);
//System.out.println("Size: " + _contentConnection.getLength());
System.out.println("Size: " + _fileConnection.totalSize());
//The name of the remote file begins after the last forward slash.
int filenameStart = locator.lastIndexOf('/');
//The file name ends at the first instance of a semicolon.
int paramStart = locator.indexOf(';');
//If there is no semicolon, the file name ends at the end of the line.
if (paramStart < 0)
paramStart = locator.length();
//Extract the file name.
String filename = locator.substring(filenameStart, paramStart);
System.out.println("Filename: " + filename);
//Open a local save file with the same name as the remote file.
_saveFile = (FileConnection) Connector.open("file:///SDCard"+
"/blackberry/music" + filename, Connector.READ_WRITE);
//If the file doesn't already exist, create it.
if (!_saveFile.exists())
System.out.println("---------- 1");
//Open the file for writing.
//Open a shared input stream to the local save file to
//allow many simultaneous readers.
SharedInputStream fileStream = SharedInputStream.getSharedInputStream(
//Begin reading at the beginning of the file.
System.out.println("---------- 2");
//If the local file is smaller than the remote file...
if (_saveFile.fileSize() < _fileConnection.totalSize())
System.out.println("---------- 3");
//Did not get the entire file, set the system to try again.
System.out.println("---------- 4");
//A non-null save stream is used as a flag later to indicate that
//the file download was incomplete.
_saveStream = _saveFile.openOutputStream();
System.out.println("---------- 5");
//Use a new shared input stream for buffered reading.
_readAhead = SharedInputStream.getSharedInputStream(
System.out.println("---------- 6");
//The download is complete.
System.out.println("---------- 7");
_downloadComplete = true;
//We can use the initial input stream to read the buffered media.
_readAhead = fileStream;
System.out.println("---------- 8");
//We can close the remote connection.
System.out.println("---------- 9");
if (_forcedContentType != null)
//Use the user-defined content type if it is set.
System.out.println("---------- 10");
_feedToPlayer = new LimitedRateSourceStream(_readAhead,
System.out.println("---------- 11");
System.out.println("---------- 12");
//Otherwise, use the MIME types of the remote file.
// _feedToPlayer = new LimitedRateSourceStream(_readAhead,
System.out.println("---------- 13");
* Destroy and close all existing connections.
public void disconnect() {
if (_saveStream != null)
//Destroy the stream to the local save file.
_saveStream = null;
//Close the local save file.
if (_readAhead != null)
//Close the reader stream.
_readAhead = null;
//Close the remote file connection.
//Close the stream to the player.
catch (Exception e)
* Returns the content type of the remote file.
* #return The content type of the remote file.
public String getContentType()
return _feedToPlayer.getContentDescriptor().getContentType();
* Returns a stream to the buffered resource.
* #return A stream to the buffered resource.
public SourceStream[] getStreams()
return new SourceStream[] { _feedToPlayer };
* Starts the connection thread used to download the remote file.
public void start() throws IOException
//If the save stream is null, we have already completely downloaded
//the file.
if (_saveStream != null)
//Open the connection thread to finish downloading the file.
_loaderThread = new ConnectionThread();
* Stop the connection thread.
public void stop() throws IOException
//Set the boolean flag to stop the thread.
_stop = true;
* #see javax.microedition.media.Controllable#getControl(String)
public Control getControl(String controlType)
// No implemented Controls.
return null;
* #see javax.microedition.media.Controllable#getControls()
public Control[] getControls()
// No implemented Controls.
return null;
* Force the lower level stream to a given content type. Must be called
* before the connect function in order to work.
* #param contentType The content type to use.
public void setContentType(String contentType)
_forcedContentType = contentType;
* A stream to the buffered media resource.
private final class LimitedRateSourceStream implements SourceStream
/** A stream to the local copy of the remote resource. */
private SharedInputStream _baseSharedStream;
/** Describes the content type of the media file. */
private ContentDescriptor _contentDescriptor;
* Constructor. Creates a LimitedRateSourceStream from
* the given InputStream.
* #param inputStream The input stream used to create a new reader.
* #param contentType The content type of the remote file.
LimitedRateSourceStream(InputStream inputStream, String contentType)
System.out.println("[LimitedRateSoruceStream]---------- 1");
_baseSharedStream = SharedInputStream.getSharedInputStream(
System.out.println("[LimitedRateSoruceStream]---------- 2");
_contentDescriptor = new ContentDescriptor(contentType);
System.out.println("[LimitedRateSoruceStream]---------- 3");
* Returns the content descriptor for this stream.
* #return The content descriptor for this stream.
public ContentDescriptor getContentDescriptor()
return _contentDescriptor;
* Returns the length provided by the connection.
* #return long The length provided by the connection.
public long getContentLength()
return _fileConnection.totalSize();
* Returns the seek type of the stream.
public int getSeekType()
* Returns the maximum size (in bytes) of a single read.
public int getTransferSize()
return _readLimit;
* Writes bytes from the buffer into a byte array for playback.
* #param bytes The buffer into which the data is read.
* #param off The start offset in array b at which the data is written.
* #param len The maximum number of bytes to read.
* #return the total number of bytes read into the buffer, or -1 if
* there is no more data because the end of the stream has been reached.
* #throws IOException
public int read(byte[] bytes, int off, int len) throws IOException
System.out.println("[LimitedRateSoruceStream]---------- 5");
System.out.println("Read Request for: " + len + " bytes");
//Limit bytes read to our readLimit.
int readLength = len;
System.out.println("[LimitedRateSoruceStream]---------- 6");
if (readLength > getReadLimit())
readLength = getReadLimit();
//The number of available byes in the buffer.
int available;
//A boolean flag indicating that the thread should pause
//until the buffer has increased sufficiently.
boolean paused = false;
System.out.println("[LimitedRateSoruceStream]---------- 7");
for (;;)
available = _baseSharedStream.available();
System.out.println("[LimitedRateSoruceStream]---------- 8");
if (_downloadComplete)
//Ignore all restrictions if downloading is complete.
System.out.println("Complete, Reading: " + len +
" - Available: " + available);
return _baseSharedStream.read(bytes, off, len);
else if(_bufferingComplete)
if (paused && available > getResumeBytes())
//If the video is paused due to buffering, but the
//number of available byes is sufficiently high,
//resume playback of the media.
System.out.println("Resuming - Available: " +
paused = false;
return _baseSharedStream.read(bytes, off, readLength);
else if(!paused && (available > getPauseBytes() ||
available > readLength))
//We have enough information for this media playback.
if (available < getPauseBytes())
//If the buffer is now insufficient, set the
//pause flag.
paused = true;
System.out.println("Reading: " + readLength +
" - Available: " + available);
return _baseSharedStream.read(bytes, off, readLength);
else if(!paused)
//Set pause until loaded enough to resume.
paused = true;
//We are not ready to start yet, try sleeping to allow the
//buffer to increase.
catch (Exception e)
* #see javax.microedition.media.protocol.SourceStream#seek(long)
public long seek(long where) throws IOException
_baseSharedStream.setCurrentPosition((int) where);
return _baseSharedStream.getCurrentPosition();
* #see javax.microedition.media.protocol.SourceStream#tell()
public long tell()
return _baseSharedStream.getCurrentPosition();
* Close the stream.
* #throws IOException
void close() throws IOException
* #see javax.microedition.media.Controllable#getControl(String)
public Control getControl(String controlType)
// No implemented controls.
return null;
* #see javax.microedition.media.Controllable#getControls()
public Control[] getControls()
// No implemented controls.
return null;
* A thread which downloads the remote file and writes it to the local file.
private final class ConnectionThread extends Thread
* Download the remote media file, then write it to the local
* file.
* #see java.lang.Thread#run()
public void run()
byte[] data = new byte[READ_CHUNK];
int len = 0;
//Until we reach the end of the file.
while (-1 != (len = _readAhead.read(data)))
_totalRead += len;
if (!_bufferingComplete && _totalRead > getStartBuffer())
//We have enough of a buffer to begin playback.
_bufferingComplete = true;
System.out.println("Initial Buffering Complete");
if (_stop)
//Stop reading.
System.out.println("Downloading Complete");
System.out.println("Total Read: " + _totalRead);
//If the downloaded data is not the same size
//as the remote file, something is wrong.
if (_totalRead != _fileConnection.totalSize())
System.err.println("* Unable to Download entire file *");
_downloadComplete = true;
//Write downloaded data to the local file.
while (-1 != (len = _readAhead.read(data)))
catch (Exception e)
* Gets the minimum forward byte buffer which must be maintained in
* order for the video to keep playing.
* #return The pause byte buffer.
int getPauseBytes()
return _pauseBytes;
* Sets the minimum forward buffer which must be maintained in order
* for the video to keep playing.
* #param pauseBytes The new pause byte buffer.
void setPauseBytes(int pauseBytes)
_pauseBytes = pauseBytes;
* Gets the maximum size (in bytes) of a single read.
* #return The maximum size (in bytes) of a single read.
int getReadLimit()
return _readLimit;
* Sets the maximum size (in bytes) of a single read.
* #param readLimit The new maximum size (in bytes) of a single read.
void setReadLimit(int readLimit)
_readLimit = readLimit;
* Gets the minimum forward byte buffer required to resume
* playback after a pause.
* #return The resume byte buffer.
int getResumeBytes()
return _resumeBytes;
* Sets the minimum forward byte buffer required to resume
* playback after a pause.
* #param resumeBytes The new resume byte buffer.
void setResumeBytes(int resumeBytes)
_resumeBytes = resumeBytes;
* Gets the minimum number of bytes that must be buffered before the
* media file will begin playing.
* #return The start byte buffer.
int getStartBuffer()
return _startBuffer;
* Sets the minimum number of bytes that must be buffered before the
* media file will begin playing.
* #param startBuffer The new start byte buffer.
void setStartBuffer(int startBuffer)
_startBuffer = startBuffer;
And in this way i use it:
LimitedRateStreamingSource source = new
mediaPlayer = javax.microedition.media.Manager.createPlayer(source);
After start I to use mediaPlayer.getDuration it returns lets say around 24:22 (the inbuild media player in the blackberry say the file length is 4:05)
I tried to get the duration in the listener and there it unfortunately returned around 64 minutes, so I'm sure something is not good inside the datasoruce....
code that converts
String getElapsedTimeMinutesSeconds(long elapsedTime) {
long Seconds=(elapsedTime/1000)%60;
long Minutes=(elapsedTime/(1000*60))%60;
long Hours=(elapsedTime/(1000*60*60))%24;
return ""+Minutes + ":"+Seconds;
Player.setMediaTime() and Player.getMediaTime() both refer to time in microseconds, not milliseconds. So to get the number of elapsed seconds, you need to divide by 1000000 instead of just 1000.
Sometime earlier I faced with the problem to play unlimited size audio. I fix it.
Here's the link:
