What is the relationship between tasks and partitions? - apache-spark

Can I say?
The number of the Spark tasks equal to the number of the Spark partitions?
The executor runs once (batch inside of executor) is equal to one task?
Every task produce only a partition?
(duplicate of 1.)

The degree of parallelism, or the number of tasks that can be ran concurrently, is set by:
The number of Executor Instances (configuration)
The Number of Cores per Executor (configuration)
The Number of Partitions being used (coded)
Actual parallelism is the smaller of
executors * cores - which gives the amount of slots available to run tasks
partitions - each partition will translate to a task whenever a slot opens up.
Tasks that run on the same executor will share the same JVM. This is used by the Broadcast feature as you only need one copy of the Broadcast data per Executor for all tasks to be able to access it through shared memory.
You can have multiple executors running, on the same machine, or on different machines. Executors are the true means of scalability.
Note that each Task takes up one Thread ¹, and is assumed to be assigned to one core ².
So -
Is the number of the Spark tasks equal to the number of the Spark partitions?
No (see previous).
The executor runs once (batch inside of executor) is equal to one task?
An Executor is started as an environment for the tasks to run. Multiple tasks will run concurrently within that Executor (multiple threads).
Every task produce only a partition?
For a task, it is one Partition in, one partition out. However, a repartitioning or shuffle/sort can happen in between tasks.
The number of the Spark tasks equal to the number of the Spark partitions?
Same as (1.)
(¹) Assumption is that within your tasks, you are not multithreading yourself (never do that, otherwise core estimate will be off).
(²) Note that due to hyper-threading, you might have more than one virtual core per physical core, and thus you can have several threads per core. You might even be able to handle multiple threads (2 to 3) on a single core without hyper-threading.

Partitions are a feature of RDD and are only available at design time (before an action is called).
Tasks are part of TaskSet per Stage per ActiveJob in a Spark application.
Is the number of the Spark tasks equal to the number of the Spark partitions?
The executor runs once (batch inside of executor) is equal to one task?
That recursively uses "executor" and does not make much sense to me.
Every task produce only a partition?
Every task produce an output of executing the code (it was created for) for the data in a partition.
The number of the Spark tasks equal to the number of the Spark partitions?
The number of the Spark tasks in a single stage equals to the number of RDD partitions.

1.The number of the Spark tasks equal to the number of the Spark partitions?
Spark breaks up the data into chunks called partitions. Is a collection of rows that sit on one physical machine in the cluster. Default partition size is 128MB. Allow every executor perform work in parallel. One partition will have a parallelism of only one, even if you have many executors.
With many partitions and only one executor will give you a parallelism of only one. You need to balance the number of executors and partitions to have the desired parallelism. This means that each partition will be processed by only one executor (1 executor for 1 partition for 1 task at a time).
A good rule is that the number of partitions should be larger than the number of executors on your cluster
See also: Chambers, Bill; Zaharia, Matei. Spark: The Definitive Guide: Big Data Processing Made Simple (p. 27). O'Reilly Media. Edição do Kindle.
2.The executor runs once (batch inside of executor) is equal to one task?
Cores are slot for tasks, and each executor can process more than one partition at a time if it has more than one core.
3.Every task produce only a partition?
It depend on the transformation.
Spark has Wide transformations and Narrow Transformation.
Wide Transformation: Will have input partitions contributing to many output partitions (shuffles -> Aggregation, sort, joins). Often referred to as a shuffle whereby Spark exchange partitions across the cluster. When we perform a shuffe, Spark write the results do disk
Narrow Transformation: Which input partition will contribute to only one output partition.
See also: Chambers, Bill; Zaharia, Matei. Spark: The Definitive Guide: Big Data Processing Made Simple. O'Reilly Media. Edição do Kindle.
Note: Read file is a narrow transformation because it does not require shuffle, but when you read one file that is splittable like parquet this file will be split into many partitions


What is the relationship between a Node, Worker, Executor, Task and Partition

I am trying to understand the relationship between different components and elements in the Spark architecture but am unable to get a grip on it. Can someone please validate my assumptions and correct me where I am wrong.
My understanding - A node is the actual physical machine. One node can contain the main driver while others will contain the workers.
Q - Can a node have multiple drivers (if I have multiple applications)?
My understanding - A worker is a process within a node. There can be multiple workers within each node though not recommended.
My understanding - An executor is a sub-process(?) within a worker process. Each worker can have multiple executors.
Q. What metric determines the number of executors per worker?
Q. Is the idea of a JVM associated with an executor process or at a higher "worker" level?
Q. What is the relationship between a core and an executor?
Q - Can RAM and HD be allocated at an executor level?
For e.g., if I have a worker node with 100GB of RAM and 5 TB HD, can I allocate 20 GB RAM and 1 TB HDD per executor for that worker?
My understanding - A partition is a portion of the actual data. This split could happen using hashing, round robin or range.
Q - What determines the location of these data partitions?
For e.g., if I have a cluster with 2 nodes, 10 executors (5 executors in each node) and a dataframe with 20 partitions, I'm assuming I would have 2 partitions in each executor or is there a chance that partition distribution could be skewed? What would I need to do to ensure that all my partitions that have a certain partitioning key get co-located within the same worker so there is minimum network transfer when these partitions have to work together to, say, perform an aggregation or a join?
Q - What happens when a repartition() is performed. For e.g., if I have 20 partitions across 10 executors (say, 2 partitions in each) and I repartition(2). I will now have only 2 portions of data which I assume would be resting in a couple of executors. What happens to the remaining executors?
Assumption - A task is the lowest unit of work that performs the actual ask. The number of tasks dependent on the number of partitions. So, if there are 20 partitions, I would have 20 tasks in each stage.
Q - Are these tasks performed by individual executors?
Q - If I have less executors (say, 10) than the partitions (say, 20), does it mean that only 10 tasks will be executed in parallel at any point? is the degree of parallelism constrained by the number of executors?
Thanks in advance!
My understanding - A node is the actual physical machine. One node can contain the main driver while others will contain the workers. (This is Correct as a starting Point)
Q - Can a node have multiple drivers (if I have multiple applications)?
Yes Because driver is just a process that gets created based on the program that you might have written. And you can have multiple process running on the same node.
My understanding - A worker is a process within a node. There can be multiple workers within each node though not recommended.
your understanding here seems wrong because worker is actually a node or machine. Either you say it worker or worker node both are same
My understanding - An executor is a sub-process(?) within a worker process. Each worker can have multiple executors.
An executor is a process inside the worker node and a single worker node can have multiple executors
Q. What metric determines the number of executors per worker?
configuration(Number of cores and memory) of your worker node decides what is the max executors it can run on any specific worker node.
Q. Is the idea of a JVM associated with an executor process or at a higher "worker" level?
It is associated with the executor process. Spark executor is a single JVM instance on a node that serves a single spark application
Q. What is the relationship between a core and an executor?
Core property controls the number of concurrent tasks an executor can run. For example if you request 2 executor each with 2 cores then you can run 4 concurrent tasks at the same time during your job execution.
Q - Can RAM and HD be allocated at an executor level?
For e.g., if I have a worker node with 100GB of RAM and 5 TB HD, can I allocate 20 GB RAM and 1 TB HDD per executor for that worker?
Generally spark perform all its computation in memory. RAM is allocated at the executor level and HD would be allocated at the Worker node level only. Spark would just spill the data to the disk only when it does not fit in memory
My understanding - A partition is a portion of the actual data. This split could happen using hashing, round robin or range.
Q - What determines the location of these data partitions?
These partitions could be anywhere and might not be equally distributed in most of the cases.It could happen some of the executors does not have a single partition and other executors have more than 2 partitions.
In order to have colocated partitions or partitions that have same keys you would have to repartition data based on the specific column in your dataframe and then it would partition your data based on the values of that column and make sure that same column values are there in the same partition
When you repartition the data to 2 partitions then it would shuffle the data between all the executors and then break the dat into 2 partitions and then that data could be on any of the executors and other executors would be empty or idle in that case.
Assumption - A task is the lowest unit of work that performs the actual ask. The number of tasks dependent on the number of partitions. So, if there are 20 partitions, I would have 20 tasks in each stage.
you would have 20 tasks for that specific stage and it wont remain same for all the stages as stage gets created when there is data shuffle that needs to happen. If there is no shuffle happening based on the code that you might have written it would just create a single stage with 20 tasks for sure.
Q - Are these tasks performed by individual executors? Yes
Q - If I have less executors (say, 10) than the partitions (say, 20), does it mean that only 10 tasks will be executed in parallel at any point? is the degree of parallelism constrained by the number of executors? Yes

Spark Job Internals

I tried looking through the various posts but did not get an answer. Lets say my spark job has 1000 input partitions but I only have 8 executor cores. The job has 2 stages. Can someone help me understand exactly how spark processes this. If you can help answer the below questions, I'd really appreciate it
As there are only 8 executor cores, will spark process the Stage 1 of my job 8 partitions at a time?
If the above is true, after the first set of 8 partitions are processed where is this data stored when spark is running the second set of 8 partitions?
If I dont have any wide transformations, will this cause a spill to disk?
For a spark job, what is the optimal file size. I mean spark better with processing 1 MB files and 1000 spark partitions or say a 10MB file with 100 spark partitions?
Sorry, if these questions are vague. This is not a real use case but as I am learning about spark I am trying to understand the internal details of how the different partitions get processed.
Thank You!
Spark will run all jobs for the first stage before starting the second. This does not mean that it will start 8 partitions, wait for them all to complete, and then start another 8 partitions. Instead, this means that each time an executor finishes a partition, it will start another partition from the first stage until all partions from the first stage is started, then spark will wait until all stages in the first stage are complete before starting the second stage.
The data is stored in memory, or if not enough memory is available, spilled to disk on the executor memory. Whether a spill happens will depend on exactly how much memory is available, and how much intermediate data results.
The optimal file size is varies, and is best measured, but some key factors to consider:
The total number of files limits total parallelism, so should be greater than the number of cores.
The amount of memory used processing a partition should be less than the amount available to the executor. (~4GB for AWS glue)
There is overhead per file read, so you don't want too many small files.
I would be inclined towards 10MB files or larger if you only have 8 cores.

Can the number of executor cores be greater than the total number of spark tasks? [duplicate]

What happens when number of spark tasks be greater than the executor core? How is this scenario handled by Spark
Is this related to this question?
Anyway, you can check this Cloudera How-to. In "Tuning Resource Allocation" section, It's explained that a spark application can request executors by turning on the dynamic allocation property. It's also important to set cluster properties such as num-executors, executor-cores, executor-memory... so that spark requests fit into what your resource manager has available.
yes, this scenario can happen. In this case some of the cores will be idle. Scenarios where this can happen:
You call coalesce or repartition with a number of partitions < number of cores
you use the default number of spark.sql.shuffle.partitions (=200)
and you have more than 200 cores available. This will be an issue for
joins, sorting and aggregation. In this case you may want to increase spark.sql.shuffle.partitions
Note that even if you have enough tasks, some (or most) of them could be empty. This can happen if you have a large data skew or you do something like groupBy() or Window without a partitionBy. In this case empty partitions will be finished immediately, turning most of your cores idle
I think the question is a little off beam. It is unlikely what you ask. Why?
With a lot of data you will have many partitions and you may repartition.
Say you have 10,000 partitions which equates to 10,000 tasks.
An executor (core) will serve a partition effectively a task (1:1 mapping) and when finished move on to the next task, until all tasks finished in the stage and then next will start (if it is in plan / DAG).
It's more likely you will not have a cluster of 10,000 executor cores at most places (for your App), but there are sites that have that, that is true.
If you have more cores allocated than needed, then they remain idle and non-usable for others. But with dynamic resource allocation, executors can be relinquished. I have worked with YARN and Spark Standalone, how this is with K8 I am not sure.
Transformations alter what you need in terms of resources. E.g. an order by may result in less partitions and thus may contribute to idleness.

can number of Spark task be greater than the executor core?

What happens when number of spark tasks be greater than the executor core? How is this scenario handled by Spark
Is this related to this question?
Anyway, you can check this Cloudera How-to. In "Tuning Resource Allocation" section, It's explained that a spark application can request executors by turning on the dynamic allocation property. It's also important to set cluster properties such as num-executors, executor-cores, executor-memory... so that spark requests fit into what your resource manager has available.
yes, this scenario can happen. In this case some of the cores will be idle. Scenarios where this can happen:
You call coalesce or repartition with a number of partitions < number of cores
you use the default number of spark.sql.shuffle.partitions (=200)
and you have more than 200 cores available. This will be an issue for
joins, sorting and aggregation. In this case you may want to increase spark.sql.shuffle.partitions
Note that even if you have enough tasks, some (or most) of them could be empty. This can happen if you have a large data skew or you do something like groupBy() or Window without a partitionBy. In this case empty partitions will be finished immediately, turning most of your cores idle
I think the question is a little off beam. It is unlikely what you ask. Why?
With a lot of data you will have many partitions and you may repartition.
Say you have 10,000 partitions which equates to 10,000 tasks.
An executor (core) will serve a partition effectively a task (1:1 mapping) and when finished move on to the next task, until all tasks finished in the stage and then next will start (if it is in plan / DAG).
It's more likely you will not have a cluster of 10,000 executor cores at most places (for your App), but there are sites that have that, that is true.
If you have more cores allocated than needed, then they remain idle and non-usable for others. But with dynamic resource allocation, executors can be relinquished. I have worked with YARN and Spark Standalone, how this is with K8 I am not sure.
Transformations alter what you need in terms of resources. E.g. an order by may result in less partitions and thus may contribute to idleness.

what factors affect how many spark job concurrently

We recently have set up the Spark Job Server to which the spark jobs are submitted.But we found out that our 20 nodes(8 cores/128G Memory per node) spark cluster can only afford 10 spark jobs running concurrently.
Can someone share some detailed info about what factors would actually affect how many spark jobs can be run concurrently? How can we tune the conf so that we can take full advantage of the cluster?
Question is missing some context, but first - it seems like Spark Job Server limits the number of concurrent jobs (unlike Spark itself, which puts a limit on number of tasks, not jobs):
From application.conf
# Number of jobs that can be run simultaneously per context
# If not set, defaults to number of cores on machine where jobserver is running
max-jobs-per-context = 8
If that's not the issue (you set the limit higher, or are using more than one context), then the total number of cores in the cluster (8*20 = 160) is the maximum number of concurrent tasks. If each of your jobs creates 16 tasks, Spark would queue the next incoming job waiting for CPUs to be available.
Spark creates a task per partition of the input data, and the number of partitions is decided according to the partitioning of the input on disk, or by calling repartition or coalesce on the RDD/DataFrame to manually change the partitioning. Some other actions that operate on more than one RDD (e.g. union) may also change the number of partitions.
Some things that could limit the parallelism that you're seeing:
If your job consists of only map operations (or other shuffle-less operations), it will be limited to the number of partitions of data you have. So even if you have 20 executors, if you have 10 partitions of data, it will only spawn 10 task (unless the data is splittable, in something like parquet, LZO indexed text, etc).
If you're performing a take() operation (without a shuffle), it performs an exponential take, using only one task and then growing until it collects enough data to satisfy the take operation. (Another question similar to this)
Can you share more about your workflow? That would help us diagnose it.
