Long story short I am trying to have my aws userdata create a cronjob on launch. I am unable to echo into the /etc/crontab location. Here is a snippet of my code.
echo '# description of cronjob being addeded'
echo '0 16 * * 2,4,6 root some commands' | sudo tee -a /etc/crontab > /dev/null
echo ' ' | sudo tee -a /etc/crontab > /dev/null
Here is the Answer incase someone else needs to know.
"sudo sh -c 'echo \"# description of cronjob being addeded\" >> /etc/crontab' \n",
"sudo sh -c 'echo \"0 16 * * 2,4,6 root some commands\" >> /etc/crontab' \n",
"sudo sh -c 'echo \" \" >> /etc/crontab' \n",
I'm creating a program written in bash script that manages users and groups. I want to reload all current users when I add or delete a user in a specific tab. I tried to use mkfifo fpipe but it only reloads all users when I restart the app. Any ideas to solve this problem? Below is the code that performs this function.
mkfifo "$fpipe"
trap "rm -f $fpipe $fts" EXIT
#getAllUsers function
function get_all_user(){
echo -e '\f' >> "$fpipe"
alluser=$(cat /etc/passwd | awk -F: '$7=="/bin/bash" {print $1"\\n"$3"\\n"$4"\\n"}' | tr -d '[:space:]' )
echo -e $alluser > "$fpipe"
export -f get_all_user
#get_selected_user function
function get_selected_user()
echo -e '\f' > "$temp"
echo "$1" > "$temp"
cat $temp
export -f get_selected_user
#adduser function
function run_adduser()
# check for this in '/etc/passwd' and '/etc/shadow'
# $2 is the username
# $3 is the password
if id "$2" &>/dev/null; then
zenity --warning \
--text="Username existed. Please enter another username."
useradd -m -p $(openssl passwd -1 $3) -s /bin/bash -G sudo $2
zenity --info \
--text="User added successfully."
export -f run_adduser
# Users information tab
yad --plug=$KEY --tabnum=1 --width=600 --height=450 --expand-column=0 --limit=10 \
--list --select-action='#bash -c "get_selected_user %s %s %s"' --column="Username" --column="UID" --column="GID" <&3 &
exec 3>&-
I am not familiar with this platform, so if this is in the frozen section my apologies :P
I am working on upgrading a raspberry pi script project. It decodes NOAA APT Satellite images and it runs from AT Scheduler (I think) and scripts. Scripts are used to start recordings and do auto processing.
I have been having some problems and am trying to get a log of what is processed through the scripts, their are 3. I have tired adding something like ...) >> log.txt to the files but they are always empty.
I cant call them as sh -x script.sh >>log.txt because they are scheduled to trigger at different times and it would be a pain to replace all the calls.
Idealy i would like something i could add at the end of each script to log all the things they process and stick them in their own log file (script1.log, script2.log, script3.log)
edit: I was advised to post the scripts. These are not "mine" i got them off of an instructable and made some changes to fit my needs. And i would rather not screw them up more than i have. ideally i would like something i could put after the #!/bin/bash line where it would log all of the commands processed by the script.
Script 1, the main scheduling script. some of them have been comented out because i dont use NOAA 15 or Meteor M2.
# Update Satellite Information
wget -qr https://www.celestrak.com/NORAD/elements/weather.txt -O /home/pi/weather/predict/weather.txt
#grep "NOAA 15" /home/pi/weather/predict/weather.txt -A 2 > /home/pi/weather/predict/weather.tle
grep "NOAA 18" /home/pi/weather/predict/weather.txt -A 2 >> /home/pi/weather/predict/weather.tle
grep "NOAA 19" /home/pi/weather/predict/weather.txt -A 2 >> /home/pi/weather/predict/weather.tle
#grep "METEOR-M 2" /home/pi/weather/predict/weather.txt -A 2 >> /home/pi/weather/predict/weather.tle
#Remove all AT jobs
for i in `atq | awk '{print $1}'`;do atrm $i;done
#Schedule Satellite Passes:
/home/pi/weather/predict/schedule_satellite.sh "NOAA 19" 137.1000
/home/pi/weather/predict/schedule_satellite.sh "NOAA 18" 137.9125
#/home/pi/weather/predict/schedule_satellite.sh "NOAA 15" 137.6200
script 2, the individual satellite scheduler. It uses information from the first script to find times the satellite is passing overhead.
PREDICTION_START=`/usr/bin/predict -t /home/pi/weather/predict/weather.tle -p "${1}" | head -1`
PREDICTION_END=`/usr/bin/predict -t /home/pi/weather/predict/weather.tle -p "${1}" | tail -1`
var2=`echo $PREDICTION_END | cut -d " " -f 1`
MAXELEV=`/usr/bin/predict -t /home/pi/weather/predict/weather.tle -p "${1}" | awk -v max=0 '{if($5>max){max=$5}}END{print max}'`
while [ `date --date="TZ=\"UTC\" #${var2}" +%D` == `date +%D` ]; do
START_TIME=`echo $PREDICTION_START | cut -d " " -f 3-4`
var1=`echo $PREDICTION_START | cut -d " " -f 1`
var3=`echo $START_TIME | cut -d " " -f 2 | cut -d ":" -f 3`
TIMER=`expr $var2 - $var1 + $var3`
OUTDATE=`date --date="TZ=\"UTC\" $START_TIME" +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S`
if [ $MAXELEV -gt 28 ]
echo ${1//" "}${OUTDATE} $MAXELEV
echo "/home/pi/weather/predict/receive_and_process_satellite.sh \"${1}\" $2 /home/pi/weather/${1//" "}${OUTDATE} /home/pi/weather/predict/weather.tle $var1 $TIMER" | at `date --date="TZ=\"UTC\" $START_TIME" +"%H:%M %D"`
nextpredict=`expr $var2 + 60`
PREDICTION_START=`/usr/bin/predict -t /home/pi/weather/predict/weather.tle -p "${1}" $nextpredict | head -1`
PREDICTION_END=`/usr/bin/predict -t /home/pi/weather/predict/weather.tle -p "${1}" $nextpredict | tail -1`
MAXELEV=`/usr/bin/predict -t /home/pi/weather/predict/weather.tle -p "${1}" $nextpredict | awk -v max=0 '{if($5>max){max=$5}}END{print max}'`
var2=`echo $PREDICTION_END | cut -d " " -f 1`
the final script takes care of recording the audio from the satellite at the specified frequency, calculated for dopler shift, auto decodes/processes it, and posts it to my archive and webserver.
# $1 = Satellite Name
# $2 = Frequency
# $3 = FileName base
# $4 = TLE File
# $5 = EPOC start time
# $6 = Time to capture
sudo timeout $6 rtl_fm -f ${2}M -s 60k -g 45 -p 55 -E wav -E deemp -F 9 - | sox -t wav - $3.wav rate 11025
#pass start 150 was 90
PassStart=`expr $5 + 150`
if [ -e $3.wav ]
/usr/local/bin/wxmap -T "${1}" -H $4 -p 0 -l 0 -o $PassStart ${3}-map.png
/usr/local/bin/wxtoimg -m ${3}-map.png -e ZA $3.wav ${3}.png
/usr/local/bin/wxtoimg -m ${3}-map.png -e NO $3.wav ${3}.NO.png
/usr/local/bin/wxtoimg -m ${3}-map.png -e MSA $3.wav ${3}.MSA.png
/usr/local/bin/wxtoimg -m ${3}-map.png -e MCIR $3.wav ${3}.MCIR.png
/usr/local/bin/wxtoimg -m ${3}-map.png -e MSA-PRECIP $3.wav ${3}.MSA-PRECIP.png
/usr/local/bin/wxtoimg -m ${3}-map.png -e EC $3.wav ${3}.EC.png
/usr/local/bin/wxtoimg -m ${3}-map.png -e HVCT $3.wav ${3}.HVCT.png
/usr/local/bin/wxtoimg -m ${3}-map.png -e CC $3.wav ${3}.CC.png
/usr/local/bin/wxtoimg -m ${3}-map.png -e SEA $3.wav ${3}.SEA.png
NOW=$(date +%m-%d-%Y_%H-%M)
mkdir /home/pi/weather/Pictures/${NOW}
sudo cp /home/pi/weather/*.png /home/pi/weather/Pictures/${NOW}/ #move pictures to date folder in pi/pictures
sudo mv /var/www/html/APT_Pictures/PREVIOUS/* /var/www/html/APT_Pictures/ARCHIVE #move previous to archive
sudo mv /var/www/html/APT_Pictures/LATEST/* /var/www/html/APT_Pictures/PREVIOUS #move latest pictures to previous folder
sudo cp /home/pi/weather/Pictures/${NOW} /var/www/html/APT_Pictures/LATEST -r #copys date folder to latest
sudo cp /home/pi/weather/*-map.png home/pi/weather/Pictures/${NOW}/ #copys map to archive folder
##sudo mv /home/pi/weather/Pictures/${NOW}/*-map.png /home/pi/weather/maps #moves map from /pi/pictures date to maps folder
sudo rm /home/pi/weather/*.png #removes pictures from weather folder
sudo mv /home/pi/weather/*.wav /home/pi/weather/audio #moves audio to audio folder
Perhaps the scripts are outputing status messages to stderr instead of stdout (which your ...) >> log.txt method would have captured.)?
Here's how I'd capture stdout and stderr for debugging purposes.
$ /bin/bash script1.sh 1>>script1_stdout.log 2>>script1_stderr.log
$ /bin/bash script2.sh 1>>script2_stdout.log 2>>script2_stderr.log
$ /bin/bash script3.sh 1>>script3_stdout.log 2>>script3_stderr.log
Or combine the two streams into a single log file:
$ /bin/bash script1.sh 1>>script1.log 2>&1
$ /bin/bash script2.sh 1>>script2.log 2>&1
$ /bin/bash script3.sh 1>>script3.log 2>&1
The "1" in 1>> refers to stdout and the "2" in 2>> refers to stderr.
Edit: If you want to continue to see stdout/stderr messages and still write them to file, use tee as described here. tee prints stdin it receives, writes a copy of stdout to the file path provided.
$ /bin/bash script1.sh 2>&1 | tee script1.log
$ /bin/bash script2.sh 2>&1 | tee script2.log
$ /bin/bash script3.sh 2>&1 | tee script3.log
Reference about stdout and stderr.
Here, I have a shell script named load.sh.
It start my program named "demo" with supervise,
When I run it with sh load.sh start | stop, it works well.
However, when I run it with ./load.sh start | stop, it works bad. the demo is frequently started(and exit) by the supervise.
What's the problem of the two ways of running the shell script?
and is there any problem(bug) in the script cause the supervise frequently restart the demo?
Thanks a lot!
cd `dirname $0` || exit
mkdir -p status/demo
if [ -z "${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}" ]; then
start() {
sleep 1
bin/supervise.demo -u status/demo bin/demo >/dev/null 2>&1 &
stop() {
if [ -f status/demo/lock ]; then
supervise_demo_pid=`/sbin/fuser status/demo/lock`
`ps -ef | grep "$supervise_demo_pid" | grep "supervise.demo" | grep -v grep > /dev/null 2>&1`
if [ $? -eq 0 ] && [ "$supervise_demo_pid" != "" ] ; then
echo "kill supervise.demo process:"${supervise_demo_pid}
kill -9 $supervise_demo_pid
if [ -f status/demo/status ]; then
demo_pid=`od -An -j16 -N2 -tu2 status/demo/status`
`ps -ef | grep "$demo_pid" | grep "demo" | grep -v grep > /dev/null 2>&1`
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "kill demo process:"${demo_pid}
kill -9 $demo_pid
case "$1" in
echo "Done!"
echo "Done!"
echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop}"
sh script.sh runs the script in sh, while running it as ./script.sh uses whatever is specified on its first "shebang" line - /bin/bash in this case.
sh and /bin/bash might be different shells, so they interpret the script differently. What sh is depends on your distribution, $PATH, aliases etc.
When you run your script via ./load.sh start | stop it runs with processor that is specified in shebang. In your case it is bash:
What about sh load.sh start | stop. In Ubuntu (by default) sh is actually just a link and in points to dash.
To check it:
$ which sh
$ ls -l /bin/sh
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 Mar 16 00:54 /bin/sh -> dash
sh foo will search $path for an executable foo
sh ./foo demands execution from the $cwd
foo and ./foo run via the shebang as noted herein
all forms will invoke foo with the perms of the specific file referenced, including suid,guid
This is what I am trying
sh -x script2 "$var"
su - someuser << EOF
cd dir
echo "This is : $1 Error" >> somefile
Everything in script2 is executing. When I am checking the file "somefile" the output is
This is : Error
It is not showing the value of var
It is working fine for me:
cat s1
sh -x /tmp/s2 "$var"
cat s2
su - my_id << EOF
echo $1
+ su - my_id
+ 0<<
echo 10
my_id's Password: <<< su is prompting for my password
uid=222(my_id) gid=222(my_group) ...
Because you are not adding the #!/bin/xxxxx I believe the default is to either execute /bin/sh or maybe what $SHELL is set to. Check that both of those are what you expect. Maybe add the explicit #!/bin/ksh (or #!/bin/sh ...) to make sure you are getting the shell that you want / expect.
How can i make a bash script for this?My command is :
mysql -h(sample) -u(sample) -p -e "insert into databasename.tablename select count( * )from information_schema.processlist;"
Truly yours,
-bash-4.2$ cat > my_bash_script << "EOF"
> #!/bin/bash
> mysql -h(sample) -u(sample) -p -e "insert into databasename.tablename select count( * )from information_schema.processlist;"
-bash-4.2$ chmod 755 my_bash_script