Debug Acumatica Process Failure - acumatica

I have a client that is trying to run the Validate Customer Balances process in accounts receivable and the process does not finish. What tools are available to debug this?

First of all you need to determine whether the process finishes with an error or is simply taking a long time.
This process has a specific warning stating that balance validation takes a long time:
If you see the process progress indicator spinning, it's most likely just taking a long time. In that case you should either wait until the process finishes or follow the warning to select fewer customer.
If the processes finishes with an error indicator:
Open the trace window and run the process again, error details are usually visible in traces. For example, if you see financial period is inactive in traces then you can resolve it by going to the financial period screen and activating it:

Acumatica's T190 Quick Start In Customization and T270 Workflow API documentations describe the Debugging Process while working with Acumatica.
When you install a new Acumatica version, You must put the Install Debugger Tool checkbox.
You must open Visual Studio project as Admin.
To be able to debug the site's original source code, find web.config file of the Acumatica instance. Setting of Vistal Studio also must be changed as described in documentation.
Change the "False" value to "True".
Go to Debug->Attach to Process... or press Ctrl+Alt+P. Search for w3wp.exe, select the instance you needed and Press Attach.
Then put breakpoints and do debugging as you would do in any other project not related to Acumatica.


Creating Word OLE Client from a Windows Scheduled Task causes ntdll application error

Our normal workflow is to use a Windows Scheduled Task to:
convert files from rtf to pdf in bulk
manipulate the pdfs to add barcodes
aggregate into a single pdf
then send for printing
This was working fine on Windows Server 2008, but since our upgrade to Windows Server 2019 (end of life and whatnot) we've run into a whole host of issues. We're now falling down at the first hurdle- even instantiating the Word OLE client. The error isn't consistent - one day the process will complete successfully, the next it will fail immediately.
Our tasks trigger a Dyalog APL workspace, where the code to be executed sits. For debugging purposes, I have set up a simplified version which is doing the following:
tries←0 ⍝ Initialise the try counter
Log'Attempting to create Word instance' ⍝
:Repeat ⍝ Keep trying to...
Word←⎕NEW'OleClient'(⊂'ClassName' 'Word.Application') ⍝ Create the Word Client instance
Word.Visible←1 ⍝ making the application visible
tries+←1 ⍝ and incrementing the try counter each time
Log'Try: ',⍕tries ⍝
:Until #.Word.PropList∊⍨⊂'Documents' ⍝ Until it has seemingly created successfully
:OrIf tries≥maxTries_create ⍝ ... or the tries have exceeded the maximum (currently 5)
'doc open'delayAndLog dl_open ⍝ With an optional external delay...
myWordDoc←Word.Documents.Open⊂docPath ⍝ open the specified test doc
'doc close'delayAndLog dl_close ⍝ With an optional external delay...
myWordDoc.Close 0 ⍝ close the doc (not saving)
'application quit'delayAndLog dl_quit ⍝ With an optional external delay...
Word.Application.Quit 0 ⍝ quit the word client
The various delays are held externally in a config file. I didn't include the reading of this config file, as essentially what is shown here is the substance. Note: I retry creating the instance as sometimes I've found that it only instantiates with the barebones methods. Putting a delay in, or retries seemed to fix this.
This piece of code, will run completely fine in my non-prod servers (and even sometimes in production). Today, it will run fine when I am running it through the IDE, but when running as a Windows Scheduled Task it will report a DOMAIN ERROR when opening the document.
My observations are that it briefly creates the WINWORD.exe, i.e. you can see it in the task manager, the status turns to "suspended", then it disappears. In the event viewer, we see the following:
Event Viewer - ntdll application fault (id: 1000)
Things I've tried so far
Rebooted the server (yes, you joke, but turning it off and on again is the first thing we should always try)
Repaired Office
Reinstalled Office
Tried configuring the task to run as a different user (myself, with local admin rights)
Tried configuring the task to run on a different server.
Tried configuring the task to run with a higher priority.
Making the Word instance visible, to see if there are any error pop-ups.
Built a simplified version of the task (see above) to ensure it's not just the overall complexity of the main task causing confusion.
Disabled "automatic inking" on Microsoft's recommendation
Captured procmon logs of the error (awaiting Microsoft's review)
Versions currently installed:
Word: Microsoft Word 2019 MSO (16.0.10374.20040) 64-bit
Dyalog APL: 16.0.35960.0 32-bit Unicode
Windows Server 2019 Standard Version 1809. OS Build 17763.1697.
Any help would be really greatly appreciated on this one as I feel like I'm tackling Schrödinger's OLE Client. Thanks in advance.
That is a crash in Word.
There might be crash dump files in c:\Users<yourname>\AppData\Local\Temp\ or c:\Users<yourname>\AppData\Local\CrashDumps.
At your company, if you have any C developers who can use Visual Studio or Windbg, they could open the dump file and see if it gives any clues.
If not, I could take a quick look if you send it to Dyalog Support.
This is just a guess...Have you tried increasing the size of the Desktop heap? Please see this blog post:

How do you start the app with the profiler in "trace java methods" mode?

We are ready to optimise app startup time.
The ultimate goal is to, quote
cold start into fragment X as quickly as the calculator is starting up
I do have a few ideas on what we could tweak to try and speed up loading, but I'd like to verify them before bothering to try them out.
So I open the profiler view and hit the app launch configuration.
Ok ... no trace.
Unfortunately, I cannot hit the record button until after the app has loaded. Which doesn't do me any good because I'm trying to get a profile of the startup.
Any way I can launch with the record feature already active?
Yes, you can if you edit the run configuration, buuuut that's not giving you any relevant information because even then, it only starts recording the information AFTER the startup.
To enable advanced profiling, follow these steps:
Select Run > Edit Configurations.
Select your app module in the left pane.
Click the Profiling tab, and then check Enable advanced profiling for older devices.
Select Run > Profiler.
This will start the app and start recording immediately, you only need to hit stop recording once you want.

Debugging Azure WebJob locally - recompile fails

I have a webjob that I'm debugging locally as a console app. But once I stop the code from within VS2017 I'm unable to recompile the exe as I get the following error
Unable to copy file "obj\Debug\******.******.exe" to "bin\Debug\******.******.exe". Access to the path 'bin\Debug\******.******.exe' is denied.
When I look at the processes that are running theres nothing there that jumps out.
I've closed VS and restarted it, but thats not cleared the issue.
Other than restarting my machine is there anything else I can try?
You can use the Windows Resource Monitor tool. Once opened, navigate to the CPU tab and enter the full path of the .exe (e.g. C:\Project\bin\debug\App.exe) in the Search Handles text box in the bottom-mid right corner and search. You should see the list of processes currently locking on the particular resource (in this case, the .exe). Select all the unwanted processes, right-click and end process. Depending upon on the version of Windows you are running, the experience might differ a bit but the general idea is more or less the same.

Executing code from code review request without affecting my workspace in visual studio

I see there is an option to execute code from code review request without affecting my workspace using visual studio.
But, i dont find information on how to do it? any help.
If you are running Premium or higher (which you must be if you can do code reviews) you can use the My Work area of TFS (under Team Explorer) to put your current work on hold before carrying out the code review (which performs in the same way as 1 below) by choosing suspend, when you have finished with the review you can then restart your work which will reset your IDE to the state it was in when you paused your work.
An example of the developer workflow for code reviews and suspending work can be found on MSDN Here
The code review will contain the code in a shelveset, in order to execute code locally it will need to be downloaded to your workspace.
If you were performing the same task without the suspend Feature of my work, you could mimic the behaviour in 2 ways
Shelve all of your current changes / neutralise your workspace before begining the code review
Create an alternative workspace and use this for code reviews, this will leave your normal workspace in its current state.

Remote Debugging Azure Worker Role

There are a million links like this one, which more or less would seem to take care of the remote debugging setup. I have done this many times in VS 2013 Update 2, deployed, then attached to debugger and it simply does not work. Well, the debugger seems to attach, but I continually get the message when I hover over a break point informing me that 'The breakpoint will currently not be hit. No symbols have been loaded for this document' A while back I recall seeing a channel 9 presentation and they seemed to configre the symbol store. I tried configuring this and it still gives me the same message when hovering over the breakpoint.
VS 2013 Update 2 Remote Debugging - I can only get it to work with a 'Debug' build. I have set the Debugging Option "Enable Just My Code" and loaded all symbols -- this seems to work fine. I can now set breakpoints and do not receive the message you (and I) noted earlier.
This is probably not the ideal situation as it would be nice to be able to attach the debugger to a production release but it seems to be a semi-reasonable workaround for now.
Important points:
You must enable Remote Debugging in the Azure Portal for your Cloud Service or Web Site -- Configure Tab (it only remains enabled for 48 Hours)
The debug attribute of the compilation element in your Web.config file must be set to "true". This means, you either have to do a 'Debug' build or manually edit the Web.config file. Here is a link to official Microsoft documentation with a full explanation and a great example of how to do that without redeploying your application:
If you still have problems you may have to disable the Debugging Option Enable Just My Code in Visual Studio
I had the same problem - also with VS 2013 Update 2.
The crucial bit I missed was selecting the w3wp.exe process in the pop-up that shows the running processes before hitting the Attach button.
