using backend files nodejs - node.js

Sorry, It might be very novice problem but I am new to node and web apps and just have been stuck on this for couples of days.
I have been working with a API called "Face++" that requires user to upload images to detect faces. So basically users needed to upload images to my webapps backend and my backend would do an API request with that image. I somehow managed to upload the files at my node's backend using tutorial provided below but now I am struggling how to use those image files. I really don't know how to have access to those files. I thought writing just the filepath/filename would help but it did not. I am really new at webapps.
I used tutorial from here:
to upload my files at back-end.

You can also use the Face++ REST API node client
As per in documentation it requires a live URL on web. Then you have to upload your files into remote location (You may upload files to a Amazon S3 Bucket)
And also you check the sample codes from Documentation where you can upload directly to Face++


Hosting images when deployed

I'm beginner and using MERN. I've successfully deployed frontend and backend separately on render for testing purposes and when a user signs up they can choose a profile picture, now on localhost this works fine and it successfully adds to mongodb and shows in the web application. However when deployed I get an error that I can't 'GET' the image from the specific path.
Now I'm trying to workout with this is the case but could someone explain in ELI5 terms? Also would I need to host my images such as cloudinary? Thank you.
Tried to upload images when deployed but not being fetched.
You should consider using cloudinary or an S3 bucket to store images in production.
First of all, call your /upload api route
Generate a uuid + .extension (png or jpg)
Upload this key as the name with your image file to cloudinary (for exemple)
Then save this key into your database to be able to access it later on.
If you consider using an S3 bucket, you should always configure a CDN between your client and your bucket to avoid billing’s surprises

how to upload client files directly to minio using nodejs?

Can anyone help me to implement direct upload of client files to minio in nodejs? I just saw that there are two methods for this work, presignedPostPolicy and presignedPutObject, but somewhere about how these two methods worked was not explained at the same time.
I want that when a link is given to the user that he can upload there, it has limitations such as the maximum size that can be uploaded.

Read Words from a PDF or DOC file in React or Firebase Cloud Functions

I have a simple React application (with no back-end servers), hosted on Firebase.
The application takes in a file(either a word document or a pdf) and stores it in firebase storage and stores the metadata in firestore.
I have a requirement to read the number of words in the file and if it is more than 500, block the upload.
I have been searching for a way to do this using just React and i think it cant be done. The other option i have is to use Cloud Functions in Firebase which use NodeJs and even with that i am not finding any solution to do this.
At this point in time, i cant setup a proper back-end server to do this work.
I would be grateful if someone can point me in the right direction to solve this.
A few pdf readers exist for node which can be installed in Cloud Functions since most don't support in browser. It is advised to upload the pdf to storage to save processing issues, simply add the reference path to the Cloud Function payload and delete it after completion.
pdfreader at this current time the best available for PDF's parsing, but requires a node environment such as Cloud Functions.
The second issue is reading image-based pdf's which require OCR, link provided.

Upload Media files to MongoDB from Node.js server

I have a MEVN Stack app. This requires to upload media files to the database. From the client-side, I am posting a multipart type form which will send the file to the server through Axios. I don't know how to store that in the MongoDB database and retrieve the same.
What you are looking for, is creating an API in node.js to handle uploaded file. (You can use express.js to make your life easier if you are not already using it)
In Vue.js create a component to upload a file and store the files in the file system on the server might be in a folder that is accessible through the web server (like in a public folder).
Finally, save the URL to access the file in MongoDB so, you can reference it later. You can google for tutorials on this, an example is here.

AngularJs: How to upload images to another service?

I am building a MEAN application (Angular + node + Express + Mongo).
In this app there are users who can upload a limited amount of pictures (lets say 5).
I really want to avoird storing too many data on my server.
So I am looking for a module that let users upload the images to a service such as picasa, imageshack... The service should be transparent to the user.
When it's done, I save the picture URL in my DB and so I can retrieve it and display pictures easily.
Do you know such module / tutorial to do that? Does it even exists?
I have been looking but it seems to not exists.
The easiest way to have a file upload service with AngularJS as the front end and NodeJS as the backend is to use the jQuery File Upload for use with AngularJS, which can be found here.
It makes use of a directive that you can use to upload your file.
You need to specify a route to which the uploaded file should be POST'ed to.
In this route handle, that is in you Node.js server, you can then post it to the external image hosting servers. This is something that you can write on your own or you can use the node.js modules for the respective hosts (if they exist).
I find a service doing it:
With a nodejs integration:
It seems perfect (free up to 500 MO and 50.000 pictures, far enough for my needs).
