Mongoose async requests managment - node.js

I'm actually trying to convert mongodb references into those references' documents value (info.value) using mongoose in javascript.
Tried that by using map, for/forEach, and nothing did the job since mongoose requests are async.
Not really used to this kind of code, I feel a bit lost after all those things I tried.
Maybe someone would like to give me a hint about this by taking a look at the code below.
Just for information, no need to worry about loading templates, connecting to mongo, ... since everything else is working just fine.
That's the closest I got to the expected result, but still, it throws me errors when I try to "console.log(cond[c]);/console.log(info);" (cond[c] and info are null and undefined)
Well this function also needs to be prepared to be recursive since I plan to put sub-blocks in the "content" property of the bloc objects.
Thanks a lot for your time guys.
// Input condition
"H1Vf3KTef || false"
// Expected result
"1 || false"
// Buggy Function
var execIfBlock = function recursExec (query, callback) {
IfBlockModel.findOne(query, function(err, ifBlock) {
if (!err) {
var cond = ifBlock.condition.split(" ");
//console.log('Block : ' + ifBlock);
//console.log('Condition : ' + cond);
var calls = new Array();
for (var c = 0, len = cond.length; c < len; c++) {
if (shortId.isValid(cond[c])) {
calls.push(function() {
InfoModel.findOne({ _id: cond[c] }, function(err, info) {
cond[c] = info.value;
async.parallel(calls, function(err, result) {
// Do some job using the final expected result : "1 || false"
// Info template
"_id": "H1Vf3KTef",
"value": "1"
// Bloc template
"_id": "rkRBtLTef",
"content": [],
"condition": "H1Vf3KTef || false"
// Info schema
var InfoSchema = new Schema({
_id: { type: String, unique: true, required: true, default: shortId.generate },
value: { type: String, default: "0" }
// Bloc schema
var IfBlockSchema = new Schema({
_id: { type: String, unique: true, required: true, default: shortId.generate },
condition: { type: String, required: true, default: true },
content: [{ type: String, required: true, default: '', ref: 'block' }]

Use promises and break your code in small functions :
var execIfBlock = function recursExec(query, callback) {
IfBlockModel.findOne(query, function (err, ifBlock) {
if (!err) {
var cond = ifBlock.condition.split(" ");
.then(values => {
console.log(values) // [values1, values ,...]
function updateMultipeInfo(cond){
return Promise.all(
function updateInfo(id){
if (shortId.isValid(id)) {
return InfoModel
.findOne({ _id: id })
.then(info => info.value);
} else {
return Promise.reject("invalid id");


Concurrency problems updating another's collection stats

I'm trying to make a notation system for movies
A user can note a Movie in their List.
Whenever the user clicks on the frontend, the listId, movieId, note are sent to the server to update the note. The note can be set to null, but it does not remove the entry from the list.
But if the user clicks too much times, the movie's totalNote and nbNotes are completely broken. Feels like there is some sort of concurrency problems ?
Is this the correct approach to this problem or am I updating in a wrong way ?
The mongoose schemas related :
// Movie Schema
const movieSchema = new Schema({
// ...
note: { type: Number, default: 0 },
totalNotes: { type: Number, default: 0 },
nbNotes: { type: Number, default: 0 },
movieSchema.statics.updateTotalNote = function (movieId, oldNote, newNote) {
if (!oldNote && !newNote) return
const nbNotes = !newNote ? -1 : (!oldNote ? 1 : 0) // If oldNote is null we +1, if newNote is null we -1
return Movie.findOneAndUpdate({ _id: movieId }, { $inc: { nbNotes: nbNotes, totalNotes: (newNote - oldNote) } }, { new: true }).catch(err => console.error("Couldn't update note from movie", err))
// List Schema
const movieEntry = new Schema({
_id: false, // movie makes an already unique attribute, which is populated on GET
movie: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Movies', required: true },
note: { type: Number, default: null, max: 21 },
const listSchema = new Schema({
user: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Users', required: true },
movies: [movieEntry]
The server update API (add / Remove movieEntry are similar with $push and $pull instead of $set)
exports.updateEntry = (req, res) => {
const { listId, movieId } = req.params
const movieEntry = { movieId: movieId, note: req.body.note }
List.findOneAndUpdate({ _id: listId, '': movieId }, { $set: { 'movies.$[elem]': movieEntry } }, { arrayFilters: [{ '': movieId }] })
.then(list => {
if (!list) return res.sendStatus(404)
const oldNote = list.getMovieEntryById(movieId).note // getMovieEntryById(movieId) = return this.movies.find(movieEntry => == movieId)
Movie.updateTotalNote(movieId, oldNote, movieEntry.note)
let newList = list.movies.find(movieEntry => == movieId) // Because I needed the oldNote and findOneAndUpdate returns the list prior to modification, I change it to return it
newList.note = movieEntry.note
newList.status = movieEntry.status
newList.completedDate = movieEntry.completedDate
return res.status(200).json(list)
.catch(err => {
return res.sendStatus(400)
The entries I needed to update were arrays that could grow indefinitely so I had to first change my models and use virtuals and another model for the the list entries.
Doing so made the work easier and I was able to create, update and delete the entries more easily and without any concurrency problems.
This might also not have been a concurrency problem in the first place, but a transaction problem.

Expected 'property' to be of type string, instead found type object - Dynamoose

I am working with AWS DynamoDB and Dynamoose trying to fetch records using Scan function, but facing an issue that is not recognizable for me.
Stragenly, it's able to fetch records from another table in the same way and successfully get the records.
Here's my Code:
const vehicleMasterSchema = new dynamoose.Schema({
"id": String,
"customer_account_number": String,
"fuel_type": String,
"make": String,
"model": String,
"odometer_gatex": String,
"plate_no": String,
"rfid_gatex": String,
"sales_agreement_id": String,
"vehicle_category": String,
"vehicle_id": String,
}, {
"timestamps": {
"createdAt": "create_date",
"updatedAt": null // updatedAt will not be stored as part of the timestamp
const vehicleMasterModel = dynamoose.model("vehicle_master", vehicleMasterSchema, { "create": false });'/getFuelingStatus', (req, res) => {
var companyInfo = req.body;
try {
console.log(typeof vehicleMasterModel);
vehicleMasterModel.scan("customer_account_number").eq(companyInfo.customerId).exec((error, results) => {
if (error) {
} else {
} catch (error) {
The TypeMismatch error is coming up only for this model same code is working for the other table.
Console Error
My Table
This appears to be related to this github issue on Dyanmoose
My guess is that the problem could be related with the name of your attribute, model.
In fact, this is the actual case: the following code, extracted from the source code in Document.ts is the one which is overwriting your model property:
Object.defineProperty(this, "model", {
"configurable": false,
"value": model
This is how the Document looks like before:
And after the execution of the aforementioned code:
This code is executed when processing the Scan exec function in DocumentRetriever.ts when the library maps every Item returned by DynamoDB to their internal Document representation, exactly in this line of code:
const array: any = (await Promise.all( (item) => await new this.internalSettings.model.Document(item, {"type": "fromDynamo"}).conformToSchema({"customTypesDynamo": true, "checkExpiredItem": true, "saveUnknown": true, "modifiers": ["get"], "type": "fromDynamo"})))).filter((a) => Boolean(a));
The error you reported is a consequence of that change when the type of the returned Item is checked against your schema model in the checkTypeFunction:
const {isValidType, matchedTypeDetails, typeDetailsArray} = utils.dynamoose.getValueTypeCheckResult(schema, value, genericKey, settings, {"standardKey": true, typeIndexOptionMap});
if (!isValidType) {
throw new Error.TypeMismatch(`Expected ${key} to be of type ${ => detail.dynamicName ? detail.dynamicName() :", ")}, instead found type ${typeof value}.`);
Please, try a different name, I think it will work properly.
Schema must be like this :
const ImageGalleryFoldersSchema = new Schema({
key: {
type: String,
hashKey: true,
required: true,
displayName: {
type: String,
required: true,
parentFolderKey: {
type: String,
required: false,
isActive: {
type: Boolean,
default: true,
required: false,
}, {
timestamps: true,
Maybe your problem is caused due to asynchronous behaviour.
To be more specific, I think that by the time you call the "scan"-function-chain the body-request has not been finished. However, due to the nature of Hoisting, the object "companyInfo" was already being initialised before you enter the function-call.
Therefore, you may get the specified "TypeMismatch"-error.
Could you please try implementing the following async/await-structure and tell me if this helps:'/getFuelingStatus', async (req, res) => {
var companyInfo = await req.body;
try {
console.log(typeof vehicleMasterModel);
vehicleMasterModel.scan("customer_account_number").eq(companyInfo.customerId).exec((error, results) => {
if (error) {
} else {
} catch (error) {

Filtering documents by objects in an array

I have an array of strings in my schema, and I'm trying to filter documents depending on their arrays containing certain strings or not. Below is my schema, where the ingredients array is what I'm trying to filter by:
const foodSchema = mongoose.Schema({
name: {
type: String,
required: true,
trim: true,
ingredients: [
type: String,
required: true,
trim: true,
In nodejs, I have the following inside my express router:
router.get('/food', auth, async (req, res) => {
const match = {};
if ( { =;
if (req.query.ingredients) {
match.ingredients = req.query.ingredients;
try {
const allFood = await Food.find(match);
} catch (error) {
Here's an example request being sent:
{{url}}/food?ingredients=Salmon Meal&ingredients=Deboned Turkey
I would expect to get all food documents where their ingredients array contain both Salmon Meal and Deboned Turkey, but I always get an empty array. The casing is correct. If I just use one ingredient in the query, it works fine.
Use $all
match.ingredients = { $all: req.query.ingredients };
Use $in
if (req.query.ingredients && req.query.ingredients.length > 0) {
match.ingredients = { $in: req.query.ingredients };

Mongoose reports no error on updating, but does not update

losing my mind here for something for a MongoDB document update with Mongoose, not reporting any error but not actually updating successfully.
I have this schema:
* Branch Schema
let BranchSchema = new Schema({
name: String,
domain: String,
email: String,
bm: { type: Schema.ObjectId, ref: 'User' },
st: [{ type: Schema.ObjectId, ref: 'User' }],
stockCurrent: {
paper: Schema.Types.Object,
ink: Schema.Types.Object
stockNeeded: {
paper: Schema.Types.Object,
ink: Schema.Types.Object
}, { versionKey: false, usePushEach: true });
mongoose.model('Branch', BranchSchema);
Trying to update stockCurrent, using this logic:
Branch.findById(, function (err, branch) {
if (err) {
message: 'הסניף לא נמצא'
} else {
Object.keys(req.body.stock).forEach(function (type) {
Object.keys(req.body.stock[type]).forEach(function (code) {
if (req.body.stock[type][code] > 0) {
if (typeof branch.stockCurrent[type][code] === 'undefined') {
branch.stockCurrent[type][code] = 0;
branch.stockCurrent[type][code] += req.body.stock[type][code];
console.log(branch); (err, updated) {
console.log("err: " + err);
if (err) {
message: 'שגיאה בשמירת מלאי'
} else {
message: 'מלאי נוסף בהצלחה'
I get to to success part, having my console log this:
"name":"בצלאל ארכיטקטורה",
"name":"בצלאל ארכיטקטורה",
"name":"בצלאל ארכיטקטורה",
I can see the here the initial state, the updated version before saving, and the the err:null, and the allegedly updated document.
but alas! the document wasn't really updated. it remains the same.
I have tried many things, searching and looking for similar cases, checking my schema, adding useStrict:false to the schema, nothing helps.
Mongoose ver 4.13.20, Mongodb ver 3.6.17
I'm guessing the SchemaTypes are the problem? In Mongoose 4.x, these are the only valid SchemaTypes:
Notice that Mixed is an option but not Object. You need to tell Mongoose that you updated a Mixed field using model.markModified('pathName'). See the Mixed docs.
So in your case, the code below may fix the issue:
branch.markModified('stockCurrent'); (err, updated) {
// ...

Update with $PUSH is not working in Mongoose + Express + Node

This Code is fetching JSON data from an API service correctly but not updating a nested document in MongoDB, Almost tried everthing
api.squad(matchid, function(datapack) {
var data = JSON.parse(datapack);
for (var i = 0; i < data.squad.length; i++) {
players = data.squad[i].players;
for(var j = 0; j < players.length; j++){
console.log(players[j]); // Working Fine Till here , Data from api showing here in console
var player = { pid: players[j].pid, name: players[j].name };
{ leagueId: leagueId },
{$push: {players: player} } // This Update is Not Working
The Schema Is As Follows for the code.
// Squad Players -- Sub Schema of Squad
var squadPlayersSchema = mongoose.Schema({
type: Number,
required: true
type: String,
required: true
type: String,
type: Number,
type: String,
status : {
// Squad Schema
var squadSchema = mongoose.Schema({
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref :'leagueModel',
required: true
players : [squadPlayersSchema],
isLaunched : {
var squads = module.exports = mongoose.model('squads', squadSchema);
Pls help this thing has just refused to work. The update query is just working fine in MongoDB GUI Studio3T Shell
Example Of a demo query run in Studio3T and works fine and updates the document with the code above doesn't.
{ "leagueId": ObjectId("5a85900d8b3b30165875ff0d") },
"$push": {
"players": { pid: 1234567, name: "Some Name" }
Use $each with $addToSet as follows:
api.squad(leagueId, datapack => {
const data = JSON.parse(datapack);
let updates = []; // array to hold updates promises
data.squad.forEach(squad => { // iterate the data.squad array to get the players list
let promise = squadModel.findOneAndUpdate(
{ leagueId: leagueId },
{ '$addToSet': { 'players': { '$each': squad.players } } },
{ 'upsert': true }
); // update operation as a promise
Promise.all(updates).then(console.log).catch(console.error); // resolves when all of the updates promises have resolved
