How do I mount an already existing php app to an empty azure php web app - azure

Ok so I created an empty php web app in Azure, and I already have an existing php app that I have only tested locally, question is: How do I "transfer" that app to that empty php web app I created in Azure?

To migrate your existing PHP app to Azure Web Apps, you might need to do the following things:
Deploy all files of your PHP app to a virtual directory's root (D:\home\site\wwwroot) using FTP or source control:
Deploy your app to Azure App Service using FTP/S
Local Git Deployment to Azure App Service
Configure PHP in Azure App Service Web Apps
Azure Web Apps run on Microsoft IIS. If you have ever had your project run on Apache Web server, you also need to translate .htaccess ontent to IIS web.config.


Azure: change an existing Windows Web App to a Linux Web App (docker)

I have an existing Windows Web App in Azure which I want to migrate to a Linux (docker) Web App. It is easy to setup a new Linux Web App with a new URI and that all works. However, I need to preserve the existing URI ( that I have on the Windows Web App and use it in the Linux Web App.
Any downtime is not acceptable, so I cannot just "test" if I can remove the current Windows Web App and "re-use" the same URI.
Created ASP.Net Core Web App and deployed to Azure Windows App Service.
Tried to deploy the same Web App to Linux App Service(Docker), got the below warning.
Tried to continue the steps to provide the configuration access to docker container, got the below error.
For the apps which we want to deploy in Azure Linux Docker, we need to Enable Docker and provide Docker OS , which is not required for Azure Windows App Service.
remove the current Windows Web App and "re-use" the same URI.
It is suggested to create a new App Service Plan and deploy to Linux App (Docker).

Is a node.js app running on express.js hosted in Azure using IIS?

I'm working on a app that is hosted in Azure.
The app is a web-app based on node.js/express.js.
Is it running on/in a IIS server since it is hosted in Azure?
My app does not use the iisnode package. But i wonder if it is inherently running on IIS since it is hosted in Azure?
Also: As i understand at the moment, IIS-express and express.js is two completely different environments for hosting web-servers.....?
Just according to your description, it seems that you were talking about hosting a node App based on express.js to Azure WebApp for Windows.
Yes for hosting Node.js app in IIS on Azure WebApp for Windows, you need to use iisnode (a native IIS module) to host node.js applications with the web.config file in IIS on Windows. For more details, you can refer to the wiki page iisnode wiki of GitHub repo Azure/iisnode to know what iisnode is, and to know how to host it with a web.config file in IIS via the other wiki page Using a custom web.config for Node apps of GitHub repo projectkudu/kudu.
However, No for Azure WebApp for Windows, because you also can use IIS as a reverse proxy server to handle a Node app via the default port %HTTP_PLATFORM_PORT% specified by Azure WebApp like the blog Running java jar file to serve web requests on Azure App Service Web Apps for Java said. But generally, it's not a recommended way.
Meanwhile, No for hosting Node app on other Azure services, such as Azure WebApp for Liunx, Azure VM, or Azure Container services, these services based on Linux do not require IIS, so the iisnode module also be not absolute required.

Azure Devops Deploy website(not webapp)

I want to configure Azure DevOps to deploy code (website) from git repository to my on premise server.
For ASP.NET Website you should first pushed the entire code from local to Azure DevOps.
Then create a Build Definition in Azure DevOps to build your project.
Some steps for your reference:
Install IIS Web App Deployment Using WinRM extension since you want to deploy app to your web server
2 . Add Windows Machine File Copy step to copy files to your web server
Add WinRM-IIS Web App Management step to create or update web site in IIS
Add WinRM-IIS Web App Deployment step to deploy app to web site (step 4)
You could also take a look at this thread: Automated Deployement of ASP.Net MVC Website In IIS server with a Continuous Deployment

How to setup iis in Azure web app service with Net Core 2 app?

I develop simple Web Api on Net Core 2 and add Angular app to it (inside wwwroot folder) and publish it from my VS 2017 IDE to Azure Web App Service. All work fine, but when I reload page of my app in browser, server can't find route. So It often happens when iis not setup for SPA, It's described in, I must configure the server to return the application's host page (index.html) when asked for a file that it does not have. How I can setup server node of iis in Azure Web App Service (web.config in Net Core 2 was deleted).
I am afraid you cannot achieve this.
Cause: Azure App Services runs IIS so it behaves mostly the same as local IIS, routing requests using a native module called AspNetCoreModule. So, it needs your published web.config file. Even though you deleted the web.config file, Azure would also generate a new web.config file to be used.(Though I don't understand why you delete the web.config file)
Even you can upload the web.config file to Azure again, I'm afraid of that it will be ignored and doesn't work. So, I suggest you redeploy your website which contains web.config file to Azure and configure it well.
Additional: Azure Web App service is a kind of PaaS. So, if you want to install IIS manually, you can choose to host your website on a Windows Azure VM.

Add website to Azure Cloud Service

We are currently in the process of building a website on azure. At this moment I have a cloud service that is hosting my web api. Deploying to azure works like a charm.
Besides this project we have a pure HTML AngularJS project. I can publish this website as a WebApp. Though, is it possible to deploy it together with the web api?
You can deploy the second one as a Virtual Application/ Directory (Remember to check the Application check box):
You can use this link on how to publish to Root App as well as Virtual directory in your Azure subscription:
