Excel VBA - Highlighting Duplicate Cell Values - Paragraphs (Long Strings) - excel

I've searched the forums and found some great Excel VBA code to find and highlight duplicate cell values in a given dataset range.
However, the cell values in my dataset are paragraphs. This means some cell values in the dataset will be greater than 255 characters. When I run the code below, duplicate cells are highlighted until the code encounters a cell value greater than 255 charactions. This appears to cause the "countif" function to throw the error:
Run-time error '1004':
Unable to get CountIf property of the WorksheetFunction class
Any ideas on how to pass a Cell.Value greater than 255 characters to CountIf, or another idea to compare cell values greater than 255 characters to highlight duplicates?
Sub findDuplicates()
Const headRow As Integer = 7 'row that contains the table heading row for the dataset
Dim lastRow As Integer
Dim rng As Range
With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1)
lastRow = .Range("F" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row 'finds last row in dataset
Set rng = .Range(Cells(headRow + 1, 6), Cells(lastRow, 6)) 'sets the range of the dataset between the headRow and lastRow
End With
For Each Cell In rng
If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(rng, Cell.Value) > 1 Then 'tests if there is a duplicate
Cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 6 'highlight yellow
End If
Next Cell
End Sub

To compare cell values with lengths > 255, you can loop through the range doing a cell by cell comparison.
Please read the comments in the code below for further details, and post back with any questions.
Option Explicit 'require declaration of ALL variables
'go to Tools/Options/Editor and set "Require Variable Declaration"
Option Compare Text 'for case insensitive
Sub findDuplicates()
'Use Long instead of integer
' Plenty of articles as to why
Const headRow As Long = 7 'row that contains the table heading row for the dataset
Dim lastRow As Long
Dim rng As Range
Dim Counter As Long
Dim V As Variant, I As Long, J As Long
Dim COLL As Collection
With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1)
lastRow = .Range("F" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row 'finds last row in dataset
Set rng = .Range(Cells(headRow + 1, 6), Cells(lastRow, 6)) 'sets the range of the dataset between the headRow and lastRow
End With
'Read range into vba array for faster processing
V = rng
'loop through the array to do the count
Set COLL = New Collection 'collect the duplicate cell addresses
For I = 1 To UBound(V, 1)
Counter = 0
For J = 2 To UBound(V, 1)
If V(J, 1) = V(I, 1) Then 'duplicate
Counter = Counter + 1
If Counter > 1 Then
On Error Resume Next 'avoid duplicate addresses in the collection
COLL.Add Item:=rng(I).Address, Key:=rng(I).Address
On Error GoTo 0
End If
End If
Next J
Next I
'highlight the relevant cells
rng.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
For Each V In COLL
Range(V).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
Next V
End Sub

I propose to convert long text into some numeric value. See my function:
Function UnicodeVal(str As String) As Double
Dim l As Long
Dim dblV As Double
dblV = 1
For l = 1 To Len(str)
If l Mod 2 Then
dblV = dblV * AscW(Mid(str, l, 1))
dblV = dblV / AscW(Mid(str, l, 1))
End If
UnicodeVal = dblV
Next l
The function multiply and divides Unicode values of all character in the string and returns the score. Because it is multiplying for even numbers and dividing for odd, it is immuned from typos like "hoem" instead of "home". It is unlikely that the score will be the same in case of long strings, I think.
You can use this function in place of direct comparisons.


VBA loop until the last column and increase value in column by 1

I am working on a project where I need to populate the column headings with incremental values (increased by 1) until the Last Column.
The code is working OK but the value in the column headings is NOT increased by 1. It is just taking the original value and place it over all columns.
Could you help me?
My code so far:
Sub LastColumn_PopulateHeadings()
'Declare variable for Last row (Prior FY)
Dim LastColumn As Integer
Dim i As Integer
'Find the last Column used
LastColumn = Range("XFD4").End(xlToLeft).Column
'populate headings with column values UNTIL LAST COLUMN
' Loop to populate the heading until LAST column
i = 8
Do While i < LastColumn
'MsgBox (LastColumn)
Cells(4, i).Value = Cells(4, i).Value + 1
i = i + 1
End Sub
I find your code a little strange, but probably i am missing something. Anyway this one should work:
Sub LastColumn_PopulateHeadings()
'Declare variable for Last row (Prior FY)
Dim LastColumn As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim IntCounter01 As Integer '<<<<<<ADDED LINE (1 of 3)
'Find the last Column used
LastColumn = Range("XFD4").End(xlToLeft).Column
'populate headings with column values UNTIL LAST COLUMN
' Loop to populate the heading until LAST column
i = 8
IntCounter01 = 1 '<<<<<<ADDED LINE (2 of 3)
Do While i < LastColumn
'MsgBox (LastColumn)
Cells(4, i).Value = IntCounter01
i = i + 1
IntCounter01 = IntCounter01 + 1 '<<<<<<ADDED LINE (3 of 3)
End Sub
I took your code and added 3 lines. You could also use a For-Next cycle instead of using a Do-While-Loop cycle since you already know your maximal value. Something like:
For i = i To LastColumn - 1
Cells(4, i).Value = IntCounter01
IntCounter01 = IntCounter01 + 1
You could also use a formula to cover your range instead of picking each cell one by one. Like this:
Sub LastColumn_PopulateHeadings()
Dim IntFirstColumn As Integer
Dim IntLastColumn As Integer
Dim IntRow As Integer
Dim IntFirstValue
Dim RngRange01 As Range
'Setting variables.
IntFirstValue = 1
IntRow = 4
IntFirstColumn = 8
IntLastColumn = Range("XFD4").End(xlToLeft).Column
'Setting first value in the first cell.
Cells(IntRow, IntFirstColumn).Value = IntFirstValue
'Setting RngRange01.
Set RngRange01 = Range(Cells(IntRow, IntFirstColumn + 1), Cells(IntRow, IntLastColumn - 1))
'Setting formulas in RngRange01.
RngRange01.FormulaR1C1 = "=RC[-1]+1"
'Copy-pasting the values in RngRange01.
RngRange01.Value = RngRange01.Value
End Sub

Setting cell equal to random value if cell isn't blank in range

At a high level I am trying to set a cell equal to a random cell within a range. The issue I am having is that in this range I want to pull a random Value from, the Value I am taking is the result of an 'if' expression that either sets the cell to a Value or "". So when I chose the random value I only want to choose cells that have an actual value, not the "".
Does anyone know how to get this expected behavior?
The code below shows what I have tried currently, each large block is commented to help with understanding. The block I need help with replaces the values in each column until the next cell is blank then moves to the next column.
upperBound = 1798
lowerBound = 2
'This loop section populates the data area with a static value in cell 9,3 then 9,4 etc..
For j = 3 To 15
val = Cells(9, j).Value
For i = 1 To val
Cells(12 + i, j).Value = Cells(9, j)
Next i
Next j
'This loop section uses the cells already populated down each column and replaces that value with the random value from the other range
Dim x As Integer
' Set numrows = number of rows of data.
For j = 3 To 15
NumRows = Range(Cells(13, j), Cells(13, j).End(xlDown)).Rows.Count
' Select cell 13,j.
Cells(13, j).Select
' Establish "For" loop to loop "numrows" number of times.
For x = 1 To NumRows
ActiveCell.Value = Worksheets("2017 Role IDs").Cells(Int((upperBound - lowerBound + 1) * Rnd + lowerBound), 2).Value
' Selects cell down 1 row from active cell.
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
Next j
This is the data before the second block runs. I want to replace the values that just match the number in the second row with the random number in the range:
This is what I would like to look like:
But currently it looks like this because the random selector is taking blank values:
Something like this should work for you:
Sub tgr()
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim wsNums As Worksheet
Dim wsDest As Worksheet
Dim aData As Variant
Dim vData As Variant
Dim aNums() As Double
Dim aResults() As Variant
Dim lNumCount As Long
Dim lMaxRows As Long
Dim lRowCount As Long
Dim ixNum As Long
Dim ixResult As Long
Dim ixCol As Long
Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
Set wsNums = wb.Worksheets("2017 Role IDs")
Set wsDest = wb.ActiveSheet
With wsNums.Range("B2", wsNums.Cells(wsNums.Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp))
If .Row < 2 Then Exit Sub 'No data
lNumCount = WorksheetFunction.Count(.Cells)
If lNumCount = 0 Then Exit Sub 'No numbers
ReDim aNums(1 To lNumCount)
If .Cells.Count = 1 Then
ReDim aData(1 To 1, 1 To 1)
aData(1, 1) = .Value
aData = .Value
End If
'Load populated numeric cells into the aNums array
For Each vData In aData
If Len(vData) > 0 And IsNumeric(vData) Then
ixNum = ixNum + 1
aNums(ixNum) = vData
End If
Next vData
End With
lMaxRows = Application.Max(wsDest.Range("C9:O9"))
If lMaxRows = 0 Then Exit Sub 'Row count not populated in row 9 for each column
ReDim aResults(1 To WorksheetFunction.Max(wsDest.Range("C9:O9")), 1 To 13)
'Populate each column accordingly and pull a random number from aNums
For ixCol = 1 To UBound(aResults, 2)
If IsNumeric(wsDest.Cells(9, ixCol + 2).Value) Then
For ixResult = 1 To CLng(wsDest.Cells(9, ixCol + 2).Value)
aResults(ixResult, ixCol) = aNums(Int(Rnd() * lNumCount) + 1)
Next ixResult
End If
Next ixCol
wsDest.Range("C13").Resize(UBound(aResults, 1), UBound(aResults, 2)).Value = aResults
End Sub

Paste incremental values in VBA

How can I run a loop in VBA so that the sequence looks like in green an pink color?
Because when I use this code is actually just paste all number 1. not increase.
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Main").Range("E2:E" & iLast).FillDown
This may not be the cleanest way, but it will do the trick.
Sub InsertSequenceAndColours()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim rng As Range
Dim iLast As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim iSeq As Integer
Dim iColRGB(2, 3) As Integer
Dim iIncremColour As Integer 'used to determine the colour to use
Dim iColour As Integer
'set RGB Colours; change as needed
'colour 0 (green)
iColRGB(0, 1) = 146
iColRGB(0, 2) = 208
iColRGB(0, 3) = 80
'colour 1 (pink)
iColRGB(1, 1) = 255
iColRGB(1, 2) = 225
iColRGB(1, 3) = 236
'change to 0 if you want to start with colour 1 (pink)
iIncremColour = 1
'declare worksheet to work on
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(Sheet1.Name)
With ws
'find last row
iLast = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "C").End(xlUp).Row
'loop through column C
For i = 2 To iLast
iSeq = iSeq + 1
If .Cells(i, 3).Value <> .Cells(i - 1, 3).Value Then
iSeq = 1
iIncremColour = iIncremColour + 1
End If
'assign Seq. No. to cell (column E)
.Cells(i, 5).Value = iSeq
'find if iIncremColor is odd or even. output: 0 or 1
iColour = iIncremColour Mod 2
'assign colour to col C D E
.Range(Cells(i, 3), Cells(i, 5)).Interior.Color = _
RGB(iColRGB(iColour, 1), iColRGB(iColour, 2), iColRGB(iColour, 3))
Next i
End With
End Sub
It finds out the Seq "1" (Col E) by finding the first occurrence of "No" (Col C); Seq "2, 3" are just incremental (so it will work also with more than 3 occurrences).
Same with colour. For each "Seq 1" it increments a number; by checking if this number is odd or even it assign one colour or the other.
Please Note I use worksheet codename to work (if you're not familiar with it, please google it), which I strongly advise since it will work even if you decide to change the name of your worksheet in excel.
When VBA requests to work with worksheet name or index, you can trick it by using codename.Name or codename.Index.
Approach via array
You can fill an array and write it back to your target range:
Sub FlexibleRange()
Dim ws As Worksheet: Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Main") ' << change to your sheet name
Dim start As Long, last As Long, i As Long ' declare variables
start = 2: last = 100 ' <~~ change to your individual rows
Dim v: ReDim v(start To last, 1 To 1) ' variant datafield array, counter
For i = start To last
v(i, 1) = (i - start) Mod 3 + 1 ' assign values
Next i
ws.Range("E" & start & ":E" & last) = v ' write numbers to column E
End Sub
I got to solve it.
i use this formula
Thank's you all..appreciate your help. <3

Split cell values into multiple rows and keep other data

I have values in column B separated by commas. I need to split them into new rows and keep the other data the same.
I have a variable number of rows.
I don't know how many values will be in the cells in Column B, so I need to loop over the array dynamically.
ColA ColB ColC ColD
Monday A,B,C Red Email
ColA ColB ColC ColD
Monday A Red Email
Monday B Red Email
Monday C Red Email
Have tried something like:
colArray = Split(ws.Cells(i, 2).Value, ", ")
For i = LBound(colArray) To UBound(colArray)
Next i
Try this, you can easily adjust it to your actual sheet name and column to split.
Sub splitByColB()
Dim r As Range, i As Long, ar
Set r = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("B999999").End(xlUp)
Do While r.row > 1
ar = Split(r.value, ",")
If UBound(ar) >= 0 Then r.value = ar(0)
For i = UBound(ar) To 1 Step -1
r.Offset(1).value = ar(i)
Set r = r.Offset(-1)
End Sub
You can also just do it in place by using a Do loop instead of a For loop. The only real trick is to just manually update your row counter every time you insert a new row. The "static" columns that get copied are just a simple matter of caching the values and then writing them to the inserted rows:
Dim workingRow As Long
workingRow = 2
With ActiveSheet
Do While Not IsEmpty(.Cells(workingRow, 2).Value)
Dim values() As String
values = Split(.Cells(workingRow, 2).Value, ",")
If UBound(values) > 0 Then
Dim colA As Variant, colC As Variant, colD As Variant
colA = .Cells(workingRow, 1).Value
colC = .Cells(workingRow, 3).Value
colD = .Cells(workingRow, 4).Value
For i = LBound(values) To UBound(values)
If i > 0 Then
.Rows(workingRow).Insert xlDown
End If
.Cells(workingRow, 1).Value = colA
.Cells(workingRow, 2).Value = values(i)
.Cells(workingRow, 3).Value = colC
.Cells(workingRow, 4).Value = colD
workingRow = workingRow + 1
workingRow = workingRow + 1
End If
End With
This will do what you want.
Option Explicit
Const ANALYSIS_ROW As String = "B"
Const DATA_START_ROW As Long = 1
Sub ReplicateData()
Dim iRow As Long
Dim lastrow As Long
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim iSplit() As String
Dim iIndex As Long
Dim iSize As Long
'Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
With ThisWorkbook
.Worksheets("Sheet4").Copy After:=.Worksheets("Sheet4")
Set ws = ActiveSheet
End With
With ws
lastrow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, ANALYSIS_ROW).End(xlUp).Row
End With
For iRow = lastrow To DATA_START_ROW Step -1
iSplit = Split(ws.Cells(iRow, ANALYSIS_ROW).Value2, ",")
iSize = UBound(iSplit) - LBound(iSplit) + 1
If iSize = 1 Then GoTo Continue
ws.Rows(iRow).Resize(iSize - 1).Insert
For iIndex = LBound(iSplit) To UBound(iSplit)
ws.Cells(iRow, ANALYSIS_ROW).Offset(iIndex).Value2 = iSplit(iIndex)
Next iIndex
Next iRow
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
'Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
A formula solution is close to your requirement.
Cell G1 is the delimiter. In this case a comma.
Helper E1:=SUM(E1,LEN(B1)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(B1,$H$1,"")))+1
You must fill the above formula one row more.
Fill this formula to the right.
Fill this formula to the right and then down.
Fill down.
Numbers will be converted to Text. Of course you can remove the &"" at the end of the formula, but blank cells will be filled with 0.
Given #A.S.H.'s excellent and brief answer, the VBA function below might be a bit of an overkill, but it will hopefully be of some help to someone looking for a more "generic" solution. This method makes sure not to modify the cells to the left, to the right, or above the table of data, in case the table does not start in A1 or in case there is other data on the sheet besides the table. It also avoids copying and inserting entire rows, and it allows you to specify a separator other than a comma.
This function happens to have similarities to #ryguy72's procedure, but it does not rely on the clipboard.
Function SplitRows(ByRef dataRng As Range, ByVal splitCol As Long, ByVal splitSep As String, _
Optional ByVal idCol As Long = 0) As Boolean
SplitRows = True
Dim oldUpd As Variant: oldUpd = Application.ScreenUpdating
Dim oldCal As Variant: oldCal = Application.Calculation
On Error GoTo err_sub
'Modify application settings for the sake of speed
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
'Get the current number of data rows
Dim rowCount As Long: rowCount = dataRng.Rows.Count
'If an ID column is specified, use it to determine where the table ends by finding the first row
' with no data in that column
If idCol > 0 Then
With dataRng
rowCount = .Offset(, idCol - 1).Resize(, 1).End(xlDown).Row - .Row + 1
End With
End If
Dim splitArr() As String
Dim splitLb As Long, splitUb As Long, splitI As Long
Dim editedRowRng As Range
'Loop through the data rows to split them as needed
Dim r As Long: r = 0
Do While r < rowCount
r = r + 1
'Split the string in the specified column
splitArr = Split(dataRng.Cells(r, splitCol).Value & "", splitSep)
splitLb = LBound(splitArr)
splitUb = UBound(splitArr)
'If the string was not split into more than 1 item, skip this row
If splitUb <= splitLb Then GoTo splitRows_Continue
'Replace the unsplit string with the first item from the split
Set editedRowRng = dataRng.Resize(1).Offset(r - 1)
editedRowRng.Cells(1, splitCol).Value = splitArr(splitLb)
'Create the new rows
For splitI = splitLb + 1 To splitUb
editedRowRng.Offset(1).Insert 'Add a new blank row
Set editedRowRng = editedRowRng.Offset(1) 'Move down to the next row
editedRowRng.Offset(-1).Copy Destination:=editedRowRng 'Copy the preceding row to the new row
editedRowRng.Cells(1, splitCol).Value = splitArr(splitI) 'Place the next item from the split string
'Account for the new row in the counters
r = r + 1
rowCount = rowCount + 1
On Error Resume Next
'Resize the original data range to reflect the new, full data range
If rowCount <> dataRng.Rows.Count Then Set dataRng = dataRng.Resize(rowCount)
'Restore the application settings
If Application.ScreenUpdating <> oldUpd Then Application.ScreenUpdating = oldUpd
If Application.Calculation <> oldCal Then Application.Calculation = oldCal
Exit Function
SplitRows = False
Resume exit_sub
End Function
Function input and output
To use the above function, you would specify
the range containing the rows of data (excluding the header)
the (relative) number of the column within the range with the string to split
the separator in the string to split
the optional (relative) number of the "ID" column within the range (if a number >=1 is provided, the first row with no data in this column will be taken as the last row of data)
The range object passed in the first argument will be modified by the function to reflect the range of all the new data rows (including all inserted rows). The function returns True if no errors were encountered, and False otherwise.
For the range illustrated in the original question, the call would look like this:
SplitRows Range("A2:C2"), 2, ","
If the same table started in F5 instead of A1, and if the data in column G (i.e. the data that would fall in column B if the table started in A1) was separated by Alt-Enters instead of commas, the call would look like this:
SplitRows Range("F6:H6"), 2, vbLf
If the table contained the row header plus 10 rows of data (instead of 1), and if it started in F5 again, the call would look like this:
SplitRows Range("F6:H15"), 2, vbLf
If there was no certainty about the number of rows, but we knew that all the valid rows are contiguous and always have a value in column H (i.e. the 3rd column in the range), the call could look something like this:
SplitRows Range("F6:H1048576"), 2, vbLf, 3
In Excel 95 or lower, you would have to change "1048576" to "16384", and in Excel 97-2003, to "65536".

Dynamic contacenation of cell values in dynamic range of columns in 4 different rows

Goal: I want to build 4 different strings with method Contagenation. I have a dynamic count of columns (column 4 to maxCol) in each of 4 rows (row 32 to row 35) in sheet ("Calc"). The 4 different strings should be stored in another sheet ("CreateColumns")in cells (A1, A2, A3, A4)
Problem: I have coded the following code to achieve that goal but in sheet ("CreateColumns") each of the 4 rows are filled with the same value = last value of row 35 in sheet("Calc") and not with the 4 different values as intended.
Question: What is the error in my code?
Sub CreateColumns()
Dim maxCol As Integer
Dim x As String
Dim rng As Range
Dim cel As Range
Dim i As Long
Dim row As Long
Dim y As Long
maxCol = Cells(32, columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).column
For row = 32 To 35
Cells(row, 4).Activate
For i = 4 To maxCol
With Worksheets("Calc")
Set rng = Range(.Cells(row, 4), .Cells(row, maxCol))
End With
x = ""
For Each cel In rng
x = x & cel.Value
For y = 1 To 4
Sheets("ColCreate").Cells(y, 1).Value = x
End Sub
The issue in your code is that the part where you paste to sheet "ColCreate" is a bit out of place - it should occur once for each occurence of your outermost loop, alongside the "y" increment
I have slightly amended your code below, should provide the expected result
Sub CreateColumns()
Dim maxCol As Integer
Dim x As String
Dim rng As Range
Dim cel As Range
Dim i As Long
Dim row As Long
Dim y As Long
maxCol = Cells(32, Columns.count).End(xlToLeft).Column
y = 1
For row = 32 To 35
Cells(row, 4).Activate
For i = 4 To maxCol
With Worksheets("Calc")
Set rng = Range(.Cells(row, 4), .Cells(row, maxCol))
End With
x = ""
For Each cel In rng
x = x & cel.Value
Sheets("ColCreate").Cells(y, 1).Value = x
y = y + 1
End Sub
