How to use the Modx #EVAL binding in a Resource List TV's Parents field? - modx

Exactly as the title says, I am trying to use an #EVAL binding to create a dynamic list of parent resources depending on the current context. According to the docs it should be:
#EVAL return $modx->runSnippet('testSnipett');
But that is not working, for testing purposes all I have in the snippett is:
$modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,'Test snipett running');
echo 201;
return 201;
nothing happens, nothing gets logged either - which I would expect if the script gets executed.
Anyone know how to do this correctly?


DialogFlow follow up triggers empty response

I have a DialogFlow intent follow up that I'm having a hard time with. It's the only follow up to my main intent, and the issue I'm having is that when
the array is empty it doesn't trigger the conv.ask statement in the else case and causes DialogFlow to throw an empty speech response error. The code looks something like this:
app.intent('metro_timetable - yes', async (conv: any) => {
const incidents = await serviceIncidents.getIncidents();
if ( > 0) {
conv.ask('I have incidents')
} else {
`I wasn't able to understand your request, could you please say that again?`
}); gets stored in the global scope, and is set deep within
the metro_timetable intent. It stores an incident for the follow up. Because all yes responses trigger the follow up I setup an else case so it catches it if someone says yes when metro_timetable doesn't understand their original request and asks them to repeat it. If actually has information to share the dialog triggers correctly and I have incidents is correctly read to the user.
In DialogFlow it looks something like this. Where am I going wrong here?
Your description is a little convoluted how actually gets set, but it sounds possible that instead of it being set to an empty array, it isn't set at all. In this case, I suspect that the following happened: would be undefined
Trying to evaluate would cause an error
Since the program crashes, your webhook doesn't return a result. Since you probably didn't set a result in the UI for the intent, an empty result was returned.
You can probably solve this by doing a test such as (for example)
incidents && && > 0
Your other issue, however, seems to be that you have a Followup Intent set for a scenario where you don't actually want that as the followup. This is one of the reasons you probably shouldn't use Followup Intents but, instead, only set a context when you send a response where that context would make sense, and look for the "Yes" response in the context you define. Then, when metro_timetable doesn't understand the request, you don't set the context and you give an error.
To do this, you would remove the automatically generated metro_timetable-followup context from the two Intents. You'll create your own context, which I'll name timetable for purposes of this example.
In the fulfillment for the metro_timetable Intent, if you respond with something that needs confirmation (ie - when "yes" will be something the user says), you would set the timetable context with something like
conv.ask('Are you sure?');
You can then create an Intent that checks for timetable as the Incoming Context and has training phrases that are equivalent to "yes". In that Intent, you'd do what you need to and respond.

Where to initialize extension related data

am a newbie, trying to write some basics extension. For my extension to work i need to initialize some data, so what I did is inside my background.js i declared something like this.
localStorage["frequency"] = 1; //I want one as Default value. This line is not inside any method, its just the first line of the file background.js
Users can goto Options page and change this above variable to any value using the GUI. As soon as the user changes it in UI am updating that value.
Now the problem is to my understanding background.js reloads everytime the machine is restarted. So every time I restart my machine and open Chrome the frequency value is changed back to 1. In order to avoid this where I need to initialize this value?
You could just use a specific default key. So if frequency is not set you would try default-frequency. The default keys are then still set or defined in the background.js.
I like to do that in one step, in a function like this
function storageGet(key,defaultValue){
var item = localstorage.getItem(key);
if(item === null)return defaultValue;
else return item;
(According to the specification localstorage must return null if no value has been set.)
So for your case it would look something like
var f = storageGet("frequency",1);
Furthermore you might be interested in checking out the API. It's used similar to localstorage but provides additional functionalities which might be useful for your extension. In particular it supports to synchronize the user data across different chrome browsers.
edit I changed the if statement in regard to apsillers objection. But since the specification says it's ought to be null, I think it makes sense to check for that instead of undefined.
This is another solution:
// background.js
function initializeDefaultValues() {
if (localStorage.getItem('default_values_initialized')) {
// set default values for your variable here
localStorage.setItem('frequency', 1);
localStorage.setItem('default_values_initialized', true);
I think the problem lies with your syntax. To get and set your localStorage values try using this:
// to set
localStorage.setItem("frequency", 1);
// to get

Scraping URLs from a node.js data stream on the fly

I am working with a node.js project (using Wikistream as a basis, so not totally my own code) which streams real-time wikipedia edits. The code breaks each edit down into its component parts and stores it as an object (See the gist at One of the parts is a URL. I am wondering if it is possible, when parsing each edit, to scrape the URL for each edit that shows the differences between the pre-edited and post edited wikipedia page, grab the difference (inside a span class called 'diffchange diffchange-inline', for example) and add that as another property of the object. Right not it could just be a string, does not have to be fully structured.
I've tried using nodeio and have some code like this (i am specifically trying to only scrape edits that have been marked in the comments (m[6]) as possible vandalism):
if (m[6].match(/vandal/) && namespace === "article"){
this.getHtml(m[3], function(err, $){
//console.log('getting HTML, boss.');
var output = [];
vandalContent = output.toString();
} else {
vandalContent = "no content";
When it hits the conditional statement it scrapes one time and then the program closes out. It does not store the desired content as a property of the object. If the condition is not met, it does store a vandalContent property set to "no content".
What I am wondering is: Is it even possible to scrape like this on the fly? is the scraping bogging the program down? Are there other suggested ways to get a similar result?
I haven't used nodeio yet, but the signature looks to be an async callback, so from the program flow perspective, that happens in the background and therefore does not block the next statement from occurring (next statement being whatever is outside your if block).
It looks like you're trying to do it sequentially, which means you need to either rethink what you want your callback to do or else force it to be sequential by putting the whole thing in a while loop that exits only when you have vandalcontent (which I wouldn't recommend).
For a test, try doing a console.log on your vandalContent in the callback and see what it spits out.

Real time Prefix matching and auto-complete in Quora

How is real time autocomplete with prefix matching implemented in Quora ?
Since Solr and Sphinx doesn't support real-time updating so what changes were made to support real time updating?
Looks like it's done using javascript and jquery. I grabbed a few key lines from the minified script on the Quora homepage that I think support this theory:
Here's an ajax call to a resource providing JSON data:
$.ajax({type:"GET",url:this.resultsQueryPath,dataType:"json",data:a,success:this.fnbind(ƒ(a){this.ajaxCallback(a)}),error:this.fnbind(ƒ(a,b,c){console.log(b,c),this.requestOutstanding=!1,this.$("##results_shell").html("Could not retrieve results: "+b)})})}
note that the successful result gets put into the "a" variable. Then later here's the autocompletion based on the keydown of the "question_box" element which is completing from the parent of "a"
this.$ ("##item input.question_box").keydown (ƒ (b) {
if (b.keyCode==9&&!b.shiftKey)for (var c=e.getLiveDomId (a.cid),d=a.parent ().orderedVisibleChildren (),f\^M=0;f<d.length-1;++f)if (c==d [f]) {
$ (this).blur (),$ ("#"+d [f+1]+" input.question_box").focus ();return!1}
I think this is pretty incontrovertible, but it would still be nice to have the un-minified script to compare. For instance I can't see where resultsQueryPath comes from (I can't locate it's source, may be intentionally obfuscated).

Drupal - Security check all site paths by role

I'm writing this in the forlorn hope that someone has already done something similar. I would have posted on - but that site is about as user-friendly as a kick in the tomatoes.
I don't know about you, but when I develop I leave all my Drupal paths with open access, and then think about locking them down with access permissions at the end.
What would be be really useful is a module which parses all the paths available (by basically deconstructing the contents of the menu_router table) and then trying them (curl?) in turn whilst logged-in as a given user with a given set of roles.
The output would be a simple html page saying which paths are accessible and which are not.
I'm almost resigned to doing this myself, but if anyone knows of anything vaguely similar I'd be more than grateful to hear about it.
Following a great idea from Yorirou, I knocked together a simple module to provide the output I was looking for.
You can get the code here:
My first attempt would be a function like this:
function check_paths($uid) {
global $user;
$origuser = $user;
$user = user_load($uid);
$paths = array();
foreach(array_keys(module_invoke_all('menu')) as $path) {
$result = menu_execute_active_handler($path);
if($result != MENU_ACCESS_DENIED && $result != MENU_NOT_FOUND) {
$paths[$path] = TRUE;
else {
$paths[$path] = FALSE;
$user = $origuser;
return $paths;
This is good for a first time, but it can't handle wildcard paths (% in the menu path). Loading all possible values can be an option, but it doesn't work in all cases. For instance, if you have %node for example, then you can use node_load, but if you have just %, then you have no idea what to load. Also, it is a common practice to omit the last argument, which is a variable, in order to correctly handle if no argument is given (eg. display all elements).
Also, it might be a good idea to integrate this solution with the Drupal's testing system.
I did a bit of research and wasn't able to find anything. Though I'm inclined to think there is a way to check path access through Drupal API as opposed to CURL - but please keep me updated on your progress / let me know if you would like help developing. This would a great addition to the Drupal modules.
