In Spark Streaming how to process old data and delete processed Data - apache-spark

We are running a Spark streaming job that retrieves files from a directory (using textFileStream).
One concern we are having is the case where the job is down but files are still being added to the directory.
Once the job starts up again, those files are not being picked up (since they are not new or changed while the job is running) but we would like them to be processed.
1) Is there a solution for that? Is there a way to keep track what files have been processed and can we "force" older files to be picked up?
2) Is there a way to delete the processed files?

The article below pretty much covers all your questions.
1) Is there a solution for that? Is there a way to keep track what files have been processed and can we "force" older files to be picked up?
Stream reader initiates batch window using the system clock when a job/application is launched. Apparently all the files created before would be ignored. Try enabling checkpointing.
2) Is there a way to delete the processed files?
Deleting files might be unnecessary. If checkpointing works, the files not being processed are identified by Spark. If for some reason the files are to be deleted, implement a custom input format and reader (please refer article) to capture the file name and use this information as appropriate. But I wouldn't recommend this approach.

Is there a way to delete the processed files?
In my experience, I canĀ“t get to work the checkpointing feature so I had to delete/move the processed files that have entered each batch.
The way for getting those files is a bit tricky, but basically we can say that they are ancestors (dependencies) of the current RDD. What I use then, is a recursive method that crawls that structure and recovers the names of the RDDs that begin with hdfs.
* Recursive method to extract original metadata files involved in this batch.
* #param rdd Each RDD created for each batch.
* #return All HDFS files originally read.
def extractSourceHDFSFiles(rdd: RDD[_]): Set[String] = {
def extractSourceHDFSFilesWithAcc(rdd: List[RDD[_]]) : Set[String] = {
rdd match {
case Nil => Set()
case head :: tail => {
val name = head.toString()
if (name.startsWith("hdfs")){
Set(name.split(" ")(0)) ++ extractSourceHDFSFilesWithAcc( ++ extractSourceHDFSFilesWithAcc(tail)
else {
extractSourceHDFSFilesWithAcc( ++ extractSourceHDFSFilesWithAcc(tail)
So, in the forEachRDD method you can easily invoke it:
stream.forEachRDD(rdd -> {
val filesInBatch = extractSourceHDFSFiles(rdd)"Files to be processed:")
// Process them
// Delete them when you are done

The answer to your second question,
It is now possible in Spark 3. You can use "cleanSource" option for readStream.
Thanks to documentation and this video
After searching for many hours, finally got the solution


Where are the spark intermediate files stored on the disk?

During a shuffle, the mappers dump their outputs to the local disk from where it gets picked up by the reducers. Where exactly on the disk are those files dumped? I am running pyspark cluster on YARN.
What I have tried so far:
I think the possible locations where the intermediate files could be are (In the decreasing order of likelihood):
hadoop/spark/tmp. As per the documentation at the LOCAL_DIRS env variable that gets defined by the yarn.
However, post starting the cluster (I am passing master --yarn) I couldn't find any LOCAL_DIRS env variable using os.environ but, I can see SPARK_LOCAL_DIRS which should happen only in case of mesos or standalone as per the documentation (Any idea why that might be the case?). Anyhow, my SPARK_LOCAL_DIRS is hadoop/spark/tmp
tmp. Default value of spark.local.dir
/home/username. I have tried sending custom value to spark.local.dir while starting the pyspark using --conf spark.local.dir=/home/username
hadoop/yarn/nm-local-dir. This is the value of yarn.nodemanager.local-dirs property in yarn-site.xml
I am running the following code and checking for any intermediate files being created at the above 4 locations by navigating to each location on a worker node.
The code I am running:
from pyspark import storagelevel
df_sales ="gs://")
df_products ="gs://")
df_merged = df_sales.join(df_products,df_sales.product_id==df_products.product_id,'inner')
There are no files that are being created at any of the 4 locations that I have listed above
As suggested in one of the answers, I have tried getting the directory info in the terminal the following way:
At the end of file located at $SPARK_HOME/conf/ add log4j.logger.or.apache.spark.api.python.PythonGatewayServer=INFO
This did not help. The following is the screenshot of my terminal with logging set to INFO
Where are the spark intermediate files (output of mappers, persist etc) stored?
Without getting into the weeds of Spark source, perhaps you can quickly check it live. Something like this:
>>> irdd = spark.sparkContext.range(0,100,1,10)
>>> def wherearemydirs(p):
... import os
... return os.getenv('LOCAL_DIRS')
...will show local dirs in terminal
But yes, it will basically point to the parent dir (created by YARN) of UUID-randomized subdirs created by DiskBlockManager, as #KoedIt mentioned:
23/01/05 10:15:37 INFO storage.DiskBlockManager: Created local directory at /data/1/yarn/nm/usercache/<your-user-id>/appcache/application_xxxxxxxxx_xxxxxxx/blockmgr-d4df4512-d18b-4dcf-8197-4dfe781b526a
This is going to depend on what your cluster setup is and your Spark version, but you're more or less looking at the correct places.
For this explanation, I'll be talking about Spark v3.3.1. which is the latest version as of the time of this post.
There is an interesting method in org.apache.spark.util.Utils called getConfiguredLocalDirs and it looks like this:
* Return the configured local directories where Spark can write files. This
* method does not create any directories on its own, it only encapsulates the
* logic of locating the local directories according to deployment mode.
def getConfiguredLocalDirs(conf: SparkConf): Array[String] = {
val shuffleServiceEnabled = conf.get(config.SHUFFLE_SERVICE_ENABLED)
if (isRunningInYarnContainer(conf)) {
// If we are in yarn mode, systems can have different disk layouts so we must set it
// to what Yarn on this system said was available. Note this assumes that Yarn has
// created the directories already, and that they are secured so that only the
// user has access to them.
} else if (conf.getenv("SPARK_EXECUTOR_DIRS") != null) {
} else if (conf.getenv("SPARK_LOCAL_DIRS") != null) {
} else if (conf.getenv("MESOS_SANDBOX") != null && !shuffleServiceEnabled) {
// Mesos already creates a directory per Mesos task. Spark should use that directory
// instead so all temporary files are automatically cleaned up when the Mesos task ends.
// Note that we don't want this if the shuffle service is enabled because we want to
// continue to serve shuffle files after the executors that wrote them have already exited.
} else {
if (conf.getenv("MESOS_SANDBOX") != null && shuffleServiceEnabled) {
logInfo("MESOS_SANDBOX available but not using provided Mesos sandbox because " +
s"${config.SHUFFLE_SERVICE_ENABLED.key} is enabled.")
// In non-Yarn mode (or for the driver in yarn-client mode), we cannot trust the user
// configuration to point to a secure directory. So create a subdirectory with restricted
// permissions under each listed directory.
conf.get("spark.local.dir", System.getProperty("")).split(",")
This is interesting, because it makes us understand the order of precedence each config setting has. The order is:
if running in Yarn, getYarnLocalDirs should give you your local dir, which depends on the LOCAL_DIRS environment variable
if SPARK_EXECUTOR_DIRS is set, it's going to be one of those
if SPARK_LOCAL_DIRS is set, it's going to be one of those
if MESOS_SANDBOX and !shuffleServiceEnabled, it's going to be MESOS_SANDBOX
if spark.local.dir is set, it's going to be that
ELSE (catch-all) it's going to be
IMPORTANT: In case you're using Kubernetes, all of this is disregarded and this logic is used.
Now, how do we find this directory?
Luckily, there is a nicely placed logging line in DiskBlockManager.createLocalDirs which prints out this directory if your logging level is INFO.
So, set your default logging level to INFO in (like so), restart your spark application and you should be getting a line saying something like
Created local directory at YOUR-DIR-HERE

Using Logstash Aggregate Filter plugin to process data which may or may not be sequenced

Hello all!
I am trying to use the Aggregate filter plugin of Logstash v7.7 to correlate and combine data from two different CSV file inputs which represent API data calls. The idea is to produce a record showing a combined picture. As you can expect the data may or may not arrive in the right sequence.
Here is as an example:
StartTime, AckTime, Operation, RefData1, RefData2, OpSpecificData1
FinishTime,Operation,RefData1, RefData2, FinishSpecificData
I have a single pipeline that is receiving both these CSVs and I am able to process and write them as individual records to a single Index. However, the idea is to combine records from the two sources into one record each representing a superset. of Operation related information
Unfortunately, despite several attempts I have been unable to figure out how to achieve this via Aggregate filter plugin. My primary question is whether this is a suitable use of the specific plugin? And if so, any suggestions would be welcome!
At the moment, I have this
input {
file {
path => ['/data/incoming/source_1/*.csv']
tags => ["source1"]
file {
path => ['/data/incoming/source_2/*.csv']
tags => ["source2"]
# use the tags to do some source 1 and 2 related massaging, calculations, etc
aggregate {
task_id = "%{Operation}_%{RefData1}_%{RefData1}"
code => "
map['source_files'] ||= []
map['source_files'] << {'source_file', event.get('path') }
push_map_as_event_on_timeout => true
timeout => 600 #assuming this is the most far apart they will arrive
output {
elastic { ...}
And other such variations. However, I keep getting individual records being written to the Index and am unable to get one combined. Yet again, as you can see from the data set there's no guarantee of the sequencing of records - so I am wondering if the filter is the right tool for the job, to begin with? :-\
Or is it just me not being able to use it right! ;-)
In either case, any inputs/ comments/ suggestions welcome. Thanks!
PS: This message is being cross-posted over from Elastic forums. I am providing a link there just in case some answers pop up there too.
The answer is to use Elastic search in upsert mode. Please see the specifics here..
I recommend first that the information reaches you in order so that the filter can take it better, secondly, you could set the options in your pipeline.yml: pipeline.workers: 1 and pipeline.ordered: true, thus guaranteeing the order of processing.

Chaining Delta Streams programmatically raising AnalysisException

Situation : I am producing a delta folder with data from a previous Streaming Query A, and reading later from another DF, as shown here
DF_IN = spark.readStream.format("delta").load("path)
1 - When I try to read it this wayin a subsequent readStream (chaining queries for an ETL Pipeline) from the same program I end up having the Exception below.
2 - When I run it in the scala REPL however, it runs smoothly.
Not sure What is happening there but it sure is puzzling.
org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Table schema is not set. Write data into it or use CREATE TABLE to set the schema.;
at org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.DataSource.sourceSchema(DataSource.scala:209)
at org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.DataSource.sourceInfo$lzycompute(DataSource.scala:95)
at org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.DataSource.sourceInfo(DataSource.scala:95)
at org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.StreamingRelation$.apply(StreamingRelation.scala:33)
at org.apache.spark.sql.streaming.DataStreamReader.load(DataStreamReader.scala:171)
at org.apache.spark.sql.streaming.DataStreamReader.load(DataStreamReader.scala:225)
at org.apache.spark.ui.DeltaPipeline$.main(DeltaPipeline.scala:114)
From the Delta Lake Quick Guide - Troubleshooting:
Table schema is not set error
When the path of Delta table is not existing, and try to stream data from it, you will get the following error.
org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Table schema is not set. Write data into it or use CREATE TABLE to set the schema.;
Make sure the path of a Delta table is created.
After reading the error message, I did try to be a good boy and follow the advice, so I tried to make sure there actually IS valid data in the delta folder I am trying to read from BEFORE calling the readStream, and voila !
def hasFiles(dir: String):Boolean = {
val d = new File(dir)
if (d.exists && d.isDirectory) {
d.listFiles.filter(_.isFile).size > 0
} else false
DF_IN = spark.readStream.format("delta").load(DELTA_DIR)
It ended up working but I had to make sure to wait enough time for "something to happen" (don't know what exactly TBH, but it seems that reading from delta needs some writes to be complete - maybe metadata ? -
However, this still is a hack. I hope it was possible to start reading from an empty delta folder and wait for content to start pouring in it.
For me I couldnt find the absolute path a simple solution was using this alternative:

Process parallel multiple read in spring Integration

I have one file which contains some record and i have second file which also contains same record but with more details , so i want to process in a way that read one record from first file and search in second.
How to read two files in parallel ?
Update :
return IntegrationFlows.from(readFilefromDirectory(), fileInboundPollingConsumer())
.channel(c ->c.executor(id, executor))
here in first line we are reading first file and then splitting it sending to executer channel so i want to know where should i write logic to read second file means to read from directory and then search record in that excel file .
All the parallel work in Spring Integration can be done via ExecutorChannel.
I'd suggest to use FileSplitter for the first file and an ExecutorChannel as an output.
As for the second file... Well, I'd read it once into the memory e.g. as a Map if you have some delimiter between record and its details. And use that memory store for incoming record.
If the second file is very big, you can do like this:
Scanner scanner=new Scanner(file);
while(scanner.hasNextLine()) {
String line = scanner.nextLine();
if(line.startsWith(payload)) {
return line;
return IntegrationFlows.from(readFilefromDirectory(), fileInboundPollingConsumer())
.channel(c ->c.executor(id, executor))
.handle("searchService", "searchMethod")
where searchService is some service #Bean (or just #Service) and searchMethod utilize logic to accept the String line and implement logic to do the search in other file. That search operation will be done in parallel for each splitted like.
The logic to read Excel file is out of Spring Integration scope. That is fully different question.

How to clean FoundationDB?

Is there any fast way to remove all data from the local database? Like SQL 'drop database'?
I was looking through the documentation but haven't found anythig interesting yet.
The "CLI" way
Using the provided fdbcli interface, you can clear all the keys in the database using a single clearrange command, like this:
fdb> writemode on
fdb> clearrange "" \xFF
Committed (68666816293119)
Be warned that it executes instantly and that there is no undo possible!
Also, any application still connected to the database may continue reading/writing data using cached directory subspace prefixes, which may introduce data corruption! You should make sure to only use this method when nothing is actively using the cluster.
This method requires that your cluster be in a working state, and it will not immediately reclaim the space used on disk, and also will not reset the cluster's read version.
The "hard" way
If you have a single-node cluster, you can stop the fdb service, remove all files in its data_dir folder, restart the service, and then using fdbcli, execute the configure new single ssd command.
This will reclaim the disk space used previously, and reset everything back to the post-install state.
You can do this by clearing the entire range of keys.
In Python, it looks like this:
Database.clear_range('', '\xFF')
Where '' is the default slice begin, and '\xFF' is the default slice end, according to the clear_range documentation.
You can find the more information on clear_range for the API you're using in the documentation.
To do this programmatically in Java: -> {
final byte[] st = new Subspace(new byte[]{(byte) 0x00}).getKey();
final byte[] en = new Subspace(new byte[]{(byte) 0xFF}).getKey();
tx.clear(st, en);
return null;
